Mister Diamond

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Mister Diamond Page 17

by Chance Carter

  The door slammed and my heart skidded to a halt. For a second, my bravado evaporated and left me bare.

  My father was home.

  I struggled to pull on my coat of confidence again, heart thudding in time with his footsteps in the hallway.

  This was it—my true test. It was like I’d been sculpting out a better version of myself and it was time to assess whether the structure was sound or whether I had cracks down to my foundations. My father entered the living room and both of my brothers’ expressions turned smug. They didn’t think I’d pass.

  For a second, one brief, perilous second, I didn’t think I would either. One look at my father’s cold, ice chip eyes made my chest deflate. It would have been easier if he’d turned up angry, even if he’d tossed out a smile, but the only expression on his face was one of base indifference.

  Andrew Lennox looked from me to Justin. “I thought you said she hadn’t gained weight?”

  My hands curled into fists and I stepped into Dad’s line of view. “You know what, Dad? All these years I’ve been wrong about you. I thought I was the most persecuted in this family, the most wrongly done, but I’m not.” I looked back at my brothers, who stood tall with flat mouths, and shook my head. “They’re the ones you damaged the most. You made them cruel and angry, just like you, and the only shreds of happiness in their lives now are perverted and cheap.”

  “What the fuck are you talking about?” Dad asked, and I gave him the full force of my gaze.

  “I came here to make peace with you all today, but there’s no making peace. Not while you’re still so self-absorbed and unpleasant. I pity you guys, I really do.”

  Dad’s neck began to redden and he crossed his arms, glowering at me. “How dare you come into my house and speak to me like this.”

  “It’s not how you should be asking, but why,” I replied. “And the reason is that I need you to know that we’re through with all this charade of you being a father, of us being a family. And I also want you to know that even though I’m better now, happy now, I’ll never forgive you for failing to offer even the most basic form of parental affection. Not because I can’t forgive you, but because you don’t deserve it.”

  The red had crept up to his cheeks now and I knew he was about to blow. I had one more thing to say and I spun to the couch.

  “And you!” I said, pointing at my mother’s ashen face. “The only thing I have to say to you, Mom, is that it’s a shame we never got to meet. I hope it’s nice under that rock you’re hiding beneath.”

  “That’s enough!” My father boomed. His voice stampeded through the house and practically shook it at its foundations.

  I turned back to him. “You’re right. It is and I’m done.” I lifted both hands, middle finger displayed on each, and waved them around the room. “Awesome reunion guys. Ten out of ten.”

  And then, head held high, I walked out the front door and out of their lives.

  Chapter 27


  I winced as a man in a black turtleneck opened my fridge and peered inside, and across the room Gary sent me a disapproving look. I shrugged and turned to the window, staring out at the skyline and trying not to think about all the people currently scrutinizing my life.

  I didn’t need to be here for this. I knew that. Gary knew how uncomfortable the thought of a bunch of strangers in my home made me and he’d suggested I run out for a couple hours and get myself a nice meal, take myself to a matinee, but I’d shot him down. At least here I got to keep an eye on everyone. At least here I didn’t feel quite as much like I was being thrust out onto the street by a horde of strangers.

  Things seemed to be going well, at least. Black Turtleneck was taking his time, which I took to mean he was interested. Either that or just very thorough. I tried to imagine what the penthouse would look like if he lived here instead, and all I could come up with was monochromatic furniture and a bookshelf packed with the works of Goethe and Capote.

  I shivered. Maybe I should have gone for that matinee after all.

  I walked toward the kitchen, intent on escaping to the patio and spending the last hour of the open house listening to the distant street noise, when out of the corner of my eye I spied a familiar silhouette.

  I turned, hoping that it had been an illusion. I wasn’t that lucky.

  Fyodor strolled up to the kitchen island, his mouth set in a smug grin that wrinkled his cheeks and forehead but somehow made him look younger. His eyes glittered.

  “Son,” he greeted. “I heard you were selling but couldn’t believe it.”

  “I wanted a change.”

  He scoffed. “Russians do not court change.”

  “Well, I’ve always been a pretty crap Russian.”

  He removed his hands from his pockets and set them on the granite worktop. “But you’ve always been a worse liar. You love this penthouse.”

  Of all the times for my father to demonstrate how well he knew me, this was the least advantageous. He could have saved this for a bonding moment, but in true Fyodor fashion he’d come to gloat. Typical.

  Gary eyed my father and his expensive clothes from across the room and started making his way over to us. I gave a short shake of my head and he went over to talk to Turtleneck instead, leaving us alone in the kitchen.

  “I’ll find somewhere else I love,” I replied, keeping my voice neutral. “The whole point of a sacrifice is that it involves a certain element of loss.”

  Fyodor’s eyes scanned the room, and he nodded. “Perhaps I will buy it. I have no purpose for it now, but I could soon gut the place and find some way of using the space. Storage, perhaps.”

  I gritted my teeth. He was trying to get a rise out of me and I’d be damned before he achieved that goal.

  But fuck if I didn’t want to punch his smug little face.

  “What do you want?” I asked. “I haven’t changed my mind.”

  “Just because you haven’t, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t,” he replied in a measured voice. “Valentina is still willing to honor your arrangement if you are. Think about it—you could get everything back, take this place off the market right this second. You’ve worked so hard for all of this, Dominik. Don’t give it up now. Do your duty.”

  I took a deep, calming breath. I couldn’t believe he had the gall to come dangle this in front of me. But, then again, I could. Fyodor was a businessman, and a good one at that. I should have anticipated he’d wait until I was at my lowest point and come offer me salvation.

  But what he didn’t realize was that my lowest point was higher than I’d ever been with him. I had Gemma, angry as I was at her. I had a future of possibilities, and I had free will.

  “No, Father. I’ll say it however many times you need me to before it sinks in, but however many times you ask me that answer is never going to change.” I met his eye, steel against steel. “I will not marry Valentina, or any other heiress you parade in front of me. I’m going to sell this penthouse and find a new job and I might never live to the same standard as I did before, but my life will always be better for making my own decisions.”

  His jaw ticked. “I did not think you would cling to your stupidity with such ferocity.”

  “Then I guess you don’t know everything about me.”

  Fyodor opened his mouth to say something else when loud clattering footsteps approached the kitchen and we both turned to look, just in time to watch Gemma walk into the room. There was something different about her today, something wild and fierce in her eyes. She approached us and I had to resist the urge to pull her into my arms, both because my father was right there and because I was pissed at her. Still, it was damn good to see her.

  “I forgot it was your open house today,” Gemma said. “We need to talk.”

  Fyodor was no idiot. The pieces clicked together in his head and he looked at Gemma with new interest. “You’re the tramp Valentina told me about,” he said, looking her up and down as though she wore a skintight dress instead of jeans
and a blouse.

  “Don’t speak to her like that,” I growled.

  Gemma put up a hand to stop me. “I can speak for myself, thank you very much. And I’m in just the right mood for it.” To my father, she said, “You must be Fyodor.”

  He grunted in acknowledgement but didn’t seem keen to spare more words on her.

  Gemma took a breath, grinding her teeth. Somewhere inside I recognized I should be separating the two right now, but I was curious what she was about to say. Plus, as Gemma said, she could speak for herself.

  “Fyodor Orlov, you should be ashamed of yourself.”

  The words hit the floor like cannonballs and rolled to my father’s feet. His eyes widened in anger.

  “You impertinent little girl!” he bit out, voice rising with every word. “How dare you speak to me in such a way!”

  “Oh, but you’re allowed to call me a tramp?” She crossed her arms and scowled at him. “You’ve got some nerve waltzing into this place after everything you’ve put your son through. And for what? Some stupid business arrangement? Do you not think the man whose spent his entire life fighting for your approval deserves a little more consideration than being used like a cheap pawn?”

  “You speak of things you do not know.” Fyodor stood taller, and if Gemma hadn’t looked so damn ferocious herself I might’ve been concerned for her.

  As it was, she’d never looked more beautiful. A faint blush colored her cheeks and her eyes cut like daggers. Her mouth turned in a haughty scowl that made them look extra plump and juicy. For a second, I forgot that she’d been ignoring me for the past few days. I just stood back and watched.

  “You know what I do know?” Gemma challenged. “I know your son is a good man. He’s a good businessman and an even better friend. The fact that he’s turned out so well is a testament to his own determination and character, and not to your fatherly skills, which frankly are more than a little lacking. I don’t know if you’ve been a shit father because you’re punishing him for his mother’s death or not, but I do know that she would be ashamed if she could see the way you treat him.”

  Fyodor purpled. I caught motion out of the corner of my eye and turned to see a few curious faces peeking into the kitchen, Gary’s included.

  “You’ve gone too far!” my father roared.

  Gary’s eyes widened and he slipped into the room. “Guys, if I could maybe suggest that you take this—“

  “Zip it, Gary!” Gemma said, pointing her finger at him while never taking her eyes off my father. “As for you Fyodor, I haven’t gone far enough. There are a million things I could say to you but for now this sums it up. You suck.”

  “You suck” was hardly a cutting phrase on its own but somehow Gemma made it sound like the harshest condemnation of all. And it worked. Fyodor shot me one last glare that seemed to say this wasn’t over, then stormed out of the room. A second later, the front door slammed.

  Gemma looked at me, breathing hard, but before she could say a word I shouted toward the curious onlookers. “Everyone out! Now!”

  If everyone didn’t get out, the next thing they’d witness was my erection and that was the last thing I wanted. Gemma’s ferocity turned me on. My little mouse had transformed into a wildcat and I thirsted for her kiss, her feverish touch. I wanted to scream at her just as much as I wanted to bend her over the counter and have my wicked way with her.

  We watched each other as the open house attendees dispersed, and when the last of them had left I stomped to the door and locked it. Gemma followed me.

  Her expression softened. “Nik—“

  “What the fuck, Gemma?” I asked, striding into her space. “You ignore my calls for days and then waltz into my open house to tear my father a new one?”

  In an instant, she hardened back up again, and in my current state I preferred her that way. Passion heated the room and made my cock thrum to life. Gemma closed her fists and stood her ground.

  “I get that I haven’t been the best girlfriend, but you don’t get to start yelling at me the second we’re alone.”

  I scoffed. “I think it’s pretty rich you calling yourself my girlfriend when you’ve been treating me like a disposable boy toy.”

  “Oh, please!” she stepped closer until our chests nearly touched. “You’re not the only one going through stuff right now!”

  “That may be true, but at least I could bother to pick up the phone!” I leaned toward her, staring into the endless depths of her eyes. Flecks of gold swam in the green, hypnotizing me. I breathed in her intoxicating smell and had to fight the urge to seize her arms and pull her lips to mine.

  “And I would have explained if you hadn’t just started laying into me!”

  “So I’m not allowed to be pissed at you?”

  She wrinkled her nose, but as she opened her mouth to fire a retort I couldn’t hold back anymore. Electricity sizzled and popped in the air between us, and I grabbed her face in both hands and slammed my mouth against hers.

  Gemma made a noise of protest and pushed against my chest. I let her push me back, but noted that her hands balled in the fabric of my shirt and didn’t let go. Fire raged in her eyes and her chest heaved with breaths. Mine did too.

  She tightened her grip on my shirt and dragged me back down, submitting to her desire. I tangled my lips with hers in a bruising kiss. My hands gripped her ass and squeezed hard, dragging her up to grind against my erection. She responded by running her fingers through my hair, pulling by the roots until it almost hurt.

  I welcomed the pain. I welcomed the burn.

  I turned her toward the wall and slammed her back.

  She growled and bit my lip. “Fuck you.”

  “Yeah, you’re about to,” I whispered roughly, jamming my hand between her legs and rubbing her mound. She moaned.

  I didn’t know where this little hellcat had come from, but I couldn’t wait to see how this passion would turn into raw sex. Gemma was always sexy, but this was the hottest she’d ever been. Clawing at my back, groaning against my lips, giving back just as good as she got.

  My pulse thrummed in my ears. I dragged my mouth down her neck, kissing and sucking at her pulse, not caring if I left marks. Hell, I wanted to leave marks. I wanted everyone to know that this was my woman. I owned her and she owned me. I wanted to consume her, to breathe her in so deep she’d sink into my cells and stay there forever.

  Chapter 28


  Holy shit.

  I barely remembered to breathe as Nik mauled me against the wall, hands ripping at my clothes like they were made of nothing more than paper and tape. He unzipped my jeans and shoved them down to my knees while still holding me firm against the wall, mouth attached to my neck.

  I’d come here to apologize, to make up for the poor way I’d been treating him for the past few days. And then his father was there, and I was already so riled up that I couldn’t stop. I was a rampaging train and Fyodor was just an unlucky bystander who happened to wander onto the tracks, and instead of hitting the brakes I’d steamed full speed ahead into him. Then, when everyone left and I should have been able to talk to Nik and make things right, he’d taken the controls and disabled that brake entirely.

  Now we were animals, clawing at each other in a display of passion and dominance. His hand plunged between my folds without warning and I cried out at the delicious mix of pleasure and pain. Nik swallowed my cry with a punishing kiss, fingers working inside of me until I was slick with desire.

  He was angry with me. I was angry with me too. I’d shut down when I should have let him in, and even though I’d come out the other side victorious, I knew there were better ways I could have handled it. I thought about how I would feel if the tables were turned, and I felt awful. He’d sacrificed for everything for me, and this was how I repaid him?

  Now wasn’t the time to tell him I was sorry, though. Now was the time to show it.

  And if I could have a little fun while I was at it? Well, shit, that would
be a win-win.

  “You’re pissed,” I said against his lips.

  Nik’s fingers stilled and I whimpered. His eyes flicked open, pools of inky desire.

  “You’re damn right I’m pissed,” he hissed. “But now’s not the time.”

  “Now’s exactly the time,” I challenged.

  His thumb stroked over my clit and made my shiver. Nik’s lips curved into a small smile and he pulled back until there was an inch of space between us.

  “You sure you want to stop and chat right now, Diamond?” he asked in velvety smooth voice. “That devilish mouth may be saying one thing, but your body’s telling me another.”

  I met his gaze and smiled seductively. “I never said anything about stopping.” I cupped his bulge with my palm and squeezed. “Or chatting.”

  He cocked a brow and I started to slide down his body, kissing his chest through the fabric of his shirt. Nik soon understood my meaning and he let out a growl of pleasure.

  Sucking cock had never been my favorite thing to do when I was with Niles, but I’d never wanted to do it as much as I wanted to do it now. The thought of pleasing Nik was electric. My body pulsed just at the idea of him shaking, quivering above me as I serviced him, and my mouth watered as I fell to my knees and unbuttoned his pants.

  His cock was hard and heavy in my hands. I pulled it free from his boxer briefs and weighed it in my palm, looking up at Nik to gauge his reaction. He was watching me with something like desperation in his eyes.

  “You’re going to be my undoing, Diamond,” he rasped, and the way he looked at me made me believe it.

  I brought my lips to the head of his cock and licked tentatively. He tasted of salt and man. A pleasant taste. I took another lick and Nik shuddered, resting a hand against the wall for support.

  I didn’t feel like teasing him today and so wrapped my lips around the head and swallowed down as far as I could go, gripping the part of his shaft I couldn’t reach firmly. Nik swore above me and I looked up. His eyes had never been so dark.


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