Sons Of Justice 4: Her Beast of Burden (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever)

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Sons Of Justice 4: Her Beast of Burden (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever) Page 6

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  “Go to hell, Vinny, and while you’re at it, go fuck yourself.” She walked away.

  She was fuming mad and even more disgusted when, a minute after he said that bullshit to her at the bar, he was feeling up some blonde and laughing up a storm, bringing attention to them. He was putting on a show, but she didn’t care. She was going to confront her mother about the money, the jewelry, and the new beau.

  She needed to pay off the three grand and then get out of this place and away from all these manipulative assholes. In his eyes, Vinny really thought he owned her.

  Twenty minutes later, as she stood by the busy bar working, she noticed Vinny stop talking to his buddies, release the blonde he was surely going to take home and screw tonight, and stare at three men who entered the bar. He went to them immediately and shook their hands as the men looked around the place and seemed as though they didn’t want to be seen. Vinny pointed down the hallway right by the bar. They walked by, and one of the guys checked her out. She looked away as Vinny gave her a wink, and she wanted to flip him the bird. Instead, she turned away and continued working.

  When she got out of work four hours later, she was still pissed off. But the thirty-minute ride back to her and her sister’s place sobered her, making her feel sad, betrayed, and lonely. She was shocked when she thought of Reeves, Big John, Tiny, and Flint. What she would do to be with them and to feel their arms around her. Except she couldn’t. They hadn’t even gone on a date yet. But it was coming. Saturday night, just a few days away. What would she wear? How would the date go? Four older, seasoned men and she felt so nervous just thinking about it. Then came the feelings of excitement. She loved how they made her feel, despite the reservations she had. She needed to go slow, and having this date was a first step in her pursuit toward a new life and happiness.

  What she hadn’t expected as she pulled up to the small house she shared with Cass were all the cars. A fucking party. They had a six-month-old baby and there was a party going on?

  She parked her car down the block, not even in her own driveway, and headed through the crowd. She heard the whistles, and one guy even tried to grab her ass but she side-stepped and warned him off. When she got inside, she looked around for Cass and the baby.

  She didn’t see them, but as she headed toward the stairs hoping to lock herself in her bedroom and the bathroom to shower then sleep, she spotted Cass. Some guy was holding baby Evan, and the baby was crying. Of course he was. It was nearly three o’clock in the morning. Sam was so sick and tired of this life, this bullshit, and her sister begging for help with the baby and handling Jerry’s obsessions with cleanliness. He was going to be a demon tomorrow when there was this entire mess to clean up.

  She started to head toward the baby, the guy, and Cass when strong arms wrapped around her mid section and Jerry hugged her tight. He kissed her neck.

  “There you are. We were wondering when you were coming. Where’s Vinny?” he asked, all drunk, and then his hand went right to her breast. She shoved it off and then turned out of his embrace. She looked at Cass, who now held the baby and rocked it but was dancing to the music. Sam was disgusted.

  Jerry grabbed her arm and yelled at her with a scowl on his face.

  “You need to snap the fuck out of it, Sam. Vinny loves you. He wants you back. You need to accept him. He paid me the three grand you owe. So now you owe him.”

  “What? No, I don’t owe him, and I didn’t agree to that.”

  “Your mother did.” He took a slug of beer and teetered a moment. His eyes zeroed in on her breasts. He wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her close, hugging her. “We should talk more about it. Maybe we can work some things out.”

  She realized Jerry was hitting on her and was a total slimy asshole. She shoved him away. “Stay away from me. I’m not Cass. I won’t be treated like shit or cheated on either.”

  He finished off the beer and grabbed onto the railing as she hurried up the stairs and out of the bad situation. This was bullshit, plain and simple. She was furious as she slammed her door closed and paced her room. She’d had enough. Her sister was an idiot, and nothing was going to change. Her mother was a sick, self-centered bitch, and if she did have money, then why didn’t she pay off the debt? What was with the whole paying off Vinny and now Sam was in debt to him? The sneaky fuck was trying to own her. That wasn’t going to happen.

  She headed to the closet and pulled out a suitcase. She threw in items she would need until she could come back here, not during a party, and take her stuff. Her head was spinning. She was feeling tired, so tired she wondered if she would even drive. Maybe she should wait until tomorrow? She would get packed up, and while they all slept, hung over, she would sneak out, filling her Jeep with as much shit as she could and then take off.

  She caught a whiff of her sweaty, food-odor clothes and knew she needed to shower first. It would probably wake her up, too.

  She grabbed her clothes and the towel and then headed into the bathroom. She thought about Vinny at the bar and his slick comments. He’d known what had happened, and that was what he wanted to talk about. He would more than likely try to get her into bed again, too. Fucking asshole. She hurried up and washed her body then her hair. She finished up and turned the shower off. She grabbed the towel, wrapped it around herself, and dried off. Just as she put on her panties and bra, the door opened and there stood Jerry.

  She gasped, went to grab the towel, but then her eyes focused on his. They were bloodshot, angry. He was drunk, and he was a soldier. A capable one.

  “What are you doing in here? You need to get out.”

  He shook his head and started to undo his shirt. “No. You need discipline.”

  She didn’t know what he was doing, but she wasn’t taking any chances. She went to run, and he grabbed her, and she nearly tumbled with him to the floor but somehow remained upright. He yanked her against his chest

  “Holy fuck, your body is incredible. No wonder why Vinny is so fucking pissed off.” He reached up and cupped her breast. She slapped his hand, and the backhand across her cheek came out of nowhere.

  She grabbed her face and then screamed for him to get out.

  The bedroom door opened, and there was her sister. “Cass, get him out of here.”

  “Stay right there. You know what we talked about. You’re fine with it. Stay the fuck there!” he yelled, pointing at Cass.

  Sam didn’t know what he was rambling about, but then he was pulling off his shirt and undoing his pants. “Get the hell out of my bedroom!” Sam screamed and then went to run, but Jerry struck her again and again.

  She countered, hitting him in the eye and nose, but he didn’t seem affected by her strikes.

  “Cass!” Sam screamed for her sister to do something to help. Jerry held Sam down on the bed by her wrists.

  “Your sister agreed. I can only fuck you, no other women.” He lowered down and kissed her neck as he rocked his hips against hers.

  That was sick. This was insane. Sam was so pissed she screamed and rammed her knee up hard into his crotch. He roared and rolled off of her and onto the floor. Sam kicked him in the face, right in his jaw, knocking him over.

  “No, Sam, don’t. We have to. He wants you, too. Just like Vinny.”

  Jerry started laughing as he lay on the floor, mouth bloody.

  “Cass baby, come here. I need you and another drink,” he said as if he didn’t even remember what he did.

  Sam did, as her cheek throbbed, her lips swelled, and her wrists ached with bruising.

  “Get him out of here now,” Sam said.

  “Please let him have you. It will make him happy.”

  Sam stared at her sister like she lost her mind.

  She quickly grabbed her clothes and got dressed. Cass lay on the floor with Jerry, who started kissing her and then undressing her. Sam grabbed what she could, including the money she had, and ran out of there. She shoved by more guys who tried grabbing her thinking they could do whatever they wante
d, and she ran out the door and knocked into multiple people, but they were too drunk, and she didn’t care one bit. She needed out of there. She needed to get away from these people and this life. She was finished.

  An hour later, as she was crying and in pain, Kendra let her into her apartment and was shocked at the sight.

  “Holy shit. Who did this? What the hell happened? Should we call Cesar or Tobias? Reeves and his team?”

  “No. No one, Kendra, please. I’m so tired, and everything hurts. I got out of there, and I just need ice and sleep.”

  “Honey, it’s really bad. Who did this? Was it your ex?”

  “No. Everything is a mess. Everything.” She cried as Kendra hugged her. “Pease, Kendra, I just need sleep and to be safe.”

  “You’re safe here. I have a gun, and I’m not afraid to use it,” Kendra said, and Sam chuckled.

  “Thank you. Thank you so much.”

  * * * *

  “She didn’t say what happened or who did it?” Merica whispered. Kendra took a sip of coffee from her cup and shook her head.

  “Jesus, I hope she isn’t in any danger. We should really talk to one of the guys,” Brazille said.

  “She asked me not to call Cesar, Tobias, or even Reeves and the team,” Kendra said.

  “Well, Bo is coming over, so don’t you think that idea is going to fly out the window?” Merica asked.

  “Bo will come alone. Well, maybe not alone, but then whoever brings her will leave her here with us,” Kendra said, and then someone knocked on the door. Kendra put her mug of coffee down. It was already noon, and Sam was still asleep.

  She opened the door, and there stood Bo and Thor.

  “Hi, come on in,” Kendra said.

  “Okay, Thor, I’m fine here with the ladies having coffee and catching up.”

  “What exactly are you ladies up to?” Thor asked.

  “Nothing.” Merica looked away.

  Thor looked around the room. “Where’s Sam?” he asked.

  “Sleeping. She worked late last night.”

  “Why is she sleeping here, Kendra?”

  “She needed to. Her place was filled with people and a party so she couldn’t rest.”

  He stared at her. “I’ll be back. Call me if you need me sooner.” Thor then kissed Bo before he left the house.

  “Okay, what’s going on?” Bo asked, and Kendra explained. “And you’re telling me that you didn’t call Cesar or even Spartan? We don’t know who hit her or scared her like this to send her here at four o’clock in the morning. What did she say? Was it her ex? Is someone after her? Jesus, haven’t we had enough dangerous shit lately?” Bo carried on.

  “Calm down. I don’t think she’s in danger. She said it wasn’t her ex and she was too tired to talk about it. She was clearly upset,” Kendra said, and then they heard the bedroom door creak open.

  The moment they all saw Sam’s face, they commented or gasped, and Bo went right to her. “You need ice. Holy shit, who did this to you? And don’t you leave anything out or bullshit us. I’m calling Thor and the others.”

  “Wait, Bo, please. I know it’s upsetting, but I’m not a member of Repose or of the Sons of Justice.”

  “That’s bullshit. You want to move here and are working on it. You’re our friend, and you are a woman who needs protection. No. I am not going to wait and try to keep this a secret. Someone hurt you, and that is not acceptable,” Bo yelled at her.

  “I didn’t say it was acceptable, nor did I say I wanted you to keep it a secret. I’m just not pressing charges.”

  “What? Why not? Merica said.

  “Because if I do it will make matters worse for my sister and the baby.”

  “Sister and baby?” Brazille asked.

  “Long story. How about ice and some coffee please?” Sam said.

  “Fine, but I’m calling Thor right now and asking him to come back.”

  “Whatever. I’m not making any decisions today. I need rest. I’m so damn tired. I’m tired of it all. Of everything. I just can’t seem to stop getting hurt and betrayed by people I care about.”

  “Aw, honey, talk to us and explain, please,” Brazille said to her.

  She shook her head.

  “Coffee and some ibuprofen, please. There’s so much to do and to take care of. I don’t know where to start.”

  Kendra went to get her a cup of coffee.

  “Well, who put the beating on ya? Start there,” Merica said to her.

  She stared at them as tears filled her eyes. She shook her head. Kendra placed the mug of coffee down as well as two pills and a bottle of water. When she took a sip, she cringed.

  “You may need to see a doctor,” Kendra told her.

  “Not happening. It just hurts a lot from not icing it right away. It hurts to talk.” She took a sip of the coffee next. “And to swallow,” she added and chuckled but then moaned.

  “Jesus, baby, it looks really bad. Let me call the guys, please, so we know it isn’t worse and so we know that whoever did this won’t come looking to do worse,” Bo said.

  Sam looked up with teary eyes. “It’s embarrassing. I didn’t ask for this. I’ve tried to keep my distance and separate from my family, from these people.” The tears flowed.

  “Your family?” Merica asked.

  “Someone in your family did this to you?” Brazille asked.

  “My sister’s boyfriend,” she whispered.

  “Holy crap, why? What went down?” Bo asked.

  Sam played with the coffee cup, tracing the rim with her finger.

  “Apparently my sister agreed it was okay for him to have sex with other women as long as it was only me, her sister,” she said, crying now, her voice cracking.

  “Oh my God how terrible. That’s sick,” Bo said.

  “Asshole, and your sister sounds fucked up, Sam. Like really screwy,” Brazille told her.

  Sam wiped her eyes and cringed again. Then she held her head.

  “I can’t think about it all. My head is pounding, and talking hurts so much.”

  “Your wrists are bruised,” Kendra said and reached out to touch her hand and could see the dark fingermarks. Sam looked at them. “Honey, was he successful? Did he—”

  Sam shook her head, and Kendra released a sigh of relief.

  “I think I need to lie down again. Everything hurts. I’m sorry I came here, but I didn’t have any place else to go. I’ll look for something as soon as I can. Maybe later today after I rest.”

  “Sam, you aren’t going anywhere. You can stay here as long as you like and need to. I have the room. Look at this place. There are three bedrooms,” Kendra told her.

  “But I know you like your privacy and, you know, might want to entertain.”

  “Hey, what do I look like, some slut?” Kendra asked.

  “No, you’re just so independent and strong,” Sam told her.

  “You sure are and doing well with your online business, too,” Merica added.

  “Well, I appreciate the compliments. Stay as long as you need.”

  “Are you sure? I mean you may want to have Quantico and his team over for some training or something,” Sam said, and the others chuckled.

  “Very funny, Sam, however, I think it’s you who will be having the visitors, in the form of four giant bad-ass soldiers. When Big John and the others get wind of this, oh God, it’s going to be intense.”

  Sam swallowed, and tears streamed down her cheeks.

  “What happened validates that I can’t get involved with them right now. It could make things worse, and my head isn’t on right. I’m confused and scared and feel like I’m drowning. I certainly can’t involve them in my problems.”

  “I don’t think you’ll have much choice,” Bo added.

  “Go lie down again, and maybe later we can talk this through and figure out the next steps,” Kendra said to her.

  Sam nodded and then went to stand up and seemingly felt pain as she closed her eyes. They watched her walk out of the

  “We need to call the men, or I’m going to get into a heap of trouble,” Bo said to them.

  “Call them then but ask them to keep it quiet,” Kendra said to her.

  “We should really call Reeves, Big John, Tiny, and Flint. You guys saw them all with her last week and then the other night at The Station. She went out with them again to the winter festival and was planning on a date Saturday. You all know what this means. She likes them, and they like her. They may need to step it up and claim guardianship of her. It’s the rules, and they’re especially strict with Sons of Justice,” Brazille said to them.

  “Then we call Spartan. I’ll talk to Channing first,” Bo said and then pulled out her cell phone and walked into the kitchen.

  * * * *

  “What?” Spartan asked into his cell phone and then glanced at Big John. “Is she okay? Does she need medical attention? Is she in danger?” he asked, and Big John squinted.

  Some woman was hurt? Injured and could need medical attention? He wondered who it was and what needed to be done.

  “Well, that isn’t her decision. It doesn’t matter that she isn’t technically a member of Repose or Sons of Justice. I’ll be over shortly with Big John. He’s here.

  “No, Channing. I understand, but from what I’ve witnessed, you and I both know the direction this is going in, so it’s good that he’s here with me right now.”

  John didn’t like the sound of that.

  “Ten minutes tops. See you there.”

  Spartan ended the call and stood up. He held Big John’s gaze. “We have a situation at Kendra’s.”

  “Is Kendra okay?”

  “It isn’t Kendra, John. It’s Sam.”

  Big John felt his heart drop to his stomach and then his mind asked a thousand questions. “How bad?” he asked, teeth clenched.

  “Channing didn’t give many details, but from his initial evaluation, she doesn’t need to see a doctor. Her cheek is badly bruised, her lip, too, and there’s bruising on her wrists from being restrained. Let’s go.”


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