Can't Let Go

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Can't Let Go Page 8

by A. P. Jensen

  “I’m gonna miss you,” Grace began and buried her face in Evie’s neck, taking comfort in her soft skin, the scent of baby shampoo. “I don’t know how I’m going to do this without you but I’m going to do my best. Watch over us.”

  Grace paced through the knee high violet for a while, reluctant to leave Casey, to get back to her real world. When she knew she was in danger of missing the flight, she took a deep breath and brushed Evie’s hair back.

  “Mommy’s gonna help me with you,” Grace told Evie who stared at her hair and tugged.

  When Grace and Evie got back in the car Max looked at her in the rearview mirror.

  “We’re going straight to the plane. Mitchell’s already there with your suitcases,” Max informed her.

  She nodded as Evie fell asleep on her lap. She cuddled the baby close and dozed. When the car stopped Max helped her out. She was nervous to see how Mitchell was going to react to her but she shouldn’t have worried. Gone was her lover from the night before or the man who pleaded with her to reconsider his offer. Mitchell typed on his laptop while making calls. He didn’t look up when they sat across the aisle from him. He avoided looking at or speaking to her directly. It doesn’t matter, she thought. She had Evie now and that was that. She and Mitchell would go their separate ways and she could forget they had ever happened.

  She reclined her seat and slept curled around Evie.

  Casey slapped down a newspaper in front of Grace who was madly typing an email on her cell. She jumped and glared at her sister who was dressed in her high school uniform and pigtails. Casey plopped onto her seat and stole several fries from Grace’s untouched food.

  “You know Mitchell Price?” Casey breathed as she munched on the fries and twirled her hair around a finger.

  Grace sent the email and set her phone down deliberately and looked at the newspaper article. It was a picture from her date with Mitchell when they saw a show on broad way two weeks ago. In the two months she’d been dating Mitchell she lost count of the number of pictures that appeared in the tabloids. Mitchell wasn’t bothered by it in the slightest and told her to look at it as free advertisement for the boutique. That didn’t alter the fact that it freaked her out to see a picture of herself as front page news.

  “He’s hot!” Casey exclaimed.

  “He invested in the boutique,” she said repressively.

  Casey bobbed her eyebrows. “Looks like he’s investing in more than the boutique. He’s holding your hand in this picture and most of the others I’ve seen.”

  Grace munched on cold fries as Casey ordered the same for herself. She tried to figure out what to tell her baby sister. She didn’t know where things were going with Mitchell Price. She knew they had chemistry and she wasn’t sure whether he invested in the boutique because he really believed she could turn it around or because he wanted her. Either way, it worked. Her sales at the boutique was booming. Everyone wanted the dresses she wore out on her dates with Mitchell. Amy could barely keep up. She had never been so elated and scared in her life. After years of struggling, how could her personal and business life suddenly be doing so well because of one encounter with a millionaire?

  “Mitchell and I are dating. Kinda,” Grace said uncomfortably.

  Casey sipped her chocolate shake and her brows rose. “Kinda dating? What’s that mean?”

  “It means he’s not the type to get serious about anyone.”

  Grace had been warned about Mitchell’s reputation before she even set foot in the party that brought her into his orbit. She hadn’t anticipated that the impact of him would be so potent or that he would find her just as intriguing. She had never connected with anyone the way she did with Mitchell. She couldn’t believe it when he asked her out and continued to see her whenever he was in the city. She wanted to keep their dates quiet but Mitchell felt no such qualms. He wanted to eat at the most exclusive restaurants or the hottest shows with her by his side which made it hard to keep anything private. Grace knew it was stupid to mix business and pleasure but she found herself powerless to stop what was happening and she didn’t want to. She knew Mitchell wasn’t the type to commit or stick around and neither was she so she would let it unfold and hope that when the heat cooled between them and he left she would have enough business to keep the boutique going.

  “That’s probably true,” Casey said with a sigh. “I saw him with Galina Gotties a couple of months ago. She’s a Victoria’s Secret model.”

  Grace clenched her back teeth. She so didn’t need her little sister pointing that out. “I know that, Casey. It’s mostly business between us.”

  “You hardly ever date.”

  Grace glared at her. “What are you saying?”

  “I know you don’t want to be like mom so you stay away from guys. When I saw all the newspapers I thought there had to be a mistake. I can’t believe you’re with a millionaire out of all people. Does he know about mom?”

  “Of course not.” Grace ignored the trill of her phone. “My business life is totally separate from my personal.”

  Casey bit into her burger and chewed thoughtfully. “I guess it’s best you don’t tell someone like him that mom blackmails rich guys.”

  “Casey!” Grace snapped.

  Casey laughed. “Well, my dad died so mom’s been extra crazy this past year, trying to get your dad to pay more.”

  “I hope he leaves her high and dry,” Grace snapped.

  Casey shrugged and changed the subject. “You put too much into my account.”

  “I’m doing better and I want you to move out from mom as soon as you can.”

  “Somebody has to watch out for her.”

  “Don’t feel sorry for her, Casey. She’s made herself into what she is today. Don’t ever tell her about the money. She’ll drain your account in a heartbeat.”

  “She saw the newspaper. She’ll probably show up at your door sooner or later asking for money since she’s not getting money from my dad.”

  “She’s not getting a penny from me,” Grace snarled.

  Casey snorted. “When she saw the newspaper she went ballistic. I’m not sure why and then she started laughing until she cried. I thought she drank too much vodka. Oh well. She thinks you should get pregnant as soon as possible.”

  Grace’s stomach dipped sickly. She eyed Casey who watched people walk past the window. Casey had no business living with someone like Vicky but she felt obligated to their mother, God knows why. She didn’t want Casey to think like their mother.

  “Casey, you know mom’s crazy, right?” Grace said.

  Casey sighed. “Yeah. I’m glad you’re doing good though. I was so proud to see you in the paper. I showed all my friend and they’re so jealous.”

  “Casey, if mom gets to be too much you know you can always come-”

  “Yeah, yeah. I know. So does Mitchell Price have a limo?”

  Grace walked back to her apartment with Casey’s words revolving in her head. What would Mitchell think if he found out about her mother? Vicky was probably blackmailing one of his peers, she thought in disgust. She knew her dad lived in New York and the upper crust was so selective she knew she was probably rubbing shoulders with her biological father. What a creepy thought. She had absolutely no interest who paid Vicky to keep quiet about a child he wouldn’t claim. Whatever. She would make her own way in life. She didn’t need a dad. She just needed Mitchell Price.

  She shivered a little as she pictured him in her mind. He was hot alright. Smoking hot and she knew his body intimately. It had been a long time since she was with a man and she couldn’t find an ounce of regret in giving herself to Mitchell. He made her feel like a goddess and he didn’t try to butt into her business. He expected the boutique to do well and it had with his publicity. Mitchell respected her as an equal because he knew nothing of her background and she wanted to keep it that way at all costs. She doubted Mitchell would be around long but just the opportunity to be in the same circles with him was mind blowing. That they were
great in bed together didn’t hurt either but she knew it would come to an end sooner rather than later. She bared her teeth as she recalled the model Casey mentioned. Models. Really? She looked down at herself and shook her head. If the man was used to heiresses and models she was definitely a fling. Oh well. She had a business to see to.

  Her phone rang when she was several blocks from her apartment. She glanced at the caller and felt her nerves sizzle.


  “Where are you?” he demanded tersely.

  “Walking home. Where are you?”

  “At your apartment. We need to talk.”

  She stopped. “About what?”

  “I’ll tell my driver to pick you up. This neighborhood’s not safe. Where are you exactly?”

  She bristled. “This neighborhood is fine and I’ll see you in five minutes.”

  She hung up on him and ignored her phone which began to ring. He’d been gone for a week and a half on business and now he showed up on her doorstep and wanted to “talk”? Since when? Had he found somebody else while he was in Paris? Another model?

  By the time Grace walked up to her building she was fuming and trying to hide it. Mitchell was, after all, an investor so she would have to work with him professionally and she needed to be polite. Neither had promised anything, she knew but still… She might throw a right hook if he said he found another model.

  Mitchell stood outside of her apartment door, tapping his shoe. When she walked towards him he pocketed the phone and glared at her.

  “I said my driver could pick you up.”

  “I don’t need your driver to pick me up. I was fine walking.”

  “It’s almost ten. Why are you walking around at night anyway?”

  She crossed her arms over her chest. “I’ll ask you for permission next time, Dad.”

  His mouth twitched and the anger drained out of him. “I love that you’re not afraid of me.”

  “Why should I be?”

  “You’re supposed to be charming and let me do whatever I want.”

  She snorted as she unlocked her door and he followed her in. She tossed her purse and sat on the arm of her worn couch. He had been here once before and although he never said anything, she knew he wasn’t used to her surroundings. She had never been ashamed of her apartment prior to him and she refused to be embarrassed when he was about to dump her for some bimbo who probably didn’t know how to balance a check book or work their ass off.

  “You’re really with the wrong girl,” she said.

  Grace propped her chin on her fist and regarded him. He looked so neat and businesslike- nothing like the man she went to bed with. She wanted to yank on that tie and unbutton his shirt and- She shook herself.

  “I don’t like this,” he said, coming to stand in front of her.

  She stiffened. Did he have to be so blunt? She tried to suppress her temper. He was the reason she had a savings for the first time in her life. Be nice, she told herself.

  “Okay. So what?” she said.

  He blinked. “So what?”

  “Yeah. So you don’t like me. You’ve moved onto someone else. Okay. We can work together still-”

  He held up a hand. “What did you say?”

  “You’ve done this a million times. I won’t make things awkward when we run into each other at parties or anything.”

  He stared at her for several seconds before he tapped his shoe. “You’re not going to fight for me?”

  She sneered. “I don’t try to keep men who want out.”

  When he smiled broadly and began to laugh her hands clenched into fists. She wanted to throw a paperweight at his head but he had lawyers swarming around him. He could sue her and the boutique was doing so well…

  “For a playboy you’re really rude,” she snapped.

  He guffawed even louder.

  “Are we done?” she said impatiently.

  Chuckling, he came over to her and rested one hand on her thighs and kissed her. She tried to pull away but he pushed her down until she lay flat on her back on the couch and followed her down. She tugged off his tie and was half undressed when she remembered he was leaving her. She rolled off the couch and landed hard on her floor and glared at him as he stared at her from the couch.

  “You can’t have sex with me if you’re moving onto someone else,” she spat at him and tried to close her which gaped open.

  “You want me,” he pointed out, eyes heavy lidded.

  She bared her teeth at him. “Not enough to let you screw me and someone else.”

  When she started to get dressed he sat up quickly. “Let’s get something straight. I never said I found someone.”

  She froze in the middle of buttoning up her shirt. “Yes you did. You said you don’t like me anymore.”

  “I said I don’t like this,” he said and waved a hand around her apartment.

  She scowled. “You don’t like my place?”

  He sat up and ran his hands through his hair. “Everything with you is so damn complicated. I’m not talking about the apartment. I’m saying I don’t like coming over here for you or having to wait while my driver brings you to my place. I travel a lot and when I come back I want you waiting for me.”

  She knew her mouth was hanging open a little. “Maybe you need a dog.”

  He chuckled. “No. I definitely need you so that’s what I’m doing. I want you to move in with me.”

  For a moment she thought an earthquake rocked the building but she realized it was just her legs shaking. Move in with him?

  “I’ve never lived with anyone before,” she said faintly.

  “Good. I know you’ll have to work sometimes but I want to know you’re coming back to our place. I don’t like not knowing where you are and-”

  He continued to talk but she wasn’t listening. Mitchell Price, millionaire and playboy wanted her to move in with him? She hadn’t seen that coming. Was this normal behavior for him?

  “I don’t think that’s a good idea,” she tried to say diplomatically.

  He glared. “Why?”

  “Because we barely know each other! You can’t just move girls in and out of your place. That’s gross.”

  “For your information, I’ve never lived with a woman before!” he said, offended.

  She gulped. “Why me?”

  He got up and wrapped his arms around her. “Maybe because I’ve never felt like this before about anyone and I want you close by so no one else steals you away.”

  She felt a tad breathless as his gaze swept over her face and settled on her lips.

  “What do you say?”

  “I don’t think it’s a good idea,” she said faintly.

  “You know I always get what I want, right?” he said and kissed her neck.

  She dug her nails into his shoulders. “I’m not a model.”

  He squeezed her ass. “I noticed.”

  If she hadn’t heard the approval in his voice she would have kneed him in the crotch.

  “I won’t do everything you want.”

  “I like challenges.”

  “If you’re done with me, let me know up front. Business is totally separate from this and when it ends, I promise to be civil.”

  “Shut up, Grace,” he said and covered her mouth with his and dragged her to the floor.


  A hand shook her shoulder and she came awake with a start. She opened her eyes and stared at Mitchell. The memory and the present blurred together. God, she had been so naive in the beginning. She thought she could control her feelings for him. What a joke.

  “You okay?” he asked.

  She pulled away from him and nodded. Her heart was pounding and need slithered through her. She shook herself and saw Evie beside her out cold. The sweet memory of the beginning of their relationship rang in her ears. To work off her excess energy she paced to the back of the plane and went into the tiny bathroom and splashed cold water on her face and shook her head at her reflection. What
was she thinking getting involved with Mitchell again? When she couldn’t hide in the bathroom any longer she came out and walked back down the aisle.

  Mitchell had several papers spread out in front of him. One headline read, Mitchell Price’s Secret Love Child? Beneath the headline was a shot of Mitchell with his arm around Grace and Evie as they exited the church. Was that only yesterday? It felt like ages ago.

  “Everyone’s going to ask. What are you going to say?” Mitchell asked in a remote voice.

  “I’m not going to claim that Evie’s yours,” Grace said acidly, thinking how Mitchell accused her of being like Vicky.

  She paced to the front of the plane and back again. Damn, she was a glutton for punishment. How could she have let him into her life again? Well, she would rectify that as soon as they got off the flight. She would stay far away from him.

  “I mean, what are you going to say about us?” Mitchell asked when she was within speaking distance again.

  She met his gaze. “There is no us.”

  “ People will know we’re back together. I was with you at Casey’s funeral.”

  He sounded so calm, so reasonable that she wanted to slap him. He was trying to take charge of their relationship and she wouldn’t let him do that again. It took her nearly a year to recover from their breakup.

  “I’ll say you came to help me and that’s that. If people want to speculate that we’re together, that’s fine. They’ll learn soon enough there’s nothing there.”

  “What does that mean?” he demanded.

  “It means we’re going back to the way it was before. You stay on your side of New York and I’ll stay on mine. I’ll go back to ignoring your emails and phone calls and move on with my life,” Grace snapped.

  He rose from his seat and grasped her by the arms and gave her a shake. “What the hell is wrong with you? You were with me every step of the way last night and now you can’t even look at me. What happened?”

  “I remembered what a bastard you are,” she said and nearly died of mortification when her voice broke.


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