Sons Of Justice 4: Her Beast of Burden (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever)

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Sons Of Justice 4: Her Beast of Burden (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever) Page 15

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  “You’ll regret this,” She said as his hand slid down her pants and his mouth suckled her neck.

  “No, I think it’s you who will regret leaving me and fucking four men. No one threatens me or my business either. In fact, right about now, your boyfriends should be pretty damn busy trying to stay alive.”

  She didn’t know what he meant as the car stopped and the engine died.

  “Let’s move. Cass, ditch the vehicle as we planned then take the other car and head to the location. Be sure that you aren’t followed,” Jerry said to her.

  As they pulled her from the vehicle, Sam attempted to get free despite her equilibrium being way off. She teetered and nearly tripped, falling on her face, but Vinny yanked her back by her shirt, ripping it and then striking her in the cheek. He then lifted her up and carried her into the back of a van.

  “Cooperate, Sam, or the punishments will be worse than I already have planned.”

  She was breathing heavily, shaking with fear and perhaps also side effects from her head injury. The throbbing was so bad she thought she might pass out. As the van began to move, she moaned and rocked back and forth.

  She heard Vinny on his cell phone. “Take the shot if you got it. I don’t care if there are other cops around. Take the fucking shot and let that dick know he can’t get away with threatening me. I got the last laugh. I got Sam.” He ended the call.

  Who was taking a shot? Who was going to be shot? she wondered, and with her thoughts, the pain increased. She moaned and rocked. “My head hurts so bad. Please. Hospital, please.”

  Vinny caressed her hair.

  “No hospital. You’ll be just fine. The games begin now, baby.” He stroked her cheek where the bruising was from his strike, and she cringed then felt her stomach begin to rumble, and nausea started to simmer deeply.

  “I’ve got connections, too. Maybe your soldiers are too soft from being civilians and it’s time they get a reminder about what it feels like to be a target and get threatened. Once I’m done with them, they’ll want nothing to do with you, if they even survive.”

  “What does that mean? Don’t hurt them, Vinny. Please, don’t do anything stupid,” she said to him, blinking her eyes as tears fell.

  He stroked her cheek. “You are going to suffer either way, but as I make you suffer, as I take what’s mine, know that those four dicks have bull’s-eyes on their foreheads and ultimately will die for taking what’s mine. May the games begin.”

  * * * *

  Reeves, Flint, Big John, and Tiny were standing outside of the diner when they started to head toward the boutique where Sam was supposed to be. They were getting worried when she hadn’t shown up yet. Flint stopped as his cell phone rang, and he saw that it was Quantico.

  “Hello?” he asked as the others continued to walk.

  “You aren’t going to believe this, but I just got a call from a buddy of mine in the state police. There was a truckload of guns and other stolen items pulled over on the main highway. The truck belongs to Jerry, Cass’s boyfriend, and is listed under the company he and Vinny own. As the troopers investigated, they came across connections to other dealers, including a guy by the name of Rogers. Some big-time smuggler. They’re going down. They’re about to raid the house and the warehouse.”

  “Holy shit. Hold up a second,” Flint said and then called to his brothers, and as he stepped forward, he heard the gunshot and felt the instant pain against his skin.

  “What the fuck?” Tiny yelled out, and people started screaming.

  Tiny grabbed Flint, and they all ducked down behind cars. The windows shattered, sirens began to go off, and they each grabbed for weapons.

  “Are you hit?” Tiny asked him, and Flint ground his teeth and felt the burning on his arm. He turned it and saw the blood. Tiny ripped the shirtsleeve.

  “Fucking flesh wound. It skinned you. What the fuck?” he said, and Flint put the phone to his ear as he heard Quantico yelling.

  “Someone took shots at us. I caught a piece.”

  “Are you okay? Can you see where they are? I’m a block away at the police station. Walker is ahead of me and armed,” Quantico said, and then more bullets fired, hitting the windows of the car they were hunkered down behind.

  “What the fuck?” Big John yelled, gun drawn and trying to get a look as to where the shooter was.

  “Sam? Quantico, we don’t have Sam with us. We were supposed to meet her at the diner, and she didn’t show up. We were heading that way.”

  “I’m on it,” Quantico said, and now Flint looked at his team.

  “This has something to do with her ex. Fuck. We need to get to Sam.” Reeves went to stand to run when another set of bullets fired, hitting the hood of the car, and Tiny pulled him back down.

  “We can’t do shit yet. Let Quantico and the team help.”

  Flint looked around them, could see multiple men covering women and children on the ground and by vehicles. Then police cars were coming on to the scene just as multiple shots were fired at them, and then another shot rang out.

  They heard yelling, and Flint looked up.

  “Got him!” Leather stated from the top of the building across the street.

  As the chaos cleared and they confirmed that it was clear to come out from cover, Cesar came running over.

  “Someone took Sam. Two men and a woman. Felicia Moore said she saw them.”

  “Fuck,” Big John stated.

  “What direction? What were they driving?” Tiny asked.

  “We’re on it. I’ve got deputies out now and spreading word across the towns,” Cesar stated.

  “It’s Vinny and Jerry plus Cass. Her fucking sister probably helped to bait her in,” Big John stated.

  “We need to find her and quickly. That dick purposely had someone here to shoot at us to distract us while he abducted Sam,” Flint said.

  “You need a doctor. You’re hit, Flint,” Cesar said to him.

  “No, a flesh wound. I need my guns and to go hunting. This dick is dead. I’m going to fucking kill him.”

  * * * *

  “How could you do this to me? Why would you let him near me after what he did?” Sam yelled at Vinny.

  Vinny squinted his eyes at her as Jerry lay her on the bed.

  “She’s into sharing. Would love to find out if she’s as good as you said,” Jerry said to Vinny.

  “You touch her and you’ll get a bullet in your head,” Vinny said to him.

  Jerry scrunched his eyes together and then looked back at Sam’s body then back to Vinny. “What am I getting out of this?”

  “You’re half in the business.”

  “I thought there was going to be more. I put my fucking life on the line for this situation. The least you could do is let me fuck her.”

  Vinny grabbed Jerry by the throat and shoved him away from the bed.

  “She’s mine and mine only. Go fuck your own woman. Where is that bitch anyway?” he asked.

  Vinny bent down to stroke Sam’s cheek. She looked pale and was perspiring. The blood no longer dripped from her head, but she looked ill.

  “I’m going to take good care of you, baby. We’re together again. Just us.”

  “You let Jerry try to rape me.”

  “No. No, sweetie, I think your head injury has you imagining things.” He stroked her jaw.

  She shook her head. “No, no, weeks ago, I went home after work. A party.”

  He squinted.

  “Want to shoot her up with the drugs to shut her up? Then you can fuck her all you want while I fuck my bitch. Where is she?” Jerry said and looked at his watch.

  “I don’t need to drug her up. She’s injured and will cooperate.”

  “He tried to rape me,” she said, and tears rolled down her cheeks.

  “What are you talking about?” Vinny asked.

  “Don’t listen to her. She’s babbling. The fucking bitch is stalling. Fuck her already.”

  “Shut up, Jerry. I want to hear what she’s sayi
ng about the party.” He looked at her. “The one you ran from, that I heard you had bruises?”

  “He tried to rape me. My sister wanted him to.” She moaned.

  Vinny swung his head to look at Jerry. He grabbed his shirt. “You tried to rape my woman? You motherfucker. I knew you wanted her. That you want what’s mine. How the fuck dare you?”

  “She’s a stupid bitch, a piece of ass and nothing more. We’ve been buddies for years.”

  Vinny’s cell phone rang. He shoved Jerry down, and Jerry looked at Sam then back at Vinny as Vinny started yelling.

  “Fuck. We’re fucked, shit. Where did they pull over the truck?” he asked, hearing about the police and now an investigation. They were screwed either way.

  “Fuck.” He ended the call.

  “It’s over. We have troopers and investigators searching for us and the warehouse.”

  “What the hell? We’re right here in the fucking same area. Fuck.”

  “We sit tight. There’s no place to run. The warehouse is down the road. They won’t look out here to the cabins.”

  “And if they do?” Jerry asked.

  “Then we fucking stand our ground, kill them all, and make a run for it,” Vinny said and then leaned over and stroked Sam’s cheek. She turned away from him, and he gripped her jaw, making her cry out.

  “They won’t win, Sam. I always do. You know that. I always win.” He pressed his mouth to hers, kissing her as she struggled to get free.

  * * * *

  “What’s going on?” Kendra asked as she shifted gears and took the back road off the highway.

  She was coming back from a trip to Slogan, a small town where she kept a security box with documents and details of her business agreement and kept correspondence with her exes’ family. Three brothers, a ménage she thought would last forever, but instead greed, and money destroyed it all.

  She swallowed hard as Cherokee explained the situation.

  “Her ex and Cass and Jerry took her? Right from town?”

  She pulled the car over in the parking lot. As she listened to the details, her concern growing stronger, she watched a woman park a truck under the trees behind a dumpster and then get out of the truck and pull something from her bag. She then walked across the parking lot, looking around her as if to make sure no one was watching, and then got into a car.

  “What does her sister look like, and what were they driving when they got Sam?” Kendra asked.

  “A dark blue pickup truck. The police have an APB out on the vehicle.”

  “Holy crap. I think I see her and the truck. Shit, she’s pulling away. I’ll follow.”

  “Wait, Kendra, what if it isn’t her?”

  “What if it is her, Cherokee? It could be the only way to find Sam and rescue her.”

  “But they‘re armed. They took shots at the men, and Flint was hit.”

  “Oh God, is he okay?” Kendra asked as she pulled back onto the road and followed the car. Another car got in the way, but Kendra could still safely follow the vehicle.

  “A flesh wound. Jesus, hold on and let me get Spartan on the house line. Everyone is assisting in this. If you have her and the vehicle in your sights, then it could help.”

  “Exactly.” Kendra glanced at her purse. She had a Glock in it. She’d always carried a gun since two years ago when she was nearly killed. Shooting the gun had saved her life and her men’s. Too bad even that couldn’t get them to remain committed to her. Money and power meant more.

  She swallowed hard. She was so worried about Sam.

  “Kendra, where are you?” Nolan asked, obviously taking the phone from Cherokee.

  “On I-66. The truck is parked behind a dumpster if you want to get someone out there to confirm it was the vehicle from Repose.”

  “We’ll get someone on it now. What is the make of the car and license plate?” he asked, and she maneuvered slightly to read it since another car half blocked her view. “I don’t want to get too close, or she’ll see me. I have a car in front of me, but this is what I can make out.” She rambled off the number.

  “Once we get cops out there, you pull back and let the police handle this.”

  “No. No police cruisers or she’s liable to veer them away from the location on purpose. She won’t see me. I know what I’m doing.”

  “What the hell do you mean you know what you’re doing? You’re not a cop or a soldier.”

  “I know what I’m doing. Trust me, Nolan, and don’t send marked cars. I’ll stay on them.”

  * * * *

  “What the fuck do you mean Kendra is following the car? She could get killed,” Quantico yelled into the cell phone.

  “She said she knows what she’s doing. I don’t know, but it’s our only lead right now. The truck she saw is the one that was used for the abduction. Cesar has police there now. It has to be Cass in that car.”

  “Holy shit. Give me Kendra’s number. I don’t want her doing anything stupid.”

  Nolan rambled off the number. Quantico, Leather, Stone, and Walker were in the truck and heading in the direction the vehicle was going in. So were Reeves, Flint, Big John, and Tiny. They had multiple vehicles of soldiers from Sons of Justice going in the direction to assist with finding Sam and saving her.

  Quantico dialed the number, and Kendra answered.


  “I don’t want you getting too close or risking your life.”

  “That really isn’t your concern.”

  “It is my fucking concern, Kendra.” He raised his voice.

  “I am not going to lose this vehicle and perhaps the only means to finding Sam. She needs me,” Kendra stated.

  “Fine. Stay on them. Give me updates on the location as you go.”

  As she did, he realized that more than likely they were heading to the warehouses he, Flint, and the others had located after they threatened Vinny that day. Flint had been smart to have people follow Vinny and Jerry and see where they would relocate.

  “She’s pulling off the main road.”

  “Ease back and don’t let her see you make the turn,” he ordered.

  “I got this. She turned onto Old Mill. It’s a dirt road just past a set of warehouses.”

  “Okay, stay back now and park. We’re fifteen minutes out.”

  “Are you kidding me? She could be in danger right now.”

  “Kendra, you stand down. You aren’t armed, trained, or in any position to do anything else. You did what was needed. Now, wait for the police and soldiers to arrive.”

  “I’m armed and ready. I’ll go in on foot and see what I can see.”

  “No, Kendra.”

  “I’ll let you know what I—”

  She stopped talking.

  “Kendra? Kendra?” he yelled at the speaker and glanced at the others.

  “There are three men, guards around the house. I’m pulling back before one of them sees me,” She whispered into the phone.

  Quantico’s heart was racing.

  “We’re five minutes out. Big John and the others will pull up first.”

  “Okay. Tell them to go no farther, or they’ll alert the guards to their arrival. Okay. They’re pulling up now. Bye.” She ended the call.

  “What the fuck?” Walker stated.

  “She sounds like she knows what the fuck she is doing, but how could she?” Leather asked.

  “I don’t know. We’ll deal with that at another time. Right now she just more than likely saved her friend’s life,” Stone said as Quantico pulled up alongside the other trucks.

  As he got out, he saw Kendra standing there with a firearm in her hand talking to Tiny, Big John, Flint, and Reeves.

  “Are you okay?” Quantico asked her, and she nodded. When he went to reach for her, she stepped to the side.

  “What’s the plan?” she asked them.

  “The plan is you’re not involved now. You risked enough, and it helped. Now we take control and go get Sam out of there,” Stone said to her.

  She swallowed hard and Tiny placed his hand on Kendra’s shoulder.

  “You did great, Kendra. Thanks so much. If you hadn’t been so observant and in the right place at the right time, we would still be searching aimlessly,” Tiny told her, and she nodded.

  “Just go save her, please,” Kendra said and then walked back to her Jeep as they all made a plan of action.

  Just as they were going to initiate that plan, state police and federal agents arrived, and they had to do everything they could to keep them from being seen and making noise. Quantico was shocked when one of the agents, a tall, muscular, young guy spotted Kendra and called out her name. She looked shocked, and then her cheeks turned red, and a moment later, the agent was pulling her into his arms, hugging her tight.

  “What the hell are you doing here? Are you involved with this?” he asked her.

  Quantico was instantly jealous and wondered how the fuck she knew a federal agent.

  “It’s a long story, but that’s my good friend being held hostage. I’ll explain.” She then began to explain after the guy introduced her to the other federal agents. Quantico and Big John went over, along with Cesar, and started making plans with them and found out about their investigation into illegal smuggling that Vinny and Jerry were involved in.

  “So Cass is Sam’s sister. That woman Cass left her baby with, the grandmother, the grandmother overdosed. Neighbors called after hearing the baby crying for a good hour,” the agent told her.

  “Oh God, Sam is going to be so upset. That’s terrible. Cass doesn’t deserve to have that baby.”

  “Well, if she’s involved with this, which she obviously is, then she’ll be going to jail for quite some time and the baby right now is with social services.”


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