Daddy's Destiny

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Daddy's Destiny Page 2

by Lena Little

  And she’s definitely not mincing words about wanting me to stop by. The main question I have now is when in the world did she have the time to stop by and drop this off? Why would she expose that she knows where I work, despite the fact that I already know she was in here on what apparently is her actual eighteenth birthday.

  And why don’t I feel like a dirty old man for lusting after her, on the very day she became legal? Maybe it’s because I never even saw her, or knew of her existence before she was an adult in the eyes of the law.

  First thing first. I need to get some more information on her dad. I highly doubt this is some sort of elaborate setup, mostly because I can’t think of a motive at this point, but it could be. If it is I’m still going to find a way to make it work and take his daughter in the process, although I don’t even like thinking of her as attached to him in any way, especially as his family.

  I lean forward, my index fingers pecking the keyboard as I look for more information about the senator. In all the pictures I can find of them together something is just…off. I can’t quite put a finger on it, but everything looks so forced. I understand that he’s a public figure, so she’s become one by association, so they’re getting photographed enough to drive a reasonable person insane. Then again, it almost looks like he’s the insane one, parading her around to make himself look more human.

  Is this prick trying to use her to get more votes? Maybe, but I can’t quite nail it down to that yet. But if I do go to her birthday party then maybe I’ll get some more information which will help me get to the bottom of this. That’s exactly where I need to go because she’s on top of my mind and I need more information. I need to know everything about her and what the hell’s going on.

  Because I know what’s going on with me. She came into my world, flipped it completely upside down, and I’ll never be the same without her as mine. Always.

  And it’s time to find a way to make that happen. Now.



  The next evening

  Not forty-eight hours ago I was jumping the fence to enter this property, and here I am today being greeted by what looks like a security detail full of Navy SEALs, although in reality, these guys appear to lack any sort of military or police training, which I find odd considering the senator should have those kind of connections.

  “We need to pat you down, Mr. Dean. Can’t be too cautious after the burglary incident,” the main guy says.

  “If I was the burglar then why would I risk my life trying to stop him the other night?” I ask, pushing my way right past and the security detail wisely doesn’t ask me again.

  I’m tired of all this nonsense. All I want is her. To see her. To thank her for her invitation and the card.

  To tell her what she means to me. Everything.

  I never understood all those sappy love songs until I laid eyes on her. Now they all make sense, despite none of this situation making sense to me.

  I don’t care at this point. I just need to get in and get closer to her, to be in the same room with her. To put my eyes on her and look at those blue eyes sparkle with happiness as she celebrates a milestone birthday in happiness.

  I make my way through the house, avoiding all the political types and intellectuals discussing things I know nothing about. Maybe this is why dating and the small talk that goes with it never interested me. All those years I was just looking for someone who I could protect, keep safe, and support in all ways. I just never knew it until now.

  “Your attention please,” her father says, just as I step into their huge back yard. “A moment for the birthday girl to have the floor.”

  I freeze, my eyes tracking her as she steps up onto a small podium where a DJ stops playing and hands her a microphone.

  The afternoon breeze catches her white, lacy dress and kicks up a corner of it. Thank God it barely moves above her knee because if any other man got a glimpse of any more of her skin I’d be damn near tempted to rip their eyes out. That body belongs to me and only me.

  My palms squeeze into fists as possessiveness shoots through me. Running my hand across my shoulder before grabbing the back of my neck, I squeeze hard trying to release some of the mounting tension that’s coursing through my body. I should be calm now that I made it inside, now that I’m close. But in reality, the tension has only grown worse.

  Now I can see what I don’t have, a constant reminder that there’s more work to be done. A gnawing that she hasn’t been claimed yet, by me and only me.

  I want to move closer to the stage but the place is jam packed, and I’m not about to push through people when she’s speaking. I want to latch onto every word and it’s better to stay rooted where I am in order to do that. Not to mention to hide my already throbbing need.

  The minute she begins speaking all I hear is music. My mind doesn’t latch onto a single word, instead focusing on the harmonic rhythm of her pitch as she effortlessly speaks. Public speaking is many adults’ greatest fear, yet here she is having just become an adult handling it with ease.

  What would you expect from a girl who’s been fighting all her life? She’s scared of nothing, although if she knew the thoughts going through my mind right now she’d surely turn and run, or call on all the police officers and military in the state to lock me up for life. The things I want to do to that little body of hers. But it’s not just her body.

  Her mind. Her soul. Her trust. I want it all. Need it to be whole.

  Just like I need my cock buried inside her as I fill her with my seed, breeding her and making her mine forever.

  I’d give every last cent I have to watch her belly grow big with my firstborn child…our child.

  As she continues to talk I feel so damn proud, which should make no sense, but in fact, it completely does.


  That’s exactly what I need to be to her. To help her life move forward, to support her, to be there for her to avoid life’s potholes.

  This fire inside is burning out of control, this obsession cutting deep. I feel my eyes narrow, laser focused on her as I watch her from a good twenty yards. And then, as if right on cue, her eyes pick me out of the crowd, her whole face lighting up in recognition as her words stop momentarily.

  “Sorry, I lost my train of thought.”

  It’s okay, little one. I’ve felt the same way since I laid eyes on you too.

  She looks so damn innocent, so perfect, so untouched…and so ready for me.

  “Thank you, honey,” her dad says, placing his hand on her shoulder and practically jerking the mic from her hand as his face bunches up as he looks in my direction. Clearly, he doesn’t want me here, but I’m going to make it clear to him I don’t give a fuck what he thinks.

  I’m here for one thing and one thing only.


  And if I have to run right through him to get her I will. Happily.

  If he tries to stop me, this time my forearm pressing firmly against his throat won’t stop. I won’t allow myself to be pulled off, because it’s clear something is up with this guy.

  And I’m going to take him down.

  My blood races through my body, and I feel my skin heating. I turn, moving back into the house. I need to calm down or I’m going to lose it right here and now. I take a few deep breaths but it’s not working.

  I can’t catch my breath and when I rattle the door handle to the first bathroom I hear someone calls out, “Occupied.”

  I move back into the main entry area of the home, catching sight of the stairs, and take them two at a time.

  Nobody’s going to be upstairs now and surely there’s a bathroom around here where I can splash some water on my face and cool down for a second.

  And maybe I’ll even take a second to look around the senator’s room, see what I see.

  As I reach the top of the stairs I have two options, right and left.

  I choose to go right and as I move down the hall I quickly realize it was the wrong choice…if I wan
ted to find a bathroom or see the senator’s room.

  A door is slightly ajar and I can see the walls painted pink and hand drawn pictures of ponies, unicorns, and all kinds of other things on display.

  I know who sleeps in this room, although I wouldn’t dare say call it her home. She didn’t even call it that in her own words, in her letter.

  Looking left and right I see no one, and I slowly push open the door and slide in, carefully moving it back into position, slightly cracked as I don’t know if shutting it all the way arms an alarm that may be attached to it.

  But the one who should really be alarmed is Destiny. Because when I see the top drawer of her dresser open, and panties with flowers and horses and seashells covering them I can’t resist, moving closer.

  As soon as I get closer it’s clear this is her underwear drawer, but what’s even more interesting is what’s right next to her dresser. A hamper, and as I pull the top back I’m greeted with exactly what I was praying would be on top…a worn pair of panties.

  I reach my hand into the hamper slowly, seeing my big mitt tremble as it inches closer before I grab the very edge of the fabric like I’m picking up a piece of evidence at a crime scene.

  But instead of tucking them in my pocket as a souvenir for later, I do the inexplicable.

  I bring them to my face and bury my nose in them, inhaling the scent of her untouched pussy.

  I swear it smells like strawberries and I know if I pulled my pants down right now and whipped my cock out, which is exactly what I want to do, my cock would be just as red. All the blood in my body is racing to my pole, but there’s no way I can do the unspeakable in this girl’s room.

  Fuck it. Taking a big breath in and pulling my hips back, tightening my glutes, I unzip my pants, carefully not to get my raging erection caught.

  As much as I should wait, as much as I want to save this first load for her, covering her womb in my seed, I can’t. I’m about to explode and I need a release before it happens in my pants. How am I going to explain that when I go to leave and one of the photographers that people like senators hire to document events like this snaps a shot of me? I can’t, which is why I have to what I have to do while I have the chance.

  I whip my dick out and slide my hand up and down my shaft, preparing to do exactly what needs to be done.

  I grab a framed picture of Destiny from her nightstand, and yep…she’s perched atop a white horse yet the photo is dated today. She must have gone riding already for her birthday and had the picture printed out on the spot.

  “How about riding this big white stallion instead little girl?” I moan as I bring my hand up and spit into it before taking it back down to my rod, stroking my shaft and I’m already ready to bust.

  “I thought you’d never ask,” a tiny voice behind me, barely audible, says.

  My body whips around, the evidence of my arousal in my hand as Destiny stands there staring at me.



  “Destiny,” he grunts, my picture and my panties sliding from his hand onto the bed next to the dresser. The sight of this man, the only man I’ve ever wanted, in my room stroking his cock is almost too much to handle.

  I still can’t even believe he came, nor how close he seems to be to coming in an entirely different way now. When I walked on that stage and began thanking everyone for coming everything was fine until I locked eyes with him and I went completely blank.

  As soon as Freddy yanked the mic from my hand I was off that stage and making my way through the crowd, looking for Dylan. I expected to find him in the kitchen, or maybe the bathroom, but not here, in my sacred space…or at least as close as it gets in the senator’s house.

  There are so many things I want to say to him, so many things I need to thank him for. And now that he’s standing smack dab in front of me my mouth locks up, unable to open it again to form a coherent sentence to follow up my first.

  My stomach is in knots, butterflies having taken flight long ago. Thoughts of two nights ago race through my head, how if he wouldn’t have arrived I might be behind bars right now, locked away for life. Thanks to him there’s hope for a future, and the only future I see is locked in his arms.

  I still remember the silent donation he made to the orphanage where I lived for years. It wasn’t until I was older and privy to helping out with some of the office things that I saw his monthly deposits come through. When I asked the director why he did it she just shrugged her shoulders.

  I want to know. Need to know. Is this my Destiny? As corny as it sounds, considering that’s my name, maybe I need to quit fighting it and just let fate take over.

  I am his destiny and he’s mine. I felt safe the minute I walked into his store, and even safer when he was there on the floor choking the senator out right in front of me.

  “Why didn’t I lock the door?” he mumbles, trying to stuff his dick back in his pants.

  “Because secretly you hoped I might come,” I say, feeling an inner self-confidence I didn’t know I was aware of take over, as I take a step toward him. “It’s okay, Dylan. It’s just me. It’s just us. No one’s here to get in our way, now.”

  I push the door closed behind me, feeling like this is the beginning of my perfect fantasy, but it’s about to come true.

  My eyes rake over his cock just as he manages to wedge it back in his pants, the crown looking angry and covered in a shine, letting me know he’s already ready to blow.

  He could get me pregnant with that load and make all my dreams come true. He could be my lover, my protector, my…Daddy.

  The word ignites a flame inside me and my nipples harden, my pussy calling out for him.

  “You shouldn’t be in here,” he warns.

  “Shouldn’t I be the one saying that? It’s my room,” I counter, stopping his argument dead in its tracks.

  “You’re too young, too innocent to see this, to have thoughts about what you’ve just seen.”

  “I’ve already had these thoughts about us, many, many, many times before,” I respond, closing the last of the space between us. “I’ve been waiting for way, way, way too long for those thoughts to become something more, much, much, much more.”

  Although I’m just inches from him, I’m stiff as a board, not really sure how to proceed at this point. I feel like a horse that’s been brought to water, but I don’t know how to drink. This is where my inexperience is far too evident, and although my words are able to tease, to write checks so to speak, my body’s not ready to be the one who cashes them. But if he makes a move, he knows damn well I’m ready to accept his deposit, deep inside my untouched hole.

  “You should think about something else,” he shoots back, trying to get off topic but I’m not going to allow it.

  “How can I, when all my thoughts are on you…when every waking moment I think of you, and every dream is of you, of us.”

  “What kind of dreams?” He squares his shoulders toward mine, his resolve cracking.

  “The same kind you’ve been having since you found out I was eighteen.” I reach my hand forward awkwardly, recovering quickly as I raise it to his chest.

  A spark of electricity shoots through me as my fingers drag across the smooth cotton fabric that separates his pec muscle from my touch. He looks amazing in his white button down, but he’d look even more amazing with it off.

  I want to know what’s underneath. Need to know if he’s tatted up, or if his skin is as pristine as mine.

  “You have no idea the kind of thoughts I’ve been having about you, Destiny.”

  “Why don’t you tell me? Why don’t you share a few.” I swallow hard, wanting to know what this big man thinks about when he thinks about me.

  He just shakes his head from side to side.

  “Do you touch yourself at home too, like I do in my room,” I say, sliding my other hand down into my panties before pulling it out and moving it to his lips.

  He inhales deeply, his eyes rolling back in his head and he gru
mbles, “Don’t. Not here. Not now.”

  But it’s too late. I place my finger on his lips, the taste of my sex on his mouth, and I watch as his forearms clench, his hands shaking in real time.

  “Fuck,” he growls.

  “Do you want to taste me for yourself? Because I want you to. I’ve been saving myself just for you, you and you alone. This untouched body is all yours for the taking.” I pause. “Please don’t keep me waiting.”

  “Don’t do this to me right now, Destiny. Not here. We need to do this right,” he says, giving in.

  My heart is hammering so hard in my chest I can barely hear my own thoughts.

  “We both know something amazing happened in this house two nights ago, Dylan. Since that day, that moment, I’ve been yours. Actually, I was always yours, but that was the first time you knew it just like I did.”

  He nods.

  “I’m legal. I have been since the moment you met me. And you know what that means. You can have me just like I want you to.”

  “I’d break you in half with the need I have for you.”

  “Break me in half then. I’m ready. Because I know just as soon as you did you’d put me back together…Daddy.”

  It’s the first time that word has ever slipped from my lips, in any context and it freezes me. I don’t know if it’s because of the Lena Little books I’ve been devouring lately, but the word I always read in those short stories has entered my lexicon for the first time, and it just hangs there in the air.

  His cheek flinches, a tick, and I hear his teeth grind together. “You know how much I want to scoop you up in my arms right now and take you away from here for good. How much I want to make you mine in all ways. How I want to take you back to my house and ravish you, protect you, and for the first time give both of us a home, a real home, not just some house consisting of four walls where we spend time out of the rain. That’s what you’d make my house the minute I carried you across the threshold, and I will carry you across that threshold. I need to act out all these thoughts I’ve been having about you, and not just for a day or a week or a month or a year. Forever. Because when I’m in I’m all in. And once I slide my thick inches inside that unbelievably sweet pussy of yours,” he pauses to lick his lips, “you’ll feel what it means when I say I’m all in. In every fucking way. I want your body, your soul. All of you, little girl.”


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