Sons of Justice 13_Off the Market for Love

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Sons of Justice 13_Off the Market for Love Page 10

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  “This is not over, it’s just begun. You think about things, and realize that we’re the real deal. We know what we want, and there’s no waiting, giving it time, no, it’s now. Take a few days, but next time I ask you to come home with us, you say yes, and I promise you won’t regret it. This is business, too, and if you want to make this deal happen, make your boss happy, and the clients, then you need to make the right choices.” He stroked her cheek and gripped her chin. “I’ll call you later.”

  * * * *

  “Did you hear anything else from her?” Biani asked Falzone.

  “Excuses, that’s about it. Something about work and trying to close this deal she’s been in charge of. What about what Tat mentioned? The businessmen interested in her, and the guy she has to work with? Maybe that dinner meeting she had turned into sealing the deal in bed,” Biani said to him.

  “What?” Vella asked, coming into the kitchen.

  “Nothing, just Biani making assumptions. You know she isn’t like that.”

  “Really? How do we know what she’s like? We spent very little time with her outside of bed,” Biani replied.

  “True, but we connected. All of us did, and remember it was us who pushed her away, asked her for time and to take things slow,” Falzone reminded them.

  “Because of me,” Vella stated.

  “And me, too. You think she was with these men last night? That maybe she’s seeing them, too?” Messina asked, joining the conversation.

  “No. Of course I don’t think that. Tiana isn’t like that at all.”

  “She more than likely has to go out with them for dinner or whatever because of business. These things happen. We’re used to different professions. You know, sometimes pretending to like someone, or be interested in something to make a deal in order to get close to them and take them out of commission,” Biani stated.

  “Great, so you think she’s fucking them, sharing meals and whatever in order to seal a real estate deal?” Vella said to him.

  They all got quiet.

  “Fuck,” Messina, said and ran his fingers through his hair.

  “I’m going to the fucking gym to work out.”

  “Messina, it’s already four o’clock,” Falzone said to him.

  “Yeah, and she hasn’t confirmed dinner with us tonight.”

  They all turned as they heard a vehicle pull up the dirt stone driveway. Falzone went to the window. “She’s here,” he said, his heart racing, his mind running in different directions, including what he might do upon seeing her when the last things she texted sounded like a blow off.

  She didn’t come in right away. “She’s holding onto the steering wheel,” he said to them over his shoulder.

  “She’s debating about coming inside. She did something. Something happened,” Messina said.

  “She isn’t even ours yet, and she cheated on us, maybe fucked some other guy. Open the fucking door and let’s get her. Question her, demand that she be honest and make a stand here. Us or the other guy,” Biani said.

  “What happened to slow?” Vella asked.

  “Vella, we want her. We’ll get through the nightmares, the pain we’re in, and she’ll accept us. She will, but if we don’t show her we all want her and that this is real, then we’re going to lose her,” Messina said.

  * * * *

  Tiana held onto the steering wheel and took a few unsteady breaths. She wasn’t going to come here, and certainly not over an hour early. She was confused. Her job made demands on her, Gordon, too. Michael and Ellington calling, texting, ordering her to meet them tonight. On top of that, someone else outbid everyone on the property, and she didn’t even know who the guy was. Charleston was in a state, and he seemed most legit of everyone. Gordon demanded that she give Ellington and Michael what they wanted, and pushed to let their bid win, and she told him how unethical it all was and that it wasn’t right. They had a yelling fight, and he threatened her job, her position. So when she got into the car and figured she would drive for a while and clear her head, she headed here. To the four men who in a matter of twenty-four hours changed her life, yet weren’t ready to commit like apparently she needed them to.

  They were pushing her away, then pulling her close and she was doing the same thing to them. Pushing them away, trying to act like them not wanting to make a commitment was okay. Then she thought about the conversation with Avana about PTSD, and the missions these men go on. They could all be suffering from that, and here she was worried about business deals, property being sold to the highest bidder, men wanting her in their bed, and bullshit things that truly didn’t matter in life. Didn’t matter to her as her focus, her mind, her heart was on these four men. So where did she wind up? On their doorstep. She took a deep breath and exhaled. She didn’t need to explain herself to them. She needed to tell them how she felt about them, what she wanted from this relationship, and how it hurt already for them to push her away.

  She could do this. She could be the one to open her heart first. They wouldn’t hurt her. No way could they when she knew, or at least was pretty sure of their reasoning for needing slow and not committing. They were soldiers, and soldiers were hardcore through and through. Didn’t often show vulnerability, or uncertainty. She respected that. It turned her on, as did their capabilities and strength. She needed that. Needed their dominance, their control and demands on her, the ability to let go with them, and give in to whatever they wanted. Why? Because she trusted them, and it felt good and right. She took one more deep breath and exhaled, then got out of the car. She grabbed her purse, slid her hands along the tight skirt and sleeveless blouse in cream she wore, the outfit picked out for them. She grabbed her briefcase too as she got some more information on the two houses they liked the most.

  She closed the door, locked it, and headed to their front door. Before she even opened it, Falzone was there. She stopped, lips parted as she took in the sight of six feet of muscle, dominant, military soldier and then covered her heart with her hand. He snagged her around the waist, and pulled her into the house. The door slammed, she dropped her things, and he kissed her. Fire. She was instantly on fire and her head cleared of the confusion, of the fears she had for her job, her future, and what was to come. All that mattered was the feel of Falzone’s hands on her, and then his palm squeezing her ass. He trailed his mouth from her lips to her neck as she gripped his waist and tilted her head back, giving him better access to her body.

  Hands gripped her hands and pulled them behind her.


  “Fuck, I missed you. We all did, baby,” he said to her, and then a second set of lips landed on her neck.

  It was Biani who gripped her hands and held them behind her, and with his other hand he reached around and cupped her breasts. “Oh, Biani, this is crazy. You all said slow. This isn’t slow,” she said, and felt the zipper go down on her skirt, and then Falzone was pushing it down off of her. He stepped back slightly and began to undo her blouse. She held his gaze.

  “Fuck slow. We’re pissed off. We need you, want you, and you were blowing us off in the texts.”

  She shook her head as her blouse came undone.

  “No, I wasn’t blowing you off. Work has been insane. I knew this week would be, and…oh.” She gasped as Biani pinched her nipple through the blouse. It was undone, and she stood there in the blouse, her skimpy bra and thin, thong panties.

  Biani pressed up against her back and rocked his hips against her ass. She felt his thick, hard cock as he thrust against her.

  “We need you. Every fucking second. Tell us you don’t feel that way, too.” Biani demanded.

  She looked at Falzone and then at Vella and Messina, who stood right there with hunger in their eyes, need like she felt overpowered by at the moment.

  “I’m here, aren’t I? A whole hour early. Unannounced, a drive to clear my head led me right here to the four of you. That should say something about what you all do to me. That I want you. That I can’t stand you pushing m
e away, and saying you need slow when all I want is fast and now, and the four of you inside of me where everything is perfect. Please—”

  Falzone kissed her hard on the mouth. Biani pushed her panties down, spread her thighs with his as he unclipped her bra, and then slid fingers into her cunt from behind. She pulled from Falzone’s mouth, and Falzone slid her bra and blouse down her arms and off of her.

  “Gorgeous, and all ours. We want you to be all ours and no one else’s,” Falzone said to her as she bent toward him slightly.

  She blinked her eyes. She wanted that too, but what would happen when Michael and Ellington demanded her to be their woman, their lover? How would they react when she said no?

  “Oh.” She moaned as Biani thrust fingers into her pussy from behind, while he rocked his hips and restrained her wrists and hands over her lower back and ass.

  “That…that isn’t going slow. Oh.” She moaned her words as Falzone unzipped his pants. She licked her lips and stared up into his eyes. He grabbed her hair. “You drive us fucking wild. We were stupid to push you away and want slow when fast, when this, being here with you, sharing you feels so fucking perfect. We want you as our woman. We aren’t fucking perfect, but we’ll show you we can be the type of men you deserve.”

  “Oh God, yes. I want that, too. I’m just scared. Scared of all the chaos right now.”

  “Let it go and let’s focus on us and how we all feel when we’re one.” He gripped his cock and she immediately leaned closer, licked the tip and brought part of it into her mouth.

  He moaned as he held her hair in a fist and rocked his hips in slow jerks, feeding her his cock inch by inch. She accepted it, accepted him and his team. It felt right and perfect, and she didn’t care about the other bullshit, only about being with these four men.

  * * * *

  “We need her, too,” Vella said as he caressed her hair, and Messina ran his palm along her back. They were all touching her and as Vella stared at her naked, sexy body and inhaled her scent. He knew he couldn’t keep fighting this. It wasn’t even an option.

  “She’s super fucking wet. She needs all of us, and she needs us now,” Biani said.

  “Then we take her now,” Falzone said, and eased his cock from her mouth.

  Biani pulled his fingers from her cunt, and then lifted her up and carried her to the bedroom. She clung to Biani, her thin, feminine arms wrapped around his neck. Vella felt protective, and possessive of her. She was petite and sexy, and he feared for her safety. There were bad, evil people out there that preyed on the innocent, the untrained and weak.

  Biani put her down on the bed naked. Vella undressed and so did Falzone and Messina. “Condoms,” Falzone said, to Messina as Tiana slid over Binai’s body and took his cock into her cunt.

  “No, we don’t need them,” she said, pressing her hands up and down Biani’s chest, then lowering her mouth to kiss his cheeks, his lips then neck and chest. Her sexy, round ass stuck out, her legs widened as she began to ride Biani’s cock.

  Vella gripped her hair and made her look up toward him. Biani cupped her breasts. Falzone grabbed the lube.

  “What do you mean we don’t need them?” he asked.

  She smiled softly, held his gaze with those sexy, seductive light green eyes of hers. “I have an IUD. I was being cautious, Vella. I don’t want anything between us. No barriers, nothing but full contact,” she said to him. He felt insane with desire as he pressed his mouth to hers and ravished her mouth until her body jerked.


  “Never hold back again or lie to us, or they’ll be hell to pay,” Falzone said to her as Vella released her lips. He gave her a wink and then she moaned.

  “Oh.” A glance behind her and there was Falzone pushing lube into her tight little asshole. His thick, long digit slid right in and then pulled out.

  “Holy fuck she is ready. Someone take her mouth,” Falzone ordered.

  As Vella glanced at Messina, Messina nodded for him to go first.

  “I won’t come in her mouth. I want in that sexy, wet pussy when I come. I want to fill her up with my seed. With all of our seeds and mark her officially our woman,” Vella said, climbing up onto the bed, his fist holding his cock as Tiana moaned and then accepted his cock to her mouth, and Falzone’s cock into her ass. The four of them moaned at the same time and then it was chaos.

  * * * *

  Messina watched as his three brothers-in-arms made love to their woman. He would be next. Taking her ass as Vella fucked her cunt. They would do this all night long until the desperate, empty feeling when she was away from them disappeared. He needed her. He wasn’t going to push her away.

  “Fuck, I’m not coming in her mouth,” Vella said, and pulled his cock from her lips.

  She cried out her release. “Oh damn, damn!” She moaned.

  “Fuck her good and deep. You’re ours, Tiana. Say it. Fucking say it,” Biani demanded, and she cried out.

  “Yours. All yours.” She gasped.

  Smack, smack, smack.

  “Mine,” Falzone said and shook and came in her ass.

  Biani followed. “Tiana. Tiana!” he said and came.

  She collapsed to his chest, but then Falzone massaged her back and ass, then slid his large hand up her neck and squeezed gently. “Vella and Messina. They need you, too.” He gave her ass another slap as he slid his cock from her asshole. He stepped back, teetering a moment and then chuckled. He looked at Messina and Vella.

  “Make it so she knows who she belongs to. No uncertainty at all,” he said, and winked as he headed to the bathroom. Vella lifted her up into his arms and kissed her. She wrapped her slender, sexy body around Vella, and then Vella lay down on the bed.

  “Explore me. Touch me, baby, I’m yours,” Vella said to her. She stared down at him straddled his hips, and was on all fours over him kissing Vella’s chest and arms, then looked over her shoulder at Messina.

  “Together Messina. You and Vella take me together and claim me as yours, please. I want you to,” she said, and Messina leaned over her, ran his palms along her hips and ass, then to her front. He slid fingers into her cunt as he kissed her neck and whispered to her, “You’re already ours.”

  “Ride me, baby,” Vella said, and she lifted up with Messina’s help, and aligned her pussy with Vella’s cock and slid down over his shaft. They both moaned, and Messina couldn’t help but smile, and feel needy for her, too. For that deep connection when they made love to her together. He grabbed the lube despite how wet and ready she felt, and he eased more into her asshole as she rocked her hips.

  “Oh, Messina, please. I need you,” she said, and rocked back and forth on Vella’s cock.

  “Where do you need me, baby? Tell me where to put my thick, hard cock,” he whispered, and then suckled her neck hard as he cupped her breast and teased her asshole with the tip of his cock.

  “My ass. Fuck it. Take what you want and need. I’m yours,” she said, and that was it.

  Messina felt insane with desire and he leaned back, pushed the tip of his cock into her asshole, and she took him, inch by inch until he felt the ‘plop’ sensation and all three of them moaned. His body pressed to her feminine one, his hands on her hips, hers on Vella’s chest, and together they rocked, thrust, and fucked until his legs began to shake, and he couldn’t hold out from coming.

  “Mine!” Vella yelled out and came as Tiana screamed her release, and Messina’s followed. “Ours!” he roared, and shook behind her, then caressed every inch of her, kissed her skin, her neck and back as he eased his cock from her asshole, and then kissed each ass cheek.



  * * * *

  “You’re so big, Falzone,” Tiana whispered, her voice cracking as she pressed her lips to Falzone’s chest. She had just taken a shower while they prepared dinner. As she dried her hair, he approached from behind, her thoughts on their latest bout of love making, and how she missed them, and they were just in the other room. His stron
g arms wrapped her up as she set the dryer down, and he slid his large hands into the military green shirt they had given her to wear.

  She had turned in his arms and pressed her palms against his chest. The feel of stone, hard, and tight, penetrated her skin. Barefoot, her chin barely made it to his chest, she was so much smaller. That beard, that intense hardcore look that was all Falzone had her shaking as usual. Not because she feared him, but because she desired, respected, loved him so very much. She closed her eyes. Was she out of her mind? Love him? How can I love him? Love all four of them? She pressed her forehead against his chest as he caressed her back and ass.

  “You’re taking too long,” he reprimanded, his palm gave her ass a tap.

  Her cheeks felt flushed, as she pulled her bottom lip between her teeth. “I’m sorry.”

  He squinted, then ran his palms up under her hair, brought the locks to his nose and inhaled. “No apologies. We were worried that something might be wrong.”

  “Wrong?” she asked, and kissed his pectoral muscles before pulling back and tilting her head to nearly her shoulders so she could lock gazes with him.

  “Soreness, maybe uncertainty still,” he said, and caressed her lower lip with his thumb.

  “No, Falzone, I was thinking,” she said to him.

  “Thinking of what?” he asked, firmly.

  She was starting to get a feel for their personalities, and overall the four men all shared their need for control, for power, and a seriousness that must come from serving their country and engaging in dangerous missions. With that thought she feared them leaving her one day for a mission. What if they didn’t return? That would be her luck. She went and fell in love with four badass soldiers that could die in battle. She overheard the men talking at the Filling Station and then about town. Sons of Justice soldiers were crazy, and they engaged in the most dangerous of missions.

  “Hey, what’s wrong?” he asked.



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