Just Friends

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Just Friends Page 7

by Billy Taylor

  June 10th

  As far as worst days go, yesterday topped the list by far. I feel awful. I stared down at my socks before raising my head to check my reflection. The bruising wasn’t as bad as I expected. A mark still revealed itself beside my left eye, nothing noticeable from a distance. I considered not going to college for the rest of the week. I’m capable of pretending to be sick for the rest of the week, although my parents can see through mine and Madeline’s attempts most of the time. I glanced over at Ethan’s clock, ten minutes behind my usual schedule.

  I left the house still planning how I’d proceed with the day. I couldn’t meet Ethan by our tree. He’d be furious when he saw my face, too. I’d need to enter college from the back entrance. I’ll catch him at lunch. By then I’ll have a plan to explain the marking on my face.

  During the first two lessons of PA I sat at the back, out of the way of everyone. I felt like throwing up.

  The next two lessons I had free periods. I walked out the back entrance of college towards the wall at the edge of the path. Max must have seen me exit because he jogged after me. He stared at me when I turned to look at him.

  “Who did this to you August?” He kept his distance.

  “Max, I’m not in the mood for a chat. Don’t worry I’m fine. Have you seen Ethan?” I snapped.

  Max sighed. “He’s here, he’s looking for you. He will be furious when he finds you. Take it easy on him, he’s having a tough time at the moment, re-adjusting back to his life with his injuries.”

  I nodded and walked away, leaving him behind. I sat myself on the short wall surrounding college, feeling sorry for myself.

  After five short minutes of watching the world pass me by a shadow hovered over me. I knew who it was when I saw the position of his arms in his shadow. I can’t explain how much I wished to avoid this.

  “Why have you been avoiding me?” Ethan asked.

  “Ethan….I’m,” before I finished my reply he’d knelt down in front of me. It’s the first time I’d seen him at college without a tie since the first day. I placed my head into my hands.

  “What’s wrong? Will you look at me please?”

  “No.” I replied. I began to cry because I knew what came next.

  “August.” He softly grabbed my hands and lowered them, raised my chin and tucked my hair behind my ears. I lifted my head, delaying what I wish he didn’t have to see. I began to cry even more. I glanced up to see Ethan, crying. The first time I’d ever seen him cry. I saw the disappointment in his eyes. He reached up, wiping my tears away with his thumb, and gently stroked the marking beside my eye. Ethan removed his hand and held it up. It was shaking. He clenched his fist and wiped away his tears. His eyes suddenly filled with rage. He stood, kissed the top of my head, and before I could say anything, already walked back towards the college doors. I figured he was mad at me, then I realised where he was going. I immediately got to my feet and chased after him.

  “Ethan wait, Ethan, come back!” He ran up the stairs to the college doors, swinging one open. It hit the stopper so hard the top glass panel shattered. I jumped back in case any of it flew my way. A few students noticed the door smashing, too. Everyone else had stood further along the college corridors, deep in gossip. Everyone’s attention switched to Ethan entering through the shattered door. Ethan walked towards the main entrance of college where Mark and his friends were stood. I don’t know what worried me more, Ethan knowing I had been seeing Mark or that he was making his way over to him now. I sprinted down the corridor. After a few seconds I gave up because I knew I wouldn’t be able to catch him. Everyone had fell into silence. All eyes focused onto Ethan. One of Mark’s friends must have alerted him that Ethan was on his way over because he had turned around.

  He held up his hands in front of him. “Ethan listen-” Mark started to say before he was stopped. Ethan had punched him. His right fist connecting with the side of Mark’s jaw. The sound echoed throughout the corridor. Mark stumbled to the floor, hitting his head hard against the ground. He coughed and groaned as he sprawled out on his side on the floor. Ethan knelt down, grabbed him by the scuff of his shirt and dragged him to his feet. “If you ever, ever, touch her, if you ever speak to her, if you ever go near her again. I swear to God, I will fucking kill you.”

  Ethan threw Mark into his friends then stormed out the college doors. He hurried down the stairs before stopping. He turned and jogged back up the stairs, reopening the door and walked through the crowds to me. He smiled and put his arm around me and walked me towards the college doors we originally came from. I was so exhausted from everything that I really didn’t care about what happened. I just wished I never agreed to see Mark. One day, Ethan has been back one day. Not even one day, a few hours, and he’s already going to be kicked out of college, with less than a week to go.

  “Hi.” I said to Ethan as he stood at his sink. I realised my choice of words could’ve been better due to the circumstances.

  “Will you give me a hand here please?” He held up his hand, revealing his badly bruised knuckles.

  I took ahold of his hand in my own, analysing it. It was still shaking.

  “Sit down and I’ll get you some ice.”

  He’d already got a bag of ice scattered on the side. Obviously he’s struggling to adapt with his arm in a cast. I grabbed two sandwich bags from the draw placing one inside the other for strength. Filled them with ice and cold water then tied a knot at the top. Ethan had sat on a stool at the centerpiece of the kitchen. I walked over and pulled up a stool. They’re big stools, so I always have to climb onto them without looking like a toddler. I hopped onto mine and faced Ethan, our knees almost touching. I lifted his hand onto the side, placing the bag of ice onto his damaged knuckles.

  “Better?” I asked.

  He nodded faintly in reply. He looked terrible, like he hadn’t been sleeping well. His face had lost its colour again, surely what happened back at college didn’t cause all this?

  I opened my mouth but Ethan beat me to it.

  “Why didn’t you tell me?” He asked, staring at his hand.

  “I don’t know, I didn’t know how to tell you.”

  Ethan continued to stare at the ice on his hand. “There’s something…there’s something, I need to tell you.”

  “What’s wrong?” I immediately replied.

  I heard in his voice that this was a serious matter.

  “My Dad died, last Thursday. I got a call after you left the hospital. He drank himself to death. They brought him back a couple of times in the ambulance and in hospital. He kept slipping out of their hands until they eventually had to give up on him.”

  I dropped my head and gazed at my lap. It felt like someone had punched me in the stomach.

  “It’s my fault.” Ethan added.

  “Don’t be ridiculous.” I snapped.

  I couldn’t believe he thought that, there was no saving his Dad.

  “There’s something… else I need to tell you. I’ve been keeping it from everyone, but I told my dad before he left.” The concern that rushed over me when he mentioned something else, how could his situation get any worse?

  “What is it?”

  Ethan flopped the ice off his hand, rose from his stool and walked out of the kitchen. I heard a door creak open and slam shut. He reappeared holding a black travel bag. He dropped it onto the floor beside my stool. I hopped off my stool, crouching down alongside the bag. I anxiously dragged the zip across to find it was filled with money. I glanced back up at Ethan, speechless. He focused on the bag with disgust.

  “Is this your Dad’s winnings?” I returned to my feet.

  “Ethan.” I said louder, as I didn’t receive an answer.

  He took a deep breath in. “No, they’re actually… my winnings. You see my Dad hasn’t been doing well at all these past few months… I have. He’s been doing terrible in fact. He’d go out to all these casinos and return empty handed. If he earned anything he’d have lost it soon after. He’d c
ome home, leave his bag at the bottom of the staircase and fall asleep on the sofa. Every morning when I came downstairs I’d check his bag. Empty. Always empty. I’d had enough, I wouldn’t allow him to send us bankrupt. So the next time he went out, I myself went out. I’ve lost count how many times I’ve done it now. Each time I’d come back with a larger amount. When my Dad got back I’d put some of the money I’d won into his bag. I thought he’d maybe consider stopping for a while, but he’d run on out again to return with an empty bag. That was the disappointing part, he wouldn’t even consider saving some. Still, I kept doing it because I had no other choice. I didn’t know what else to do. Before he left for Italy, I cracked, and told him it was me putting the money in his bag, not him. He was furious, and sober for once.” He paused and rubbed his eye. “I told him he needed to stop, but he refused to accept it and stormed out. I mean, I didn’t even get to say goodbye.”

  I walked over to Ethan and hugged him. There’s nothing I can say or do to help during this time. I just want him to know that I’m there for him. That I’m always there for him, no matter what. I raised my head and suddenly his lips appeared desirable. A sudden urge came over me to kiss them. Before I could take action he rested his chin on the top of my head.

  “Are you ok?” He asked.

  “Yeah, I’m fine.” I replied, resting my head against his chest.

  “Is there anything I can do? Is there anything you need?”

  Our hug parted. Ethan shook his head. “Let’s sit down, ok?”

  He nodded and made his way into the sitting room. I ran my hands threw my hair, joining them at the back of my head as I stared back down upon the bag full of money. The craziest past couple of weeks had now gotten even crazier. What is he to do with all this money? There is enough here to last him for most of his life.

  I picked up the bag and placed it along the side of the sofa. I avoided putting it in front of Ethan. Right now I’m sure he hated the sight of it, regardless to the amount. I sat beside him on the sofa. I then noticed how much our lives were going to change. If I got the part for Stanley’s film and had to leave for a while to film, who would Ethan have left?

  Who knows how long I will be gone. I don’t want him to turn into his Dad.

  “What are you thinking about Ethan?”

  “Do you want to stay here for a while?” He quickly replied.

  I opened my mouth to reply, but the answer I was searching for wasn’t there. With everything going on lately this seemed like a rushed decision. Ethan does have a big empty house and I suppose I eventually have to move out of my small bedroom in my parent’s house.

  “I’ll talk to my parents and see what they say. I don’t have the…” I was about to ask about money, but it occurred to me Ethan would insist it that wouldn’t be a problem. “Never mind.”

  “Everything will get better with time Ethan, I promise. How about when you’ve had your cast taken off, we take a break and go on holiday? I’ve always wanted to go to France, lets go there.”

  He smirked. “Sounds nice.”

  “I better go home and speak to my parents. I need to be brave and tell them about Mark. They’ll be back from work soon. Then I’ll come back here and stay with you tonight. Ok?”

  Ethan got to his feet, sniffling his nose. “Excellent plan, my dear. I’m gonna head to the bank and sort out this money then come back and take a shower. You have a key anyway so let yourself in.” He forced a smiled.

  I grabbed hold of him again and gave him another hug before leaving for home.

  Talking to my parents about recent events was one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to do. They freaked out about the state of my face and that charges should be pressed against Mark. I explained Ethan punched him very hard and they seemed to calm down after that. Telling them about Ethan’s Dad was difficult. It upset them more than I expected, the only time they ever spoke was either at mine or Ethan’s birthday parties as kids. Finally I told them Ethan asked me to stay with him. I said I’d stay tonight, but permanently was a big deal.

  “How are you going to pay for everything if you do move in?” Mum asked.

  “Uhhhhhh,” I stalled. “Ethan’s Dad left plenty of money. Ethan insisted we used that. Until I make my own money, then I can chip in.”

  My parents looked at each other and shrugged. “See how tonight goes, if you still want to move there tomorrow I’m sure we’ll agree you’re fine to stay there until Ethan has returned to full health. We’ll call it a trail run.”

  Madeline then entered the room and jumped onto the sofa beside me. She rested her head on my lap and fell asleep without saying a word. I sat and stroked her forehead for five minutes before slipping a cushion underneath her.

  “Be careful, please.” Mum said as we pulled up outside Ethan’s. She gave me her serious frown. I waved goodbye as I placed my key in Ethan’s front door.

  “August, is that you?” Ethan shouted as I shut the front door.

  “Yep, it’s me.”

  “I’m in need of your assistance, dear.”

  I rushed to his aid in case he’d hurt himself. I opened his bedroom door to find him sat on his bed with his shirt half off. It’d got stuck midway between his arm and head, blocking his sight. He appeared to be a tad frustrated.

  “As you can see, I can’t get my shirt off.”

  I knelt down in front of him and unhooked his shirt from his elbow and raised it over his head, exposing the large scar along his collarbone. I flicked my eyes up to Ethan’s. He quickly rose and maneuvered past me, exiting the room without saying another word. I threw my things onto the floor in the spare bedroom. After everything that has happened I figured Ethan wouldn’t have been eating properly. Over the weekend I bet he hardly ate anything.

  I emptied a full bag of pasta into a pan of boiling water, allowing it to simmer on the stove whilst I ran back upstairs. Ethan was still in the shower so I entered his room again, to observe his enormous collection of movies along his shelf. Since I’m a dwarf, I had to pull the chair from his desk to analyse the shelf. I quickly hopped off the chair and shuffled it a few feet to my right. I had stumbled upon my choice. No other film can cheer you up more than your favourite. The Usual Suspects. Ethan lives for the ending. I think I like it because of how much he likes it.

  “Come on, eat up.” I said, forcing pasta down him as we sat and watched our film in his bed. We took it in turns to eat, I’d have a mouthful of pasta then I’d feed him a mouthful.

  “I can feed myself, August.” Ethan growled.

  “This is cute though.” I said making baby faces, feeding him more pasta.

  We fell asleep after I’d finished feeding him. In the middle of the night I was suddenly jolted upright and awoken. Ethan had flicked me up with his arm.

  “Why’d you do that?” I asked angrily.

  He grabbed me and hugged me. “Sorry I was having a nightmare.”

  I put my arms around him. “Do you want to talk about it?” Ethan looked like he’d just seen a ghost and it worried me. “No, I’m fine.”

  June 13th

  My parents sat Ethan and me on the sofa as if we were two six-year-old kids who had misbehaved.

  “Your college called and asked us to stop by for a chat,” my Dad began.

  “We met a principal or whatever you call them to discuss recent events. We should have been shown the footage from the surveillance cameras. However, somehow they misplaced the footage, or they weren’t working at the time of the incident.” He stopped, allowing a disturbing silence amongst us. Both my parents peered over at Ethan, who was analysing his bruised knuckles. I cautiously joined them, was there something they knew that I didn’t?

  My Dad took a deep breath in. “So, the kid who hit my Daughter has a broken jaw. Some mysteriously lost camera footage, and that’s it, I think. I covered everything didn’t I?” He stopped and turned to my Mum who nodded. “Right, so, all I have to say about the matter is, Ethan, good work. August, you’re banned from dati
ng for life.”

  He walked into the kitchen without saying another word. My Mum shook her head sarcastically and followed him. Later on my parents sat and talked to Ethan alone. Probably about his Dad. As I sat on the sofa, watching them talking at the kitchen table. My phone buzzed in my pocket, alerting me that I had a new voicemail. Which is strange because I didn’t hear or feel my phone ringing in my pocket. It had been playing up recently. Maybe it’s time for a new phone. I do still have the first flip up phone my parents ever bought me. A bedazzled one at that too. I clicked play and placed the phone against my ear.

  “Hello, August. It’s Ms. Andrews. I suppose Jasmine would be more appropriate now. I’ve heard about recent activities taking place at college, I hope you’re ok. So, first off, I’ve graded your final assessment based on what I have already seen, because let’s face it I’ve seen your performance a million times already. So overall you got an A, congratulations, highest in the class might I add? Now, this news may be of a little more interest to you. Stanley adored your audition. So basically the part is yours if you want it my love. I insisted on you doing a call back audition, but Stanley said he know’s a star when he see’s one. Stanley and I would love to stop by your house for tea sometime this week, we can meet your parents and fetch along the contract you will need to sign. Call me back when you can please! Goodbye!”


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