Family Love

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Family Love Page 5

by Jeanne Mccann

  “Okay Maria, I’ll be right in, honey,” Tamara responded to her distressed daughter. Maria turned and headed down the hall.

  “I knew it was too quiet,” Tamara moaned. “Banta can’t sit still for that long.”

  “Want me to take him with Reina and I?” Lindy asked.

  “No honey, you and Reina go on ahead. I’ll take care of Banta.”

  “Reina, I’ll be right back. I just need to get my wallet,” Lindy explained.

  “Okay Lindy.” Reina smiled as Lindy followed Tamara out of the kitchen.

  There was a period of silence before Reina spoke to Payton. “Are you sure you want to put up with me and my kids for another day?” She seemed nervous as she asked.

  “Reina.” Payton turned to face her, taking her other hand in her own. “I want to spend every minute with you and your children.”

  “Are you sure?” Reina whispered as she watched Payton’s face.

  “Reina, look at me.” Payton placed her hands on Reina’s shoul¨ders. “I love your kids and I want to see as much of the three of you as I can.” Payton kissed Reina softly.

  Reina’s arms surrounded Payton’s waist. “You may get tired of us.” She grinned as she kissed Payton in return.

  “No, I won’t. And I’m not going anywhere,” Payton pledged as she met Reina’s lips with another kiss. “I want you, Reina, and I like the fact that you are a mother with two kids.”

  Reina’s eyes glistened as Payton’s words sunk in. “Payton, I know we just met, but I trust you.”

  “You can trust me,” Payton promised. They shared another kiss. “Are you going to bring back your own bathing suit and go swim¨ming with me?”

  “I can do that.” Reina grinned as she picked up Payton’s hand and kissed her palm.

  “I can’t wait.” Payton found it hard to breath as Reina’s tongue touched her palm. “Reina.”

  The kiss they shared was not gentle, as Payton pulled Reina onto her lap and devoured Reina’s lips with her own. Reina whimpered as Payton’s tongue swept through her mouth.

  “Payton,” Reina gasped and tucked her head against Payton’s neck.

  “I know we shouldn’t be doing this.”

  “Yes, we should, but I don’t want to stop and now is not the time.” Reina chuckled as she got up off Payton’s lap.

  Payton grinned at Reina. “I guess we just have to find the time.”

  “I think that’s a wonderful idea.” Reina hugged her. “Now let’s go find my kids so I can tell them where I’m going.”

  Reina held onto Payton’s hand as they headed down the hall to the girls’ room. They could hear giggling as they approached. Sticking their heads in the door, they couldn’t help but laughóall the chil¨dren were piled on Lindy and Tamara in the middle of the room.

  “Payton!” Max yelled and launched himself into her arms.

  “Hey little man, what are you doing?”

  “Hi Molly. Are you having fun?”

  “Yep. Maria braided my hair.”

  “It’s very pretty. Did you thank Maria?” Reina kissed her little daughter.

  “I did, Mom.”

  “Good girl. Molly, can you and Max stay here with Payton and Tamara and her kids while I go pick up your bathing suits?”

  “Yep. We are going swimming, aren’t we?”

  “Yes, we are. And we’re going to have a picnic.”

  “Payton, are you going to swim with us?”

  “I wouldn’t miss it, Molly the mermaid.”

  “Payton!” Molly giggled, her dimples showing in both cheeks. Payton leaned over to the little girl and whispered something in her ear.

  “Okay, Payton.” Molly grinned and whispered back. “I won’t.”

  Payton still held Max tightly in her arms, his face tightly tucked against her shoulder, his arms wrapped around her neck. Reina watched the exchange between Payton and her daughter and smiled. At that moment her heart ached and she wasn’t sure what to do about it. She cared about Payton very much.

  “Come on Lindy, let’s get our chores done,” Reina suggested. She needed to talk to Lindy about Payton before things went too far. Maybe she and the kids should stay away. It would be less painful now than later. She felt sad at the thought of never seeing Payton again.

  “Goodbye, guys. Take care of Mom and Payton until we get back.”

  We will, Lindy,” Banta promised as he tackled his mother.

  “Bye sweetie.” Reina hugged Molly. “Go play.”

  “Okay, Mom.” Molly joined in the pile of children trying to tickle Tamara.

  “Max, give me a kiss.”

  “Bye, Mom.” Max pulled Reina close with one arm so he could kiss her, his other arm still around Payton’s neck. After a quick kiss from Max, Reina glanced at Payton and found her gentle, loving eyes watching her. She couldn’t resist kissing her softly. “Max, take care of Payton.”

  “Okay, Mom.” He promised solemnly, hugging Payton tightly. Payton smiled at Reina almost as if she knew that Reina was fighting some inner battle.

  Reina headed for the front door behind Lindy. “Let’s take my car,” Reina suggested.

  “Okay.” Lindy turned to look at Reina as they walked the short distance to the car. “Are you okay?”

  “Yes, but I need to talk to you.”

  “Okay, honey. Come on let’s get going.” Lindy slipped her arm through Reina’s. They both got into Reina’s Honda and pulled out of the driveway.

  “I thought we could stop by my house first before the grocery store,” Reina suggested.

  “Reina, cut the small talk and tell me what is going on,” Lindy demanded. “And I know it has everything to do with Payton, so talk.”

  “Lindy, I kissed her last night and again this morning.”

  “Good for you. So what’s the problem?”

  “Lindy, I could really fall for Payton. In fact, I think I already have.”

  “I’m happy for you, because I know Payton is falling in love with you.

  “How do you know that?”

  “I know Payton better then anyone. I can tell by the way she looks at you. I also know that Payton doesn’t kiss just anyone. She has always been very slow to get physically involved with a woman and it’s been a long time since Payton has chosen to be with someone. She’s special, Reina. And so are you.”

  “But Lindy I’m pregnant. What will she think when she finds out?” Reina’s voice trembled as she spoke.

  “She will be very happy for you. You couldn’t choose a better per¨son to love you and your family.”

  “Lindy, I don’t know. What if my being pregnant turns her off? I am scared to death. I don’t know if I can deal with that again.”

  “I know you’re scared, honey. Don’t you think I was scared when I realized I was in love with Tamara? She wasn’t exactly someone who had worked at a relationship. But do you know what Payton asked me?” Lindy smiled as she spoke. “She asked me if I was willing to pass up what might be the one chance I might have for happiness. Would I be willing to give up a lifetime of laughter and love? Would I let my fear prevent me from finding out? She was right, Reina. If I hadn’t told Tamara how I felt, we would have never gotten together. I would not have a wonderful family and a gorgeous sexy girlfriend who I trust and love beyond belief.”

  “Lindy, I’m still afraid that I’ll fall in love with Payton and she won’t want a pregnant girlfriend with two young children.”

  “Do you want to get to know Payton?”

  “Yes, very much, I think I am already falling in love with her.”

  “Then tell her you’re pregnant and explain to her how scared you are. She will understand. I know Payton. Besides, I can’t think of anyone who would be more perfect as a partner for a pregnant lover and two children.”

  “Do you really think so?”

  “I know so.” Lindy smiled. “Reina, if you let Payton love you and your children, you would be one of the most loved women I know.”

  “Lindy, it�
��s happening so fast.”

  “It usually does when you meet the right person. And I think it’s fantastic!”

  “I’m still scared, but I think Payton is wonderful. Can you believe how Molly and Max responded to her? They love her already.”

  “She loves them.”

  “Lindy, she lives and works in Seattle.”

  “So did I, Reina, but Tamara and I worked it out. So will you and Payton.”

  “I hope so Lindy, I hope so.”

  “Come on Max, let’s go fold some clothes,” Payton suggested to the tiny little boy. Max padded after Payton into the laundry room. “Here, you sit up here and fold these towels.”

  Payton seated Max on the washer and handed him a couple of towels. The two of them worked in silence as Payton folded clothes and Max worked very hard to fold his towels. “Good job, Max.” Pay-ton helped him finish. “Let’s go get some lunch.”

  Max had gotten a little fearful when his mother left and hadn’t left Payton’s side. He seemed to feel safe with Payton. “Let’s go make some sandwiches for everyone.”

  Tamara was cleaning one of the bathrooms in the hallway. “I’m going to make the kids lunch, any suggestions?” Asked Payton.

  “There is sliced turkey and cheese for sandwiches, and apples and oranges.”

  “Okay. Come on Max, let’s go get the rest of the kids.”

  Tamara smiled as the two headed down the hall. Max and Payton could be mother and son. It was wonderful to see how Max responded to Payton. It was obvious that Payton cared a tremendous amount for the young boy. Lindy had been right. Payton and Reina had fallen for each other immediately.

  An hour and a half later, Reina and Lindy entered the kitchen with three full bags of groceries and Reina’s duffle bag full of bathing suits and clothes.

  “Hello girls.” Tamara kissed Lindy and began to unpack groceries.

  “How are the kids?” Lindy asked as she and Reina emptied the other grocery bags.

  “The girls are in the back bedroom painting their fingernails and toe nails. Sorry Reina, it’s hot pink.” Tamara grinned. “I put Banta down for a nap before he drove everyone crazy. He was cranky, and nasty, and driving me nuts. Max and Payton are also taking a nap. Max fell asleep eating lunch so Payton put him to bed but he kept waking up. He wouldn’t stay in bed without Payton so they are both taking a nap.”

  Reina smiled. “I think I’ll go check on the two of them.”

  Lindy and Tamara smiled as they watched Reina leave the room. “She’s interested in Payton.” Lindy stated as she hugged Tamara.

  “Payton is interested in her.”

  “I told you so.” Lindy grinned.

  “Yes, you did.” Tamara kissed her very smart and beautiful girl¨friend.

  Reina slowly pushed the bedroom door open. Payton was lying flat on her back sound asleep, Max held tightly in her arms as he lay against her, his head on her shoulder. Reina’s heart flipped as she watched the two of them sleep. It was several minutes before she realized Payton’s eyes were open and watching her.

  “Hi.” Reina walked over to the bed and sat on the edge.

  “Hi.” Payton spoke quietly so as not to wake Max.

  “How long has he been sleeping?”

  “Not long. He was exhausted.” Payton smiled at Reina. She was so beautiful, her eyes so large and blue, and so scared.

  Reina leaned over and kissed Payton. “Thank you for taking care of Max.”

  “You’re welcome.” Payton touched Reina’s cheek with her fingers. “Talk to me Reina. What’s wrong?”

  “Payton, I am so frightened. Things are happening so fast. I’m falling for you in a big way and that’s scaring me to death.”

  “Why are you scared?”

  “I don’t think I could handle falling in love with you and then having it end.”

  “Why do you think it would end?” Payton placed her hand against Reina’s cheek again. “Reina, if we loved each other why would it end?”

  “Oh, Payton.” Reina kissed her and held her tightly.

  “Reina love, I’m not Agoing anywhere right now. We have time to figure things out. Unless you don’t want me to be part of your fam¨ily?”

  “Payton, I would be honored to have you be a part of my family.” Reina was close to crying.

  “Then what is scaring you?” Payton held her as she spoke.

  “Payton, I’m pregnant.” Reina cried.

  “Reina, that’s fantastic!” Payton responded with a grin. So that was why Reina was so scared. “When is the baby due?”

  “I’m six weeks along.” Reina tearfully looked at Payton.

  “I’ll bet you are gorgeous pregnant.” Payton grinned, her eyes gaz¨ing at Reina’s body.

  “Payton.” Reina couldn’t say anything else as she kissed Payton thoroughly. “I think I might have to love you for the rest of your life.”

  “You think?” Payton teased her.

  “I know.”

  “So tell me, how long before you start showing your pregnancy?”

  “A couple of months and then I’ll just keep getting bigger and big-ger.

  “Do you have morning sickness?”

  “No, I feel terrific.”

  “Reina, I think you are gorgeous now, and I can’t wait to see you nine months pregnant, that is if you’ll let me.”

  “Oh, I will let you, honey.” Reina grinned.

  “Do you think Max will be okay if I get up?”

  “He’ll be fine.” Reina looked fondly at her sleeping son, his hair standing up in wild curls.

  “He looks like you.”

  “Actually, I was just thinking he looks a little like you.” Reina hugged Payton tightly.

  “Thank you.” Payton was humbled by the remark.

  “Payton, are you sure you want to date a woman with two chil¨dren?” Reina’s voice betrayed her fear.

  “No, actually I think I want to marry a woman with three chil¨dren.” Payton placed her hand on Reina’s currently flat stomach. “Three beautiful children.”

  “You think?” Reina teased.

  “I know.” They shared another kiss before leaving the bedroom. They held hands as they walked into the kitchen.

  “Payton, are you still meeting me for lunch tomorrow at my office?” Linda inquired as she stood in the kitchen, waiting for the children to finish getting in their bathing suits.

  “I am.”

  “She is going out for dinner with me tomorrow night, just the two of us,” Reina announced, still holding onto Payton’s hand. “And she knows I’m pregnant.”

  “Good,” Tamara responded, smiling. “What do you think, Pay-ton?”

  “I think Reina is going to be beautiful pregnant. I can’t wait.” Pay-ton beamed as she hugged Reina.

  Lindy winked at Reina. “I’m going swimming with the kids.”

  “I’ll go get Molly and put her suit on,” Reina responded.

  “Is it okay for you to go swimming?” Payton’s face revealed her concern.

  “Oh honey, you are so cute.” Reina kissed her happily. “I’m fine, and yes, I can go swimming. How else are you going to get to see me in a bathing suit?” Reina grinned at a blushing Payton before she left the kitchen.

  “I’m happy for you, Payton.” Lindy hugged her.

  “I don’t know what’s going to happen, Lindy.” Payton admitted.

  “Payton, everything is going to be just fine. It will work out,” Tam¨ara reassured her.

  “I hope so.” Payton sighed.

  “Come on girl, go get your bathing suit on.”

  Payton was a little nervous wearing her suit in front of Reina. It’s not like she was twenty-one anymore. She had always been fairly shy. She slid her shorts back on in order to walk back out to the pool. Lindy and Tamara both had their suits on along with all three of their children.

  “Okay guys, what are the rules?” Lindy asked the excited group.

  “No running and no jumping.” The kids replied in unison.

  “Right, and we all watch each other when we are in the pool. No one swims alone.”

  “We promise, Lindy.”

  “Okay. Now Banta, you don’t go in the pool without Mom or me.”


  “Because that’s what your mom and I have decided.”

  “But why?”

  “Because you’re still learning to swim and, until your mother and I think you’re ready, you don’t get into the pool without us.”

  Payton smiled as she watched the battle of wills between Banta and Lindy. She was surprised to see Banta back down. He was always testing Lindy and Tamara. “Okay,” he grumbled. “Can we swim now?

  “Yes.” Lindy laughed as she hugged the disgruntled little boy. “Last one in the pool is a rotten egg!”

  Lindy and Banta headed for the stairs at the shallow end of the pool. It had taken several years of love and understanding to help Banta feel safe. Lindy played a big part in helping Banta heal. She talked to him about his fears, held him when he cried, and loved him unconditionally. Banta loved his family and was very close to Lindy.

  “How’s Banta doing, Tamara?” Payton asked as she watched Lindy and Banta interact.

  “He’s doing very well. He’s flexing his little muscles just to see if we will still love him if he misbehaves. It’s a little nerve wracking, but Lindy is wonderful with him.”

  “It must be tough on you and Lindy, and the other children.”

  “Lindy makes it so much easier. She has so much patience and when I lose it she covers for me.”

  “Wow!” Payton had just noticed Reina and her children coming from the house. Reina had on a bright blue one-piece bathing suit, which did nothing but emphasize her well-toned body. Payton’s mouth went dry and her stomach flipped.

  “Payton, close your mouth.” Tamara poked her, smirking.

  “She’s stunning.”

  “And you are gorgeous, now take your shorts off and go swim with your new girlfriend and her kids.”

  Payton removed her shorts and smiled very shyly as Reina approached with Max and Molly. Molly had a tiny little bikini, on her hair tied up on top of her head, and Max had on an equally small pair of bathing trunks.

  “Hey guys, you ready to go swimming?” Payton spoke to the two of them, avoiding looking directly at Reina for fear she would give away her reaction to her stunning figure.


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