Boy Toy Auction

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Boy Toy Auction Page 3

by C. A. Harms

  The four of us are completely lost in conversation when sounds of someone tapping a mic fills the room. Everyone grows instantly silent, and we all turn toward the stage as a middle-aged woman takes the floor.

  “Good evening ladies and thank you all for coming.” Cheers and clapping ring out followed by a few racy whistles and calls, which make her laugh. “I see we have a room full of excited women and I know it’s not for me, but for what’s hidden behind this curtain.” The whistling grows louder mixed with a few comments about bringing on the candy because there were a lot of sweet teeth with cravings. Part of me feels sorry for the men who are about to be objectified to all this.

  “We’ll get the show started in a few minutes, but first I want to go over a few simple rules.” When a couple of women groan outward in protest, I hang my head, knowing that this night is about to get a little rowdy. “Okay, ladies…” She gives a pointed stare, and silence settles over the room. “The men that have agreed to participate are all successful respected men and deserve our respect in turn. This is not a strip show, though from what I have witnessed backstage, some of the men have brought their A game.” She smiles again when another whistle or two rings out. “There will be no vulgarities or touching during the show. This is the only warning that will be given. This event is for charity, it is meant to be fun, and I’d appreciate if you all remember to keep it classy. Have fun, but don’t forget your manners, ladies.”

  “Once we leave this event though, all rules are off,” Gianna whispers so that only the four of us can hear.

  “So without further ado, let’s have the men of the evening join me on stage, so that you all may get your first peek.” The woman turns to the side and waves her hand outward just as a line of men begins to emerge from the side of the stage. There are men of all heights and builds, some blond, and some with darker hair. There are even a couple who have no hair at all. Each wears a number pinned to their shirt or the waistband of their pants. They all move toward the outer edge of the stage, forming a nice line so that they can all be seen.

  It is interesting to see the looks upon each face. Some men are confident, and others plain out embarrassed.

  “Oh my, yum,” I hear Gianna mumble, and I choose to ignore her as I continue down the line of men. Honestly, I came along more for her than myself and had no intention of bidding on any man. That was until I saw him…number seven.

  I feel my heart rate pick up just a little as I allow my eyes to roam over him. He is so different from the men I’ve dated before. There is this rugged nature about him, almost dangerous even. He’s wearing worn jeans and a tight-fitting shirt that leaves little to the imagination—strong arms and a fit chest that leads down in a V-like fashion as his jeans hang low on his waist.

  When I finally look higher, I notice the thickness of his neck and the perfect shape of his jaw and mouth. Suddenly, I felt like the temperature of the room has risen ten to fifteen degrees.

  My god, this man is glorious.

  Then my eyes meet his, and I realize I am not the only one observing. His head is tilted to the side as he watches me, ignoring everyone else in the room. Instantly I feel my body become completely alert and aroused by the way he continues to observe me.

  “Number seven is mouthwatering,” I hear someone not too far away from our table say and a smirk tugs at the corner of his mouth. He heard it as well, and I get a territorial feeling I have no right to.

  “See something you like, Em?”

  I look away and by the expressions on each of my friends’ faces, I know my own says it all. “That man is…” I pause because I genuinely have no words to describe what I am feeling.

  “Looks like Emerson will be battling it out for number seven,” Becca says with a laugh as she waves at something over my shoulder. Of course, I turn around and instantly wish I hadn’t. Mr. Seven had at that point grabbed the hem of his shirt and was showing off a very detailed set of abs that only manage to make my heart feel like it might beat right out of my chest.

  “Oh, he’s trouble,” Becca says, and I look away quickly, but not before he offers me a knowing wink. “A big heaping amount of yummy trouble,” she adds and my cheeks heat.

  “Stop allowing him to feed your interest,” I say in a hushed whisper.

  “It’s not me he wants to feed, Em.” I hang my head as Becca’s words register in my mind.

  “Okay ladies.” The woman on stage starts to speak again only I keep my back to them all. I need to pull it together. My god, what the hell am I, sixteen? “At this time, we’ll clear the stage and one by one each gentleman will come back and show each of you why they deserve your company for the evening.”

  I take one slow deep breath after another.

  “Remember, during the bidding, please be mindful of those trying to offer their bids. If the room grows too loud, we may miss the chance of raising more for our charity.” I finally turn back around and find I’m in the clear as all men have now stepped backstage. “When you arrived, you were each given a paddle with a number. This is what you use when you would like to bid. Just hold it high and place your bid.”

  I reach out, grip my paddle, and turn it over. Really?

  Giggles spill from each of my friends as they notice precisely what number I have. “It’s a sign,” Gianna states. “Seventy-seven…how else do you explain it?”

  I don’t even attempt to say anything in return. The music starts to play and one by one the men enter the stage and do a little shuffle and shake before the bidding begins. I can feel myself growing tipsy by my third drink, and it feels nice to relax for a change. It is something I don’t do often enough.

  “Welcome to the stage, Spencer.” I see Gianna swivel in her chair and immediately the three of us are forgotten as she grips her paddle tighter. “Spencer is twenty-nine years old and works for the Chicago PD. He is a family man, loyal and dedicated to keeping our city safe.”

  Immediately Gianna’s arm shoots up when the woman asks if there is a starting bid. “One hundred fifty,” she shouts. The man seems pleased with the offer as he moves to the edge of the stage and begins moving his hips in a provocative motion.

  “Two hundred,” someone else adds, and I don’t miss the determined look on Gianna’s face as she carefully watches the guy’s every move. I can almost visualize the things running through her mind; she just has that look in her eyes. She was not going to accept anything other than a win.

  “Four hundred,” Gianna says, and I cover my mouth as I look back toward the other woman who is now standing with one hand resting on the table and the other holding her paddle out before her. She is wearing the dirtiest look on her face and it’s aimed directly at my best friend. “Four twenty-five,” she adds, her nostrils flaring as she places her hands on her hips. The whole thing seems so ridiculous.

  Everyone watches this unfold as we look between Gianna, the other woman and the man on the stage. I haven’t seen him look away from Gia once. He only continues to move his hips as he slowly starts to lift his shirt up higher and higher until he has it over his head.

  “Five hundred,” Gianna says without looking away from him. His smile grows wider. We all wait in silence for the other woman to add more. She stares up at the man on the stage, almost like she was waiting for him to notice her, only he doesn’t.

  “Five hundred going once, going twice,” another pause, and, “paddle number seventy-six is the winner of gentleman number five.”

  The two of them share a heated stare that makes even me feel a little overheated. It is smoldering and lustful, hotter than hell.

  He exits the stage but not before blowing a seductive kiss in Gianna’s direction. I hear the other woman growl and when I see her, the glare she is aiming toward Gia is one I’m sure is meant to kill her instantly. It was so comical. “I don’t think you need to go to the bathroom alone,” I say leaning in close. “That woman may off you the first chance she gets. Possibly drown you in the toilet even.”

  “No o
ne told her that she couldn’t continue to bid,” Gianna shrugs. “She made the choice to stop all on her own.” She had a point for sure, but it doesn’t change the fact that the woman wants to throttle her.

  Throughout the next guy, Gianna manages to ignore the woman who still shoots some of the evilest looks I have ever witnessed in my life. My friend was completely unaffected by her. Instead, she laughs and orders a round of shots to celebrate her boy toy, or so she calls him.

  Our moment is interrupted by the sounds of loud cheering which are so deafening that Becca places her hands over her ears and looks up at the stage. That’s when it happens…every single ounce of control I have flies right out the window without even the slightest amount of care.

  Number seven.

  Holy hell, the man was handsome before, a work of fucking art, but now…Jesus my knees are shaking. The way he moves, that sexy slow moving thrust of his hips, the swivel of his waist, it’s enough to drive a woman wild. But he has to add this slow, tantalizing rub down over his body, from his now bared chest to his defined hips that dip below the waistband of his jeans. Oh my holy heavens, those little dips on each side should be illegal.

  It was insane the way my tongue ran along my lower lip, like I could imagine tasting him. It’s like the highest of highs.

  Dollar amounts are being hollered out all around me, but all I can see is the unbelievable way his body moves. I feel like I am trapped in the sexiest dream, and I can’t shake my mind free of it. Let me correct myself—I didn’t want to shake my mind free of it. It is far too intriguing. I wanted to get lost in it, drown in it.

  “Em, I hate to interrupt.” Gianna nudges my shoulder. “But these ladies are going crazy, and if you don’t start bidding, number seven is gonna be spending the evening with someone other than you.”

  I look around the room to see one paddle after another going up. “Six hundred,” a girl shouts from the back. “Six twenty-five," an older woman screams and her friends cheer her on.

  “Seven hundred fifty dollars,” I say though I feel like it’s someone else shouting the words. I have never in my life felt such an out of body experience. I stare ahead at the man, and suddenly his attention is on me. My head is spinning and my heart is racing as he begins moving toward my side of the stage.

  “Eight hundred,” someone from the back of the room yells.

  “Go big, Em,” Gia whispers near my ear, taunting me. “You deserve this. And besides, it's for charity.”

  I smile, unable to hold back the excitement rushing through me and with one deep breath, I go for it. I give to a charity I believe in, and I get an excellent turnaround for it.

  “One thousand five hundred dollars.” I hold my paddle high and see the wide grin that spreads over the guys face.

  “Going once, going twice…” a pause allowing anyone to add in one last bid. On the inside I’m screaming Come on already. “We have a winner at fifteen hundred dollars to the lovely lady in the silver dress holding paddle number seventy-seven.

  “That man has one helluva a gleam in his eyes,” Becca adds with a laugh, and I realize just what I’ve done.


  I know it’s time to walk away, only I can’t get my feet to move quite yet. I am floored by this woman who just donated fifteen hundred dollars to spend one evening with me. However, the truth is I would’ve done it for absolutely nothing.

  She is gorgeous. I won’t lie and say that the room wasn't filled with hundreds of beautiful women; but out of them, I noticed her right away. Auburn hair, those big eyes filled with curiosity that I longed to get a closer look at.

  “You two have the remainder of your evening to get acquainted.” I look up to the woman announcing the event and feel the heat rise in my neck. It didn’t matter that she and every other person in the place had noticed my lingering. It was next to impossible to push myself to leave the stage. I fist my shirt in my hand as I start to back away. Just before I step behind the curtain, I lift my other hand and point toward her. This seems to gain quite a rise out of the room. There are some laughs and even a few sighs, but the woman in silver stares directly back at me with the same heat in her eyes.

  Someone tugs on my arm and suddenly I’m pulled behind the curtain, and I come face to face with my friends. “What the fuck was that?” Frank asks as he peeks out at the woman who’d just outbid the others. It had become a full out war zone, and she was right up there, front and center with determination in her eyes. Nothing had ever felt more exhilarating. “That woman is,” he let out a whistle, “wow.”

  “It’s always the quiet ones,” Terry adds as he shakes his head, wearing a smile.

  I turn around and look out one last time, observing her actions. She has a look of surprise on her face, almost like she can’t believe what happened. After what I just witnessed I can’t imagine her to be a woman who is shy or quiet. But by the looks on her face and those of her friends, it is apparent this is one so far-fetched that they all seem a little taken aback. All three women at the table with her smile knowingly as they watch their friend have a mini freak out.

  I chuckle when I see the beauty in the silver dress pick up the drink in front of her and down it without pause. Her friends laugh even harder, and I watch them saying something to her, nodding their heads seeming to all agree. Then she turns her head in my direction, and I notice the widening of her eyes when she sees me standing there, still observing. We hold one another’s gaze, her shoulders shifting with each deep breath she takes, and never in my life have I been more turned on than I am right now. This woman is fucking amazing and I haven’t even had the chance to meet her yet. I could sense she was not only going to challenge me, but excite me too.

  Turning away, I step further behind the stage and grab a bottle of water in the large cooler set up for us. The liquid does very little to soothe me as I take in one deep breath after another. The adrenaline of the moment and the thrill of the event all hit me at once.

  “So I guess we can all safely say that you’ve most likely won an evening out on us.” Spencer takes a seat next to me.

  “Hey,” Terry interrupts, “I still haven’t had my turn.” He looks serious, and though we attempt to keep a straight face, it’s impossible. Frank was the first one to burst into laughter, shortly followed by both Spencer and me. “Do you all have to be assholes, all the time?”

  “Have you seen Anna since she lost the bidding?” I ignore Terry and turn to Spencer.

  “Nope,” he grins as he looks down at the water in his hands. He appears deep in thought and whatever he imagined only causes his smile to grow even wider. “She did text me though and told me to fuck off and have fun with the bitch.”

  “Are you upset?” I press my lips together tightly to fight the smirk tugging at my lips.

  “More like relieved.” I hear him take in a deep breath. “That woman has some serious control issues.”

  “Ya think?’

  “Did you see how pissed off she got when that sweet little fireball kept battling against her bids?” I hadn’t seen it, but I could imagine. “The woman that won though, she looks like she could chew me up and spit me out without a second thought. I’m sure she can handle her own quite well.”

  “And that excites you?”

  “Fuck yes it excites me.” His eyes grow wide with anticipation. “I can’t wait to get started.”

  All I can offer him is a shake of my head because unlike myself, it would seem my friend enjoys being controlled. I, on the other hand, live for the thrill of showing women just how good it can feel to be pleasured by submission. I love the look in a woman’s eyes when she is hanging on the edge of desperation. The longing to have me touch her, to lead her over that edge.

  I love control.

  “We’re just allowing the room to clear out a bit, with only the women who had the winning bids remaining.” The director of the event stands before us, still holding that clipboard I haven’t once seen her put down since I arrived hours ago.
  “Tonight was a huge success and we have all of you to thank. This was our first boy toy auction, and I know it won’t be our last. Each one of you has made this a memorable evening and I can’t thank you enough for your efforts.” She looks over the crowd of men standing before her. “I presume each of you is aware of the woman that outbid others to win your company, but if for some reason you aren’t, they each have been given the number that you wore on stage.”

  I could feel my heart rate speed up with anticipation. I was more than ready to get this evening started.

  Another woman steps in and instantly I want to laugh when I realize it’s Anna. “The room is now clear.” She doesn’t even take the chance to look at Spencer, and when I look over at him, he doesn’t seem to give a shit. He seems almost as eager as I am to get out there.

  “Again, thank you all.” The director steps back and motions toward the stage. “Enjoy your evening, and who knows? Maybe a little magic was created here tonight.”

  Spencer claps his hands and rubs them together quickly before taking off toward the stage, the rest of us following closely behind. The room now looks deserted compared to before. Before there were a couple of hundred women; now only about twenty-five to thirty are left behind, all of whom are now standing near the stage, looking up at the crowd of men.

  I spot my woman in silver almost instantly as she stays back near the girl she shared a table with as she holds the number seven timidly in her hands. The woman who bid on Spencer was whispering something to her, and it doesn’t escape me just how nervous my girl looks. I find it intriguing that she stands in a barely there dress, her hair and makeup done to perfection, yet she seems so shy.

  “Let’s go get our fiery women.” Spencer nudges my shoulder as he walks down the steps on the left side of the stage and directly toward the ladies. He is right, his girl looks like a wild one, her eyes landing on him instantly. I see the way she scans him hungrily, and I want to laugh as I picture her telling him to kneel before her. He was in some big fucking trouble with that one, there’s no doubt in my mind.


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