Always Rocking: A Heavy Metal Romance (Slava Pasha series Book 4)

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Always Rocking: A Heavy Metal Romance (Slava Pasha series Book 4) Page 11

by A. D. Herrick

  “You do realize that I wasn’t drunk on our wedding night, don’t you?” She asked hesitantly. I dropped my head down, my chin resting on my chest. I eyed her, looking for a sign that she was lying. I didn’t see any.

  “You were sober when you accepted my proposal?” I asked again for clarity.

  “Yes,” She laughed out. “You were funny and charming and sweet. I couldn’t help it. When you told me what was going on and the mess you had gotten yourself in I couldn’t help but say yes. I wanted to help you out of your mess, but even more, I wanted to be with you. I wanted to see where this thing went.” She smiled brightly at me, sending fireworks to explode inside my heart.

  “So you just said yes to a drunken stranger?” I asked grasping at my chest in mock shock and surprise.

  Emily teasingly swatted at me. “I said yes to a gorgeous charming man who also promised me I wouldn’t have to serve drinks to sleazy men anymore and who promised me he would ensure I was able to go to college.” She reminded me through her playful swats.

  “So you only want me for my money?” I asked slightly hurt by her admission.

  “Of course not.” She screeched out visibly appalled. “I know you said you volunteer at a studio so I don’t expect that you make much. But with our combined incomes I know that we can scrape by.” I saw the sincerity in her eyes and it warmed me to the core. This woman said yes to me not knowing what I was worth and not really caring. I couldn’t wait to see her face once she found out where I lived or even found out who I was. I wasn’t a braggadocios bastard but I felt some satisfaction in being able to take care of my wife financially.

  I caught her hands in mine and brought them up to my lips, placing light kisses to the knuckles on both of her hands. “Baby, I don’t know what I told you when I was drunk, but I promise you that what I told you in Vegas was true. You will never go back to that place again. You won’t be working anymore. The only thing I want that sexy ass of yours to be doing is sitting in a classroom fulfilling your dreams.” I crushed my lips to hers, pouring my heart into it, telling her everything I couldn’t vocalize. I was starting to fall for this girl.

  I couldn’t wait to get this girl home, wherever that may be, and worship her from head to toe. I wanted to mark her as mine all over again, claiming every square inch of her body.

  Chapter 15

  We had been staying at the Hilton for the past two weeks. Damon and Alexa had not been too keen on dropping us off at the hotel but I was firm in my stance about not dragging Emily into the pits of hell while Katinka was still on the war path. As much as I would have loved to drag Emily back into my bedroom at home I compromised by renting out a suite at the hotel.

  I wasn’t sure how much longer we would be staying at the hotel but I could tell that Emily was just as tired of it as I was. The Hilton was gorgeous and the suite we were in was spacious enough for the two of us, but it just wasn’t home. It wasn’t somewhere I could see myself living for the rest of my life and reminded me too much of being on the road. That alone brought on a whole other slew of emotions. I had never gone this long not talking to my family. Damon was the only person that I was on speaking terms with and even then it was sparse. He had his own troubles brewing and right now there just wasn’t enough room for the two of us to wallow in our issues.

  Once Emily had started back to school I began going back to the studio. I didn’t want to leave Emily home alone so I tried to make sure all of my studio time was during her class hours. Thankfully, Damon had made sure that my truck, along with a generously stuffed overnight bag was delivered to the hotel the following morning after we had arrived home.

  As many times as I had offered to drive Emily to class, she always declined in favor of taking her Vespa. I couldn’t get over the fact that she loved riding the little hot pink scooter around. I would have been more than happy to have driven her to school every morning and picked her up once her final afternoon class had let out.

  It had taken a bit of encouraging but I had finally been able to convince Emily to quit her job at the diner as well as her job at the club. It took a lot of persuasions before she was willing to accept the fact that I was perfectly capable of supporting her while she was in school. I still hadn’t come clean about my financial status or who I really was beyond my volunteer work at the studio and it was eating at me. I wanted her to grow to love me for who I was and not what I was able to offer her but wasn’t who I was also about what I was able to offer her. Essentially I was lying to her and I knew that if I didn’t come clean it would end poorly for the both of us.

  The all-girl group I had been working with, In Your Dreams, had blown up just as I expected they would. I had finally made it through all of the offers of interest that had been building up in my email. I had a thick stack lined up and ready to be looked over by the girls. Grabbing the stack I made my way out of the office. I called for the girls to follow me as I led them into the conference room.

  “Take a seat girls.” I motioned toward the empty conference table, taking my own seat at the head.

  “What’s up Gramps, what do you have there?” Cassie asked with a smirk.

  “What I have here are the offers from agents and production companies that have expressed interest in you girls.”

  I was momentarily deafened by the shrieks and screams of the five girls in front of me. Holding my hands out in front of me I motioned for the girls to simmer down.

  “Calm yourselves, ladies,” I gently scolded. Once they had settled down their eyes drew to me in anticipation. “Who am I kidding. You have thirty-seven offers, go fucking crazy.” I beamed proudly at the girls as I watching the shock on their silent faces soon become replaced by bright smiles of disbelief and soon screams and cheers.

  “Are you fucking kidding me?” Cassie screamed as she attacked me, her arms wrapping around my neck tightly. The other girls soon followed, all of them eager to share their excitement and gratitude.

  “Alright girls, remember what I said. Look over the contracts, celebrate, then look over them again.” I reminded them. After several minutes they began to release me from their death grip. I could see the anticipation written all over their faces. They wore nervous smiles as they fidgeted in anticipation of getting the contracts in their hands.

  I spent several hours with the girls going over all of the contracts with them. Most of them were pretty similar, basic interest contracts, whereas there were a few others with special requests and some with demands that I scoffed at in my mind. I wouldn’t vocally pass my judgment to the girls. I wanted them to experience this fully without someone else putting in their two cents, even if that someone else was me.

  Finally, once all of the girl's questions were answered I encouraged them to go out and celebrate. I had already been at the studio much longer than I anticipated and I couldn’t wait to get home to Emily.

  Cassie hung around after all the girls had left, lingering just outside my office door.

  “What’s up Cass?” I asked surprised by her presence.

  “ I just wanted to thank you again for everything you’ve done for us.” She smiled up at me proudly as she walked along with me out of the studio.

  “Cass, this is all because of the hard work you ladies have put into it. I merely directed you with a gentle push in the appropriate direction.” I ruffled the hair on her head as though she were a toddler.

  “You know Gramps; you’re going to make someone an amazing husband someday.” She laughed at my display.

  “Pff, I’ll have you know I already have,” I said proudly as I showed off my ring much the way I expected a woman would by flopping my left hand right out in front of Cassie’s face.

  With a low whistle, Cassie snatched up my hand and pretended to inspect my ring for a diamond. “Look at you, a blushing bride before my eyes.” She teased.

  “Oh hush you.” I teasingly bumped my shoulder into hers as we stood out in the parking lot.

  “So when do we get to meet the woman
who stole your heart?” Cassie asked.

  I gave it a few minutes of thought. “I’m not sure. But soon I hope.” I finally replied.

  “Well don’t wait too long. I would really like to meet her before we get swept away by the current.” She said motioning toward the studio with her head.

  “I’ll be sure to bring her around.” With a quick wave, we parted ways. Cassie climbed into her car parked beside mine and sped away.

  I climbed into my own truck, feeling a sense of pride at being able to share the fact that I was married, with someone that was actually happy for me. I couldn’t wait to get home and share my good mood with Emily. I was already several hours late and surprised that she hadn’t text me to inquire where I was or why I was late. Shrugging it off, I made my way home to the hotel.

  I stepped off the elevator onto our floor and stopped dead in my tracks as I watched Katinka closing the door to mine and Emily’s hotel room. Panic seized my heart. I had no idea what she could have said to Emily and I was immediately terrified. I was at a crossroad. I had no idea how I should feel, do I go after my wife or do I go after my sister? Would I have to choose? I could feel my heart pounding in my chest. The indecision was killing me.

  Katinka looked up, her eyes catching mine as she got closer. I stood motionless, not knowing how to react. “What were you doing here?” I asked, my voice shaking.

  “I wanted to meet her.” Katinka gave me a sad smile.

  “You met her two weeks ago.” I reminded her, my voice firmer than before.

  “I’m sorry about that. I really truly am.” I saw the shimmer of tears in Katinka’s eyes and it broke my heart.

  Without a second thought, I wrapped my arms around Katinka, pulling her into my chest, Katinka’s arms wrapped around my neck as she clung to me.

  “Prosti… Mne ochen' zhal' I’m sorry…I’m so sorry.” Katinka cried over and over as she clung to me. “Please forgive me.”

  I gently swayed with her in my arms overcome with emotions. Yes, my heart still hurt from her doubt but I knew it took a lot for her to come here on her own and to talk to Emily and to apologize to me.

  “ya lyublyu tebya I love you,” I whispered against her head as I continued to hold her close to me. “You piss me off all the time but my love for you is eternal,” I told her as I held her close. It was the truth. Katinka was the one woman that could piss me off beyond all measure but I would forever love her. She would always be my little sister. Katinka chuckled in response. “You’re a big oaf but I love you to the moon and back,” She replied through her tears.

  Gently I released her and set her back on the ground. Taking a step back I looked down into her face. “Please tell me you were nice,” I begged.

  “Oh, Kiev, I just love her. She is perfect for you. I apologized to her and she was very gracious about it. I think she and I are going to be fast friends.” Katinka was positively beaming as she spoke about Emily which warmed my heart.

  “When are you coming home, Kiev?” Katinka asked the million dollar question.

  “I have to talk to Emily about it. It’s no longer about what I want. I have someone else’s feeling to take into account now instead of just my own.” I watched as Katinka’s eyes widened and her lips formed a perfect ‘oh’.

  “Bro, I can honestly say I never in my life thought the day would come when you put someone else’s feelings before your own. If I didn’t know any better I would say you were in love.” I scoffed at her comment and rolled my eyes.

  “That’s where you’re wrong lyublyu , I am in love.” I didn’t think before the words came out of my mouth. They had started tumbling forward before I knew it. Now that they were out I knew they were the truth. I hadn’t known Emily long but I did, in fact, love her. I felt whole when I was with her, complete, and content.

  “Well, it’s a good thing she loves you too,” Katinka smirked at my startled expression.

  ‘She loves me?” I asked in disbelief. I held my hand to my forehead as I tried to take in the shock.

  “Don’t look so surprised, you’re a good catch.” Katinka winked.

  “And I have a big dick,” I added.

  Unamused Katinka rolled her eyes. “Family dinner is at your parents’ house in two hours. I suggest you bring your wife and leave that foul mouth behind.” I stuck my tongue out at her like a petulant child. “Don’t be late,” She warned, sidestepping me to the elevator.

  “I missed you, kiddo,” I admitted as I watched her climb onto the elevator.

  “I know.” She smirked arrogantly as the elevator doors closed. I rolled my eyes in response.

  I felt much lighter now that the majority of my life’s issues were being corrected. Now that Katinka had accepted Emily I knew that everyone else would fall in line. Now I just needed to get through dinner at my parents alive. I hoped that my parents would be as forgiving as Katinka had been. I knew my mother had been planning a wedding for as long as I could remember. I could only hope that she would understand.

  Chapter 16

  I walked into the suite hesitantly not knowing what to expect. I was shocked to find the living room empty. I wasn’t sure what to expect but it clearly was not what I had found. I emptied my pockets on the entry way table and proceeded into the room.

  “Kiev?” Emily’s sweet voice called from the direction of the bedroom. My ears perked up at the sound of her voice.

  “I’m home, babe,” I called out to her as I headed in search of my gorgeous wife. I hadn’t seen her all day and I was sorely missing her.

  I rounded the corner into our room to find her standing in the center of a pile of clothing. The room looked as though a bomb had exploded around her. Clothing lay draped over the bed, wadded up on the floor, some even hanging from the bedside lamp.

  “Is everything okay?” I asked slowly taking in the form of my gorgeous wife who stood wearing only a black bra and matching thong. She looked like a dream come true with her hair in a messy bun on the top of her head, her hands resting on her hips as she surveyed the disaster of the room.

  “I have nothing to wear tonight.” She whimpered as her lower lip quivered into a pout.

  I chuckled as I made my way over to her, sidestepping the mounds of clothing. Wrapping my hands around her waist I lifted her into my arms. Instinctively her arms went around my neck as her legs wrapped around my waist.

  “Did you miss me?” I asked as I nuzzled her neck. Emily hummed her approval, her nails biting into the flesh of my neck in appreciation.

  “I missed you like crazy.” She purred in delight. I felt my cock jerk at her admission. I walked to the bed with Emily in my arms. Gently I laid her down, my body covering hers. “I love you,” I whispered as my lips crashed into hers, silencing her as my tongue begged for entrance. Emily gasped in shock; the subtle part of her lips was all I needed to steal her breath.

  Emily thrust her hips up to meet mine ripping a groan from my lips. “I love you, too” She whispered against my lips. Her lips latched onto mine, her admission leaving me too startled to move. I felt like my eyes were going to bug out of my head. “Promise?” I managed to ask between stolen kisses. “Promise.” She purred.

  Her hands tugged at my shirt, pulling it up my back. I rose above her, straddling her waist, sitting back on my knees. I watched as Emily’s eyes raked across my chest, absorbing every inch of me. I teased her by slowly pulling my shirt up and over my head. A moan of approval escaped her lips, her eyes danced with anticipation. “I need you, Kiev.” She moaned as her delicate fingers walked their way down my zipper. I felt my cock straining to escape its confines.

  I plucked Emily’s hands off of me, restraining her wrist in my firm grasp. Raising my hand over her head I pinned her wrist above her, leaving her helpless and at my mercy. Her tight body squirmed beneath me as she tried to ease the tension between her legs. Her soft pants were music to my ears.

  “Baby… Please…” She begged. Her protruding lower lip only excited me more.

“Oh, don’t worry love; I’m going to give it to you.” I dipped my head down between her breasts. Careful not to touch her, I blew hot air across the swell of her breast. Her nipples strained against the thin material of her bra like tiny pink erasers. Emily’s back arched up in offering. I continued to tease her, alternating between blowing hot air and light feather kisses to her exposed skin. Emily’s head fell back as she moaned her delight.

  Releasing her wrist, I lowered myself down her body, kissing a trail down her smooth taut stomach, my hands wrapped around her waist, thumbs hooking into the waistband of her panties. With a smooth tug, I split the material, leaving her fully exposed beneath me.

  Emily gasped in shock as the cool air hit her glistening mound. I didn’t give her time to catch her breath as I lowered my mouth to her slick mound. My lips wrapped around her smooth flesh, my tongue seeking out her most intimate places. I moaned in ecstasy as her sweet nectar hit my tongue.

  Emily’s hips came up to meet me as she jerked her hips forward, greedily taking what she wanted from me. Her hands thrust into my hair, pinning me in place. I used my own hands to pry her legs apart, allowing me greater access to her delicious pussy. “Oh fuck!” She screamed as my tongue fucked her sweet hole.

  I ate her sweet pussy like there was no tomorrow, fucking her with my tongue, my teeth sinking into her tender bud as I worried away with my tongue, flicking it back and forth swiftly. “Baby… Baby… Baby…” She cried as her orgasm built. Her sweet pussy quivered in my mouth. Inserting a finger into her slick wet hole I stroked her G-spot, arching my finger with a come hither movement, I felt her walls clamp down on me. Sweet nectar spilled from between her legs as I fought to slurp it all up. Not a single drop going to waste.


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