Sons Of Justice 4: Her Beast of Burden (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever)

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Sons Of Justice 4: Her Beast of Burden (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever) Page 12

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  “You got everything?” Big John asked, taking the bag from her.

  Sam nodded and wiped her eyes quickly.

  Cass stood at the top of the stairs as Evan sat there hiccupping as if he had been crying before he fell asleep. He looked sad. She swallowed hard and went to him, picked him up, and hugged him tight.

  “I love you, baby. I’ll pray for you.” She placed him safely in the playpen.

  “Evan needs you, too, Sam,” Cass called out to her.

  Sam stared at her then back at Evan.

  “He’ll hurt him if you aren’t here to help me. He’ll hurt all of us. I need you. How could you betray me like this? How could you leave Evan and I like this? How?” Cass screamed at her.

  Sam felt even worse. The only concern she had was for Evan, but what could she do? Call social services on her sister? Cass wasn’t abusive. She just wasn’t a good mother. Not a caring one or one that held a baby close, sang, and rocked him to sleep or put him first always. No, her sister, this woman before her, was owned and manipulated by Jerry. A mean, self-centered, lying, cheating son of a bitch. This was her sister’s life and her sister’s choices.

  She looked at Cass. “No, he needs his mother. You’re supposed to protect him, love him, and help him to have a safe, loving home. We’re all responsible for the choices we make. Wake up and start putting Evan first, and maybe he’ll have a chance.”

  Cass started to cry.

  “All you had to do was lay there and let him fuck you! And now all you need to do is put on that lingerie and let me call Vinny. It would all be over. You self-centered bitch! You think you’re so perfect. So beautiful and sexy. These men here will use you, too, and don’t come crying back to me.”

  Sam swung around and pointed at her sister.

  “It’s over, Cass. I am no longer a pawn in these games. None of you are my burdens any longer. I’m taking control of my life. Protect that baby with all you have. Because if you don’t, and I find out, I will call social services on you. I will get Evan out of this dangerous environment, and I will be sure he gets a loving home and protection. I’ll pray for you, Cass.”

  Tears streamed down Cass’s face as Evan began to cry as Sam headed out the door with her men. She got into the truck and slid into the back seat between Reeves and Flint.

  No one said a word, and she shook, eyes closed, hands clasped.

  “You okay?” Flint asked and took her hand and placed it on his lap. The tears flowed.

  “Thank God we’re out of there,” Reeves stated.

  Then it was silent. They realized she couldn’t speak. There was no way she could talk with all these emotions, and she felt sick, physically sick as her belly tightened and nausea filled her stomach. They headed out of the town and onto the main roadway.

  “Pull over. Stop the truck and pull over,” she said, and all eyes went to her.

  “What is it?” Flint asked.

  “I’m going to be sick.”

  Big John stopped the car. Flint opened the door and got out, and she got out, hurried to the side, held her hair, and sobbed. Her head spun, and her stomach ached worse and worse.

  “Calm down. Easy breaths, baby,” Flint said, holding her hair back, and she threw up.

  She lurched as she cried and felt so embarrassed that she’d gotten physically sick. Her head pounded, her mind recapping the scene. The lingerie on the bed. White lace, virginal, and a little red bow at the top of the tiny thong panties. Vinny’s way of stating he owned her. He’d taken her virginity, popped her cherry as he had said to her at Cotton John’s that night.

  Then came Cass’s words. Vinny would hunt her down and take her back. That she belonged to him.

  “Easy, sweetie,” Reeves said, and she heard Big John mumble and then Tiny, as well. She felt weak, exhausted, and fell to her knees.

  “Whoa,” Flint said and went down with her, knelt behind her, her body between his knees, her head hanging low.

  “Here.” Tiny handed her a bottle of water. She rinsed her mouth out.

  She was embarrassed.

  “I’m so sorry. I should have come alone.”

  “No fucking way you should have,” Reeves said to her.

  “I would have handled it fine, and you wouldn’t have to see me like this. Physically ill over it all.” She leaned back on her heels.

  Flint placed his hands on her hips and hugged her from behind.

  “You need to realize that you are not alone anymore. That you’re our woman, and we’re your men and your family now and always.”

  She turned to look at him. His words touched her heart and her soul, and tears fell.

  “My family?” she asked.

  He caressed her hair from her cheeks. “Hell yeah, baby. You’ll never feel alone or unloved again. We’ve got you, and we aren’t letting you go.”

  She leaned back against him. Eyes closed.

  “Let’s go home, baby,” Big John said firmly.

  She opened her eyes and looked up toward him, at that firm, hard, seasoned expression, the beard, the Mohawk, and she nodded.

  Flint helped her up, and they got back into the truck. She laid her head against Flint’s shoulder as Reeves held her hand and kept it on his lap. No one said a word, and she was relieved. She just wanted to put Cadenville behind her. She couldn’t stop thinking about Evan though. What could she do to protect him? Would it make matters worse if she called social services? What would happen to him? Her heart felt heavy and her body exhausted. She’d figure it out.

  She opened her eyes and watched Big John drive, his hands tight on the steering wheel, and Tiny looking straight ahead, his body rigid, and she knew they’d been affected by the scene, too. She was relieved they were with her. It was worth the embarrassment of getting emotional and physically sick because, if they hadn’t been, then Cass would have turned on her once again and called Vinny to get right over. Then Sam would be in a worse situation, as Vinny would have forced her into the lingerie and gotten between her legs, under his control and his command once again.

  She shivered, and Reeves and Flint pressed closer to her, sandwiching her between them. She absorbed the sensations of being protected and loved. She tried to force her mind to go in fast forward and imagine months from now, years from now, with the four men loving her always and protecting her, making her feel safe and loved. But she couldn’t, as her gut clenched and concern for the consequences of her actions today and what would come from them overwhelmed her.

  She exhaled a shaky breath and pretended that she was feeling better when, really, she was feeling even more scared of the unknown and what was to come.

  * * * *

  “Lingerie?” Big John asked through clenched teeth.

  “Yes. White fucking lace with thong panties that had a little red bow on the top,” Tiny said to him.

  “What the fuck? This dick expected her to arrive back to her house, put on the lingerie, and lay there waiting for him to return when her fucking sister alerted him that Sam was there?” he asked, raising his voice.

  “Lower your voice. She’ll hear you,” Reeves said to him.

  Big John paced back and forth. He was fuming fucking mad. Sam was distraught, vomiting, crying, and she had every right to be affected by this. By the potential danger her nephew could be in, by the environment he was being raised in, and by the actions of her own family. It was sickening. Now she was showering and then going to lie down.

  “We need info on this asshole,” Tiny said to them.

  Big John exhaled.

  “Quantico. He has a cousin who lives not too far from Cadenville who works for the local police department. He was in the military and transferred out for some special crimes unit there. I bet he could find out what we need to know,” Big John said to them.

  “Call him. Let’s get the ball rolling on this,” Flint said and then downed the rest of his beer.

  “I’m going to go see if she needs anything,” Tiny said and then headed out of the room.

  Big John looked at Flint and Reeves.

  “I can’t get over the mentality of these people. If we hadn’t gone there with her, and Cass called this dick that left the lingerie…” He stopped talking.

  “She would have been in a worse situation than the night Cass’s boyfriend tried to rape her. This Vinny guy sounds like as much of a dick, and he thinks he owns Sam,” Reeves said to them.

  “He doesn’t own her. She seems to realize that. This game of taking her virginity and it meaning she will always be his is a psychological play on words to manipulate her mind. Make her feel like he will always have a hold on her. We need to make sure she doesn’t start thinking that he does,” Flint said to them.

  “Best way to do that is to make love to her. To hold her, care for her, and let her know this is a new start, a new life, and that we aren’t going to hurt her, use her, or make demands on her,” Reeves said to them.

  “The only demands I’m making on her is that she trusts us, talks to us about what she’s feeling, thinking, and making decisions on. She needs to learn that we will be her rocks. Let me get on the phone with Quantico and see what he can do for us and this situation. Then, after Sam rests, we spend the rest of the day being here for her. Our schedules are crazy the next few weeks, and we’re going to have to be sure she isn’t alone,” Big John said.

  Reeves smiled. “I’m all for not ever letting her be alone. Besides, Christmas is just a few days away. We can really make it special for her. Maybe bring her around to see the lights, attend the festival in town since we all missed the tree lighting ceremony,” Reeves suggested.

  “I think there’s something here on the campground. That vigil we hold for soldiers lost while serving and then the celebration of active duty are coming up, too. It’s a full week of activities ending with Christmas Eve storytelling for the children and then Christmas dinner and celebrations. It can all help to get her mind off this stuff with her family.”

  “Sounds good to me. We all usually volunteer to help out. We’ll talk to her tonight and get her signed up to assist us,” Flint said, and they agreed.

  “Let me call Quantico.” Big John headed out of the room.

  He pulled out his cell phone and got to the number, his mind on keeping Sam safe and helping her the best they could to make her happy.

  “Hey, what’s going on? How did the trip to her place go?” Quantico asked, knowing what the plan was today.

  “That’s why I’m calling you.”

  “Oh shit, what’s up, bro?” Quantico asked.

  “We need some help.”



  Big John explained what had gone down and where their heads were at with the situation.

  Quantico had been a friend for many years. Their teams worked together on several occasions, even worked a few missions side by side. He trusted Quantico and his team, as they trusted Big John and his. It would all work out. They were one family, who all watched over one another and those they loved. Sam would get full protection from not only them but all members of Sons of Justice. It was how it worked, and for some reason, that thought put his mind slightly at ease. Her safety was their top priority. Her ex was never going to get his hands on Sam again.

  * * * *

  Tiny helped to dry Sam off once she was out of the shower. Then he lifted her up and carried her into the bedroom. She hugged him, laid her head against his shoulder, and he squeezed her to his bare chest.

  He laid her down and then slid along between her legs, kissing her skin. “Did the ibuprofen kick in yet?” he asked her, spreading her thighs, kissing under her knees and along her inner thighs.

  “Yes.” She hissed and tilted her hips upward as he teased her pussy with his thumbs. He lifted up and pulled her by her ass toward the edge of the bed, her legs over his shoulders. He slid his palms up and down her ass and lower back.

  “I need you, baby.”

  He held her gaze.

  “I need you, too,” she said, eyes locked onto his.

  He caressed her calves and lowered his mouth to her cunt, licking her from pussy to anus, back and forth as she tightened and moaned. Her cream dripped, and he slid his tongue in and out, gathering her juices and moaning against her pussy.

  “Fucking delicious.” He lapped at her cream and plunged his tongue in and out of her cunt then over her anus. She tilted up.

  “Please, Tiny. Please,” she begged.

  He lifted his mouth from her pussy and eased up her body. He cupped her breast and her legs fell to the sides, and she grabbed him by his cheeks and lifted to kiss his lips. He pressed his to hers, and then she rolled him to his back with his assistance and she rocked her hips against his hips, his cock instantly harder. She pulled from his mouth and then licked along his chest and tugged on his nipple, and he grabbed her hair, a fistful, and rocked upward against her.

  “Take me inside of you. Make love to me, baby,” he said to her. She ran one delicate hand along his chest, down his side to his cock and stroked it. He closed his eyes and tightened up.

  “Fuck, don’t tease me, baby. Come on, Sam, make love to your man.”

  “To her men,” Flint said, joining them along with Reeves. She glanced over her shoulder at them as both men undressed. Tiny cupped her breast and tugged on the nipple.

  “Oh.” She moaned.

  “Get on up here. Take me inside of you now,” he demanded, and she held his gaze, those hazel-green eyes locked onto his as she slowly slid down over his cock, taking him into her hot, wet cunt.

  “Oh.” They both moaned in relief. It was heaven when he was inside of her. Everything was perfect, and nothing else mattered.

  She began to rock her hips and thrust up and down on his shaft. She slid her palms up his arms, making him hold them above his head. He relinquished control over to her because the look in her eyes, the desire, the need did him in. She was fierce, sexy, everything he could ever hope for in a mate, a lover, a wife. The fact that he allowed her this control obviously turned her on, as she came, eyes closed, gasping.

  “Fuck that is hot,” Reeves said, joining them on the bed, stroking his cock.

  “Ride him faster. We’re taking you together,” Flint told her and then pressed her back down. Reeves gripped her hair and head. He leaned closer and kissed her just as she jerked forward and moaned.

  “This is one tight, sexy ass. I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of fucking it.” Flint eased his cock deeper into her ass.

  Tiny thrust upward, and she cried out when Reeves released her mouth. He brought her head lower until she took Reeves’s cock into her mouth, slowly. Tiny watched the thick, hard muscles go deeper into her wet, sensual mouth and then her head began to bob up and down.

  Tiny cupped her one breast and gripped her hip as he thrust upward. Behind her, Flint grabbed her shoulder on one side and her hip on the opposite side and started to rock into her. The four of them were thrusting, moaning, and then Big John entered the room.

  “Now this is a sight I love to see,” he said joining them. He slid his palm along her back and then to the back of her head as she sucked down Reeves.

  “You are one hot, sexy woman, baby. We are never going to let you go.” He kissed her head.

  “Fuck I’m there. I’m fucking there.” Flint grunted and came.

  “Perfect timing,” Big John stated, and Tiny chuckled.

  “She is super wet. I’m almost there, too. Holy fuck it doesn’t get any better than this, man. Fuck,” he said as he thrust upward.

  As Flint pulled out, Big John took his place smacking her ass.




  “Fuck, man,” Reeves complained and then grunted and came in her mouth. The second she released his cock, Big John thrust his cock into her ass and gripped her hips.

  “Oh John. Oh!” She exclaimed.

  “Loving this ass. Fuck, she is so tight.” He and Tiny thrust up and down into her body,
fucking both holes. She was panting and moaning but holding on to Tiny’s shoulders before lowering down and sucking his neck. Tiny ran his palms over her ass and spread her thighs as Big John fucked her ass deeper, faster.

  They worked her body together as a team, and she would always be part of them.

  “Holy shit, look at that teamwork. Look at that sexy ass. Fuck that ass good, Big John. You and Tiny make her come hard,” Flint chanted.

  “Fuck Flint!” Tiny said and roared as he came.

  Big John grunted. “Not yet. Not. Fucking. Yet.”

  “Oh God. Oh!” She cried out, and then Big John cursed and came inside of her ass.

  * * * *

  Sam hugged Tiny as tightly as she could while they cleaned her up. She felt relaxed, spent, and there was no energy left to even consider eating dinner now.

  She laid her cheek against Tiny’s chest, and he caressed her hair and shoulders as the others all scattered kisses along her bare skin. They caressed her hair and pressed kisses to her head and cheek, and she smiled.

  “Love you guys.”

  “Love you, too,” they all said and then chuckled.


  “Ouch,” she exclaimed, not expecting that from Big John.

  “Don’t go trying to turn us into a bunch of pussies,” he reprimanded, and they got serious, and she nibbled her bottom lip. She seemed to have one hell of an effect on these men. She broke them down, made them feel vulnerable, and that wasn’t her intention. She loved them. Loved being with them, and nothing else mattered.

  “I’m sorry, Big John,” she whispered, and he stared at her, at her naked body on top of Tiny’s.

  He ran his palm from her ankle to her ass cheek then her back and to her neck and hair. He lowered down. That beard, the intense expression, made her shiver. He was super intimidating even after they’d been so intimate.

  “There are going to be some rules, young lady. Ones that ensure you remember who is in charge and who owns this body.”

  She licked her lip, loving the sound of his possessive words. “I don’t need rules to know who owns this body. I’ve given it to each of you freely and with love. I belong to the four of you, always.”


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