Running Into Love - The Complete Box Set

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Running Into Love - The Complete Box Set Page 110

by Annalisa Nicole

  “Brooding? You were going to say brooding? Weren’t you? Funny, I’ve heard that from a few certain Wellington women lately. You want to go shopping? We’ll go shopping,” he says, switches lanes, and heads toward the mall.

  “No, really. We don’t have to. I’ll ask Savvy or Amelia to take me some other day,” I say.

  “Nope, now I have my heart set on going to the mall to brave the holiday rush of crazy ass shoppers,” he says, turning into the mall parking lot.

  He drives around the crowded mall for fifteen minutes, just to find a parking spot. He parks, opens my door, then we enter the mall. It’s a flipping mad house. People are shoulder to shoulder, pushing their way from store to store. Santa is in his fenced in cubical with a red-faced, screaming two-year-old sitting in his lap. I can see where someone who’s not in the Christmas spirit would totally hate it.

  But, what I see is people with arms full of gifts for their loved ones. The smell of cinnamon roasted almonds is in the air, just begging to stand in the fifteen-minute line, Jax would love them! The line for Santa has perfectly behaved, well-dressed children anxiously waiting to sit on his lap to tell him they’ve been good and just what they want. And the mall is decorated with dozens of Christmas trees and not one of them is decorated the same. There’s cheerful Christmas music filtering through the mall and several couples walk hand in hand with happy smiles. We’re here now, I might as well do what I need to do.

  Levi follows me from store to store and takes my bags from the cashier after I pay. I’ve done my research and I know exactly what stores I need to go to and the best price on every item written on my shopping list. I don’t have much and I’ve been saving for months, so I need to make every penny count.

  When we finish, it turns out Levi’s done exactly what I said I didn’t think he’d do. He’s followed me from store to store, he’s carrying my plethora of bags, and it’s been hours.

  We get back to the car and he loads all of my bags in the back. He opens my door, waits until I’m inside, then closes it. He climbs into his seat, then starts the car. He really has been a good sport.

  “I was thinking. Since it is dinner time and all, would you like to come back to my place? Ava texted me earlier and said she dropped off some extra meals from Jax they didn’t use last night.”

  “You eat day old food?” he asks.

  “Hey, I’ll take a decent prepared meal over vending machine roulette any day. They take pity on me. Although, I’m pretty sure Jax prepares extra on purpose just so he knows I get fed. I don’t make much and what I do make goes towards rent, utilities, and gas. Well, gas when I had a car,” I tell him.

  “You have a job?” he asks.

  “Three actually,” I tell him.

  He looks at me with shock, and I wonder just how he thought I paid to support myself.

  He pulls up in my driveway and parks. I get out, open the front door while he goes to the back of the vehicle and unloads my purchases.


  I unload all of Quinn’s purchases, just inside her house, then close the front door. I take a look around her condo and it’s rather nice. There’s furniture in every room and the walls are nicely decorated. It’s a far cry from my house. Six months after Shannon and Ivy died the Christmas tree was still up in our family room. I couldn’t bring myself to take it down. I didn’t even want to touch the gifts under the tree. A few hours before I met Max in the parking lot of the bar, I hit my all time low. I went from room to room and I destroyed everything in it. There wasn’t a chair, table, or couch untouched. I picked up the Christmas tree and flipped it over my head on the ground like a mad man.

  When I came to Ivy’s room, I stopped. I stood in the middle of her room, looked at her things, then at her empty bed. I fell to my knees and for the first time, I sobbed uncontrollably. An hour later, I got up, closed her door, then drove to the bar, needing to forget it all. Now, all that’s in my house is a couch, a table with two chairs, and a bed. That, and the closed door to Ivy’s untouched room. The next afternoon, after I got home from work at Max's, I cleaned everything up. I took Ivy’s Christmas gifts, placed them in her room, and I’ve never opened the door since.

  “Beer,” Quinn offers, holding one out to me.

  I nod my head, unsure if I’m able to speak, and take the beer from her. She moves toward the door and picks up all the bags, then places them in her room.

  “I put a tray of lasagna in the oven to reheat it. It should be ready soon,” she says.

  I take a deep breath, then say, “You have a nice place.”

  “Thanks. It’s been handed down to just about every single Wellington woman in the family, until they got married and moved out. They've each left their personal touch here and there. I don’t know what I would’ve done if it didn’t become available to me,” she says.

  She walks over to the table in the kitchen, moves her mouse to wake up her laptop, then does a few things and steps away. She moves over to the refrigerator and takes vegetables out to make a salad.

  “Can I help with anything?” I offer.

  “No, I’ve got it. Just enjoy your beer,” she says.

  I walk over to her laptop and take a look at what she was doing. It looks complicated, but looks like professional designs.

  “What’s this?” I ask.

  “It’s a web design I’m working on for a client,” she answers, rinsing off some lettuce.

  “You do web design?” I ask, surprised.

  “Yes, on the side. It pays pretty good. I’ve taken some classes over the years and I really enjoy it. I thought about changing my major early on, but decided that becoming a pediatric dentist was definitely my true calling. I also do taxes during tax season and I tutor high school math students, too.”

  When does she find time to do all of this and do all her studying? I was completely wrong about her. As I stand and look at her web skills, she takes in a huge breath, then quickly sets down the knife on the counter. I look over as she grabs a paper towel, then holds it around her finger.

  “What happened?” I ask.

  “I suck in the kitchen. That’s what happened,” she says.

  “Let me see,” I tell her.

  I walk over to her and take her hand in mine. I open the paper towel and look at her index finger. It’s not too deep and doesn’t need stitches, but she’ll need a bandage.

  “Where are your first aid supplies,” I ask.

  ‘”In the bathroom, under the sink,” she says, lifting her chin, indicating down the hall.

  I get the supplies, then come back to her. I put some first aid ointment on the cut, then wrap it in a bandage.

  “All better?” I ask.

  She nods her head and smiles at me.

  I take a step closer and rub my nose over her jaw.

  “I’ll finish the salad,” I tell her in her ear.

  “That’s probably a good idea,” she whispers.

  I run my hand in her hair on the side of her head, then place my lips on hers. She softly moans, then runs her hands up my back inside my shirt. Her hands on my bare back feel phenomenal. I kiss down her neck, then reach for the hem of her shirt. I pull it off over her head, then kiss her again.

  “How much longer for the lasagna?” I ask.

  She breaks the kiss to look at the timer on the wall oven, as it goes off. I walk her to the oven, she reaches over, turns the oven off, then pulls my shirt off and reaches for my fly. She unbuttons and unzips them, then puts her hands down my pants, and firmly rubs her hand up and down my dick.

  God, it feels so good.

  I pick her up and she wraps her legs around my hips. I walk her out of the kitchen and back down the hallway. I passed her bedroom earlier on the way to the bathroom when I got the first aid supplies. Her lips stay on mine the entire way to her bedroom. I walk into the room, she drops my shirt, then I lay her down, staying with her the entire way. I run my hand up her ribs, then pull her bra upward. I kiss down her neck, until I reach her nipp
le and take it into my mouth. Her hands go to my hips and she pushes my pants down as far as she can reach.

  I continue down her stomach, then undo her pants. As I pull them down, she shimmies out of them. She sits up, reaches behind her back and removes her bra. The room is dark except for the moonlight filtering in through the window. I stand up and remove my jeans and boxers, then stand over her and look at her.

  She’s beautiful.

  She gets up on her knees on the mattress, then runs her hands up my abs and over my chest. She kisses up my neck and trails over to my lips. Her hand glides down, then she takes me firmly in her hand. I grit a breath out through my teeth, as she strokes me up and down, then she sinks downward. She takes me in her hot mouth and I fist my hands in her hair. Her tongue forms to the underside of my dick, as she swirls it to the tip. My eyes roll in the back of my head as I look upward. Her hand is at the base following her lips up and down with each stroke. I sweep her hair in my left hand, while I place my right on her jaw and feel her muscles open and close with my thumb. I slightly rock into her with each downward thrust and it feels fucking amazing.

  I feel myself close, but she needs more. I pull out of her mouth, grab her by the waist, and bring her to her knees in the center of the bed. I position myself behind her and stroke myself with one hand while I rub her sweet ass with the other. I run my dick down the crack of her ass until I feel her warm, slick entrance and slowly sink inside her.

  She lets out a moan, then pushes herself into me. I grab her by the hips and pull her in, then slightly out. She meets me thrust for thrust. I place my hand in the center of her back and push her chest all the way down on the mattress, then feel her insides clench around me. I follow soon after with a moan while palming her ass with my fingers.

  I pull out, then flip her over on her back. I kiss her just below her ear, then place a soft kiss on her lips. I pull away from her and place my hand on her cheek, then trail it away with a finger at her jawline.

  “Are you hungry?” I ask.

  “Starved,” she answers.

  I get off the bed, grab my jeans and slip them on.

  “I’ll finish the salad,” I tell her, walk back over to the bed, give her one more kiss, then leave the room.

  Chapter 7


  I roll over in bed with a huge smile on my face. When I invited Levi over, I never expected that to happen. He keeps proving me wrong. He may be tall, dark, and brooding, but underneath all of that, he’s definitely warm, caring, passionate, and one hell of a lover.

  I get out of bed and grab my shirt, but see his sitting just inside the doorway. I bring it to my nose and smell it. Smells fresh, outdoorsy, and just like him. I slip it on over my head, grab my panties and slip them on, then head out into the kitchen.

  The sight of Levi, in my kitchen with no shirt on, preparing food makes me stop and stare at him. I’ve been so focused on my studies that I never realized until this moment that I’ve been missing out. Big time! He looks up from the island and gives me a devilish smile when he sees I’m wearing his t-shirt.

  I go to the table, stack my papers in a neat pile, and place my computer on top. I go to the cupboard, take out two plates and set the table. I take two cold beers from the fridge, crack them open, and set them next to the plate. I put on some oven mitts, remove the still warm lasagna from the oven, then place it on the table. I sit in the chair, bring my legs up, and sit criss-cross. Levi brings over the salad, then opens the fridge, digs out some dressing, and sits down.

  “What’s your schedule for the rest of the week?” he asks.

  “My last day of school is Friday, other than that I don’t have anything planned. Why?” I ask.

  “I’ve been working on an old Mustang for a few years now. I was thinking maybe this weekend you could come over and lend me a hand,” he says, dishing himself, then me a generous helping of lasagna.

  “Me? I don’t know the first thing about fixing a car,” I tell him, taking a bite.

  Oh my God, this is good lasagna.

  “I can show you,” he says.

  “How’s that help you fix a car with you teaching me?” I ask.

  He sets his fork down, then looks at me with those soulful eyes that seem to hold a lifetime of stories just locked away inside.

  “You’ll be helping me by keeping me company,” he says, picks up the tongs and places salad on his plate, then mine.

  “Oh,” I say.

  That’s about all I can say. Levi wants my company. He will definitely have my company then.

  “Do you know the difference between a socket wrench and a crescent wrench?” he asks.

  “Uh…the crescent wrench has the twisty doohickey mabob in it and a socket wrench has the little barrel looking things you put on the end. Right?”

  “Right…twisty doohickey mabob,” he repeats with a small smirk.

  I smile, knowing that I at least picked up the basics from watching my brother and dad work on things around the house as a kid.

  We finish our meal, then he helps me clean up the dishes. Now, we’re at that awkward moment when I’m not sure if I should invite him to stay, or if he even want’s to stay. Do I ask him? What do I say?

  Before I can finish arguing with myself about what I should do, he walks to the front door and checks that it’s locked, then he takes my hand and pulls me over to the couch. He sits down, then pulls my legs on his lap. I pick up the remote, turn on the television, then hand him the remote. I snuggle up to his bare chest and rest my head on him. He wraps his arm around my back, flips through some channels until he comes to a sports recap, then watches. He pulls a blanket from the arm of the couch, then drapes it over my bare legs.

  He’s so gentle and thoughtful. I’m starting to see right through him, down to the man I now know he is. Within a few minutes, I’m fast asleep. I’m woken to a dark room, as he lifts me into his arms and walks down the hallway to my room. He lays me in bed, gets in next to me, then covers us both. He pulls me close to his body, wraps his arm around my stomach and soon we’re both asleep.

  The next morning, I open my eyes and the bright sunlight streams through the window. I take a deep breath and still smell Levi on his t-shirt. Then the delicious smell of coffee hits my nose. I roll over to an empty bed, flip off the covers and head to the kitchen.

  Levi is, again, prepping food. He has a carton of eggs sitting open on the island, a dish towel slung over his muscled back, his jeans are sitting low on his hips, and his back is turned to me at the stove. There are two places set at the table along with two coffee cups.

  “Morning,” I say.

  Levi turns around, smiles, sits down the spatula, and walks over to me. He places his hand on my hip, then kisses me. He pulls away, looks into my eyes, then smiles at me again.

  “Morning,” he says, then goes back to the stove. “I made omelets, the coffee’s ready if you want to grab it and pour us some,” he says, carrying the pan over to the table.

  He cuts the omelet in half with the tip of the spatula, then slides half out onto each of our plates. I grab the coffee, some flavored creamer out of the fridge, and sit at the table. I pour him a cup, then I pour one for myself. I splash a small amount of creamer in my cup as he takes a seat. I lift the creamer, then look at him, silently asking if he’d like any. He shakes his head no, picks up his black coffee, and takes a sip.

  “What do you have planned today?” I ask him.

  “I need to go home and feed Lucky, then I have some work to do in the office,” he says and takes a bite of his omelet.

  “Who’s Lucky?” I ask.

  “My dog,” he answers.

  “I didn’t know you have a dog,” I say, digging into my omelet.

  “If you want, you can come with me, then I’ll drop you off at school,” he says, finishing his food.

  He washes it down with the rest of his coffee, then pours another cup.

  “Sure,” I say, liking that I get to see his place.

nbsp; I finish my breakfast, then Levi takes both plates and loads them into the dishwasher.

  “I’ll finish cleaning up. Go get dressed, so I can have my shirt back,” he says, standing at the sink.

  I walk up behind him and wrap my arms around him.

  “I was hoping to keep it,” I tell him honestly.

  He turns around in my arms, then wraps his low around my waist.

  “I’d let you keep it, except, do you know what bare nipples feel like on the inside of a leather coat?” he asks, leaning against the sink.

  “Um, no,” I answer.

  “Maybe I’ll show you tonight,” he answers, turns me around, then swats me on the ass.

  A promise of things to come tonight? That, I like.


  I pull up in the driveway, then have second thoughts about Quinn seeing my house. Not because it’s a mess, but because I don’t have much. I walk around the Explorer and open her door, take her hand, then lead her to the door. Lucky barks from the other side and scratches on the door.

  I open the door and Lucky walks out of the house. Quinn immediately goes to her knees and shoves her face in the dog’s nose.

  “Oh my God, she’s adorable! What kind of dog is she?” she asks.

  “She’s a Pomeranian,” I answer.

  “But she’s white!” she spits out.

  “Yeah, she’s my little, white, fluff ball,” I confirm.

  “I kind of expected you to have…I don’t know, a big, black, mean looking dog,” she says, picks up Lucky, then brings her into the house.

  “Why would you think that?” I ask.

  She looks at me from head to toe up and down, then looks me in the eyes. She’s right, if I had it my way I’d have a Doberman.

  “Why did you name her Lucky?” she asks.

  I don’t answer right away. Instead, I go into the kitchen and fill her bowl with food. Quinn sets her down, then she happily trots over to her bowl, shoves her face inside, and chows down.

  “Because she’s one lucky dog,” I finally answer.

  “Was she OK, last night being by herself?” she asks.


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