Mister Diamond

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Mister Diamond Page 133

by Chance Carter

  Joss decided their first route should be the west side. It was a good place to start, and it seemed to be the flattest. She marked their path carefully using one of the pocketknives, notching trees every few yards with a very visible X. There weren’t any noticeable game paths, so it was unlikely there were larger animals sharing the island with them. That meant no predators, thankfully. Joss was certain there were plenty of birds, rodents and lizards though, and if they were lucky enough to catch them, they could eat them. With any luck, they would find a water source and set up traps in the vicinity.

  Bushwhacking through the jungle was hard work, and she was working up quite a sweat. She was starting to regret not waiting until after the hike to bathe. Witnessing her returning from the lagoon fresh as a daisy had prompted the men (with the exception of Captain Jack-Ass) to bathe and change their clothes too. She was happy to share her toiletries with them, but begged them to use the soap and shampoo sparingly.

  The captain had still been fairly faint. Joss watched him trying to sit up, and even stand on his own, but he quickly succumbed to his dizziness, laying his sorry ass back down. She offered to help him once or twice but he just shooed her away, too proud to accept her offer. Recognizing he was a proud, stubborn man, she casually left the things within his reach, helping him as stealthily as she could. He knew what she was up to but didn’t say two words to her, not even thank you.

  Joss kept her eyes peeled for food as they walked, stopping and crouching every few minutes to pick berries or snap off edible greens. She was careful to leave roots intact, ensuring their food source would continue to grow and flourish for another meal. She was excited to find a mango tree and was able to reach six ripe ones, with the help of Ryan hoisting her on his shoulders. He accepted all her offerings, placing them carefully in the bag, mindful not to crush the berries. Along the way, Joss took careful notes and drew primitive maps in her journal so they would have a good record of their travels (and where to return for food).

  She and Ryan were a good team and she enjoyed the natural banter between them. He was a funny guy, his easy, dry humor raising her spirits. She was grateful for the chatter, and the endless laughter. After the ordeal they’d survived, they needed it. It made their crazy situation seem almost normal, their stress melt away. After a few hours they’d traveled as far as Joss dared.

  “We’ll just take a short break before heading back,” she panted, more exhausted than she realized. She glanced down at her survival watch, which served not only as a compass, but had a dozen other uses as well. It was close to three. They would need at least two hours to make their way back to camp, dusk falling soon after that. She didn’t want to spend the night in the jungle, and once it started getting dark, the jungle floor would come alive and bushwhacking would become even more treacherous.

  They quickly found a little clearing. Joss untied the wrap from around her waist and laid it over the mossy ground so they could both sit. As Ryan sipped from the water bottle they shared, Joss used her pocket knife to cut open one of the mangos. She offered half to her partner and they hungrily devoured it. They’d exerted a lot of energy and would need the calories for the trip back.

  “That’s an awesome watch, Joss. It’s almost like you knew we’d be stranded on a deserted island,” Ryan teased, gently reaching for her wrist. She giggled, allowing him to raise her arm for a closer look.

  “Ha ha, very funny. I brought this watch with me because I was scheduled to take a survival training course in Vanua Levu after my friend’s wedding. I thought it would come in handy. Trust me, if I’d had any premonitions, I wouldn’t have boarded that damn plane.”

  “Well, I’m happy you’re stranded with us, we’d be screwed without you,” he insisted, dropping her hand back into her lap, his fingers lingering over hers. The flirtation was not lost on Joss. Normally she would have shut it down, but she didn’t mind so much. She liked Ryan, a lot, and had found herself fantasizing about him most of the day.

  He hesitated for a moment, trying to read her body language, before slipping her hand into his, allowing their fingers to entwine. She smiled up at him and was instantly met with a boyish grin, designed to set her at ease.

  It was working.

  “This is nice,” she sighed, squeezing his hand gently, “it feels almost normal...I mean, if you overlook the fact that we survived a plane crash, that you’re a famous movie star, and that we’re stranded on an island.”

  “Yeah, besides that,” he teased playfully, his thumb softly caressing her knuckles. He paused for a moment, as though he had something on his mind.

  “I’m going to kiss you,” he blurted, his words confident and sure.

  He leaned toward her, placing his free hand in the nape of her neck, softly knitting his fingers through her hair. She wanted to let him, she really did, but her knee jerk reaction was to pull away. It had been a long time since she’d let a man kiss her.

  “Sorry,” Ryan whispered, regarding her thoughtfully, “I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable.”

  “No, you didn’t. I just wasn’t expecting that,” she insisted, her confused tone interwoven with both need, and regret. She wanted a kiss, but like a skittish kitten, was easily spooked. It had always been that way for her and she hated it.

  “Why do you want to kiss me?”

  Ryan cocked his head, his curious eyes searching hers. She squeezed his fingers, wordlessly begging him to try again, too shy to speak the words.

  “Because I like you. Now, close your eyes,” he whispered, his smiling lips inches from her own. She did as she was told, curiously raising her mouth to his.

  He eased into the kiss, tentatively at first, testing her resolve. She liked the way he controlled his pace, teasing out her arousal. She slowly parted her lips, inviting his tongue to explore her own. His mouth tasted sweet, like the mango they’d shared. For the first time in days, she allowed herself to relax, her mind submitting to her body, practicality yielding to need. She could sense her arousal intensifying, radiating from her core, slowly spreading down her spine and legs like warm bath water, his touch flushing her sensitive skin.

  Her ‘mainland’ brain would have wrestled with propriety, ending his seduction before she lost control. She would have been cautious and discerning, worried he wouldn’t respect her if she fucked him, that she wouldn’t respect herself, her pragmatic mother’s voice looping in her head, warning her that he was only using her.

  But they weren’t on the mainland, and the truth was, she didn’t fucking care whether he respected her or not. She felt wild and uninhibited, as untamed as the beautiful island on which they were stranded. She was using him for the same simple reason he was using her, because they were young, and alive. They had survived.

  So when he started to peel off her clothes, she let him. He kissed her with a passion she never knew existed, like she was fresh air filling his lungs, good food filling his belly, hot whiskey deliciously burning his throat, indulging in the profound pleasure of her. His tongue trailed deliberately down her collar bone, over the fleshy mounds of her breasts, pulling in one salty pink nipple, then the other. The tenderness of his tongue sent shivers down her spine as he gently nibbled and sucked each breast, taking his time so she could fully appreciate his seduction.

  Normally she would have encouraged foreplay, insisted on it really, relishing in the tasty appetizer, but instead she squirmed beneath him, shocked by her desperate need to fuck him. Aching, frenzied, and wet, highjacked by her unladylike need. His hard cock seemed to agree, anxiously pressing against her thigh, leaving a cool moist trail on her flesh. She slowly ran her hands down his back until they came to rest on the curve of his ass. His skin was blazing, like hot embers, as though a slow burning fire was smoldering deep inside.

  “I need to fuck you, Joss. I can’t wait another second...” Ryan choked, rising up to meet her. He pressed his lips hard against hers, forcing her mouth open with his tongue. She matched his passion, spreading her legs so he c
ould easily shift between them.

  “Jesus, yes. Fuck me,” she panted, adjusting her hips to invite him in. He didn’t hesitate and lifted her ass, slipping his shaft into her, completely filling her. She groaned her approval, encouraging him to grind his furious cock even deeper.

  He eagerly fucked her, the way young men do, but not without skill. She tightened her thighs around him, riding his cock with matched intensity. Groaning wildly, he sank his teeth into the soft flesh of her neck, desperately penetrating her, encouraged by her fiery eagerness.

  “God, yes!” she cried, spurred on by the pleasure, the crush of his body, his uninhibited passion. She grabbed his ass, grinding his pubic bone into her clit, her pleasure mounting with with every thrust until it bubbled over. She pulled his weight on top of her, holding him close, seized by her orgasm, her moans coaxing him to cum.

  “Fucking hell, woman,” he growled, staring into her eyes, his hips rocking with hers. Within seconds Joss felt his body tense inside her, his muscles rippling beneath her hands, his hot cum filling her pussy. He pressed his mouth against hers, hard, as his orgasm rocked violently inside him, refusing to release him. It seemed to last forever.

  Ryan quietly held Joss for several minutes afterwards, his heart beating against her chest, his cock softening inside her, neither of them ready to face reality. Their love-making had been a welcome reprieve, a few intense minutes of ecstasy in contrast to the despair and fear that had plagued their thoughts for days.

  “We should head back soon,” Joss breathed, the voice of reason warm against his neck.

  “M-hmm,” he muttered, deliberately pulling her closer.

  “I’m serious,” she giggled, squirming beneath him, his cue to roll off her. “We’ll want to be back before dusk.”

  She casually kissed him before sitting up and quickly found her clothes, shaking out her shorts before pulling them back on. She was well aware of the dangerous critters that dwelled on the jungle floor and she preferred not to transport stowaways in her panties.

  “Check your underwear for spiders,” she advised, nonchalantly. She looked up to see a look of horror on Ryan’s face, and laughed. He grinned at her nervously.

  “That has to be the least sexy thing anyone has ever said to me,” he retorted, vigorously shaking his clothes. He carefully inspected them before dressing. “Fucking in the jungle is not as easy as it looks.”

  “It is for the insects!” she quipped, tying her wrap back around her waist. She walked past him, slapping him on the ass. “Ready?”

  Ryan picked up the bag and carefully slung it over his shoulder

  “Let’s go,” he agreed, motioning her to lead the way.

  * * *

  Returning on the marked trail, they headed back the way they came. It would take less than half the time to get back, Joss surmised, because they weren’t stopping every few minutes to collect food. They were both quiet, concentrating as they picked their way carefully through the undergrowth, as if both were processing what had just happened. Joss looked behind her to make sure Ryan was near. He had a worried expression on his face, like something was on his mind.

  “You ok?” Joss asked, stopping for a break. He reached out for her but she shied away, unsure how to navigate their new intimacy. He didn’t seem to notice the subtleness in her body language and grabbed her hand.

  “Yes, but I need to say something,” he began tightly, his eyes dropping to the ground.

  “Ok, what is it,” she coaxed, “talk to me.”

  He smiled nervous, hesitating for a moment before asking, “any regrets?”

  Joss shook her head slowly, curious about where he was going. She’d been thinking about their urgent, spontaneous love-making herself, trying to process her feelings, but regret wasn’t amongst them.

  “Good, good. Listen Joss, that wasn’t like me. I mean, it is, but...well, I don’t usually bang women I hardly know...” he stammered, as though searching for the right words. Joss squeezed his hand, surprised by his obvious discomfort. “And when it does happen, I’m usually a lot more careful...” He brushed his free hand across his forehead, wiping away the perspiration.

  Reading his face, it took Joss a moment to register his concern. Was he worried about STDs?

  “Ah,” she acknowledged, feeling a little foolish herself. She’d been so caught up in the moment, condoms never even crossed her mind. She was rarely that careless, especially when it came to safety, but he didn’t need to worry about her. She could count her lovers on one hand, and Ryan happened to be one of them. She slowly looked him up and down, suddenly wondering if she needed to worry about catching something from him.

  “Right,” she breathed, dropping his hand. She uncapped the water bottle and took a quick swig, then offered it to him. He declined, gently waving it away. “You don’t need to worry about me. I’m clean as a whistle,” she assured, recapping the lid.

  He cocked his head and smiled at her.

  “Me too. Listen, I’m sorry, I should have been more considerate,” he apologized, clearly irritated with himself. “That was stupid...”

  “Please, don’t. We were impulsive and horny. I wasn’t really thinking straight either. You have to admit, we’ve been under a lot of stress. Let’s just move on, ok?” she insisted, trying to get past the discomfort, her earlier confidence waning.

  He nodded, still not convinced, then paused for a moment before adding, “Joss, is there any chance you’re on the pill? Birth control?”

  She wasn’t. Of course he would worry about that, but the thought had not even crossed her mind.

  Joss couldn’t get pregnant. Not ever again.

  “No,” she answered quietly, clearing her throat. It was hard to talk about it. Ryan looked at her nervously, brows raised.

  “I can’t get pregnant,” she whispered, dropping her eyes. “It’s a long story...so if you don’t mind, I don’t want to talk about it right now. Ok?”

  “Oh,” he sighed, clearly caught off guard, “I’m sorry, Joss. Of course it’s ok.”

  She glanced up into his concerned eyes and nodded, grateful for the understanding, but he still looked like he needed something else from her, something more. She wasn’t sure what to say.

  “If you ever want to talk about it, Joss, I’m a good listener,” he promised, taking her hand again. His concern moved her and she leaned in, kissing him softly.

  “Good looking, good in bed, and a good listener. You really are a triple threat, aren’t you?” she teased, hoping a little humor would help them move past it.

  “I’m also a good cook,” he bragged softly, pulling her closer.

  She rolled her eyes playfully and grinned, “Jeepers, you are a keeper, aren’t you?”

  “Tell that to my ex,” he blurted, a little more sharply than he intended.

  She raised her brows, surprised, and a little curious, by the reveal.


  “Never mind,” he lamented, kissing her forehead. “Let’s keep going, the others will be worried.”

  Joss nodded, slipping out of his embrace, but he quickly drew her back.

  “Listen, I know we need to be discreet. The situation we’re in calls for it, but I just want you to know that I’m glad this happened,” he assured, casually gesturing between them. “You’re an intriguing woman, Joss.”

  She smiled sweetly at him, flattered by the compliment, and in total agreement about the discretion. She wouldn’t chance upsetting anyone, she thought, her mind drifting to the captain, suddenly annoyed that she gave a damn what he thought.

  “One more kiss for the road?” he asked. She stared thoughtfully into his eyes for a moment, then raised her chin for his kiss.

  * * *

  “We just got lucky,” Willie exclaimed, recounting their fishing expedition. Ryan caught Joss’ eye, and stifled a naughty grin, as though recalling how ‘lucky’ they had gotten too. Joss gave him a stern warning look, before turning back to her task. She was sorting through the bag, ta
king stock of everything they’d foraged for supper.

  “We tried the homemade spears for a bit, but just couldn’t get the hang of it. After a while the fish seemed to catch on that we were trying to kill them and they just disappeared, so we took a break. When we went back in with the net, I tied one end off to a spear and held the other end while Daniel steered them my way. It worked! I was able to snag two of these suckers!” he continued, pulling a fish out of the handmade basket. It looked two, maybe three pounds.

  “That would be a mullet,” Captain Grant drawled, gesturing towards Willie’s catch. “Nice job, mate.”

  “Thanks man. How are ya feeling?”

  “Better than this morning, I reckon. I might even be able to help you clean your catch,” he assured, gesturing for Willie to bring over the basket. “And please, stop calling me captain, all-a-ya. It’s Grant.”

  Joss looked up from her task, surprised by his change in demeanor. He did seem a lot kinder than he had earlier that day. Maybe he did need time to get his bearings straight, just as she suspected.

  “And what about you, Missy? What did you rustle up?” Grant asked, catching her eye. He looked down at the wrap she’d spread on the ground, to the assortment of edibles she and Ryan had found, an amused expression on his face.

  “A few different plants we can eat, berries. The mango might taste really nice with the fish,” she offered, proud of the offerings they’d worked so hard to find.

  “Not sure it’s safe for us to be eating some of that, girly. Unless you know exactly what you’re doing, there are plants in that jungle that can be fatal,” he scolded, waving his hand, a flippant gesture that dismissed their efforts. She felt steam rising up her neck, once again irritated by his patronizing attitude, but she would be damned if she’d show it. She needed to keep a cool head. Men like him loved to get a rise out of women just so they could tell them to calm down. She could hear him already, ‘No need to cream yourself, missy...settle down now, settle down.’


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