Red North!

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Red North! Page 86

by Mark Lemke



  Prichard didn't know quite what to think about Eric, NeXus, the Old Man, and certainly not me, but he knew what he wanted to say to Hector.? He turned to him and shook his hand.?

  "Excellent work tonight, Hector.? You did a great job, and under trying circumstances as well.? I'm sure there'll be a report on all of this, right?" he said with a wink to me.?

  Hector just stood there, resolute.? "Yes, sir, though it may take me a little while to figure out what just happened," he said as he looked at Eric and me, "and who everyone is.? I'm not sure I have all the relevant facts yet . . ."

  "Take the time you need.? I'm sure as the new security manager, you'll have your hands full trying to patch things back together around here."

  Hector just looked at him, dumbfounded.? "Are you serious, sir?"

  "You've earned it.? From what I hear, you were instrumental in keeping it together tonight.? I'd say take a few days off, but I don't think that's going to be possible.? The FBI and sheriff are outside and want to know what happened, though they didn't exactly put it quite like that.? They want to talk to the man in charge.? That's you."? Then he turned to me.?"What do you think we should tell them, Nick?"

  "Oh, you'll think of something," I said.? "Hey, I don't suppose Marti is around anywhere is she?"

  "Matter of fact, she's been asking about you, too.? Seems you're a popular kind of guy.? She's been busy keeping the NRC Commissioners updated, though I understand they're furious. But I've arranged to have her meet us upstairs in my office after we get you cleaned up.? We need to get you out of sight for a while.? I sure as hell don't know how to explain you to the FBI."


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