The Elemental Collective: Volume One: An Elemental Paladins Spin-off Series

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The Elemental Collective: Volume One: An Elemental Paladins Spin-off Series Page 19

by Montana Ash

  Moving out of the walk-in, she found Ryker pulling on cargo pants and a t-shirt. She watched him cover up that amazing chest of his with a small sigh. He really was amazing to look at. And he was all hers. Sometimes she could still hardly believe it. Moving closer to him, she saw a small frown on his face. Thinking of her Order, she asked, “Problem?”

  Ryker shook his head, “No. I don’t think so. That was Darius, your mother and father called to say they were on the way.”

  “They called?” Mac repeated. Her parents never called. They just showed up. “That’s weird.”

  Ryker shrugged, clearly unconcerned. He pulled on his boots and laced them up. “Maybe your father is starting to respect my boundaries.”

  Max snorted, “Yeah. I’m sure that’s it.”

  Ryker grinned at her, and she knew he had been joking. Holding out his hand for her to take, he helped her from the room. “Come on. Let’s go find out what they want.”

  Max shivered again, a quick glance behind her showing another cloud covering the sun. It’s an omen, she thought, sure of it now. But she held her tongue – and Ryker’s hand tighter – as she went to see her parents.

  Chapter Two

  Ryker thought it was a little off that Dana and Mordecai had announced their visit rather than just showing up, but he didn’t think on it too much because he was just too damned content. He had the love of his life holding his hand and his daughter was nestled all safe and happy inside her mother’s womb. As he walked into the kitchen, he found all six of his knights there, and about half of their lovers. Despite the fact Cali and Axel had moved out of the main house and made new homes for their families in the cabins on the property, they still ate most of their meals there. Ryker didn’t mind. In fact, he loved it. He had made it clear that his home would always be a home for his entire Order, and he had an open-door policy any time of the day or night. It was nice to see Dex and Cali have space for Maxwell – who was growing like a weed and now seven months old and just starting to crawl. Likewise, for Axel and Celeste with Spiro. Dex’s three paladins had taken up residence in the third cabin and Ryker had enjoyed getting to know the three men better over the past few weeks. The fourth cabin remained empty at this stage, even though it had been earmarked for Lark and Ivy.

  When they had first spoken of building more cabins, Max had offered each member one of their own. It made sense that those with kids move out, but it hadn’t been mandatory. Dex and Cali, as well as Axel and Celeste had graciously agreed. Some of the others, on the other hand, had declined stubbornly. Darius had been very blunt when he had informed Max he would not be leaving – even if it was just metres away. He and Diana would stay in their extended rooms quite happily. Beyden and Jasminka had likewise refused to leave, though, Jazz had a bedroom at her clinic in HQ if it was ever required. Lark and Ivy had been happy to stay on in the house as well. That was, until Max dropped her bombshell on them. Ryker smiled to himself, recalling Max’s words.

  “That cabin is for you, Lark. Trust me, Ivy is going to be a baby-making machine and you guys will need the privacy as well as the space for all those cots.”

  Ivy had been suitably horrified and since then, had steadfastly refused to move into the cabin. Ryker couldn’t be happier for them. For all of them, including himself. Shuffling Max to a seat next to Dex so she could coo over Maxwell seated in his highchair, Ryker went and put some bread in the toaster and made Max a hot Milo. Max smiled at him in thanks when he handed it to her, but it was in an absent way. He began to ask her if anything was wrong when he heard the toast pop. Zombie’s ears pricked up – one of them at least. Despite being fully grown, one of his ears refused to stand upright and was still soft and floppy. The other was ruler-straight though, causing the lopsided, bi-coloured, stripy, spotty dog to look even cuter in Ryker’s estimation. Not that he told the dog that. Zombie got up from his position under the dining room table and looked at Ryker hopefully. Ryker shook his head, telling the dog a firm “no”. Zombie whined pitifully before retreating to Ivy, who glared at Ryker for being mean and proceeded to scratch Zombie’s tummy until he forgot all about the toast.

  Ignoring the damn dog and leaving his woman to the tender mercies of their Order for the time being – they were all fighting over feeling Max’s tummy – he went and got the butter out of the fridge. Just as he was about to butter his toast, Mordecai and Dana walked in. “Morning,” he threw over his shoulder.

  “Good morning, Ryker,” Dana’s voice sounded a little formal, but Ryker shrugged it off.

  “You guys want anything? Coffee? Food?” he asked.

  Dana shook her head, glancing between Max and Ryker. “No, thank you. Mordecai and I were hoping we could talk with you and Max.”

  Ryker looked at her over his shoulder once more, giving her a smile before he turned back to finish buttering his toast. “Go ahead,” he invited.

  Dana cleared her throat, “Alone.”

  Ryker stiffened. Turning around, he noticed his entire Order was staring at Dana in concern. Although Max was big on privacy, they didn’t keep any secrets from each other. Especially not big, important information as it appeared Dana wanted to talk about. Ryker looked to Max, who had gone decidedly pale and he felt anger flash through him. With one word, Dana had caused Max fear. He frowned at Dana, “What the hell? You’re scaring Max.”

  He made it to Max in three long strides, tugging her against his side. He was relieved and satisfied when he felt his daughter give a little tumble underneath his seeking palm. His Order all stood, lining themselves up beside him, showing support as well as a united front. Ryker felt so proud of them all. They truly were a unit now. “Talk,” he demanded.

  Mordecai stepped forward, raising a calming hand. “There’s no need to gang up on us here. We just want to have a quiet word with you and Max. You can rush back in and inform your Order immediately afterwards if you want.”

  Ryker was about to tell Mordecai that he didn’t get to tell Ryker what to do with his Order, but Max squeezed his hand, silencing him. “Ryker, it’s okay. We should listen.” Max let go of him, walking to her parents without hesitation and leading them from the room.

  “What the hell was that all about?” Cali demanded, glancing over her shoulder to check on Maxwell.

  “I have no idea. But I will find out,” Ryker vowed, his mind reeling with all kinds of scenarios. And not one of them was good. “Stay here. Be ready,” he commanded. His Order all nodded, murmuring supportive words and reaching out to pat his back or arm. He flashed them a small smile of thanks before he hurried after Max.

  He found them in the library – no great surprise there. Although Ryker had the area fitted out specifically for Lark years ago, it was a favourite of Max’s. If she wasn’t in the kitchen and dining area, or out by the sea, she could be found curled up on the comfy chairs or in front of the fireplace with a book in her hands. Mordecai and Dana had taken a seat on the lounge and Max was still standing. He hurried over to her, drawing her down to an overstuffed chair and making sure she was comfortable before paying his in-laws any attention.

  Max smiled at him, “Everything will be okay.”

  “It damn well better be,” he told her, kissing her lips quickly. He then stood up and looked at their guests. He had no intention of sitting down until he knew what was going on.

  “Max. I am sorry. It was not my intention to scare you or Ryker. I have been meaning to talk with you about something for a while now, and I confess, I kept putting it off. I was hoping you might come to me of your own accord. That you might have had a premonition or some feelings …”

  Ryker noted the way Max looked out at the now cloudy sky before he frowned at Dana. Max didn’t say anything, so Ryker did. “Premonitions? Feelings? What are you talking about? Is something going to happen to the baby?”

  Dana shook her head, rushing to answer. “No. Not at all. I promise.”

  Ryker’s fierce frown remained in place as he looked at Mordecai. “Mordecai, w
ill you just spit it out. You obviously know what Dana is talking about. One of you get on with it already.”

  “I do know, yes. Only because I could see something was weighing on Dana and I made her tell me last night. That’s why we’re here now,” Mordecai responded. His arm was around Dana’s back in clear support.

  “It’s okay, mum. Just talk to us,” Max finally urged, her eyes directly on her parents.

  “It is about the Triumvirate. Things are shifting ...” Dana began, before stopping and biting her bottom lip nervously.

  Ryker nodded. “Sure, what with Gaias and everything.” Learning Max essentially had a brother was a big surprise. Throw in he was the custodian Emmanuel had eaten, and was now going to be taking over Mother Nature’s role in Otherworld so Dana could be free to love Mordecai, and it had been mind-blowing. But Ryker had met him twice now and very much liked the guy. He had an innocence about him that made Ryker feel all brotherly toward him. Ryker knew Max felt the same way.

  “Right. Gaias. He is the reason I was able to step aside – because there was already a replacement waiting in the wings for me. Not that I knew that. Such knowledge had been kept from me. But the fact that the Triumvirate was changing was not news to me. You see, I had believed another member would be the first to step down.” Dana paused, glancing at Mordecai before her eyes locked onto her daughter’s. “Because I knew of his replacement.”

  Ryker felt his eyebrows hit new heights. “Father Time or Death will be retiring as well?” That was interesting information, but Ryker still had no idea why Dana felt the need to share it privately with them.

  Dana nodded. “Yes. Tempus has no such replacement yet – that any of us know about anyway. None of us have foreseen a protégé for Time. But Tanda, on the other hand …”

  “Death is going to have an apprentice? That could be the coolest thing I’ve ever heard,” Ryker said, amused by the idea of a miniature Grim Reaper.

  Dana’s smile was stiff and held no humour. “Yes. It will be years before the newest Death deity will be able to replace Tanda, but … they have already been chosen.”

  Dana then looked directly at Max’s very round stomach and Ryker felt the blood freeze in his veins. “Please tell me you’re not alluding to what I think you are,” Ryker said, voice low as he stared daggers at Dana.

  Dana sighed, eyes darting to Mordecai, who swiftly took her hand. “I am saying that your daughter will one day be the replacement for Tanda.”

  “Fuck you!” The words were out before he could even think. But even if he had time to consider his words, he wouldn’t change them – or take them back.

  “Ryker …” Max began, tugging on his arm.

  “Don’t Ryker me! Don’t tell me to be calm about this, Max. There is no way our baby is going to become some kind of Death God!”

  Max ignored his outburst for a moment, instead turning to Dana. “Are you sure?”

  Dana nodded, “Yes. Positive. I saw it the moment we discovered your pregnancy in Otherworld. Both Tanda and Tempus have since confirmed it.”

  Max drew in a deep, slow breath, all the while rubbing concentric circles over her abdomen. She looked across the room at nothing and her eyes swirled like an aurora a couple of times before returning to their usual turquoise. “Okay.”

  Ryker looked down at Max in astonishment. “What the fuck do you mean, okay?! This is not okay, Max.”

  Max turned beseeching eyes to him, tugging on his hand. “We already knew she was going to be the first of her kind – a Spirit Goddess. The details about the role she’ll play don’t make any difference.”

  Ryker saw red and pulled his hand free. He paced away from Max, glaring at her, as well as Dana and Mordecai. “The role she’ll play? Are you listening to yourself? This is our baby we’re talking about. Not some candidate for a job. And how is a Spirit Goddess the same as Death?” Ryker demanded.

  “It is not exactly the same,” Dana admitted. “Your daughter will still be the first of her kind, she will still be known as a Spirit Goddess. Death and Spirit go hand in hand. It is all about the souls. The souls are what she will be in charge of,” Dana informed him.

  Ryker turned his back on the room, thoroughly disgusted with all of them – including Max. The thought had bile rushing to his throat and he swallowed quickly. The blasé attitude of Max when it came to their daughter was unacceptable to him. “No,” he said, looking at the ground. “No,” he repeated, turning around. “No, Max.” He looked down at the woman he loved and the sizeable bulge that was evidence of his daughter. “She’s not even born yet, and you all have her life planned out. I refuse to let my daughter be used as some kind of pawn in the fucked-up game of the universe. Her life is what she chooses to make of it. In thirty years if she comes to me and tells me she wants to be one of the Four Horsemen of the apocalypse, then I will write her a cover letter addressed to the Devil himself. But until then, the only thing she is, is our daughter. That is her job.”

  Max stood up, understanding in her eyes. “Of course, Ryker. She will always be our daughter. No matter what fate has in store for her. I’m sure Tanda isn’t planning to step down anytime soon –”

  Ryker cut her off, unable to believe his ears. “Are you seriously okay with this?” he could see that she was, and he rushed on to speak before she could answer and piss him off further. “Of course, you are. I mean, only you, Max. Only you could spawn the next fucking Grim Reaper!”

  Max recoiled as if he had slapped her, her face becoming an expressionless mask. She then turned and left the room without a further word.

  “Fuck!” Ryker yelled, yanking on his hair, and looking around for something to throw.

  “Ryker –” Mordecai began.

  “Don’t. Seriously, Mordecai. Just … don’t.” Then he fled.

  Chapter Three

  Max moved as fast as she dared to considering how her balance was affected by the weight of her belly. Tears flowed unchecked down her cheeks as Ryker’s words replayed inside her head. She didn’t realise where she had been headed until she stopped and found herself in the nursery. She and Ryker, with the input of everyone in her Order, had decided to go with a sky theme for their baby’s room. Each wall depicted a different view of the sky, from fluffy clouds and sunbeams, to a dark and stormy day filled with lightning. The night sky took up the better part of two walls and was densely filled with stars, planets and galaxies. A cute moon lightshade hung from the centre of the room, and the plain white furniture was the perfect complement to the busyness of the walls. Max had spent hours designing and painting the walls herself. It was perfect.

  The sight of all the perfection made her cry harder and she clung to the numerous pairs of arms that suddenly wrapped around her. Cali, Diana, Lark, Beyden, Darius, and Axel stroked her hair, patted her back and held her close as she cried herself out. Nobody said anything. Nobody asked why. And nobody tried to find out by peeking via the Order link.

  Eventually, Max pulled back, mustering a smile when Beyden used the sleeve of his shirt to wipe her face. “Tell us,” he said.

  And so, she did.

  “The thing is, I agree with Ryker. Hell, I’m proud of him for standing up to my parents. I know what he’s like – his temper is like a flashfire that strikes hot but burns itself out quickly. I figured I would give him some time to think about everything,” Max said, looking at all the nodding heads. They were now standing around her in a semi-circle as she sat in the rocker. “But the way he said that last part, about it being typical for me to spawn the Grim Reaper? I didn’t know he felt that way about me.”

  “What way?” Darius asked, looking ready to do some damage to his Captain.

  Max looked down at her hands, unable to look any of them in the eyes as she responded. “Like I was a burden. Like I deliberately cause chaos to everyone’s lives. Like I want all this crap to follow me around; life on the streets, the chade attacks, disrupting the council, causing a civil war, blowing myself up, making a baby destined to
reap souls.”

  “Max, he doesn’t think that. Nobody thinks that,” Diana assured her.

  Max shook her head. “You didn’t hear him. It wasn’t the words he said, it was the tone.”

  “Max, Ryker loves you more than anything else in the whole world. You should have seen him when he thought you were dead. He simply stopped existing. His heart continued to beat, and air filled his lungs, but he was a dead man walking.” Lark paused, reaching out and placing a hand on Max’s bump. “And now he has this. This little girl who he loves just as much. This little girl who is fragile and can’t fight her own battles yet. He was protecting her the only way he knows how. As well as protecting himself.”

  “Himself?” Max questioned, knowing in her heart that everything Lark said was true. She knew Ryker’s love for her was all-consuming. But that didn’t mean there wasn’t some parts about her he maybe didn’t like.

  The corner of Lark’s mouth kicked up in a sardonic smile. “Max, a scared Ryker is a loud Ryker. And a terrified Ryker is a man who lashes out at everyone. Especially those he loves the most. Because you are the most convenient.”

  Max thought about it for a moment, deciding Lark was right. Ryker had been terrified. Still … “We’ve never really had a proper fight. I mean, we argue all the time and we piss each other off of course. But we’ve never had serious words before. Never thrown hurtful words at each other since we became a couple.” She looked at her friends. “He hurt me.”

  “Right,” Axel said, cracking his knuckles. He walked quickly to the door, followed by Darius.


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