Lesser of Two Evils

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Lesser of Two Evils Page 8

by K. S. Martin

  “I think I stepped on one of your plants, too, though,” Kerry said worriedly.

  “You did. You smashed a sprig of lavender, but don’t worry because it grows like a weed. Soon you’ll have to help me thin it out. We can crush it and steep it in some oil for your bath water, or you can use it for perfume. Ethan might like that.”

  Kerry grimaced.

  “What’s wrong? You can tell me. Your secrets are safe, I promise.”

  Kerry thought about it but shook her head.

  “Okay, you talk when you’re ready, but keep in mind, I’m old.” She grinned, and Kerry laughed.

  “You might look old, but I think there’s a teenager hiding in there,” Kerry giggled.

  “You could be right. Shall we pick up where we left off?” Thelma slipped her shoes off, and Kerry did the same. They started down the rows picking weeds. Kerry marveled at the tiny, marble-sized green tomatoes on one of the bushes and pointed them out to Thelma.

  “Looky there. Good. Now if the damned things will turn red when they’re supposed to, we will be in business. Last year the damned things wouldn’t turn. Took nearly forever.”

  They worked for a couple of hours, plucking and pulling, then Thelma pulled two packets of seeds out of her pocket. “Watermelon and cantaloupe. Do you want both or just one?”

  Kerry couldn’t contain her smile. “Both please!” She bounced and clapped.

  “What’s made my mate so happy?” Ethan wrapped his arms around her and lifted her up to kiss her neck. “What’s that, Thelma? I need ten more.” He put Kerry down gently and strode over to Thelma to see what was in her hand. “Melon, huh? Where are you going to put it? Away from the cucumbers, I hope.”

  “Ethan, do you garden?” Thelma eyed him suspiciously.

  “Nah, my mama did though, and I remember that much. Where do they go? I can stick a seed in the ground.” He winked at Kerry.

  They planted the seeds away from each other and away from the cucumbers. When they were done, Thelma went over to the spigot sticking out of the ground.

  “Stand back, I’m turning on the waterworks.”

  Kerry hurried out of the way and watched. Up and down the rows was a hose with holes in it. “I’ll let this run for an hour, and turn it off. You kids go run your errands.”

  Ethan knelt at one end of the hose and rinsed his hands. Kerry did the same. He wiped them on his pants and held out his hand to her.

  “Come. I want to check out the hobby store.” Kerry took his hand and looked back at Thelma, who winked at her. Kerry grinned and hurried to stay beside him. His car was parked in front of the colonial, waiting for them. “I have some council business that I have to attend to later and I want you to go with me.” When they were inside and buckled in, he started the car. He backed out and started down the road.

  “Okay.” Kerry wondered what that business could be.

  “I have to make a trip to your old pack. They’re off grid, and the council wants them brought on board.”

  “What does that mean?” Ethan was turning onto the highway now, and Kerry tried to pay attention in case she ever ended up here.

  “All packs must bend to council law. The council has been in authority for about four hundred years and have final say on all matters. They didn’t know about your pack, which means your Alpha wasn’t regulated. I don’t know if he is breaking any laws or not, but that’s for the council to decide. He will have to make an appearance before them.”

  “Oh. He won’t like them telling him what to do.”

  “They never do, sweetheart. Anyway, since I mated you and you all were off grid, the council wants a formal statement about your, um, past.”

  “My what?” Kerry was confused. She didn’t have a past, not one to speak of anyway. Her past was making sure that her belly was full, and that was the extent of things.

  “They want to know that you are in good standing with your pack, that you haven’t ever gone rogue or caused trouble.” She shook her head. “Good. Piece of cake.” Ethan parked at the curb of a strip mall by a store with a sign that read, “Hobby Shop.” He climbed out and came around to get her out of the car. She was still looking through the plate-glass window at all of the things there. She saw puzzles and models, a loom, and a kit to make bracelets¾things she’d seen before but was never able to afford. She took Ethan’s hand and let him pull her out of the car. Her eyes went straight to the art section. The huge palette hanging from the ceiling signified the section filled with paper, canvas, paints, brushes, and some tools she’d never seen before. Ethan was smiling down at her when she finally looked up at him. “Go. Find things.” He grinned.

  She paced timidly up and down the aisles, looking at all of the things used to make pictures. They were beautiful. She picked them up and put them down, examined and returned. In the middle of a shelf was a bin filled with pencils, the sign read “Five for $1.” Kerry picked one up and looked at it. She hadn’t brought any money with her, but the next time they came here, she would have some and buy a pencil to replace her nub. When she neared the end of the last row, Ethan was beside her, scowling. Kerry’s joy dissipated.

  “What’s wrong?” she asked.

  “There’s nothing here that suits you?”

  She bit her lip.

  “Nothing that you liked or wanted to have?”

  “I liked it all. Thank you for showing it to me.”

  He growled angrily. A male clerk nearby looked up suddenly at the sound.

  “Michael,” Ethan said, a growl still in his voice.

  “Sir,” he answered, Kerry scented wolf, obviously a pack member.

  “Wrap up and deliver everything needed to sketch with pencil, charcoal, and chalk. I need paper and also everything to do with watercolors. Throw an easel in the mix. Send it to my house.” His voice returned to normal.

  “Yes, sir,” Michael smiled. “Is this Kerry?” Ethan nodded.

  “I had to work when you were introduced. I’m Michael.” He turned to her, reached and took her hand to shake it, but dropped it when Ethan growled. “If you need anything in the future, you can call and I’ll bring it to you. It’s very nice to meet you.” Michael nodded his head deeply in a sort of half bow.

  “Thank you, and it’s nice to meet you, too.” Michael was younger than her, still a teen with long hair and wild blue eyes, but he seemed nice. Ethan took Kerry’s hand and led her from the store.

  “Don’t you have to pay?” She worried that he was abusing his position.

  “He’ll take care of it and I’ll pay him later.” He held the door open for her to exit the store.

  “Oh.” She sat down in the deep leather seat when he opened the passenger door.

  “When we go to a store, it’s not just to look,” Ethan said when he got into the driver’s seat. “If you see something that you want, get it.” She nodded. He patted her thigh, seeming calmer now, and turned the key. His cellphone rang in his pocket and he answered it. “Ethan,” he grunted, then looked over at Kerry. “Yes…I see.” He paused, still looking at her. “Ten minutes.” He pushed a button, and the screen went black. “Do you know a wolf named Eric?” She nodded. “How?”

  “We were pack mates. He went off to college and found his destined mate.”

  “Were you close?”

  “I guess.”

  Ethan nodded. “How close?” His hand was gripping the steering wheel so tightly that his knuckles were white.

  She shrugged. “He was the one that I told you about. The one that went away to college and found his destined mate.”

  He shifted the car into drive. Minutes later the car rolled slowly down the lane with the nut trees on either side. She saw men planting trees in a field off to the right.

  “What are they doing?”

  “Planting peach trees,” he said as he grinned. “They won’t give us any fruit for at least a few years, but you said that you liked them so…”

  She smiled slowly. “They’re for me?” She pressed her
face to the glass as if that would get her closer.

  He chuckled. “Yes, they’re for you. I told you, I want you to like it here.”

  She couldn’t keep the smile from her face. “Thank you,” she said with a smile.

  He pointed a finger to his cheek and she leaned over to kiss it. “Thank you,” he said, slowing the car. “Your friend Eric is waiting at the house. He’s demanding to see you.” Her brow tightened. “I don’t know what he wants.” Ethan answered her silent question.

  He stopped the car at the porch, where Eric sat in a wooden rocker.

  “Why would he come here?” she asked.

  “Let’s find out.” Ethan patted her knee. Kerry climbed out of the car and looked at him curiously.

  “Kerry!” Eric rushed down the steps toward her. Ethan growled loudly and he stopped in his tracks. “It’s true?”

  “What is?” Kerry asked.

  “That you mated an Alpha.” He looked over the top of the car at Ethan.

  “Yes. I wasn’t given much choice, Eric. It was mate this Alpha or ours. I don’t like your dad, you know that.” He looked taller and broader. Stronger. He was still handsome, and that secret smile still played about his mouth, the one that filled her dreams when she was a girl.

  “What are you talking about?” He folded his arms across his chest.

  “Your dad wanted to mate with me. Mom didn’t want that and found Ethan here.” Her mate was beside her now, his hand casually draped on her shoulder. “She said that you weren’t coming back, that you’d found your destined mate and you were going with her.” Kerry watched him. Ethan’s hand was heavy on her shoulder, his presence overwhelming her.

  Eric shook his head. “I’m confused. My dad sent me to college and told me I had to go even though I didn’t want to. He said to stay there during the breaks because there were things going on that I wouldn’t understand and that it wasn’t safe. So I did what I was told. Now you’re saying that he was going to mate you against your will?” Kerry nodded, and Ethan pulled her closer to his side. “So how does this guy fit in?”

  “Mom and he started talking at the home center. One thing led to another. You know how she is.” Eric smiled fondly. “She didn’t want me to mate your dad, but he offered my dad a beta spot if he would give me up. Ethan paid him a dowry. He loves money more than power, and Mom knew that. She told me to pick the lesser of the two evils.” Ethan’s hand dropped away from her shoulder, and she heard a gush of air leave him. Shit. She hadn’t meant to hurt his feelings, but this was truth.

  “So where is your mom? The pack is looking for her and the money. Your dad is pissed, and you know how that is, but at least he told me where to find you.”

  “My mother is missing?”

  “I don’t think ‘missing’ is the right word so much as ‘gone with the money.’” Kerry couldn’t contain her grin. “What?”

  “Good for her.” She turned to Ethan. “How much was there?”

  “Ten large.”

  Eric let out a long whistle.

  “You gave them…?” Kerry nearly collapsed, and Ethan caught her. He held her up until she was steady on her feet again. “I’m sorry,” she whispered. “I’m not worth that.” She shook her head slowly, still dazed.

  “You’re worth that and more, sweetheart.” He kissed her temple. Kerry smiled up at him. It was so nice of a thing to say.

  Eric took a deep breath and let it out. “Everything they told you was a lie. There is no destined mate, Kerry. If you want to reject him and come with me, I think that you should have that choice.” Ethan looked down at her. “You weren’t given all the facts, and I have learned things away from home. There is a council, and if they hear that you were coerced into mating this guy they’ll reverse it.” Ethan stiffened. “Dad knows about the council, but he doesn’t follow their rules. He says they’re just a bunch of old politicians that want to live off the backs of honest wolves.” Ethan studied Eric, and Kerry studied Ethan. “I’m headed home.” He gave Ethan a sour look. “Are you coming or not? We belong together. We always have, and you know it. You’re mine, Kerry.” Ethan growled loudly, and Eric growled back at him, then shifted and lunged. Ethan moved like a streak, and Kerry scurried out of the way. They circled and lunged at one another.

  “Stop it!” Kerry screamed, but they kept on. “Eric! Ethan!” Suddenly, an arm was dragging her out of the way, a hand over her mouth. Kerry bit down hard and got free to whirl on whoever had a hold of her. Luke. She saw Connor streak by, but he didn’t stop to help her. A heavy fist crashed into her cheek and she saw stars before everything went black.

  Chapter 10

  Kerry tried to move but found that her feet and arms were shackled. She smelled apple tobacco and knew where she was, even though the room was unfamiliar. This was Eric’s house, and Luke was smoking his pipe. The day was long in the shadows, and she wondered how many hours or days she’d been here. Her head hurt and her arms were tingling. He was in the kitchen. Pots and pans banged around for a few seconds, then she heard the whoosh of the gas stove.

  Why hadn’t Ethan come for her? Was it because she said that he was the lesser of the two evils? She’d hurt his feelings. Again. He may cut his losses and move on. She really wasn’t worth all of the trouble he had to go to for her. He’d put up with a lot. She’d run off and put the pack in danger. He’d spent all that money to get her, then on the peach trees and the art supplies, not to mention all of the clothes. There were so many that she wasn’t sure she would ever be able to wear them all. Then again, she hadn’t worn any, so he could get all of his money back if he’d given up on her. She’d been nothing but trouble and expense since he’d met her, and again, she really wasn’t worth it. He would be so much better off with someone else. Let’s face it, she thought, I’d reject me, too. Maybe this was what she deserved.

  Luke. She cringed. The thought of him putting his hands on her made her stomach turn. Oh, God, she hoped that Ethan would come for her. He was so much better of a choice than this nasty piece of work. Her mother was right. Kerry wondered what she would think if she saw her like this, strapped to Luke’s bed. It had to be because there was a picture of Eric’s mom on the dresser. This wasn’t a guest room. This was his bedroom. The implications of that made vomit come up her throat into her mouth.

  Ethan never caused that reaction in her, and now she wished she’d been less trouble and more…what? More of a mate? More interested in bed? It was all so new, and everything had been thrown on her. She just needed more time to get used to him, to get to know him, and to learn to love him. He was handsome with his dark hair and twinkling silver eyes. His smile was gorgeous, and then there was that backside that she liked. She hoped that she would get to smooth her hands over all of that muscle again. Next time, she promised herself. Next time she’d quell her fears and her inhibitions. He was her mate, and she should act like a mate. If she could only get loose from these damned cuffs.


  Ethan disconnected the call. The council was sending every available enforcer in the area to assist. This was much bigger than anyone thought. He had Eric on the porch in wrist and ankle shackles. The stupid kid admitted the whole thing was a plot to capture Kerry. Something her father and him had cooked up when her mother went missing with the money. If her father didn’t have the money, he wanted his beta position. Without Kerry as a bargaining chip, Luke wouldn’t give it to him, so they decided to take her back. Eric had been called home to assist. He’d lied to Kerry because he had found his destined mate the way her mother said. He didn’t care about Kerry. Ethan had to torture him for the information, but the more information he got, the less guilty he felt about hurting her friend.

  Connor saw the van and the old wolf with Kerry, but was intent on assisting his Alpha. Connor’s beta position was in serious jeopardy. Ethan ran a hand through his hair. He couldn’t believe he’d fallen for that distraction. He felt stupid and like he didn’t deserve any of this after all. He had to get her away
from Luke though, and if she wanted to go separate ways after this was over, well, maybe he would let her have a chance at happiness. God, he missed her. He had no idea how deep his feelings ran until this happened. So far, it all seemed like a big show, and maybe that’s why she had the reaction she had. It wasn’t genuine, and her gut knew it. Now though, now he would move the earth to have her back, to hold her close and kiss that silky skin.

  The council insisted that he wait for the team before pursuing his mate. He paced and growled while Connor watched. If they didn’t get here very soon, there would be another hearing, this one about him disobeying orders. Kerry had been gone more than nine hours.

  “What will they do to us if we don’t wait? This is a big pack, and we have many strong wolves ready to do battle for you and her. We can have this over and done within a few minutes,” Connor said.

  Ethan shook his head. “I’ve seen things like that go south too often. I used to be on the other side of this, and I could always point out how much better it would’ve gone if they’d simply waited until I arrived. Now I get what they were feeling. I understand now why they charge in and screw it all up.” He pulled his hands through his hair again. He stopped and watched the horizon. He heard the Stones playing “Sympathy for the Devil” and knew who was coming. He waited with a wicked grin plastered to his face. The big black Jeep rolled to a stop, and the music went off.

  “Well, well, well. I heard this fantasy story that was off the hook, man.” A huge male unfolded himself from the Rubicon. His hair was spiked and orange with red tips this week, the tats down the side of his face and neck had not changed though. It was a long, ambling, tribal thing of black and red that stretched from his temple to his sack. Ethan knew this because they’d worked together often, and over the years you just saw more than you wanted. “So there’s this enforcer guy, a little weakling, but he’s our protagonist in the story, so we like him.” Ethan stood with his hands on his hips, grinning at his friend. “He goes out to do a job and ends up getting his nuts in a vise over a she-wolf of all things, and damned if it ain’t one that nobody knew about. Tell me, Ethan, was it worth it? Was it worth kicking ass to settle down and you know,” he made a circle with his left hand and poked his right index finger through it, “with the same pussy all the time?” He cocked his head to one side and grinned viciously at Ethan.


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