Tessa, Vampire/Werewolf Romance, (Standalone) (Shadow Creek Shifters Book 3)

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Tessa, Vampire/Werewolf Romance, (Standalone) (Shadow Creek Shifters Book 3) Page 18

by Maddie Foxx

  Tessa looked over at the dark clouds and a tremor hit her. That was the last thing she needed today.

  When they walked into the diner, they took a seat near the far wall, a table, which would accommodate four people. It was well away from the others, which eased Tessa’s mind since she would be asking the good doctor questions he might not want to answer. If she had to, she’d threaten to reveal who he really was. It was important to find out what full-bloods were capable of and how it might impact them in Creeksboro.

  A waitress skipped over, a girl about eighteen. There was something about the curve of her face, which Tessa recognized.

  “This is Ariel, Carrie’s eldest daughter.”

  “Hello, Tessa. It’s really weird seeing you here during the day. I thought you were a real night owl from the dark drapes you had in your cabin. I’m staying there now since my mother went missing and is now recovering.”

  “How is she?”

  “I’ve really had it with her. I’ve paid her a few visits, one of them after she regained consciousness, but I’m not really buying her changed act. She’ll be back with Jason once she’s healed. Her story about a werewolf that stands on two feet is really a tall tale.”

  “You don’t believe her?”

  “She’s good at covering up the truth. I’m not sure the hold Jason has over her, but it’s strong enough for her to give up custody of Melody. He’ll be back for sure and beat her up again. It’s a cycle with them.”

  “Things will be different. There’s no way Jason will be coming back again,” Tessa commented. When they stared at her, she quickly added, “Because word is he left town with Earl.”

  Ariel rolled her eyes. “We’ll see.”

  She took their drink orders and came back with them a couple minutes later.

  “I’ll have the medium rare hamburger steak,” Tessa said.

  “That’s not safe to eat that way, and no way will my boss let us undercook hamburger. You don’t want to get food poisoning, do you?”

  Tessa interlaced her fingers. “Not terribly, but I don’t like my food cooked all the way, and since you don’t have steak on the menu, that will have to suffice.”

  “Do what you can,” Dr. Evans said. “I’ll have the grilled chicken on rye.”

  When Ariel left, Dr. Evans joked, “At least you’re not eating sheep today.”

  “I’ve never had it really. Rabbits only, but I’m sure you already know that. For all I know, you were responsible for the killing of those sheep.”

  He pulled up the sleeve of his shirt. “I was chained up that night, remember?”

  “For how long, though? We both know you’re holding back. You know more than that story you fed to Raphael about full-bloods mating with the half-blooded. You’d have us believe that would be the only possible way a full-blood could shift without the aid of the full moon.”

  Dr. Evans leaned back on his chair. “So, you’re calling me a liar?”

  “You said it.”

  “If I was out and about in my shift, I’d have killed more than just sheep.”

  Tessa swallowed back the lump in her throat. “Jason and Earl perhaps?”

  Dr. Evans slammed a fist on the table, rattling the salt and pepper shakers. “Are you crazy? Why would I do that? I don’t get involved with what happens in the shifters’ world.”

  “Then why do you treat shifters?”

  “Because somebody needs to, and I’m the only doctor in town who will. I’ve had specialized training in regards to their respiratory, circulatory, and reproductive systems. It’s not exactly like a human’s body. Even a human carrying the baby of a shifter can be problematic.”

  “Thanks for the rundown, but what I’d most like to know is how can a full-blood shift without the aid of the full moon? And don’t give me the same story you already have been detailing. You made it sound so scientific,” Tessa practically spat. “Give it to me straight.”

  Dr. Evans smiled up at Ariel as she set their food down. “If you don’t mind, I’d rather eat. I have patients to see in an hour.”

  Tessa nodded, eating her nearly raw burger just how she liked it. It was strange how easily she adapted to that part of her life when she couldn’t even stand to be across the table when someone had a rare steak.

  After they had finished, Tessa asked, “Are you ready to tell me now?”

  “Not here. Let’s go across the street to my office. I’ll answer all your questions there.”

  “Okay,” Tessa agreed.

  She waited until Dr. Evans paid their bill and as they made their way back across the street, all the hairs on the back of her neck stood at attention. The doctor held the door open and Tessa entered first, dodging to the side as Dr. Evans gave her a shove. She faced him. “What are you doing?”

  “You really are much too snoopy.”

  “I want the truth.”

  “No, you don’t. Trust me, this is far from your understanding. The full-bloods have been forced to leave Wyoming where they once lived, and why? Because the half-blood shifters moved into the area.”

  “Wasn’t there a fight between the full-bloods and half-bloods?”

  “Yes, and I don’t blame them for coming back here.”

  “And what about Maxwell? Do you also condone them coming for him?”

  Dr. Evans blinked his eyes. “What?”

  “A Mira came to Silver Creek acting like she needed help, and Maxwell being the boy he is was helping her. She told me you weren’t telling the truth about the shift and that’s what brings me here.”

  “Where is Maxwell now?”

  “We don’t know. We already know a full-blood attacked Carrie. It’s all been a plot to get at Maxwell.”

  “Mira is confused.”

  “Oh? She claimed the full-bloods are coming to Creeksboro to take over, even plan to kill the humans of the town.”

  “She’s part of an extremist group. The only full-bloods I know just want to come home to Wyoming.”

  “Then why did you push me? Tell me the truth.”

  “I-I don’t know. I just can’t have you getting in the way. Not all full-bloods are bad, just a select group.”

  “Why was Raphael really allowed to stay among them in Montana?” Tessa questioned the doctor.

  “He was taken in by their leader, Malcolm. He’s the eldest of the pack and has always wanted to come back to Wyoming to live in peace, but he was found dead a few weeks ago. Whoever is in charge now is leading the others astray.”

  “And where do you fit in, Doctor?”

  “I’m a supporter, but I have no plans to take part in an invasion of Creeksboro. You can’t kill all the humans without Washington sending troops here.”

  “And what about the rest of the shifters here?”

  “I never thought the full-bloods would actually try to wipe out the shifters of the area.”

  “So, you support them when you don’t even know what they’re planning?”

  “It would seem, but if they’re after Maxwell we have to stop them. He’ll be a very important leader when he grows up, but some of the full-bloods believe he’ll be able to eradicate them.”

  “I don’t understand why any one side wants to kill all of the other side, but this has gone bad fast. Maxwell and Melody left Silver Creek in search of Jason, but I think they’re heading straight for the full-bloods. I’m not really sure why Mira played it like she did, but I think she shared the information that the children left so Raphael would leave in search of them.”

  “Her whole purpose had to be for those children to leave so the full-bloods could get their hands on them. When they do, he’ll be used to bring down all of the shifters of Creeksboro. Even if they do what the full-bloods say, Maxwell will be killed. We have to find them now, before it’s too late.”

  Tessa hands slipped to her hips, her eyes narrowing. “How dare you stand here and say you’re worried about Maxwell or Melody when you won’t tell me the truth. How can the full-bloods actually shift wi
thout the full moon?”

  Dr. Evans plopped down in a chair. “It’s a myth. They most certainly can now since they’ve been mating with half-bloods for over twenty years. This new brand of full-bloods are quite deadly and both stronger and younger.”

  Tessa began to pant heavily. So what the doctor had said before was true. “What?”

  “They were supposed to work out a peace agreement with the shifters here.”

  “It’s hard to know what side you’re really on, doctor.”

  “Please, call me Jerome. We need to question Mira. She might tell us where the full-bloods plan to take Maxwell when they find him.”

  Tessa stared at the doctor. “That’s not possible. She’s quite dead in my cabin presently.”

  “That’s not possible. You can’t kill a full-blood unless you remove his head.”

  “So, you’re saying she might still be alive?”

  “That’s exactly what I’m saying.”

  “We need to warn the humans that the full-bloods are coming,” Tessa said.

  “That won’t be well received.”

  “We have to do something.”

  “You might want to clear that with Paige before you do something that drastic.”

  “Sounding like a full-blood all the time, Doctor.”

  “No, I’m not trying to do that. I just don’t want to start a panic. What you need is an alliance of shifters who will protect the town while you find the children and save them before they are killed. By now, they’ve most likely been taken or will be. You won’t be able to stop it now.”

  “Like hell I won’t.”

  Tessa raced outside and hopped into the truck, but not before the good doctor was sitting in the passenger’s seat. “Get out of this Jeep.”

  “No, I can be of some help. I could be a mediator at the very least.”

  “I’ll let Paige sort it out.”

  “Fine, but we need to get back to Silver Creek to see if Mira is really dead.”

  Tessa nodded as she headed back to Silver Creek. Once there, they sprinted into her cabin where Mira was on the floor, unmoving and still quite dead.

  “See, I told you.”

  Dr. Evans inspected the body and said, “Did you bite her neck?”

  “I had to; she was trying to kill me. I didn’t have many options left.”

  “Two solid bites. How long did it take after the first one before she became weak?”

  “I don’t know. I suppose five minutes, although I didn’t consider her weak at all. On the second bite, she went down fast. I waited until the light in her eyes went out before I left the cabin.”

  “Why was she here?” Jerome asked.

  “She told us about the children leaving.”

  “She had planned to get rid of you most likely, especially if she sensed that you were a vampire.”

  “I don’t think it was that at all. I think she meant to start taking out shifters when they’d least suspect it. It wouldn’t surprise me if Palina was next.”

  “Let’s check with her. She needs to know what’s about to happen.”

  They walked back to the Jeep and changed directions toward the main house. The door was wide open and something furry was sprawled on the ground. It was missing its head.

  Tessa walked through the door and two wolves bared their teeth at her and Jerome. It took a little bit to think of him by his first name. “What happened, Palina?”

  “One of those full-blood bastards came after me is what. I love it when I get the drop on them. I don’t think he expected an old werewolf like me to take his head clean off. I don’t shift often, but when I do I’m quite strong. It’s the recovering period that is hazy.”

  Tessa sighed. “I’m glad you’re okay. We can’t lose a werewolf of your stature.”

  “What do you mean we? You’re not a werewolf, you’re a vampire.”

  “Yes,” Jerome said. “Apparently, one that can kill a full-blood just by biting it. Now that’s a real weapon.”

  Palina whipped back a stand of her gray hair. “That’s good to hear. What do you want us to do, Tessa?”

  Tessa didn’t know why Palina said that. “I’m not sure what you mean.”

  “You have a good grasp of the situation. What’s going to happen?”

  “Well, they’ll take Maxwell to try to use him against the shifters. I’m sure Raphael and Seth are searching for the children now, and I’ll join them after I speak with Paige. We’ll need a band of shifters who will protect Creeksboro when they go there to kill the humans, but you’ll need to keep some of your werewolves here to fend off any full-bloods that show up. I’m sure Paige will get the ball rolling with the other shifters in the area to mobilize. This needs to be a team effort. We’ll all have to be fighting for our livelihoods.”

  “Not all of the full-bloods are bad. If we’re able to knock out their leadership, the others will fold,” Jerome said.

  “So where will you be, Doctor?” Palina asked. “Hopefully you’ll also be there to help Raphael and Seth. We can’t afford to lose Maxwell or our alpha. The last time was far too painful for all of us.”

  “I’ll go with Tessa, but remember these full-bloods are able to shift at will and are twice the size and strength of your werewolves.”

  “What we lack in size we gain with agility. A pack works together,” Palina explained.

  Tessa nodded and they headed out the door, climbing into the Jeep. Tessa then slammed her foot on the gas pedal. She wasn’t about to allow the full-bloods to alter the lives of everyone she knew and loved. Yes, she loved Raphael and if she lost him in the fight, she wasn’t sure what would become of Silver Creek. Maxwell was too young to take on the role of alpha, and he would be devastated if he lost another member of his family.


  Maxwell whispered, “Melody, where are you?”

  He walked down a pathway, which was covered with matted-down grass and plants, that Maxwell didn’t recognize. Where is Melody anyway? When he came up to where the cabin should have been, Melody was sitting on a log, looking dejected.

  “Why didn’t you wait for me?” Maxwell said.

  “I couldn’t wait. I wanted to take care of Jason for good, but now, I don’t know where he’ll be.”

  “It’s strange the cabin is burned to the ground, don’t you think?”

  Melody shrugged. “I guess, but I’m not sure that means anything.”

  “That means to me that somebody got here before we did.”

  “Do you think he’s already dead?”

  “Yes. Can’t you smell it, the blood? You’re a raptor bird; you should be able to smell it even more than me.”

  Melody stood up. “Let’s follow the smell then.”

  “Are you sure you want to?”

  “I want to know for sure that he’s dead. Only then will I be satisfied.”

  “Will you, or would you feel cheated? I have the feeling that you wanted to be the one to end his life, but if he’s already dead, I’m glad. I wasn’t so sure we’d be able to overpower him anyway.”

  Melody frowned. “Thanks a lot! I thought you were my friend.”

  “I am, but that doesn’t mean I have to die for you. I’ve lost enough people I loved already.”

  “I suppose you’re right, but you need to have more confidence in your abilities as a shifter. What will happen if we really face danger? We can’t expect the grown-ups to take care of us all the time. We’re not like human children. We’re quite capable of handling ourselves.”

  Maxwell walked beyond where the remains of the cabin were, following the fragrance of blood in the air. Only a shifter could smell it, or possibly find it. Beyond the trees, he clearly saw fresh dirt, which had been dug and he dropped to his knees, working his fingers into the soil. Melody joined him and after ten minutes of digging, they both jumped up as Melody shouted, “Eww!”

  “What did you think we’d find down there?”

  “I didn’t expect to find a headless corpse.”
She panted hard for a minute and then added. “Okay, so Jason really is dead.”

  “That would be corpses,” Maxwell said with a smile. “Help me cover it back up.”

  “I will not. It’s gross.”

  “Not as gross as someone finding the bodies this way. Whoever did this had to be really strong, stronger than a regular shifter.” Maxwell shoveled the dirt back over the remains they found. He was relieved actually; they could just go home and forget about the whole thing. He had been so nervous when they had set out. He even felt that something really wrong was about to happen, but they were home free and completely safe.

  When the sound of a branch snapped beneath someone’s foot, both Maxwell and Melody were on high alert. Maxwell pointed into the woods and they slowly disappeared among the trees and wildflowers. They flattened their bodies behind a fallen log momentarily as branches continued to snap but Melody grabbed Maxwell’s arm, yanking him back up and they ran into the woods, not looking back.

  * * *

  Raphael and Seth arrived to the area of Jason’s cabin, but no Maxwell and Melody. It was like they disappeared from the face of the Earth. Their ATV had been parked nearby, too. He was sure they were there when they rolled up.

  “Melody!” Seth yelled. “Maxwell!”

  Raphael listened, but only silence greeted him. Where could the children be? When he walked into a grove of trees, he spotted the fresh dirt and his heart skipped a beat. It couldn’t be. He raced over, dropping to his knees.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Something or someone was buried here.”

  Seth helped Raphael move the soil until they both made a shocking discovery.

  “This is Jason and Earl,” Seth claimed. “Somebody killed them.”

  “Seems that way. I’ve never seen anything like this before. Who has that much strength to rip someone limb from limb?”

  “It certainly wasn’t the children. From the smell of it, they’ve been buried longer than just today.”

  “Whoever did this had to have been the same one who also killed those sheep. The bodies look very similar to the pictures Brendan showed me. In both cases they were mutilated, not fed on at all.” Raphael spotted something strange. Reaching into the hole, he came back with a long piece of broken wood. “This looks interesting. This could have been used to stab someone in the heart, like to prevent them from coming back as a vampire.”


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