Just In Time For Christmas (BlackPath: Oklahoma Book 1)

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Just In Time For Christmas (BlackPath: Oklahoma Book 1) Page 3

by Vera Quinn

  “We could save water and share the shower.” I flirt with Kat. She stops at the bathroom door and looks back at me.

  “Not happening big boy.” Kat looks beautiful standing there with her hand on her hip.

  “If you agree to make coffee when you get out while I shower then I’ll let it slide this time.” I give back to her.

  “Deal, but you know you can sleep a bit longer if you want to. There’s no reason for you to be up so early. Tara and I are just going to be cooking. I’ll call you up when Rye and Joey get here.” I look at the clock and it six in the morning and I would normally be up by now but that sounds like a great idea.

  “Call me when Rome gets up. He and I can find something to do while you and Tara cook.” I tell Kat and lay my head back on the pillow. I still smell Kat’s perfume. It’s a soft floral scent. I hear the bathroom door shut and my eyes close. I have a happy feeling inside me. Today may not be such a bad day.

  Tara and I have been quiet trying to let Bourbon and Rome get some extra sleep. We have everything in the kitchen done. Another hour and the ham will be done and then I can put some rolls in the oven to cook. An extra oven would come in handy about now. Tara and I have worked well together this morning. I put another pot of coffee on and I hear Joey and Rye have pulled up in front of the house. I walk over to the window to make sure it is them and it is. I see Joey has my Christmas gift to Bourbon in the back of his truck, so I step out the door. “Merry Christmas. Joey can you put Bourbon’s Christmas present on the porch for me.”

  “Woman, it is mighty early in the morning for you to be giving orders and bah humbug.” Rye says but he is smiling when he says it, so I know he is just joking. Sometimes with Rye it is hard to tell.

  “Yes ma’am and merry Christmas.” Joey always has the best manners.

  “I have coffee. I’ll pour you both a cup after I call Bourbon up. Tara is getting Rome up.” I tell the two. I turn to go back in the house and I hear Rye grumbling.

  “At least someone got to sleep in.” Then he says a little louder. “I take whiskey in my coffee.” Not today he doesn’t. I go back in the house and I see that Tara and Rome are sitting in the kitchen and Tara is getting Rome some coffee. I start to the hall to go to Bourbon’s bedroom and wake him, but he is walking up the hall. His hair is still wet, so he just got out of the shower.

  “Rye and Joey are here. I was just coming to get you.” I tell Bourbon. “I just made coffee and Rome is just getting up.”

  “This is the first time I have slept this late in years.” He says.

  “Well it looks good on you. Let’s get you some coffee so we can open some gifts.” Bourbon is standing right in front of me and he pulls me to him. He kisses me like he owns me, and little does he know that he does. I step back. “Come on. It’s present time. I promised Rye and Joey some coffee.”

  “You better make sure that Rye’s has some whiskey in it or he won’t drink it.” I smile up at Bourbon.

  “He will today.” I tell him. Bourbon laughs.

  “Whatever, woman. This is going to be an eventful day.” Bourbon laughs, and he takes my hand and walks me back to the kitchen where Tara and Rome are waiting. I bend over the oven and take the ham out and place the pan of rolls and the last pecan pie in to cook and set the timer.

  “Kat, you have my special coffee for me?” Rye walks into the kitchen. I look at the man and the similarities between him and Bourbon are many, but their eyes are different. Not the color. They both have dark brown eyes, but in Bourbon’s, I can see the kindness he likes to keep hidden but in Rye’s there is a coldness that Bourbon’s doesn’t possess. Maybe in Bourbon I don’t want to see it but in Rye it is prominent. I let go of Bourbon and walk up to Rye.

  “Today we are going to celebrate family, so please, can we wait until after lunch to break out the booze. Just this once.” I look into Rye’s eyes and I see him considering it. “Please.” Rye wipes his hand down his face and then he surprises me by smiling. “Sure, Kat girl. We can do that.” I don’t know if Joey explained my Christmas present for Bourbon to Rye or not but today he is going to cooperate. I’ll take it.

  “Thank you. Let’s get your coffee.” I tell Rye. I go to the cabinet and get three cups down and pour Bourbon, Rye, and Joey all three a cup. I know Bourbon and Rye want theirs black, but I turn to Joey. “How do you like your coffee Joey?”

  “Black works for me and thank you.” I hand the three their coffee. I see Rome is still sipping on a cup.

  “I can warm up some sweet rolls, but lunch will be done soon, maybe another hour.” I look at everyone, but no one is saying anything. “I need an answer.”

  “Damn you’re feisty this morning woman. Let’s do the present thing. Is that yeast rolls I smell cooking?” Bourbon is smiling as he says it. I have butterflies in my stomach now that it is getting close for Bourbon to get his gift.

  “The rolls are in the oven along with the last pecan pie. When they are done it is time to eat so let’s move around the tree in the living room, so we can do this. Rome if you and Joey will give everything out. Tags are on them but just leave Devil, Callie’s and their children under the tree.” Tara goes and sits on the love seat. Bourbon is in his recliner and I sit on the arm of it and Rye sits on the sofa. Rome and Joey start digging under the tree and sitting each person’s gifts beside them. Rye raises an eyebrow when Joey sits three gifts beside him. Bourbon does the same when he sees two beside him.

  “I put ours under there too so be sure to look at the tags.” Tara says. When Rome and Joey have finished everyone looks at me.

  “Joey, you can go first.” He smiles at me.

  “Wait, I need to talk to Bourbon in the kitchen first and if everyone doesn’t mind could Tara go first. I have something special for her to see.” Rome says. I don’t know what that is all about, but Tara looks surprised. Bourbon and Rome walk in the kitchen and we are left to stare at each other and guess what is going on.

  I walk into the kitchen and wait for Rome. I am a little surprised that Rome has anything to say to me, but I thought it might be coming. I don’t sit at the table. I go and stare out the window and see that the ice outside is beginning to thaw. Rome walks beside me and looks me in the eye when I turn to look at him.

  “Bourbon, I love Tara. I know I am not worthy of her, but I will be damned if I let her slip through my fingers. I want your permission to ask her to marry me. When she opens her presents out there she is going to be opening an engagement ring. I should have taken care of this earlier, but we have had a tough few months, so I am asking now.” Rome isn’t talking very loud. I don’t know if it is because he is trying not to show his emotion, or he doesn’t want anyone to hear but I am thinking it is a little of both.

  “Don’t you think you should be asking her brother instead of me?” It’s a legitimate question.

  “I asked Joey before I ever met him. We talked on the phone and I have his permission.” Rome answers me. I look at Rome and I see sincerity in his eyes.

  “Sit with me for a minute.” We both sit at the table. “Some men would just take what they want.”

  “I’m not most men. I don’t want any conflict between us. Tara has had enough of that in her life. I want to be the man that gives her the good, not the bad. She is my everything. I need her to breathe. I can’t imagine living my life without her. She doesn’t own my heart, she is my heart. I will do everything in my power to make her happy. If this makes me sound like a pussy, then so be it. Truth is truth.” Rome stops talking and he waits for my answer. I know Rome loves my daughter and I believe every word he is saying.

  “Rome, Tara has lost her sister and a child in less than two years. Her mom ran out on her. She needs some good and I believe you want to give that to her. I think the two of you can give that to each other but mark my word son, if you ever hurt my girl, I will rip your heart out and feed it to you. That will only be the beginning of your hell. Do you understand what I am saying?” I look Rome in the eye and never
blink so he can see how serious I am.

  “I understand and would expect no less. Joey told me almost the same thing but his had something to do with castrating me like a pig.” Rome smiles when he says it.

  “I knew that I liked that boy. You have my permission. Now let’s get back in there so you can surprise Tara.” That puts a big smile on my face and his. We get up and walk back into the other room where everyone is waiting on us. I take my seat in my recliner and Rome sits beside Tara on the love seat. “Tara, you are up darling.” Tara picks the biggest box first and shakes it.

  “That’s from me” Kat says. Tara rips the paper off like a little kid would. She has a big smile on her face. She looks the happiest I have ever seen her. Tara looks so much like my ma it is scary. If her hair was black, they could pass for sisters from the pictures I have seen. I see Kat has gotten her a bottle of perfume the lid has something that looks like a daisy on it.

  “Thank you, Kat. This is one of my favorites and I am almost out of it.” Tara tells Kat and she gets up and walks over and hugs Kat.

  “You are welcome sweetheart. I noticed it on your dresser when we were visiting.” Kat tells her. Tara opens the box from me next. It’s her biggest box and I hope she like it. Tara rips it open in no time.

  “Oh dad, it’s beautiful! I have been looking for one that would fit me right.” Tara stands up and tries the leather jacket on. It looks exactly how I pictured it. Tara walks over to me hugs me but my heart catches when she kisses my cheek. She looks at the last two gifts but goes for bigger one first. She doesn’t take long getting it open. I see the pair of gloves and scarf in the box. The gloves are nice riding gloves and should keep her hands warm in the colder weather. “Thank you, Joey.” Tara goes and kisses her brother. Then she stares at the last gift and then looks at Rome. He’s giving nothing away. She finally opens it slowly. When she gets to another box she laughs and looks at Rome. She opens it slower. I see she is having a hard time. She gets it open and opens the ring box and I see the tears rolling down her cheek and she looks at Rome.

  “I need you to be mine in every way. I want to tie you to me in every way I can, so I know you are not going to disappear on me, Tara. You are my breath of fresh air and I can’t breathe without you. Tara Sue Blount will you marry me and be my everything every day for the rest of our lives?” Rome only has eyes for my girl. That’s the way it should be.

  “Yes.” Tara barely gets it out. Rome takes the ring from the box and slides it on Tara finger and then kisses the hell out of her. I am not going to bust his balls over it. They deserve the moment. Tara pulls back and reaches over in Rome’s stack of gifts and hands him a present, but she looks at us. “Can Rome go next? I have something special for him.”

  “Sure thing, sweetie.” Kat says. Tara smiles at us but then she only has eyes for Rome as he opens the small gift.

  “This isn’t your only gift. I left them at home, but I thought you might like this one the best.” Tara tells Rome. Rome carefully pulls the paper away and everyone smiles but Rome looks in shock. Rome looks at it closely.

  “Is this what I think it is?” Rome asks looking at Tara. His eyes show the signs of tears, but he is trying to hold it together.

  “It is. I’m pregnant!” Tara says, and I see the tears are rolling down her cheeks again. Joey gets up and walks to his sister and hugs her and then sits back down. Rome pulls Tara over in his lap and he whispers something in her ear but we all try to respect their privacy. I put my recliner down and go over and give Tara a hug and shake Rome’s hand.

  “Congratulations to both of you!” I get out. I’m going to be a grandpa.

  “Congratulations to you too gramps!” Tara says through her tears. I laugh as everyone congratulate the couple. Rome, Rye, and Joey open their presents and we all see the thoughtful gifts everyone pick out. Kat opens hers and when she gets to the one I gave her she looks at me. Kat opens it and picks the necklace up and looks at it. She hands it to me to put on her but Rye notices what necklace it is, and he just can’t keep it to himself.

  “Isn’t that Ma’s necklace? Have you kept that thing all these years?” Kat turns her head and looks at me. This necklace was special to our ma. When I got paid for the first job I did for the BlackPath MC, I bought this necklace. It’s a teardrop diamond solitary pendant. It’s not the biggest but ma said it was perfect. She wore it until the day she died.

  “Been waiting for the perfect person to wear it.” I shut the clasp and kiss the top of Kat’s head. Kat turns and looks at me.

  “Thank you for trusting me with it. I won’t let anything happen to it until it is time for Tara to wear it.” Kat kisses me softly. I know now is not the time for our celebration, so I let Kat back away. “Your turn.” Rye stands up.

  “Nope. Not just yet. I have an envelope for each of you.” Rye starts handing them out. “I had these already, but I was going to give them to everyone when I got to it. This saved me the time of tracking you down. Rome and Joey have gift cards from the tattoo shop in Lawton. Tara and Kat gift cards from the leather shop. When the hell these places started having gift certificates is beyond me, but I printed them straight from the computer.” Rye is laughing.

  “I didn’t know you knew how to work a damn computer let alone a printer.” I laugh along with my brother. It’s a good day when we both have a laugh and good family time.

  “I know somebody.” That makes us all laugh. No doubt some woman. “Now it is your time Bourbon. Brace yourself.” I eye Rye. He knows something that I don’t. I look around the room and they all do. Hmm. I open the box from Tara and Rome and it is a picture album. I take it out of the box and open it. There are pictures of Tara in it. Not a lot but a few at each age. I look at each one and wish I had been there. I notice in most of the pictures that Tara isn’t smiling or laughing. I should have been there. I look at Tara and she has tears in her eyes again.

  “Thank you, Tara. It means the world to me.” I am choked up, but I keep it together. Tara looks at Rye and I can see the longing in his eyes.

  “Uncle Rye, I have yours of Joey and Sheila started as soon as it is finished I will get it to you. I’m sorry but I thought of it too late to get it finished.” Rye looks at Tara.

  “Thank you, Tara. I am looking forward to it.” Rye tells her. I open the box from Joey and he got me a bottle of what else but a straight Kentucky bourbon. One of the best. I get up and shake Rome, Rye, and Joey’s hands and thank them. I hug Tara and when I turn around Kat looks like a deer caught in the headlights, but she sees me looking at her and she walks up to me and takes my hand. “What are you doing Kat?”

  “It’s time you get my gift.” I look at her and wait for her to hand me something but instead she takes me by the hand and leads me to the front door. Everyone is following us, and I don’t know what the hell she is doing, but she has my curiosity piqued. She opens the front door and leads me out to my front porch. As soon as I am outside I see two rocking chairs. What the hell? I look at Kat.

  “There nice chairs babe, but I am not ready to retire to a rocking chair.” I don’t get what Kat is up to, so I try to make a joke. Kat is smiling.

  “Well darling, bikers claim their territory with a tattoo. I am claiming your ass with a rocking chair. You are always trying to stake your claim on me well this is me claiming you in front of everyone. This is me, letting you know, even when you are ready for a rocking chair I intend to be right here with you.” Kat is stunning standing out here in the cold with her cheeks all red and the wind blowing her hair. I’ve never wanted a woman so much in all my life. “We are going to be in rocking chairs and rocking babies. Grandbabies, our grandbabies. All the way to rocking ages and the day they put us in the ground. I am still going to be here. I am going to be your ol’ lady and you are going to be my ol’ man. Do you have a problem with any of that because if you do when everyone is gone tonight then I will fuck it right out of you?” I hear Rye’s laughter and I look at him and he is getting a kick out of this. I
look at Rome and Joey and they can barely contain themselves. Tara even has her hand over her mouth, so I can’t see the grin on her face.

  “Nope, I can’t say I have a problem with any of that, but you can damn well bet there will be fucking going on as soon as everyone is gone. In fact, what is the hold up? We need to eat, and everyone needs to get the hell out of here.” I tell the woman that has my heart.

  “TMI, you two. I do not need to hear this.” Tara says.

  “Well let’s get this show on the road so you can go and then you won’t need to hear anymore or see it either.” I laugh as I tell Tara. I hear a ringing.

  “The rolls and pie are done. Tara, you want to help me get the food on the table.” Kat asks.

  “Let’s do it.” Tara answers and the two go back in the house. I know Rye is going to say something and I am ready for it.

  “Looks like you have a claim staked on your ass. What’s next brother? You going to be giving up your bike for this rocking chair? What’s next you going to be giving up the booze for tea and coffee? This is awfully domesticated if you ask me.” He says it with a laugh in his voice, but I know he is concerned for me. We are both on the far side of our better days but that doesn’t mean that we don’t look out for each other. We have been doing it for many years.

  “It’s about damn time Kat puts her claim on me. I’ve been trying to claim her ass for two years. I won’t be giving my bike up until the day they put me in a box. However, spending some down time on this porch with my woman in one of these rocking chairs as the sun comes up or goes down doesn’t seem like much of a hardship; if every night I get to have Kat in my bed. Being in a rocking chair at our age instead of a wheel chair seems like a win to me and Kat can throw a shot back with the best of them.” I laugh and look at my brother. “But drinking more tea and coffee might help with the damn hangovers the booze gives me. Whoever said hangovers hurt more than they used to, knows what they are talking about, but don’t you worry Rye, I have told you many times that you can build you a small cabin right over there.” I point to a part of my land that I cleared off just for that purpose. “So, you can laugh your ass off while I am rocking away with my woman or I’ll extend the porch out and we’ll get a chair to rock with us.” I laugh again and they all laugh with me, but I see in Rye’s eyes he was worried he would be left by himself. A man doesn’t get this old without thinking about his last days. Rye and I will both be lucky to have Kat by our sides. Not that it will be anytime soon, but the thoughts are there anyway. “Now let’s go show Rome and Joey the presents they are getting from us while Kat and Tara put the food on the table.” I start walking down the steps of my porch and Rye surprises me.


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