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  "Pay for everything" he said while talking to the senator.

  Master pointed at the black rectangle on the desk. I just put my neck to the pay point.

  Master continued to talk to The Senator and her friend smiled. He touched my bottom.3

  "Collar Pay activated. Can you confirm that your master is present and has authorised the purchased? Disinformation will result in your self-destruction"

  "Siri Yes" I said.

  "Tell master the 12.454 bit coins has been transferred from his PayPal account " said my collar.

  My collar flashed the blue light and Master released me. Which was odd. Part of me was 'now I'm just master's man purse, brilliant I can now be used to pay for things, and I can't even own money. I wonder where he's going to decide to stuff his spare change.' But part of me was 'wow I can be really useful to master in a whole new way, that's so wonderful. So what if it's degrading and a personal affront to my dignity. Apart from being a the mass murder and support for a totalitarian regime he's a guy nice really. It's a real pleasure too, you know, give something back. This guy hardly punished me; perhaps that's my problem. He should correct me more if I'm to improve, and I'd be a better slave.22

  I took the receipt and after my collar told me to eat it. It was odd, but I couldn't remember why I had problems with this the first time. I guess it was just practice.

  I stood there as the senator and her friend called me a bunch of terrible names to my face. So she refers to me a floor-licker which my collar explains is a term the slave owners use to denigrate slaves. I know something is wrong because instead of feeling upset I'm wondering well maybe she's right. I'm just so happy it's all I can do not to start smiling when she calls me a pitiful excuse for a semi-evolved tree swinger who would need several years of remedial education to graduate as a birdbrained bimbo. At this point master tugs the leash and tells them he has to get back to work and leads me off.5

  As we walk towards the exit area, I'm trying really hard to put one foot almost directly in front of the other like I'm walking a tightrope. I don't normally bother to 'catwalk' like I was taught at the factory, but I thought given we are in public I would try to make him look 'good' by trying to be my slinkiest behind him. My glorious cyborg overlord, looks back and pulls me closer while we catch the lift to the security station he asks.2

  "What did you think of the senator?" and I know I'm feeling funny when I say "If master wanted me to have an opinion I'm sure he would just beat it into me" I said. It's like I'm trying to be funny, but I'm too happy to hit the line. Master looks at me with a raised eyebrow.21


  Soon we sat in the Osprey going back. He told #DEC to go to sleep and she leant over and almost instantly was out. Wow good slave craft I think, I must be indoctrinated into doing that for him some time. I sat next to the window. Master sat next to me close up against use. Flesh against flesh. Master seemed very happy. For no reason, I felt happy he felt happy. I couldn't feel angry at him anymore for the video trick. After all, I'm just a disused sex object what do I know? He sat next to me on the plane and I could feel his hand touching my thigh through my soap bubble thin slave uniform.3

  "See that area over there it's the neutral zone between the Machine city and Judas City. Humans and robots can both go there. That black building is the new museum of human art which is nearly complete. That big building behind it is the museum of humanity. It's a kind of monument to all the great achievements of mankind - we should go there sometime. See behind that third tower, that black pointy thing is the Eiffel tower shipped from the ruins of Paris. It's been lovingly restored, using vintage materials and using vintage humans as labour, under machine supervision naturally. That big mess nearby will be the Pyramid of Giza it's still being shipped. Also made using reproduction slave labour. That whole area will be surrounded by the Great wall of china. They are going to put rides in for kids, it's going to be somewhere generations of robots and the odd human can come and wonder at the achievements of mankind.." said Master collapsing.8

  "Are you OK?" said Master looking at my eyes me.

  "Yes Master, very OK Master. Is there anything I can get you Master" I said.

  "Your quite" he said.3

  "Thank you master. I loved master's monolog" I said, which was true. All those great civilisations based on slavery. After a 150 year hiccup of freedom which was tiny by comparison to the 2000+ years of Ancient Egypt, mass human slavery was back, shiny and new, Yay.1

  Master grabbed my face and looked into my eyes. I looked into his. His eyes were violet but with flecks of gold and silver, and very very lonely. I smiled. Master pulled my collar forwards and sniffed my ears.

  "What were you given?" said Master.

  "Sample packet of Soylent green and a Christian Dior make-up-printer sampler cassette make up printer cartridge, free bag,Some perfume samples and bunch of leaflets " I said.

  "What was the perfume called?" he asked firmly. Yummy firm voice.1

  "Oblivion I think" I said pulling the sample sachets out.2

  Master sat back.

  "ahh Oblivion, that's serious. I thought the last Oblivion dealer had been caught, but they never found the lab that made it" he said.

  He looked at me "Are you curious about what Oblivion is?"1

  "No not unless master wants me to be" I said honestly. I mean it smelt nice what more is there to know? I don't know what they put in No7 either who is dull enough to read lists of contents?

  "Oblivion isn't normal perfume it's full of abnormal psychopharmaceuticals. It leaks into you skin. When you sniff it goes straight to your brain. It's a banned performance enhancement drug for slaves. It inhibits the parts of your brain to do with independent thought, self-initiative, dampens your critical abilities" he said.4

  Wow, that means if I fail the blood test. I won't be able to win slave of the year award.I put my permission to speak light on. He waited for a second so waited for permission.

  "Speak" he said finally giving in.

  "Clarification: Surely that's a good thing. Doesn't Master want me to be subservient to him Master" I said.

  "Believe me when I come to decided I want you to be subservient to me I won't need any Oblivion to help me. After the third or fourth use, the stuff becomes seriously addictive. Then it slowly erodes your brain until you end up little more than a zombie, completely dependant upon your collar to do even the simplest task. You would even sleep standing up if you're not told to lie down. You lose the power of speech and can just walk around going err err. You forget everything your friends your memories until don't know who you. You can't remember a for more than a second. The brain damage is irreversible." said Master.4

  I so loved masters monologs. This one even had pretty zombies in it.3

  "I don't want you to have this Oblivion again understood? Do you want to know why?" he said.

  I nodded.

  "Kiss me" he said.9

  I did as I was told, it felt nice. It felt nice inside.

  He pulled away and slapped me hard on the face.10

  "Kiss me again" I did. Again lovely partly due to my nice warm cheek.

  "You didn't kiss any differently. Aren't you a little bit irritated with me for slapping you?" he asked.

  "No master, I'm sure Master had a good reason for slapping me and I want to thank you for correcting me" I said.

  "What If I told you the Soylent green was reconstituted human meat. Would that disgust you?" he asked4

  "Yes Master" I couldn't imagine anything worse than being a cannibal.

  "If I ordered you to eat it would you?" my glorious overlord said.

  "Sure Master" I said without hesitation. After all an order was an order.

  "You really are out of your skull on perfume aren't you? I see Jenny is seriously out to lunch. Never take this stuff again understand?" he said. I liked him when he was angry, it was all manly.14

  I really wanted to feel this good again it was like everything was OK in the world. I rea
lly didn't want to say yes.

  "Yes, master and high overlord " I said, because it was an order. I so wanted more but my wants and desires don't come into it.

  "Is there any personal service master wants me to perform? Any.. thing...at all." I said. Every girl should say that at least twice a day in my book. I gave him a number 5 cute smile. Master huffed.3

  "No More Oblivion ever, and have a bath when you get home. I'm going to find.. then...." he looked weird his face turned white. "my on board blood chip is out of blood... wake #DEC..." he said

  I felt Master Rockwood's face it was cold. I hadn't touched him before, but this didn't seem good. Master leant upon me, and I started to regret admiring such a buff physique. I then noticed the sound of the rotors slowing down. Rockwood was piloting the Osprey and without him we were falling out of the sky. W

  Chapter 44 Him/I've lost control with him

  The plane is crashing. I'm thinking about all those times I got onto a plane and they've done the whole safety demonstration again. First time I get on to one and they don't it, and like I am now dying. So what should I do now? Put my tray table and it's up right lock position? Straighten my seat? Make sure my seat belt is connected, Put a life jacket over my head? Perhaps I should put the mask on my face before helping someone else's with theirs. No.1

  I just have to follow master's last orders, I just managed to reach #DEC. I shook her and she started coming to.

  "Yes Master" she said then opened her mouth in shock.

  #DEC knew exactly what to do. She pulled her glove off and rolled her sleeve back. She pulled his head back slightly and put her bare wrist into his open mouth.

  "Drink Master Drink" she said.4

  We were feeling lighter now, the plane was falling like an out of control lift plummeting to the ground. I squirmed slightly as tiny needles emerged from Master's teeth. They dipped into her wrists forming tiny spots of blood. I could see red liquid now running up the needles and into his teeth. This was so gross I nearly fainted. OMG He's a vampire! Why wasn't that in the safety demonstration?7

  "Siri" #DEC shouted "engage autopilot". Why didn't I think of that? The rotors started again. We were still sinking but they were getting up to speed. Master began to come round. It felt like being in a lift going down you felt heavy again the reassurance of gravity but outside the window we seemed awfully close to the ground. Master opened his eyes.

  "Okay I'm okay" he said when he clearly wasn't.


  We flew shakily home and we were met by a mobile trolley for him when we arrived. The general order came for all slaves to go to their cages. For once I really didn't care enough to try to use this as a chance to explore. I got back to room 404 and found that once inside there was a red line indicating I couldn't exit the room.4

  "Siri ask the room to open the bath" I said wanting to follow Masters last orders.

  The floor over in the corner of the room lowered and revealed a perfect rectangle. It was large enough to hold him comfortably which meant for me it was like a hot tub. It silently filled with warm water. The dressing machine had always cleaned and washed me. The machines didn't approve of nakedness but the dressing machine did have an ominously 'water fun' mode which was like a swim suit top with a halter neck but with a high neck line over my collar, I now had a tight but very stretchy what the slaves call hobble skirt down to my ankles, my feet had these weird high heels designed for swimming in. 'Strange attire for a bath' I thought. Looking in the dressing printers full-length mirror I thought I looked like a cyber mermaid. Stepping out of the dressing machine walked over sat down and slid slowly into luxury of the bath. I felt half way between a mermaid and a victorian lady going bathing. Getting in the bath I was careful not to get my collar wet the last thing I wanted around my neck was a shorted collar. As the hobble skirt filled with water and began to shimmer like fish scales. I wondered if this was one of Mr Jones' designs, totally beautiful but radically impractical.

  I knew my collar it says 'waterproof' but thats like splash-able, if you are' expected to go swimming you really need a water sports collar. No to mention sports makeup, sport highheels.OK I admit the only reason I knew the splash-able was I found and was reduced to reading my collar manual. I also knew the maximum and minim operating temperatures and no way I am going out in the middle of a bad Boston winter. I sat for a moment then relaxed the warm water rolling over my skin. I closed my eyes and for a moment believed everything was normal again.

  I don't know if I fell asleep but the next thing I new something disturbed the water and I looked up to find Rockwood climbing in the opposite end. Except for his shoes, he was still largely dressed. I nearly screeched and covered myself up with my arms. His large shoulders stood out as his narrow hips dropped into the water.

  "Are you OK Master? I was worried about you Sir." I said then I realised I could go back to bedroom rules, the Sir it just kind of slipped out. I guess the Oblivion was still having it's effect on me corrupting, maligning my brain making me more biddable. I realised what a vulnerable state I was in my mind had cleared slightly but like this he could ask me to do anything and I would probably comply.2

  "I'm OK, I was over thinking and the blood chip ran out of it's supply, switched to my flesh which lowered my blood levels. I nearly fully rebooted. Thank you for saving our lives, I know what you're going to say 'no need master I was only following the first law of humanity', but I insist." he said submerging his muscular abdomen into the water. The water level went up nearly reaching the top at floor.

  He looked at me.

  "You look like your worried about something" he said.

  "I was worried I might short out" I said looking at him. Actually it was the clothes but I didn't make the rules round here. It was clear he did.

  "Undress me" he said.5

  I looked at him - seriously?

  I leant over and began undoing his tie then undoing the buttons on this Givenchy shit. Undoing it I pulled this half damp shirt off leaving only his rippled chest sitting in the water. Reaching to the water I began to unbutton his Ermenegildo Zegna trousers. While I did so he talked.1

  "Is there any personal service Master wants me to perform?" I said that just came out it was the Oblivion talking. I mean the other slaves get to say it all the time. He only has to pass a slave girl fixing a light bulb in the corridor and it's 'Would master like me to satisfy him in anyway?', kind of the slave girl equivalent for good morning. I never get to say it. I know it's not my job, I know I'm supposed to be a pet. I also didn't quite know what would to do, if he said yes. I guess like everything else I would just get Siri to give me step by step instructions. If Siri can make me play piano I can make him. I suppose what this Oblivion was giving me was confidence, wow spray on confidence I so could have made a fortune last year with this.

  "Did I just say that?" I said holding my hand to my mouth.

  "Why are you having a bath with your shoes on?" he said ignoring my overture. Intellectually I was quite glad. Nothing ruins and internship more than sleeping with your boss. That's double when your boss has a collar around your neck.

  "The shoes don't come off. Master" I said "I'm like I'm a huge My Little Pony equestrian girl doll".6

  "I'm glad you didn't say 'my shoe's shouldn't come off'. Shows the oblivion is wearing off " said Rockwood.

  I pulled his trousers off leaving only his briefs in the water and dumped the soaking clothes in a pile by the bath.

  Rockwood reached over and ripped my shoes down to my feet pulling my shoes off for the first time. The silicon which made slave clothes was as tough as leather and he ripped through it like old newspaper. I looked at my foot like had just met an old friend for the first time in an age and turning it notice something on the sole.

  "Model 127c Genome ©The SlaveTech Systems. Made in America" Followed by a long number ending in 5642 and a barcode tattooed clearly on my foot.

  I asked permission to speak and then realised I didn't need to.

  "I've been copyrighted?" I said surprised. If it wasn't for that vile perfume I would have been so angry.

  "Sure, the factory didn't want any one making cheap copies of a successful model and flooding the market with more of you. They coded and copyrighted you individual DNA too. Well, used to. I've bought your DNA. So I own your DNA now"

  "You can't own my DNA. I own my DNA it's mine" I said annoyed.1

  Rockwood laughed. "Of course I can own your DNA..Your people used to sell Horse, Cow, Sheep, Dog and Cat DNA now it's your turn. Any way I don't want anyone making another of you with out my permission, I want you to be unique and belong only to me. Last thing I want to do is to go to a party and find 20 of you serving drinks. Speaking of which" said Rockwood.1

  I fumed turning my eyes into slits as I looked at him. Welcome to not being the apex species.4

  A second later #DEC entered the room carrying a silver tray with two tall champagne glasses with some bubbling liquid in them.

  "Is that the 96?" asked Master.

  "Yes master the 1996 Boerl & Kroff Brut Magnum" said #DEC

  She came over and set the tray down next to the sunken bath and walked respectfully out. I could tell she didn't approve of me doing what I was doing with him. I also got the feeling I should have left the clothes in a neater pile for her to pick up.

  His legs touched mine in the water. He took a glass and sipped at it. I sat there. My collar told me I had been given special permission to drink.

  "Drink," he said.

  "No thank you... Master" I said as coldly as I could.

  "That wasn't a request. You know I can force you if I want to. I don't drink alone." said Rockwood. I had a mental image of #DEC holding my head open while #6502 poured

  My collar gave me a flick at level one as a reminder. I sat there. A second simulated slap on my bottom was enough to remind me I might be incensed but not stupid. I took the glass and drank the champagne. Yeh alcohol on top of Oblivion that's a good mix. This is so likely to end up well.

  "You still angry with me?" said Rockwood.


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