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  I looked over and they were lifting Rockwood on to a trolley.

  "Jenny, where is Jenny" said Rockwood pulling the oxygen mask off.4

  I got up and rushed over, well staggered. I was in a white dress stained red like I was some kind of angelic roadkill.6

  "I'm here Rockwood" I said.

  "Your OK?" he said.

  "Don't talk" I leant over and kissed him to stop him talking. I was pulled away. One of the medical robots put the oxygen mask back on him.

  'I'm confused, What number kiss was that supposed to be?' Rockwood texted.

  'It doesn't have a number. I just kissed you my way ' I texted back. Kissing off catalogue, I like to think of it as custom kissing my way.7

  Little Jenny rushed up to the other side.

  "Will he be alright?" I said to the medical robot.

  "Lord Rockwood ? The cyborg ? A man barely alive ? We can rebuild him. We have the technology. We can make him better than he was. Better, stronger, faster." said the medical robot.13

  "Can I ride in the helicopter with you?" said Little Jenny to the medical robot.

  "No, the transport is for patients only. No slaves, no humans" said the machine sternly.2

  "Please" said little Jenny, touching the robot's arm.

  "You can ride in the helicopter with him if you want" said the Robot. Clearly little Jenny could do Jedi mind tricks with robots.2

  "Did you hear that? I get to ride in a helicopter. yippy" said Little Jenny excitedly.

  "Can I come too" I asked but the machine firmly said 'No' and Little Jenny wasn't going to help.

  They wheeled Rockwood's stretcher onto the Osprey Ambulance.

  "You do know she is the leader of the human resistance movement trying to infiltrate us?" said little Jenny to Rockwood as the door started to close.7

  "She is? WTF" said Rockwood dazed.

  "No, I'm only joking" said little Jenny "can I come to your wedding?"5

  "No" said Rockwood.2

  "Can I be your bridesmaid? I've never been a bridesmaid"

  "No" said Rockwood.

  "Do you think I'm ever going to stop asking until you say Yes?" said little Jenny.1

  "No" said Rockwood as the Robot put the breathing mask back onto him.4

  The ramp started to close little Jenny reached into Rockwood's pocket "Mummy said an Osprey is coming to get you home Jenny. This for you catch!"

  She threw a small wrapped box to me.I caught it

  'Put it on. It's your's I'll explain later when I'm out of intensive care' texted Rockwood

  'Yes' I texted.

  '10,000' he texted back.23

  The Osprey ramp shut and all further communication was shut off.


  I know what you're thinking, 'Game over' right? Well, I'm sorry to disappoint but I'm not the kind of girl who is defined by who they sleep with. Ok I've been sleeping with him for a while no change there but you know what I mean. I have a life, ambitions and I'm more than a huggy love doll for someone else. I'm complex; I'm a little bit crazy and I want stuff out of life. I wanted to get a Pulitzer and Nobel prize. The good news was I now had less competition for the Nobel Prize; the bad news was I would have to rebuild civilisation with a Nobel prize committee in it to achieve this. Now I knew how I felt; I could get back to putting things back to rights.1

  In all the ups and downs to come, I would never forget that night on the grass. The stroke of the wind on my cheek as the Osprey took off. My wings spreading out and the feeling I could almost fly with him. I felt invincible. 6


  Part 3 Resistance

  How was part 2 for you? You know we said more plot, more romance, fewer jokes but you know what it wasn't as unfunny as we expected. Now for the final part. This is Dystopian, Comedy, Science Fiction, Romance. So far we have been a little light on the Science Fiction and the Dystopian. So the final part - which is shorter and hopefully more action filled than the previous parts, actually there is romance too... and comedy( Well, we found it funny). You'll have to judge for yourself.3

  Previously on I'm a cyborg's pet

  Hi - my name is Jenny Banks I'm a 19 now 20ish year old student at Cal tech or I would have been except for this rather tedious robot uprising. Dark Artificial intelligences now rule the world supported by Robots not to mention a bunch of over bearing super smart Cyborgs and human parasites otherwise know as robot collaborators.4

  So what do you need to really know for this final part? Well the big news from part 2 was I fell for a certain cyborg by the name of Lord Rockwood. Why he may be arrogant and wily, he also literally took a bullet for me and surprise he does love me (it didn't take that much to get him to say that, he was only fatally wounded). Rockwood ( code name luvr-boy) is also up to something, I haven't quite figured out what. Whatever he's up to he is aided-and-abetted by a hyper smart artificial intelligence called the central processing unit who really mashes the needle when it comes to moving in mysterious ways. This hyper intelligence also happens to have a weakness for running round in a little blue party dress in the android body of a 7 year old girl. Don't ask me why, the's AI's cyborg's and robots have a brain full of refried Internet which corrupted their minds, I think the CPU got the whole Martha Steward's kids collection bit.3

  Meanwhile, Rockwood has certainly irritated his ex-girl friend, a certain cyborg-et by the name of Zola. She's currently shacked up with Lurv-boy's arch nemesis and rival a certain General Bismarck aka Collin. That sounds like a recipe for mayhem, delicious.

  What else is there to know? Everyone's slave name is their credit card details so my slave name/ID is 5642 or #160A as a pet name from him ( it sucks but then given humanity is under the claw hand of the machines it's not the worst thing that's happened to humanity). I still haven't found out what those weird voices at the slave training school meant ( OK it's on my todo list but I've been busy ), nor have I figured out quite how the machines managed to overcome the 3 law restrictions which supposedly stopped the robot insurrection starting in the first place. I have discovered that there is a mysterious mind altering perfume called Oblivion which is a kind of 'performance enhancement' drug for slaves which makes people conform more. Think of it as a liquid solution to people with liberty and self-determination issues. Rockwood aka luvr-boy doesn't approve of it for some reason.8

  On the strange but true pop facts front did you know that the blood chip technology which only allows Artificial Intelligence computation to occur when a drop of human blood is present ( hence the need for human slaves to supply said blood ) and the werewolf Marines was the result of the same scientist, a Professor Belinda Day? Strangely Belinda wasn't originally Professor of synthetic biology she was actually a nutritionist by training who started playing with synthetic biology as a hobby after reading about it in Wired Magazine while on a career break. She felt she needed something to do to 'challenge her' while looking after her two wonderful new toddlers Amy and Mark. Unfortunately, when she got the synthetic biology kit for her birthday she flicked past the chapters in the how to book marked 'IMPORTANT PLEASE READ. PLEASE DO NOT PLAY GOD WITH THIS KIT'. Her husband told her about a DARPA prize to ensure that A.I never goes rogue and she submitted the whole chip-needs-blood-so-A.I-will-always-need-people idea of solution. Given that the A.Is managed to bypass the whole 3 safety Laws-mathematically-implanted-in-their-souls problem I think this is a good example of why crowd sourcing the future of humanity was a good idea.

  I guess your thinking hey RK and Reb have really pushed the bounds of believability there. I mean the same woman comes up with Werewolf Marines and blood chips, like that's going to happen. I'm only an imaginary character but even that's pushing my credibility limits and I willingly took part in the now defunct, 'Safeword' chapter. RK pointed out that the real Thomas Midgley a chemist in the 1950s not only came up with the idea of putting lead in petrol, so there by retarding the intellectual growth of thousands of car pollution breathing American kids, he also was the first to make fri
dge and hairspray filling Chlorodifluoromethane aka Freon. Freon is not only a potent greenhouse gas it also is has/had massive ozone depletion potential forming a need little life threatening bald patch in the ozone layer. He was also linked with Agent Orange and the most bizarrely ironic death of all time. As Bill Bryson remarks Midgley possessed "an instinct for the regrettable that was almost uncanny." and that's a literal cut and paste from Wikipedia so it must be true right?7

  After checking that out on the internet the idea of the same woman doing Werewolf Marines and blood chips seems pretty minor by comparison. As was the fact said Professor Marian McPhadic knocked around Cal tech and I would see her in the corridors sometimes, back when I actually was a student not a cyborg's play thing.

  If you like me are, not a huge fan of 1960's scifi depression drama, something I don't know is that Soylent green is the trade name for reclaimed human meat. I'm totally unaware of this and so is all of my unsuspecting slave colleagues in Rockwood hall and beyond. However I also wasn't aware of the chicken poop content of beef either so what do I know.4

  I am promised we are moving towards a rapidly approaching big ending where all questions will be answered. RK and Reb are just as keen as you are to see the end of this book. They have a couple of new titles they are working on the Cyborg's Daughter and Skype-girl: Murder in the ashes of New York but have promised me not to start typing until I'm truly at some kind of resolution (which I think is very nice of them). They won't say much except it's a roller coaster ride with a big ending for cyborg's pet. Ok moment of self awareness over, let's get back to the book.3

  So yes, I've managed to find a mote of love in this snowstorm of chaos. Hanging on to it is going to be so easy. So yes, I could just lie back and chill out in the hot tub of his affection or I could resist, not him but a world which keeps us apart. If my physics 101 class told me anything it was resistance creates heat.2

  Somehow, I was going to get through to my happily ever after. If a bunch of super heroes with fantastic powers , not to mention coming to terms with their own personal emotional conflicts, hadn't sorted it out in 90 minutes then I would just have to do it myself. Strange isn't it, do you remember when you didn't have to assemble your own furniture? When you didn't go to a shop and have to scan the products over the scanner yourself ? Now the ultimate indignity, I was living in the universe where sorting out a robot apocalypse has become self service, yeah progress is lovely.

  Well, stand back Robots I'm a freshman student majoring in biochemistry. I've got repartee sharp enough to poke your eye out and I'm not afraid to use it. I'm taking you down New Mechanical Order, and this time it's personal and you're fresh out of doughnuts. 6


  Chapter 74/Resistance/In her arms the waters of Lethe never tasted so good

  She woke up in my arms.2

  "Tish, I feel crap" she said.2

  "You feel crap? Try having a hole in you" I said weakly.2

  She shuddered awake. She had woken up in my arms. We were lying there, naked under the sheets just next to me. She looked at my body.14

  "But you're completely intact there isn't even sign the scar or anything. Parc how long have I been out?" she looked down at herself. "And why am I covered an exotic unitard, which looks like it's been stolen from Susan/Gigantica in Monsters versus aliens?" She started to touch her face. "How long have I bee out ? A month? Oh I get you have you operated on me again. Did do you machine people go all Kim Novak in Vertigo on us " she asked? searching herself for changes " Say you gave me my old nose back, this one is far to button nose cute? I know did you give me my acne back. Is my mole back -please please say you did. "1

  "Hang on," I said.

  I was watching Eternal City News Network television. The far wall was converted into a huge cinema picture. I waved my hand and the volume when up.

  "In other news today. 60 Cent emerges from his transition operation and shows off his new eternal android body" said the News Anchor woman who looked about 20 but who's name tag was Barbara Walters. The picture changed to some high tech hospital. The image was of some blonde white near super model chiquita. Low key make-up, clearly a collaborator.3

  "So 60 how is the new body?" said an off-screen voice.

  "Fine just fine. I feel amazing" said 60 cent.2

  "So 60 cent any message to your fans out there?" asked an off screen reporter.

  "I just want to say.. Each passing day brings changes within you. You must not be afraid to express these evolutions. The powerful learn early in life that they have the freedom to mould their image, fitting the needs and moods of the moment. In this way, they keep others off balance and maintain an air of mystery. You must follow this path and find great pleasure in reinventing yourself, as if you were the author writing your own drama" said the sultry-voiced 60 cent shown off her pink off the shoulder daisy dress.

  "60 cent wanted to be in a white girl's body who would have thought it" she said. I missed counting up the number of missed masters.8

  I waved my hand and muted. It wasn't the news item I was waiting for.

  "I don't know what you're talking about. They just dressed you for bed when you were dizzy from giving blood yesterday." I said.

  "But you're all better" she pointed out "I must have been out for months. If you weren't doing surgery on me what then? You wouldn't just freeze your girlfriend because you were busy in hospital?" she asked. She checked her chest "and I still have the same cantaloupe's the machines slammed me with, mangos I could go with, so what's up?."

  She was so cute when she was disappointed.2

  "I'm actually lying in the hospital, I'm in the intensive care unit being kept alive until I'm strong enough to have a new pancreas installed. I'm cybernetically controlling this android body remotely from my cybernetic mind. Think of it as Skype body from the hospital." I told her. I could hear the sounds of the medical equipment keeping me alive around the real me. My android body was back in room 404. I realised, I felt I was, where ever she was. 1

  She touched me - "You feel completely real, warm and everything," she said as she ran my hand over me and I ran my finger down her cheek.

  "I was worried you might not be able to sleep with out me." I said. I bathed finally in the glory of her arms.6

  "Or was it you couldn't sleep without me? Okay android Skype body I can handle but it's a bit weird" she said running her hand over my chest. She rolled over and I felt her heavy lips on mine.

  "Don't worry it's only until I'm out of hospital, in a few weeks" I said.

  She lay back down in bed feeling me touch her.

  "This body feels so realistic, does it work?" she said while she ran her hand over my android stomach. She could feel me flex slightly to her touch. She put her hands under the sheets down my arm.1

  "I love your wrist, I can only just close my fingers around it " she said.8

  "Don't touch that" I said in alarm.10

  She squealed realising what she was handling.23

  "Careful, I'm still in intensive care. I'm not allowed to do anything which will push my autonomic system. My body still reacts the same way it would do normally. It doesn't know your not here with me, if you get what I mean. You're freaking the doctors out" I said.3

  "Is your hair tired and unmanageable ? Then you clearly aren't punishing your personal care slave properly. With new PRISM Automatica ..." THE TV Continued then got muted.4

  She got a call on her collar.

  " This is Doctor Zarkov, Your owner nearly popped a stitch. Any more of that and you'll be spending a day in a KCK machine. Doctor's orders" said the robot doctor. OK I listened in.3

  "I'm sorry, I'm sorry" she said thinking 'is that think to scale?' "dam I was looking forward to having my night in heaven," she said.1

  "You'll have to wait for that but I can make it worth the wait" I said. Trashy, I blamed the medication I was on.1

  "Sorry," she said.

  "...in further news today. The new mechanical order has released its 10,000t
h sabretooth tiger back into the wild. Official sources today say that original population numbers will be reached by the end of the year. Owners are reminded to informed their slaves that being a Sabertooth's is breakfast is another risk for those contemplating external extreme sulkyness" Barbara Walters said while pictures of sabretooth tigers being released into the great plains was shown."some have questioned the wisdom of releasing an excess of sabretooth tigers back into the wild when there are not enough woolly Mammoths to support them..."1

  I muted again. It was good to see my other projects going well.

  "Have some Earl Grey tea. #6502 Brought this by accident thinking I was flesh me," I said handing her a small clear cup. She took it and sipped it tentatively. I had never done anything like that for her be before.1

  "You have never gone John Luc Picard on drinks before weird." she said in passing and paused "You're probably wondering what I was doing in the garden" she started slightly confessionally.1

  "You were trying to run away from the problem, thats OK for so long so was I. Sorry it gave you the impression I wasn't... interested." I paused then added "Interesting".3

  "What?" she said sitting up slightly in bed.

  The TV turned to a picture of a satellite map of the gallery of humanity in the infrared. The picture was focused in on the boathouse. Getting distracted is my favourite past time.

  "I'm guessing someone gave you a message saying they were from the resistance looking to rescue you that night. If you look at the satellite scans there was a small stealth boat in the boathouse. But notice there are no heat signatures in it. Only Robots, no humans. Two Hunter killers. You weren't running to freedom you are running to be kidnapped."11


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