Witching Night (After Dark Book 3)

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Witching Night (After Dark Book 3) Page 14

by Sarah Bailey

  “I… is it okay if we don’t talk about it right now?”

  He looked a little confused, but he nodded.

  “Sorry, it’s just hard to accept that anyone is capable of cursing their own child. Talking about it makes me feel sick.”

  He rubbed her back.

  “Shh, it’s fine. I understand.”

  Her heart ached. Why did he have to be so damn sweet to her? She didn’t deserve it.

  “You can tell me when you’re ready. I know enough to inform Bree.”

  “Are you going to now?”

  “It can wait till morning. I want to be here with you now.”



  The truth was on the tip of her tongue. She shut her mouth, taking his hand instead. She placed it on her breast. If she couldn’t tell him, she could show him. She knew it wasn’t the same, yet she couldn’t deal with those emotions right now. His thumb brushed over her nipple, causing her to gasp.

  “I thought you were tired.”

  “I want you.”

  “Well, you don’t have to tell me twice.”

  He leant over her, taking her other nipple in his mouth. Her fingers were in his hair, tangling in the short strands in the way she knew he liked. His other hand wandered down, hooking into her underwear and tugging at it. He kissed her stomach, moving lower. She squirmed at his touch, anticipation making her crazy. She knew what his intentions were. His hands ran down her legs as he took off her underwear. He knelt between her legs, leaning down and nipping at her thighs.

  “Please,” she whispered

  He kissed her right inner thigh, moving higher. His fingers brushed over her.

  “You’re so beautiful.”

  She couldn’t breathe. She didn’t feel like she deserved him at all, but he wanted her anyway.

  “Alistair… please.”

  He grinned before obliging her. Her hand was in his hair again, the other gripping the sheets. Gods! Gods! She bucked underneath him with every stroke of his tongue. He didn’t let up, not even when she was crying out his name as her first climax rocked through her. She was a trembling mess, but he kept on with his delicious torture.

  “I can’t… not again. Oh gods!”

  Her knuckles were white from gripping the sheets so hard. She thought she might pass out from the sheer pleasure of it all. By the third time, she pushed him away, unable to handle anymore. He was grinning, his sapphire eyes twinkling.

  “You make the most delightful sounds when I make you come. I could listen to you all day.”

  She was too spent to complain about what he’d said.

  “Mmm, are you too tired to continue?”

  She eyed him with a raised eyebrow.

  “Did you not torture me enough?”

  “I’d hardly call that torture.”

  He crawled back over her, his face level with hers.

  “If you’re too tired…”

  “No… I want you still. You know that.”

  She tugged at his boxers. She had a little surprise for him tonight. He let her take them off him before leaning over towards the bedside table. She put a hand on his arm. He looked back at her.

  “We… we don’t need to use those.”


  “It was meant to be a surprise, but with everything that happened with Ophelia. It slipped my mind.”

  He went very still.

  “A surprise?”

  “Well, I went to the clinic a couple of weeks ago and it’s been long enough for the pill to be effective now.”

  “You mean… Grace… you didn’t have to do that.”

  “I wanted to. I thought you’d be happy. Aren’t you?”

  He moved back over her, taking her face in his hands.

  “You never cease to amaze me.”

  He kissed her, passion and ferocity sparking in him. She was startled by the intensity of it. When he pulled away, they were both panting. She could feel his breath on her ear.

  “Grace,” he whispered. “I’m going to fuck you so hard. Do you want me to give it to you without any barriers between us?”

  She squirmed beneath him. He knew she liked it when he said those things.

  “Yes. Please.”

  He pushed open her legs, immediately settling between them before he was pressing inside her.

  “I’m not going to be gentle with you or sweet.”

  He didn’t give her any time to adjust. She yelped when he pulled back and slammed into her. It was merciless. She clutched his back, nails digging into his skin. She bit down on his shoulder, shuddering with every stroke.

  “You feel so good.”

  “Alistair, please, don’t stop, please.”

  They were lost in each other. She was sure she couldn’t manage a fourth time, but he had other ideas. He took her hand, putting it between them.

  “I want to feel you come all over me whilst I fuck you.”

  She didn’t hesitate. It didn’t take much. She cried out his name as her body shook. She was soaring, flying through the clouds on the waves of intense pleasure.

  “That’s it, Grace. Hearing you call my name is like music to my ears.”

  He continued to thrust into her until she came back down from the clouds. She tugged his face towards her, biting down on his bottom lip. She felt him shudder as he met his own end. She’d known what button to push. He collapsed on top of her, panting.

  “Grace… I can’t ever describe how you make me feel.”

  She closed her eyes, listening to their hearts thundering. She was so tired. Tired and satisfied.

  When she could move her limbs again, she slipped out of bed to go to the bathroom. Staring at her messy hair as she washed her hands, she wished she could magically detangle it. Concentrating on what Alistair taught her, green smoke washed over her. When she looked at herself again, she sighed.


  A minute later, he strolled into the bathroom and stopped, a grin appearing on his face.

  “Please don’t laugh.”

  “My girlfriend is green, how can I not? What happened this time?”

  “The usual. Trying to run before I can walk.”

  He wrapped his arms around her from behind, kissing her shoulder. Blue smoke washed over her. When she looked back in the mirror, she was normal again. His tanned skin was dark against her pale body. She was a little envious of his complexion. All she got when she went in the sun were more freckles.

  “You’re lucky you’re cute or I would get tired of fixing your mishaps.”

  She felt a little uncomfortable, like her skin was on fire and itching.

  “Gods, you’re all sticky.”

  “Someone gave me a workout session.”

  She peeled herself away from him.

  “That means the sheets are going to be all sticky too.”

  “Is this going to bother you all night?”

  She ignored him, walking into the hall and levitating clean sheets out of the airing cupboard through into the bedroom. She set them on a chair before green smoke coiled around the bed, stripping off the sweat coated sheets. This was something she could do with ease. When fresh sheets were on the bed she went back into the bathroom. He was leaning on the counter, his eyebrow raised. She flipped on the shower with the flick of her wrist and pointed at it.

  “Grace… What’s going on?”

  “No arguments. Just get in.”

  He smiled before strolling over to her, snagging her by the wrist. She tried to stop him but she was in the shower with him before she knew it. Hot water streamed over the two of them.


  “Don’t worry, I’ll dry your hair before we get back in bed.”

  “You better,” she muttered.

  Allowing him to kiss away her frown, she felt guilt eating at her again. He knew something was wrong. She only ever had the need to have everything clean and just so when something was bothering her. Yet, he wasn’t pushing
her into telling him. How could she admit to being in love with him? He was always joking and teasing, but she knew he was serious about her. He let her set the pace. Told her he’d never felt this way about another person before. Still, he hadn’t said the L-word. A little part of her felt like this was all some kind of dream and he’d leave her when she got too much for him to handle.

  Alistair was fast asleep a while later after they’d made love again in the shower. He looked so peaceful when he was sleeping, his expression relaxed. She brushed his hair out of his face, feeling her heart contract at the sight of him.

  “Gods,” she whispered. “I don’t deserve you. You’re everything I never knew I wanted.”

  She kissed his cheek. He stirred a little, shifting in his sleep.

  “Alistair, I… I love you. I wish I could tell you that when you’re awake, but I can’t. I only realised it because of Ophelia and her stupid curse. I guess it doesn’t matter, it’s not like she even knew it’d be you when she cursed me, but I still feel so conflicted.”

  She sighed, running her fingers through his hair again.

  “I’m an idiot, talking to you when you’re asleep because I’m too scared to admit how I feel. Why do you even put up with me? I wish I knew how you felt.”

  She settled back into his arms. He clutched her tighter to him. She looked up at his face, but he still seemed dead to the world.

  “I wish this was easy for me. I wish I could just tell you how I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I wish I could tell you how much I love you. Sometimes when I look at you, I can’t breathe, my heart aches with longing. Gods, how did this even happen?”

  She cupped his cheek and kissed him. He didn’t stir again.

  “You’re the only person left in this world who really understands me. I love you, Alistair. I love you. Maybe if I keep telling you when you’re asleep, it might be easier to say it when you’re awake.”

  Her eyes drifted shut, breathing settling into a steady rhythm.


  Alistair kissed her forehead when she finally drifted off. His heart thumped in his chest.

  “I love you too.”

  Chapter Seventeen

  “Why do we have to go there again?”

  Grace crossed her arms over her chest. She didn’t want to go to that place under any circumstances.

  “Bree asked me to check out the sightings of Lacey. I’m not leaving you here alone again after what happened last time,” Alistair replied as he tugged on a navy blazer.

  “I don’t want to go to ObliVion… in this.”

  Pointing to the outfit he’d bought for her, she wrinkled her nose. The black skirt was far too short. The sparkly, silver top too revealing. The only thing she did like were the studded, biker boots. She eyed them in the mirror again.

  “You forgot the best part.”

  He handed her a leather jacket. She shrugged it on.

  “Are you trying to make me look like a groupie for the Hell’s Angels? What’s wrong with my normal clothes?”

  He grinned whilst she braided her hair.

  “You’re not going to look like you. I’d rather not have to maintain the glamour over your clothes as well.”

  When she was done, he took her hands, placing a kiss on each of them.


  “As I’ll ever be.”

  Blue smoke drifted over her. He turned her towards the mirror again. Her eyes went wide. Standing in her place was a girl with black hair and hazel eyes. She looked nothing like her normal self.

  “Tell me, is this what your fantasy girl looks like?”

  “What? No.”

  He spun her around, staring down at her with concern.

  “You’re my fantasy girl with your red hair and green eyes. You really have no idea what you do to me.”


  “Oh indeed. Now, let’s go get this over with.”

  He leant down, kissing her forehead.

  “Don’t I get a proper kiss?”

  “Will the real Grace be jealous of me kissing another woman?”

  She shoved him away, scowling. He waved his hand, blue magic pouring out and creating a portal in front of them.

  They stepped out into the alleyway together. He pressed down on the brick and the door swung back after he knocked. He wrapped his arm around her shoulder as they walked in.

  “Just remember, your name is Kirsty and you’re an airhead, so don’t act smart.”

  “I remember. I’m slow like you accused me of being when we first met.”

  He raised an eyebrow and smiled at her. Instead of going into the club, he turned left at the sign on the wall. He’d said it was a supernatural den of sin. She imagined this was the part that provided extra services. She shuddered. His arm around her tightened.

  Through the set of doors was what looked like a hip bar, except there were only a few people milling around. A girl with pointy ears and a bored expression on her face leant against the bar, tapping her nails on it. They walked over, seating themselves on two bar stools.

  “What can I get you?” the girl asked.

  She had blue hair and strange eyes. Grace glanced at Alistair. He mouthed the word ‘fae’ at her.

  “Gin and tonic for the lady, whisky neat and some information,” he said.

  The girl rolled her eyes before shoving off the bar and mixing their drinks. She set them out on the bar. He handed over a black card to her which she scanned.

  “You wanted information?” she asked.

  “Have any other witches been in here?”

  “You know I’m not supposed to talk about our clientele.”

  “Even if one of them is wanted by the Grand Coven?”

  The girl frowned.

  “You don’t work for them.”

  “I have ways to make you tell me, but I’d prefer not to cause a scene.”

  Grace felt the hairs on the back of her neck rise up. She’d never heard him speak to anyone like that before. She took a sip of her drink, smiling dimly at the bartender.

  “There may have been someone in here two days ago talking to Raoul.”

  Grace’s blood ran cold. Raoul was the fae who wanted to feed off Amelia. Alistair slid something over the bar which the girl took.

  “That wasn’t so hard, was it?”

  “He’s in the club, but I’d wait until later. He’s grumpy when he hasn’t had his fix.”

  Grace gripped Alistair’s thigh. She knew exactly what the girl was referring to. He glanced at her, his eyes flickering with caution.

  “Duly noted.”

  He took a sip of his whisky, grimacing.

  “Who’s your lady friend?”


  “I’m Amalaya,” the girl said, giving Grace a little wink.

  “You’re very pretty,” Grace said with a lopsided grin.

  She noticed Alistair biting his lip, clearly amused by her attempt at being a bimbo.

  “Well, thanks,” Amalaya said, twirling her blue hair around her finger. “If you weren’t with this… witch, I’d be more than happy to show you the ropes around here.”

  Grace giggled, fiddling with the straw in her drink.

  “Well, that offer is certainly… tempting.”

  Amalaya grinned, giving her the once-over. When she glanced at Alistair, his expression was dark. He’d told her to act like an airhead, but perhaps this was taking things too far. She reached out, running her nails along his arm.

  “But… he keeps me more than satisfied.”

  “Still the ladies’ man, I see,” Amalaya said, raising her eyebrow.

  Alistair just shrugged, nonchalantly.

  “What can I say? They flock like doves.”

  Grace bit the inside of her cheek on a retort. She knew he was playing a part, but it still didn’t make her feel any better about his comment.

  “Doves is the wrong word. Girls with no self-esteem and nothing between the ears is a more accurate description,” a de
ep voice sounded from behind them.

  “At least I don’t have to resort to magic to attract attention,” Alistair said without turning around.

  Grace glanced at the man standing behind them, her blood cooled in her veins. Raoul was leaning against a table, his long blonde hair braided at both sides in an intricate pattern. She plastered a fake smile on her face.

  “Well, aren’t you a sight for sore eyes?” she purred.

  “Oh, honey, you can’t handle all this,” Raoul said, shaking a finger at her. “Besides, I have no interest in Alistair’s washed up whores.”

  Grace pouted. Inside, she was furious at his statement.

  “I’m not here for fun, Raoul. What were you doing hanging around with a witch?” Alistair asked.

  Raoul moved towards them, taking a seat next to Alistair. His eyes roamed over Grace, predatory and terrifying.

  “Oh, that blonde girl? She wanted some information for her coven.”

  “What kind of information?”

  “If I tell you, what are you going to give me in exchange?”

  Grace edged closer to Alistair. Sweat beaded on the back of her neck, her heart pounding in her ears.

  “What do you want?”

  Raoul leaned closer to him.

  “I want the girl you stole from me.”

  “Which girl might that be?” Alistair’s voice was calm, his expression neutral.


  Alistair looked at Raoul for a moment before calmly standing and tugging Grace to her feet. She stared at Raoul with unconcealed terror. Why did he want Amelia?

  “Good luck finding your imaginary girl, Raoul. I’m sure your information is a waste of my time anyway.”

  He took Grace by the arm and walked away. She looked up at him, but he kept his gaze straight ahead. He’d never give up her friend to the fae.


  They both stopped.

  “She wanted to know where the ley lines meet.”

  Alistair stiffened.

  “Did you tell her?”

  “Of course not, such knowledge is dangerous. The question is, why would she be looking for such a thing?”

  “She’s either stupid or involved in something untoward. My guess is both.”

  “Queen Gwilliana would appreciate you keeping this situation under control.”


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