Triple Domination: The Complete Series: Hard MFMM Erotica

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Triple Domination: The Complete Series: Hard MFMM Erotica Page 11

by Virginia Bliss

  My pussy was dripping, fluids running down my thighs as Greg pounded away, grazing against a particularly satisfying, sensitive spot inside of me every once in a while - just enough to keep me on edge. I was nearing climax, but I was determined for this to last as long as possible. I wanted to please these men to the best of my abilities. Hollowing my cheeks, I bobbed my head up and down on Tom's cock, though I had to strain my neck to do so.

  Jeff's cock up my ass was amazing, and I moaned every time he bucked into me - the way he and Greg had stretched me out was amazing, and the way Tom's dick was muffling my lewd noises - I really was nothing more than a doll, a toy, a plaything. I knew that if they chose to recruit me, I'd be servicing them on a regular basis. My heart thudded with excitement - this certainly seemed like a fulfilling job. I opened my eyes, making hazy eye contact with Tom as he snapped his hips forward wildly, almost choking me in the process.

  I felt Jeff throb inside of me, and I knew that he was probably nearing climax. I swayed my hips as the two men fucked my needy holes, saliva dribbling out of my mouth and onto the floor as I sucked desperately at Tom's cock. Jeff's movements were growing rabid, uneven, wild - I clamped down around him, wanting him to fill me with his cum so badly.

  My ass was tight, and judging by the way he gripped it, it was satisfying. I felt gratified to be able to please him, relaxing and tensing the ring of muscle at a rapid pace, urging him to fill me, to shoot inside of me. I didn't know where this slutty line of thinking had come from, but I was suddenly unable to think of much else.

  I moaned around the cock in my mouth, and Jeff lost control, his hand spanking my ass hard, grabbing it and shooting his hot load inside of it. "Fuck- Lily, you fucking slut-" He swore, hips twitching, snapping against me rapidly, desperately. I let my eyes flutter shut, breathing deeply as I enjoyed the sensation.

  He filled me to the brim, riding out his orgasm inside of me, thick cum spurting into me and dribbling out the sides of my asshole. I felt used, but I clenched up around him anyways, not wanting him to waste a drop. When he finally pulled out, I felt ashamed at the way my hole twitched, leaking cum onto the floor.

  "Shit - what a messy slut-" Jeff chuckled, affectionately running his hand over my plump cheek for a moment. "If it were up to me, you'd be recruited right now. I've never had a toy as amazing as you before." He continued, removing his hand. I heard the metallic sound of his zipper and heaved a sigh, glad to have pleased him.

  I was startled out of my stupor by the wild movements of Tom's cock in my throat. He was bucking up into me wildly, to the point where no matter how fast I bobbed my head, I couldn't keep up with the crazy pace that he'd set. I opened my eyes, tears pricking at the corners and trailing down my still-cummy cheeks. Glancing up at him, I saw how aroused he looked, eyes dark and lips parted. The fact that it was me who'd caused this was rewarding as all hell.

  I forced my head lower, nose against his toned stomach, taking him in completely and swallowing around him, the walls of my throat constricting and tight around his throbbing cock. He yanked me back by the hair before forcing me down again, nearly knocking the wind out of me in the process.

  Soon, he hit his climax, spilling his seed inside of my throat, coating the walls and forcing me to swallow every last drop. He bucked his hips forward lazily, basking in his orgasm as he came into me. My heart was pounding, pussy throbbing, grateful for his cum. When he pulled out, I swallowed again, making it clear that I'd taken all he had to offer.

  "Good girl-" He sighed, obviously pleased, petting my hair gently as he used his free hand to hoist his pants back up. "You'll fit in real well around here."

  The only man left inside of me now was Greg, whose dick was still teasing in that it wouldn't hit the one place that I needed it to hit. I propped myself up, tilting my head back to make eye contact with him. My clit was swollen, pussy dripping, and I needed release. He looked serious, deep in focus, lips parted as he groaned, forcing himself into me over and over.

  "Please, make me cum-" I begged.

  "Sluts don't get to cum until all the men have been serviced-" He managed, though I could tell he was about to lose it. I knew that I had to make him cum before he'd allow me to reach orgasm, so I began to clamp my walls around him tightly, clenching myself and seizing up. By making myself tighter, I forced a moan out of him.

  His hips were bucking wildly, and it wasn't long before I felt the first spurt of semen inside of me. I rutted myself backwards, impaling myself on his cock, feeling him fill me with his warmth. And finally, he hit the spot that I needed, and I felt my entire body tense up. My back arched, my toes curled, and I let out perhaps the loudest moan I'd ever managed - it felt amazing.

  My walls throbbed, and my tight pussy milked Greg's cock of all the cum it had, my hips bouncing uselessly as I rode out my orgasm together with him. His nails were drawing blood as they dug into my hips, but I didn't mind. When he finally pulled out of me, I felt cum trickling down my thigh as I lay panting against the desk. I didn't know if I could stand.

  Trembling, I knelt down to gather the clothes I'd discarded, attempting to redress myself shakily, cum still running down my leg and growing sticky on my tits and face. I looked towards Greg, who had already tucked his cock back into his pants, which he was currently rezipping.

  "So...what do you think?" I asked, voice wavering with worry as I reclasped my bra, staring up at him. I knew it wouldn't be a job I could talk about openly, but it'd certainly be a satisfying way to earn my scholarship. "You interested in recruiting me?"

  "Definitely. You're the best cumslut we've ever had come by." Greg stated, watching with hungry eyes as I put all my clothes back on, still quivering with pleasure, body wracked with the aftereffects of orgasm. "We'll call you within the week - hope you can start as soon as possible." He grinned, reaching forward and ruffling my hair in a condescending manner.

  "I can't wait." I smiled, the shame all but fucked out of me.

  Dominated By Three Truckers

  It was official - I hated my job. I was fresh out of university, and the prospect of teaching children had seemed nice - in retrospect, I should've seen the warning signs. What I had expected was likely unrealistic - a bunch of clean, well-behaved kids eager to learn the alphabet. What I had gotten was horrifyingly different from the cushy job I'd hoped for.

  Not only was I expected to change diapers, clean snot, and be compensated with slave wages, I was also expected to do filing work until nine in the evening. My drives home were rageful - I couldn't quit now, seeing as the job market was terrible and I didn't want to lose my apartment. But there had to be a better way of life than this!

  My car was an old-timer, and the drives home were only around twenty minutes - nothing long, nothing tiring. Today, my car seemed particularly irritated with me, however. Every slow of the engine, every rumble - it seemed to be saying "to hell with you, Dana!". I grew angry, pulling my car over to the side of the road, allowing the engine to restart.

  Only it didn't restart. The second I turned the key, the engine made a few pathetic noises, eventually tapering off into a sad sort of death rattle. I panicked - sure, I wasn't too far from home...but the walk would take over two hours, and that seemed rather unsafe.

  I pulled the key out of the ignition and tucked it into my purse, rummaging around for my phone. Fuck - I'd have to call a friend. I'm sure there was someone out there who wouldn't mind helping me out of the bind I'd somehow gotten myself into. I frowned, booting up the phone and scrolling through my contacts.

  Cathy was usually there for me when I needed her - she was an old friend from high school, the sort of girl who'd likely never leave her hometown. At this time of day, she'd probably be draped across her sofa, watching Netflix and indulging in some particularly unhealthy foods. I clicked the 'call' button and held the phone up to my ear.

  It rang. And rang. And rang. It became clear that Cathy was either asleep or unresponsive. Shit - I scrolled through my contacts list again, glanc
ing up briefly and realizing, with horror, that my phone was almost out of battery. It only had 3% left - I had to act fast!

  My mom lived rather far from my home, but she was my mom, after all - she'd have to help me. I called her, phone in my hands, eyes trained on the little battery icon, which was depleting far too quickly for my tastes. 3%. 2%. 1%. Why wasn't my mom picking up? It went to voicemail. I attempted to go back to the 'contacts' screen, but -

  It was too late. My phone died in my hands - a somber moment.

  With no other options, I took my purse out of the car, draped it over my shoulder, and stood roadside, surveying the cars that whizzed by. I stuck my thumb out, the universal sign for 'please pity me enough to take me wherever I need to go' - for a moment, all hope seemed lost. Nobody was looking at me. No cars slowed.

  Until a giant truck slowed to a stop, parking roadside, just behind where my poor, dying car sat. Thank goodness - somebody had noticed me! I heard the door of the truck pop open and slam shut. A tall, built figure made its way over to me. I was worried for a moment, but I figured that whoever was kind enough to stop wouldn't be the sort of person interested in harming me.

  I looked up - he had stopped in his tracks about a metre away from me. His attire - a wifebeater and dirty jeans - seemed a little too immodest for such a cold, windy night. He had a mess of auburn locks atop his head, and twinkling green eyes to contrast - certainly a handsome man. Subconsciously, I took a little step closer.

  "Name's Jack." He grinned, reaching out to shake my hand. "Pleasure to meet ya. Hop in my truck - I'll take you wherever you need." It was such a kind gesture, I thought for a moment that he must have an ulterior motive. Nobody was this purehearted, after all! But I wasn't about to complain.

  "I'm Dana." I smiled, taking his hand in my own for a moment. "Thank you so much- you have no idea how worried I was that no one would stop!"

  "A pretty girl like you? Why, someone's bound to stop!" Jack chuckled, making me blush a little in the moonlight. I giggled and made my way over to his hulking truck.

  I hopped inside, fastening my seatbelt and waiting patiently for him. I watched him enter the vehicle - he really was an attractive man. The way his biceps bulged as he shifted gears, started the car - fuck, I really shouldn't be staring, but I couldn't help myself. I pressed my lips together, forcing myself to stare down at my feet.

  Finally, we were back on the road. I relaxed, knowing that I could give him directions, that I'd be home in fifteen minutes.

  "I live on Bengal Drive, if you know where that is." I murmured, voice a little hazy. I couldn't remember the last time I'd been this nervous around a guy. My heart was pounding, my cheeks were pink and warm, my eyes were darting around the truck, desperate for a natural place to rest.

  "Bengal Drive...I think so. That's not too far from here. You might need to give me directions as we get closer." He said calmly.

  "Of course."

  From that point onwards, I watched the road carefully, making sure that he was following my usual route. All seemed well. Several minutes passed, and I bounced along to a couple of fun songs on the radio. Jack laughed a little, and when I looked over at him, I noticed his eyes were on my tanktop-clad breasts, which were bobbing along with me.

  Embarrassed, I crossed my arms over my chest, laughing nervously - he certainly was...upfront about things, wasn't he? I'd gotten so flustered over the minute interaction that I failed to notice something vital - we were no longer on that familiar street, the street that led to my little cul-de-sac.

  "Hey - made a wrong turn back there."

  "I did? Oh- sorry. I didn't notice."

  "Just turn left up here-" I mumbled, gesturing towards the next intersection. However, Jack disobeyed my order, turning right instead, into a part of town I didn't know particularly well. Panicked, I poked his arm, certain that he was just distracted, that he hadn't done that on purpose or anything.

  He didn't respond. My blood ran cold as he made another turn - we were leaving town. Now on a road I didn't recognize, a road that didn't appear to lead anywhere, I was panicking. I just wanted to go home, to relax, to unwind - this was terrifying.

  "Hey, no- what's this all about?" I asked, the panic clear in the tone of my voice. He chuckled, as though my fear wasn't justifiable at all. I felt a little offended at that, the way he trivialized my fear - of course I'd be scared! A stranger was driving me into a part of the state I didn't recognize. The radio droned on somberly, the songs having grown progressively less bouncy as time went on.

  "We're just takin' a little detour, that's all." Jack grinned, and I found the way his lips turned upwards at the corners utterly malicious. Fuck - I needed to get out of this truck, and I needed to do it now.

  Just as I was unbuckling my seatbelt, the truck slowed to a halt in front of what appeared to be an out-of-use rest stop. The lights flickered inside, signifying that it wasn't totally abandoned - another two trucks were parked outside, next to a few fuel dispensers that looked utterly ancient.

  "Don't you dare run off, Dana. I want you to step outta the truck nice and slow, alright?" Jack said, locking eyes with me, voice cold and slow and demanding. I nodded - the last thing I wanted was to get hurt. I'd comply until I saw a clear chance to make my escape. I undid my seatbelt, popped the door open, and slid out of my seat, shoes meeting concrete with an audible slap.

  It was at that moment that two men exited the gas station - brawny, burly men. They approached Jack, and I wandered over despite my fear. I probably should've made a run for it right then and there, but my legs wobbled, my heart pounded, and I knew there was no way I'd escape - especially not when these three men were all fully equipped with vehicles.

  I looked up at them, surveying them - just like Jack, they were unusually attractive. Shamefully, my pussy throbbed, obviously wanting to get a little closer to them. Now really wasn't the time for useless thoughts like that, and I frowned, trying to will away my arousal as I looked these men up and down.

  The first man, who immediately came forward, shook my hand with comical enthusiasm (as though he were mocking me) and introduced himself as Nick, was oddly tall. Taller than Jack and the other man by at least three or four inches. I marveled at his height, at his jawline, at his mop of blond hair - he was sexy by any standards.

  The second man, who said nary a word, was shorter and stockier - he had tan skin, dark eyes, and thick black hair that framed his face perfectly. He gave off a very intimidating vibe, and I immediately looked away the very second he made eye contact with me. These three men had, unebknownst to me, formed a little circle around me - I stepped back and bumped into Jack's chest.

  "No running, Dana. We just wanna play with you a little." He grinned, wrapping his arms around my waist. It felt amazing to be touched, and for a moment, I leaned against him, savoring the moment, my pussy aching with want as his strong hands made their way down to my hips, down to the hem of my skirt.

  As soon as I regained my senses, however, I struggled to squirm out of his grasp, all signs telling me to run - even though I knew that'd be useless, seeing as I was lost, and I didn't have a car. They could track me down and capture me again within minutes. Just as I finally managed to break through his hold, Nick stepped forward, grabbing both of my wrists with one hand.

  "Chad, get her skirt." Nick ordered, prompting the noiret to step forward alongside Jack. His hands were on the waistband of the skirt, and I struggled - I struggled and struggled but it was no use. Chad ripped the skirt off, seams tearing, leaving my legs cold - thank god I'd had the foresight to wear tights, though I supposed those would be quickly done away with as well.

  Jack's hands were on the hem of my tanktop, lifting it up and exposing my chest. I felt tears prick at the corners of my eyes, and I felt a wetness start to prod against my panties. I was humiliated, but I had given up the struggle, prompting Nick to let go of my wrists - I let them fall at my sides, swaying dumbly.

  "Nice body on this one." Nick remark
ed, reaching forward and groping my breasts - they'd always been sensitive, and to have his rough hands touching me like that was at once amazing and uncomfortable. I tried to shove his hands away, but the difference in strength was impossible to overcome.

  There were hands at my back, hands unclasping my bra. As soon as it was undone, Nick pulled it off and tossed it aside. My nipples hardened as the cold night air hit them, and I instinctively covered myself, pressing my tits against my chest in pure shame as the three men eyed me up, ogling me.

  "She's unreal. Tiny waist, huge tits - perfect." Nick grinned, grabbing my wrists again and exposing me.

  "She's just a slut. I mean, look at her. She was made to be one." Chad scoffed, cocking an eyebrow and looking down on me. I was so scared, so unsure as to what was happening - when Jack yanked down my tights and panties, I let out a pathetic little yelp. Chad laughed, roughly forcing a hand between my thighs as Jack forced me out of my tights and shoes, panties kicked aside and forgotten.

  Subconsciously, shamefully, I rutted my pussy against the strong hand pressed up against it. Chad smirked down at me, rubbing incessantly. "See? Total slut. She's already dying for it."

  Jack pushed him away, and I was simultaneously thankful and frustrated. I was completely naked in front of three men in a parking lot, and though the road was empty as hell, I prayed someone would drive by and rescue me. least, that's what I should've prayed for. In that moment, my pussy was throbbing too hard to focus on escape plans.

  Jack cornered me, staring deep into my eyes, into my soul. I wonder what he thought of me - allowing this to happen so damn easily.

  "You should really be more careful around strangers, Dana." He grinned, pushing a lock of my hair behind my ear. I blushed, flushed pink, looked down - I noticed he was already sporting a tent in his dirty jeans. It was flattering, to know that my body was attractive enough to get him hard this quickly.

  I looked up at him for a moment, and he took advantage of me almost instantly, wrapping his arms around my waist, pulling me flush against him, and slamming our lips together. I was unresponsive at first, panicking and trying to pull away, but Jack was a damn good kisser, and as he twirled his tongue against my own, I savored it.


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