Running Into Love - The Complete Box Set

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Running Into Love - The Complete Box Set Page 49

by Annalisa Nicole

  I kiss my way up and thrust my tongue into her mouth. She wraps her legs around me and threads her fingers in my hair. I reach between us and guide myself inside of her. I bury my face in her hair and move slowly. She digs her nails into my back as I pick up the pace, needing to find my own release. She bucks her hips, turns around and gets on all fours. I kneel behind her and enter her hard. I grab on to her garter belt and use it to slam into her. She pushes back, meeting me thrust for thrust.

  “Fuck, I’m coming,” is all I say.

  I lightly pump in and out as I massage her ass. Bending forward, I place a soft kiss in the center of her back.

  The rest of the night we stay in bed tangled in each other’s arms. As the waves crash on the beach outside, we both fall into a peaceful sleep.

  The next morning we wander into the kitchen to find the refrigerator completely stocked. We make ourselves a light breakfast, then head out to the back deck with a cup of coffee to watch the sunrise.

  Just watching Shay standing out here with her eyes closed and raised to the warm morning sun, makes my soul smile. I stand behind her and lock her in against the railing. Just as I start to kiss her neck, my cell phone rings on the kitchen counter. Who the fuck is calling me this early in the morning and the day after my wedding?

  “Don’t move, I’ll get rid of whoever it is,” I tell her, give her one last kiss on the back of the head and walk inside to my phone.

  “Hello, and this better be good,” I bark.

  Fuck it’s the adoption agency.

  “Sorry, no it’s perfect timing. Has something happened?” I ask feeling like an ass.

  Shay hears the one-sided conversation and runs to my side.

  “Who is that? Is that about an adoption? What are they saying? Do we need to head into town?” she asks all in one breath.

  “Yes, I understand. We’ll head back home and call you when we get there. No, I understand, but Shay won’t have it any other way I’m sure. Yes, this is wonderful news, thank you for calling,” I tell her and hang up the phone.

  “What? What did she say? Did they find a match for us?” she asks excitedly.

  “They have. She said it will probably be a few more days and we shouldn’t rush home, but I told her you’d want to head home anyway. This is it. We’re going to be parents. I can feel it,” I tell her and scoop her up and twirl her around the kitchen.

  She has tears running down her face and a huge smile on her lips.

  “Put me down you overgrown oaf, I need to pack. Wait, we never unpacked. Let’s go, come on let’s get in the car, we need to go right now,” she says pulling my hand, while heading to the door.

  “Doll, did you want to put some clothes on first?” I ask with a smile.

  She’s so excited, she’s ready to head home in a bathrobe.

  She looks down at what she’s wearing and answers simply, “No, not really, let’s go.”

  I give her a half smirk, then tip my head at her.

  “Oh alright, if you insist, but hurry up,” she says and heads to the bedroom to get dressed.

  It takes us no time to pack up, since we never really unpacked or used anything other than the bed. We’re in the car, heading back home, in less than ten minutes. The drive on the other hand seems to take forever. Sometimes traffic in Seattle can be a pain in the ass. It’s hard to believe after everything we’ve gone through to get to this point, it finally seems like this is really going to happen. Shay and I, and someone who we haven’t even met yet but already love, will soon be a family.


  After months of paperwork and what seemed like endless waiting, the moment has finally arrived. Adrian and I are sitting at the adoption agency waiting to meet our children for the first time. That’s right. I said children, plural, not singular. As it turns out, there was a brother and a sister that had just become available for adoption. There was no way in hell I would have ever considered for a second, to separate them. Never in my wildest dreams, did I ever fathom the idea of the possibility of there being more than one child. My heart exploded with love the second they told us. What’s even more incredible is that the boy is five and the girl is three, the exact same ages as my niece and nephew, Blake and Sammie.

  Adrian and I spent the last couple of days preparing their rooms, getting as much stuff for them as we possibly could. This was not done alone either. The entire Wellington family has been over, dropping off carloads of clothing, toys, and furniture for them. Adrian and I spent hours at the store picking out all the cutest things.

  For our son’s room, there’s dinosaur bedding on a twin size bed. There are dozens of cars and trucks lining his bookshelves. For the little girl, I couldn’t help myself. Her room is exploding with pink. From her princess fairytale canopy bed, to the dolls and complete tea set that sit patiently waiting for her, on a small table with three chairs. There are stuffed animals on shelves and frilly dresses hanging in the closet. Aiden, Asher, Kyle and Samuel have been in the back yard putting up a fort swing set, complete with a sandbox.

  When I stood outside my soon to be daughter’s bedroom, I couldn’t help but wish my mother were here. I love having Samantha flutter around as happy and excited as we are, but selfishly I can’t help but think nothing can come close to your own mother’s love for her daughter’s children. Yes, I realize these are Samantha’s grandchildren too, and she’ll love them just as much as everyone else. But, what I wouldn’t give to have my mom here with me to share this experience with her. I know she’s here in spirit and I know she will always be their guardian angel.

  Everything is perfect, down to the dolls that sit in each of the chairs at the perfectly laid out tea table. I realize that she’s only three, but it’s never too early for a tea party. To the bright red fire truck that sits in the center of the dinosaur rug in my soon to be son’s bedroom, everything is perfect.

  The door to the social workers office opens, bringing me out of my happy thought of what’s waiting back at home for our son and our daughter. In walks the cutest little boy and girl I’ve ever seen. The little girl has curly blonde hair and the prettiest blue eyes I’ve ever seen. The little boy has light brown hair with blue eyes. The little girl is hugging her brothers side scared as a leaf. The boy seems to be in protection mode and guards his little sister, with his little arm around her tiny shoulder. So young and he’s already taken on the role of protector of his little sister.

  I know a little of why these two are being adopted and my heart breaks at their tragic loss. Both of their parents were killed in a car accident and only have an elderly grandmother who is suffering from Alzheimer’s, who can’t care for them. There was no other choice but to place them up for adoption. What these two must have had to endure in such a short amount of time crushes my heart. Their tragic loss of their parents though, is what has allowed us to have the family we’ve been longing for. As a tear rolls down my cheek, the little girl glances up through her blonde bangs and runs into my outstretched arms. My heart breaks for her, but rejoices knowing that she’s all mine now and will be loved, cared for, and cherished for eternity. Her brother comes over to her and puts his little hand on her back.

  Chapter 20


  As the little girl and the little boy enter the room, I instantly have déjà vu. I’m taken back to the accident on the job site. The little boy and the little girl that I saw when my future flashed in front of my eyes, is this exact little girl and this exact little boy, standing so scared in front of us right now. It was Shay’s future that I saw, but it was my future as well, with Shay. This little boy and girl were meant to be ours from the beginning.

  “Wow, it’s uncanny how much these two look exactly like the two of you,” the social worker says, looking at the children, then at us. “I’d like to introduce you. This little fellow here is Micah, and this is his little sister, Makayla,” she says with a smile. She kneels down behind them and in a small voice she says, “These are the Wellington’s, they’re r
eally nice people. They’ve been trying to have children of their own, but instead they’ve been waiting their whole lives, just for the two of you. I know it’s hard, but I’d like you two to try real hard and allow them to take you home. I know they’d like nothing more than to take you home and show you your new rooms.”

  The little girl cowers and clings to her big brother. I can’t take my eyes off of these two, but out of the corner of my eye I see a single tear slide down Shay’s cheek. I reach over and fumble for her hand and lace my fingers in hers. She returns a tight squeeze and a small sob. As soon as the social worker introduces them, the little girl looks to Shay and instantly runs into her outstretched arm. The sobs that escape Shay, break my heart with joy.

  What these two kids have gone through to get to this point in their life is something I can never experience. But, I can do my best from this moment on to love and protect them and be the family that we all need.

  Micah comes over and places his hand on his little sister’s back, to comfort her shaking form that is still wrapped in Shays' arm. I’m at a loss for just what to say to someone so young, knowing what he’s gone through. I stretch out my hand to offer him at least a handshake. Dumb, I know. But he seems to be a little on the guarded side and who can blame him for that, it’s completely understandable. He looks at my hand and for a second, I don’t think he’s going to take it.

  He ever so slowly places his hand in mine. As I shake his hand, I pull him into my arms and hug this little boy that’s taken on way too much at too young of an age. As I hold my son, I too can’t help my own sob that escapes my lips. I wrap him in a hug in the crook of my arm and place my hand on my face, as tears run uncontrolled down my face. Shay lets go of my hand, leans over, opens her arms with Makayla still in them, and grabs the two of us in a family hug.

  We stay together like this for as long as it takes, not only for them, but for Shay and I, too. It’s hard to believe that Shay and I walked in here, and with just a few more signatures, we’re allowed to walk out as a family of four. There will be a court hearing to finalize the adoption, but other than that, Micah and Makayla are ours.

  Shay’s taking some time off work to spend at home with our children, to get them comfortable with their surroundings, and with us. I’m able to take the next week off of work, but after that, I need to get back on the job site. We’ve asked the family to let us have this week to bond alone with Micah and Makayla, and tell them that we’ll be at family dinner on Sunday to introduce everyone to our children. We don’t want to overwhelm the kids with too many family members.

  Even after all that was said, still one by one they show up at our house anyway. On Monday, Kyle, Amelia and Noah drop by, they were in the area, so they said. They brought Micah a Lego set, and Makayla a little baby doll. They warmed right up to them and Micah even called them Aunt Amelia and Uncle Kyle.

  Tuesday, Asher, Willow, Abbey, and Aaron show up bringing gifts as well. Abbey and Makayla hit it off right away.

  Abbey grabs Makayla’s hand and says, “You want to play dollies?”

  With a simple, “Yes,” they march to Makayla’s room holding each other’s hands and haven’t been seen since.

  You can hear the wonderful sound of two little girls giggling every once in a while, and it’s music to my ears.

  Wednesday, Aiden and Ava show up, they too come bearing gifts. I think they all got together and secretly planned this all out and have planned on spoiling our children rotten. But, I’m perfectly alright with that.

  Thursday, my parents come over and shower them with gifts and love. My mom and dad played outside with them for hours. My mom pushed Makayla on the swing for what seemed like forever. The smile not only on that little girl’s face, but my mother’s, was worth all the waiting. My dad sat in the sandbox and let Micah dump truck load after truck load of dirt in his lap, with a smile.

  We’ve created a bedtime ritual, where we read to the kids in Micah’s bed. Makayla will usually fall asleep even before the story is finished and I have to carry her to her own bed.

  Tonight, as we all climb in his little bed, I ask, “So, which one of us do you want to read to you tonight?”

  We let them take turns and pick which one of us will read, then we let them pick which book to read, too. Tonight it’s Micah’s turn.

  “I want you to read, Daddy. You can pick the book, I don’t mind.”

  My heart stops in my chest and my breath catches in my throat. My son called me daddy for the first time. Nothing could have prepared me for the feeling that comes over me. My son called me daddy for the first time. I’m someone’s daddy. That’s not a responsibility I take lightly. I have a hard time reading the book to my kids. The wavering tone of my voice and the lump in my throat, almost makes it impossible to read.

  As I pick up my daughter to carry her to bed, she wraps her tiny little arms around my neck and gives me a squeeze. I walk her to her room and gently place her in her bed. As I cover her up, she grabs her stuffed animal, cuddles it close with a sigh and a smile. Yes, these two are home and our flesh and blood. No, they may not have our actual blood coursing through their veins, but in my eyes they do.


  When Micah called Adrian daddy, my heart soared with joy. These two little precious gifts are now our children. As I stand outside Makayla’s room and watch her daddy put her to bed, my cheeks hurt with my smile. It’s amazing that in the short amount of time we’ve had together as a family, the feelings in my heart I have for these two kids. I can’t explain it, but they are as much a part of Adrian and me, as my left arm is a part of my body. It’s like they’ve been a part of this family from the beginning.

  Sunday at dinner, I’m just in awe at how easily these two have slipped into everyone’s lives and hearts. Micah calls me mommy and calls Adrian daddy. Makayla copies her brother in everything he does and followed right along. In her cute little girl voice, hearing her call me mommy still takes my breath away.

  Hearing my son and my daughter call me mommy, is a day I will never forget. At dinner, Samuel taught them to call him grandpa and to call Samantha, grandma. All the kids are running around chasing each other and playing together so nicely, except for Aaron, who’s just too little, but someday soon he’ll join in right along with them. The only people missing are Max and Chloe. No one’s heard a word about what happened after he carried her out of the wedding. Ava said Chloe’s been at home, but is not speaking to anyone, not even Kyle. No one has seen Max at all.

  The next few weeks are spent getting into a normal routine. I’ve decided to take a permanent leave of absence from work. Stewart, who is now Uncle Stewart, has assured me that I will always have a job with his firm when I decide to come back. He’s so sure I’ll come back, that he’s leaving my office just as it is. Maybe I’ll come back when both of the kids are in school full time, we’ll see.

  Micah is now enrolled in Kindergarten and has even made a few friends on our street. While he’s at school, I sometimes take Makayla to the park where she’s met and plays with several other kids her age. Sometimes we take daddy lunch to the job site. I love seeing all the rough and burly men melt like ice cream on a hot summer day, the second they see Makayla. When I see her wrap her little arms around her daddy’s neck and squeal with excitement, my own heart melts.

  Soon the day comes where we have to appear in front of a judge in family court, to finalize the adoption. I don’t need a piece of paper to tell me what’s already ours.

  As the entire family squeezes in the tiny courtroom in front of the judge, all I can hear is my heart pounding in my ears. What if there’s a problem and he doesn’t approve the adoption? He looks over the paperwork, and in less than a minute, he’s congratulating us. Wait, did I miss something? That’s it? It’s official. No one can take our children away from us now. They are officially our children.

  “I say this calls for a celebration,” Asher says.

  “I agree. How about if we all meet at that new restaurant,
Jax, just down the street? I’ve heard great things about the chef there,” Ava says.

  I don’t know how everyone pulled it off, but everyone is at the restaurant. Somehow, Ava even convinced Chloe to come. Asher just got off the phone and we’re all seated at a huge table. Within ten minutes, Max shows up and by the look on Chloe’s face, I can tell she had no idea he’d be here. She starts to get up from the table, but Max interrupts her.

  “No, you sit, it’s alright. I’ll leave. You don’t need to go. I’m sorry, I was told you weren’t going to be here,” he says giving Asher a dirty look.

  “You’re both here now. There’s no reason you both can’t stay,” Asher says with a smirk.

  Chloe slowly sits back down and nods her head, indicating that Max can stay. He takes a seat at the far end of the table. The waitress comes to take drink orders and soon the whole family is loud and involved in conversations.

  We all place our orders and continue our conversations. I can’t help but notice the glares Max is giving Chloe. I was hoping they could have had all their issues worked out and they would get back together. I can see that didn’t happen.

  Several waitresses and a man in a chef hat appear with arms full of plates. Everything smells and looks delicious.

  Dinner is absolutely fabulous. Adrian and I will definitely be coming back here. I think I found my new favorite restaurant.

  After the meal, the chef comes back out and introduces himself, “My name is Jaxon Landry and I’d like to personally welcome you all to Jax. I hope you all found your meals enjoyable. I’d like to offer you all a complimentary dessert, I hear there’s reason to celebrate,” he says looking at each family member.

  When he gets to Ava though, his pupils dilate and I hear his small intake of breath. That was a weird exchange between the two of them. Ava plays it off like it’s nothing though. But, I also notice her checking out his ass when he goes back to the kitchen.


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