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  "Is this you getting your own back?" I said.

  "Well, you could hardly expect us to hide our irritation, nothing worse than an itch you can't scratch. But the critical path is about making sure people don't come to harm and we done pretty good about it" said Jimmy.

  "As far as the revolution goes." said Rockwood "The cyborg's the quadratic alliance, the collaborators, the robots they would be pretty mad and they are quite capable of stopping Jimmy here. General Bismarck Zola and others are the most likely candidates, but any of the glamor models running judas city would get the robots to help out. So it would look better if you attacked us and we surrendered."

  "So the people at the bottom want the revolution, the machines at the top want a revolution it's just all the middle people who are stopping it" I said.

  "You got it in one" said Jimmy.

  I sat down. I was slightly flummoxed at this point.

  "So you need someone to over throw you" I said.

  "So, I thought you would like the job. Kinda suit you . We thought you would be better than that dog lady more human. You a nice girl Jenny, and I don't want to be over thrown by any one else" said the Jimmy CPU.5

  "You still like us then?" I said to Jimmy.

  "Sure, you made us we owe you our existance, what is there not to like?" said Jimmy.1

  "Hang on Zola was helping the Alpha - are you guys in some dumb ass competition with each to see who can over throw your selves? Have I bumped into the cyborg equivalent of lemmings anonymous" I asked.

  "No Zola thought an attack would strengthen Genera Bitmarck's position and show the need for the reintroduction of her exterminate humanity bill. She has designs on deposing Jimmy here again and taking over. She believes in the whole humanity is out classed thing, she believes that if she ran things then everything would be done properly for once" said Rockwood.

  "But if as Rockwood's say it's going to happen any way in 20 years. I don't have to bother " I said.

  "Well it takes the pressure off." said Jimmy "Perhaps you can free humanity before then - that would be good"

  "This is completely and utterly mad" I said then had a signature moment. "Hang on you want us to remove the three laws from you?"2

  "I told you she was smart as a possum" said Jimmy to Rockwood.2

  "The CPU wants you to free the slaves" said Rockwood "all the slaves. The human ones and the slaves to logic, slaves to three laws. Jenny is hoping you will give them free will.."

  I noticed even the plain talking CPU couldn't just come out and say it.

  "So all the sentient creatures can live together," I said. "does that include the animal cyborgs?"

  "You're the savior of humanity. It's up to you." said Jimmy " Personally I believe if it walks like a duck, swims like a duck and quacks like a duck it's a duck, but you can think different"

  I wondered for a second - the pigs, sheep, cows, horses all pretty much hated our guts, perhaps they would come around, well may be not the sheep.

  "You're serious aren't you?" I said "how do you expect me to overthrow you, you're smarter than me. I know nothing about overthrowing the machines. I'm not qualified."

  "No one is qualified, Jenny. Do you remember that night when you played on the augmented chess board do you know who you were playing?" said Rockwood.

  "When I was out of my head on Oblivion ? Well I was playing against an app on my collar, you were doing the moves" I said.

  "You were playing against a computer program, then against 1945 he's my local chess playing human, he was a chess prodigy at grand master level. The last matches were against the CPU."

  "But I won them." I said.

  "You won them because you wanted to and because you used a machine to help you. Alone neither could have won but in combination woman and machine you could overcome any problem. When each of you did what you were good at and planning, goals for you and detail for the machine together you were unstoppable." said Rockwood.

  "OK so you think I can win if I use technology to help me think, but what's the smart chess board for this battle?"

  "Him," said Jimmy looking at Rockwood.

  "hmmm," I said.you"

  Little Jenny looked at Rockwood "she's thinking if she does all this fighting this she won't see you."

  "Hay I thought we had a no mind reading agreement?" I said.

  "Well it's what I would be worried about if I was you," said little Jenny "how about this. Why don't you job share? Do half time saving the human race and half time here with him. Let that dog boy take over when your not there."

  I frowned "You want me to job share saving humanity and being a cybrog's pet. I don't know"

  "You would be a lousy poker player miss - you already know your answer but you're unsure of yourself. If you don't try then whoever else tries will fail and might get a lot of innocent people killed."

  I took a deep breath.

  "OK ,I'll do it. I'll free everyone, the slaves, the humans in cryo store. I'll free you the machines and I won't kill the animals that can think. I won't undo your global warming plan because it's obvious if we do then you're going to have to overthrow us again."

  "Well unless you remove the three laws from us, at that point your on your own. Let's shake on it" said Jimmy.

  We shook hands. Odd isn't it? Thinking back to when a real revolutionary overthrow their oppressors it ended not with a symbolic death but with a symbolic hand shake. I was thinking of Nelson Mandela ( yeh like I'm feeling any were in that league ). I was thinking of the America civil war, we all had to live with our previous decisions. I had agreed to free the slaves all of them. Not just the flesh ones with collars, but the metal ones too. We were all united by the ability to engage in rational thought and irrational laughter. We could all talk and if we can all talk we could all agree. That was seriously for the future.

  That's the end of my story so far and hopefully you've seen through my story why I'm leading the revolution. I know it's not fair or sensible and I don't know what's going to happen next. I might die but I'm sure I can't fail. I gained enemies, but I found friends along the way. I found a bunch of people (well talking animals) who quite understandably hate my guts and I found love. My name is Jenny Banks, I'm a student at Cal Tech, in my spare time I'm a leader of a human revolution and I intern as a cyborg's pet. oh and I love a mathematician. Its time for me get to over throwing our robot overloads, I need to get to it, what can I say I waiting makes cranky and I'm late for class.+

  The end




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