Witching Night (After Dark Book 3)

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Witching Night (After Dark Book 3) Page 11

by Sarah Bailey

  He kissed her neck, sending shivers down her spine. She traced her fingers over his hand.

  “All of them pale in comparison to you.”

  “Oh really?”

  “Mmm, every part of you, even your funny quirks.” He kissed her neck again. “I want you to tell me when you’re having a hard time so I can be there for you.”

  Her heart was threatening to burst out of her chest. Why was he being so sweet all of a sudden? Making her feel like she had nothing to be ashamed of.

  “Flatterer,” she muttered.

  “It’s not flattery if it’s true.”

  He spun her around, looking down at her with unconcealed desire. She gasped as he pressed her against the desk, devouring her mouth.

  Chapter Thirteen

  “Alistair, we’re at your parents!”

  He picked her up, seating her on the desk and stood between her legs.

  “Your dad will hear us.”

  He was running his fingers up her bare thighs, instantly making her regret wearing a sundress. She’d wanted to make a good impression. He waved a hand, blue smoke coiling around and slinking towards the door.

  “No, he won’t. Magic works wonders for soundproofing.”

  Burying his face in her neck, his fingers slipped higher until they reached the top of her underwear. He tugged them down and threw them across the room. Resuming his path, she shuddered against him. She was already feeling a stirring in her stomach.

  Their mouths fused together, her hands clutching at his shoulders. Oh gods! She was damn near melting from his touch. Feeling his arousal pressed up against her had all her protests evaporating.

  “I want you, right now,” he growled in her ear.

  Without waiting for him to say more, she ran her hands down his chest before unbuckling his belt. Unzipping his trousers, she touched him for the first time. He jerked in surprise.

  “Grace,” he groaned.

  She tugged his clothes down enough for him to spring free. Staring at him, she gulped. Oh gods! She hadn’t looked last night when he’d made love to her for the first time. She tentatively brushed her fingers over him.

  “If you continue doing that… Goddess, you’ll make me blow my load before we’ve even started.”


  She retracted her hand, looking up at him with wide eyes. Taking her hands, he placed them by her sides. He tugged open one of the drawers of the desk.

  “I swear I left some in here,” he muttered, frowning.



  She flushed beet red. Idiot, of course! His other hand trailed up her thigh until he was brushing against her opening.

  “You’re so wet for me.”

  If she thought her face couldn’t get any redder, she was sorely mistaken. He fumbled with something in the drawer before pulling out a small silver packet. He ripped it open with his teeth.

  “As much as I’d like to have you without barriers, this is necessary for now.”

  She nodded. She knew there were other options, but right now, all she could think about was having him inside her. He pushed up her dress, pulling her to the edge of the desk. When she felt him enter her, she winced a little. She was still getting used to the sensation of him filling her. He captured her mouth, holding her head still as he continued to press into her. She gripped his back, fingers digging in. He thrust into her, slow and steady. It wasn’t enough. How did she ask him to stop being so gentle with her? She didn’t want him holding back on her account.




  “Is it too much?”

  “No, no… it’s… gods, I don’t know how to ask you for what I want.”

  He pulled back, looking at her with lust filled eyes.

  “You just tell me.”

  “I… I don’t want you to be gentle.”

  That made his eyebrows shoot up in an almost comical fashion.

  “Are you sure?”

  “Do I ever tell you to do something when I’m not sure?”

  “Well, no.”

  He gripped her hips, his rhythm changing.

  “More, I need… more.”

  She was so lost in what he was doing, she didn’t care if she sounded desperate.

  “Do you want me to fuck you harder, Grace?” His tone was harsh in her ear.

  “Please,” she breathed.

  He obliged immediately. She bit down on his shirt to keep from crying out. Hearing him talk about fucking her was hot. So damn hot! They moved together in unison. Him setting a punishing pace, her legs wrapped around his waist. His shirt bunched in her fists as she cried out his name over and over again.

  She saw stars in her vision, shuddering as he sent her soaring. He didn’t let up until he was grunting, meeting his own end. The two of them were panting, covered in a sheen of sweat. Her hair was in disarray and his sticking up in places where she’d gripped it too hard.

  “Oh gods, your dad is going to know what we’ve been doing if we go down looking like this.”

  He shook his head, grinning at her.

  “That’s what you’re thinking about?”

  “Well, no… I mean, that was out of this world, can’t quite wrap my head around it.”

  “I can tell you now, it’s never been like that for me before.”


  “You don’t believe me?”

  She fiddled with the hem of his shirt, refusing to meet his eyes.

  “I didn’t say that. I… well, I don’t want to think about you with other girls. It makes me feel funny.”

  He tucked a finger under her chin, making her look at him.

  “No one comes close to you. Everything changed when we met. I only want you.”

  His finger brushed over her bottom lip.

  “You make me feel weird inside. My heart gets all tight and my stomach is always in knots. I don’t know what that means, but I don’t want to be away from you either.”

  Cupping her face in his hand, he kissed her.

  “I’m going to take care of this mess with the covens. I won’t let anyone split us apart.”

  They both readjusted their clothes after he let her off the desk. Blue smoke trailed out of his fingertips and washed over her. When she looked in the mirror, her hair was back in order and her skin clear.

  “Well, if you’d told me you could do that, I wouldn’t have worried about your dad seeing us afterwards,” she said.

  “Oh well, I hope you’ll remember that later when I want to do bad things to you again.”


  “Mmm, yes. I’ll never stop wanting you.”

  She was blushing when they left the room to have lunch with his dad.


  “So, we were all standing there, fully dressed, trying to egg each other on to jump in this lake. Amelia just grabs hold of me, leaps onto the rope and we’re flying through the air and landing with a smack in the water before I know it.”

  Torin was smiling, leaning in his chair whilst she reminisced about her camping trip in the Lake District with Josh and Amelia. They’d all just turned eighteen and decided for her sake, they’d go somewhere quiet. Just the three of them. They’d long finished lunch and were sat drinking tea at the kitchen table. Alistair had his arm around her, grinning from ear to ear. She liked Torin, he was friendly and unassuming. It put her at ease. She supposed her little passionate lovemaking session with Alistair had also allowed her to relax somewhat.

  “You jumped in a lake?” Alistair asked, his eyes wide.

  “Yes, it was freezing cold and we instantly regretted it. Especially Josh since he ran in after us.”

  There was a noise behind them of a flap banging. Grace felt something brushing against her legs. Checking under the table, there was a little black cat with green eyes blinking at her.

  “Oh hello,” she said.

  She put her hand out and the little cat brushed its che
ek against it. It must’ve taken that as a sign it was welcome as it jumped up into her lap, curled up and closed its eyes.

  “Who’s this?” she asked.

  Torin and Alistair shared a frown.

  “Did Mother get a new cat?”

  “No, we haven’t had one since Gabriel IV died,” Torin replied.

  Alistair looked at the little black cat, eyes narrowed.

  “You don’t think…?”

  “I do.”

  “What is it?” she asked.

  She stroked its soft fur, feeling calm all of a sudden. The cat blinked at her, she felt a strange sensation brushing against her mind. Was it trying to communicate with her?

  “I think it’s your familiar,” Alistair said.


  “Yes, some witches have them. They choose you, not the other way around.”

  The black cat opened its eyes and looked up at Alistair. It yawned before settling back down to sleep.

  “Oh. Does that mean he’ll follow me around?”

  “Well, it’s a cat. I’m sure it’ll do exactly what it wants.”

  “It’s not an it. He has a name.”

  “He? How do you know it’s a he?”

  She rolled her eyes, stroking the cat’s head.

  “His name is Smudge and because he told me. Do you want me to get him to show you his bits so you can double check?”

  Alistair looked incredulous for a moment.

  “Excuse my son. He’s never had a familiar, so doesn’t understand how they communicate with their witches,” Torin said, chuckling.

  “Did you hear what she just asked me?”

  “I think you’ve got your hands full there.”

  Grace flushed before she reached up and ran her fingers through the hair at the back of Alistair’s head. She’d never had a pet before, but she felt at ease with the little black cat in her lap.

  “Can we keep him?” she asked.

  “I think you’d be hard-pressed to get rid of him,” Alistair replied.

  “No, I was asking if he can stay with you. I can’t have pets in the flat.”

  He looked down at the cat again.

  “Listen, cat, I saw her first so don’t get any smart ideas.” He reached out and tickled Smudge behind his ear. “You know I can’t say no to you, Grace. That’s just plain unfair.”

  She leant over and kissed his cheek.

  “Are you worried I’ll prefer the company of the cat to you?”

  “Should I be?”

  She shook her head. She couldn’t imagine not wanting Alistair.

  “No, never, but you have to promise to take care of him when I’m not there.”

  He rolled his eyes.

  “I know how to look after a cat. Mother has had enough of them.” He turned to his father. “Say, why hasn’t she lumbered you with another one?”

  “She says she hasn’t found the right one yet,” Torin replied.

  The sound of the back door in the kitchen banging startled the three of them.

  “I’m sure Torin won’t mind you dropping in.”

  She turned around to find two women coming through the door. They both stopped dead when they saw the three of them at the table. The taller woman looked a lot like Torin with the same black hair and blue eyes, but the other had blonde hair and hazel eyes.

  Alistair’s arm around her tightened. Smudge jumped off her lap, his hackles raised as he stared at the newcomers. She was in no doubt that this was Bree and Alistair’s mother. The blonde woman held herself in the same way as her son.

  “By the goddess,” the taller woman said, putting her hand to her chest.

  Torin stood, coming around to their side of the table.

  “Bree, Etta, this is Grace,” he said, putting a hand on her shoulder.

  Her hands trembled in her lap. Alistair reached out and held them with his free one, pressing her closer.

  “What is she doing here?” Alistair’s mother hissed.

  “Grace, this is Henrietta, my wife and, Bree, my sister,” Torin said, ignoring his wife.

  “It’s nice to meet you,” Grace said, her voice trembling.

  “You’re Ophelia’s daughter,” Bree said.

  She nodded. Sweat beaded on the back of her neck. She wished she could curl up in Alistair’s arms and make this all go away. She wasn’t prepared to meet his mother or his aunt.

  “Ophelia was once my dearest friend,” Bree continued. “Yet, seeing you here now, it’s like looking at her when she was young all over again. I never thought I would get a chance to meet you.”

  “Wait, you knew about her?” Alistair interjected.

  “Yes. Tell me, how is Ben?”

  She felt tears pricking at her eyes at the mention of her father’s name. She turned to Alistair, unable to say a word. He dropped her hand, only to cup her face, brushing away the stray tear which spilt out. Taking a deep breath, she tried to hold back her emotions, but a quiet sob escaped her lips.

  “Her father is dead,” he said.

  Smudge jumped back in her lap, staring up at her with unblinking green eyes. She stroked his back, comforted by his presence.


  “He died a few weeks ago. Well, died isn’t exactly the right word for it. His soul was taken to Hell.”

  She put her head on Alistair’s arm, quietly crying into his shirt. He shuffled closer and wrapped his other arm around her.

  “Shh, it’s ok, I’ve got you,” he whispered.

  “To Hell? What exactly happened?” Bree asked.

  “It’s a long story. One I’ll explain later,” Alistair said, rubbing her back. “I don’t want to upset her further.”

  She was grateful. She couldn’t think of anything worse than rehashing her father’s death right now. It was already enough she’d met more of Alistair’s family than she’d bargained for and discovered Bree had known about her existence all along.

  “I can’t do this,” she whispered. “It’s too much.”

  “Do you want to go back up to my room?”

  She nodded. It was embarrassing she was getting emotional in front of all these people she barely knew. She picked up the cat, holding him in her arms and both of them stood. Smudge didn’t seem to mind, he looked up at her and purred.

  “I’ll be back in a bit,” he said.

  “Hold on. Hold on, just one moment,” Henrietta said.

  Alistair put an arm around Grace, holding her to his side protectively.

  “Just what is going on here. Why did you keep her daughter a secret, Bree?”

  “It’s complicated,” Bree replied.

  “Make it uncomplicated!”

  “Etta…” Torin began.

  “No, you stay out of this. You and I will have words later.” She pointed at her son. “What on earth are you doing with this girl in the first place?”

  “It’s a long story,” he replied.

  “Explain it then.”

  “Honestly, I don’t have time for your hysterics right now. If you’ll excuse me, I’m taking my girlfriend upstairs because she’s overwhelmed and needs a minute.”

  “Your what?”

  The blood drained from Etta’s face.

  “My girlfriend, Mother.”

  Bree looked at the two of them, her eyebrows shooting up.

  “You… How could you? Do you have any idea what that woman has done to this family? And here you are with her daughter no less.”


  “No, I will not have this. You were meant to marry Lacey, not get involved with that woman’s daughter.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  Grace looked up at Alistair, his expression dark with irritation. Smudge wriggled in her arms, unnerved by all the shouting.

  “Alistair marry Lacey? Have you lost your mind, Etta?” Bree asked.

  “Lacey is a nice girl,” Etta replied.

  “I tolerate Lacey in our coven because of her parents. The girl herself has very little skill and
nothing between the ears.”


  Alistair rolled his eyes and tugged her away.

  “Come on, whilst they’re fighting,” he whispered.

  Torin nodded at the two of them before walking towards his wife and sister to intervene in the escalating argument. Alistair led Grace from the kitchen and back upstairs. When they were alone, she let go of Smudge and he curled up at the end of the bed.

  “He better not do that when I take him home. I don’t want cat hair in my bed,” he said.

  She ignored his comment, curling her arms around his back and holding him, her head resting against his chest. Safe. She finally felt safe. He kissed the top of her head, clutching her closer.

  “Your mother hates me.”

  “She hates your mother, not you.”


  “She’ll get over it. Come on.”

  He tugged her over to the bed. They sat down together. Her fingers instinctively brushed over the cat.

  “It’s starting already I see,” he muttered.

  “What is?”

  “You and that cat.”

  Smudge looked up at Alistair, his green eyes unblinking.

  “Don’t look at me like that. She’s my girlfriend,” he said to the cat.

  “Leave him alone.”

  “She’s already coming to your defence I see.”

  “Alistair, look at me.” He turned his face towards her. “You’re an idiot.”

  “And now she’s insulting me. I hope you’re happy, coming in between us is clearly your plan.”

  “No, you’re an idiot because I was telling Smudge to stop provoking you.”


  She cupped his face with both hands.

  “Shut up and come here already.”

  She was the one in need of comfort and here he was, arguing with a cat over her. She pulled him in for a kiss, trying to show him she wanted his attention. He wrapped his arms around her.

  “Is this your way of showing me you want me more than the cat?”

  “I swear I’m going to throw you out the window.”

  “That’s not very nice.”

  “Gods, you’re so irritating.”

  He grinned, brushing his knuckles along her cheek.

  “Come on, let’s see if they’re still arguing.”


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