Family Love

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Family Love Page 8

by Jeanne Mccann

  Payton covered Reina’s body with her own, holding her tightly while Reina quietly wept. Payton’s heart pounded in her chest as she brushed soft kisses on Reina’s eyelids, her cheeks, and her lips.

  “Honey, why are you crying?” Payton smiled, holding her gently, wiping Reina’s face clear of tears.

  “You are so special. When you touch me I feel completely loved. It’s so overwhelming how much I feel for you in such a short time. It’s like I’ve known you forever.” Reina kissed Payton thoroughly. “I don’t sleep around, Payton, and I have never slept with someone after only a few days.”

  “Reina, I haven’t made love with a woman since my ex and I broke up. I made love with you because I fell in love with you. I love you.”

  “Payton, I’m going to love you so completely,” Reina pledged as her hands slid to Payton’s breasts, drawing a moan from her before she melted from Reina’s touch. It was over an hour before they lay against each other, enjoying the closeness two people feel after mak¨ing love. Reina’s legs were tucked between Payton’s as she lay on her back. Payton was turned on her side, her head propped up on her elbow, while she and Reina talked.

  “Can I ask you a question?’ Payton asked.

  “Certainly.” Reina ran her fingers down the center of Payton’s breasts, making her shiver.

  “Do you feel the baby move?”

  Reina smiled and she took hold of Payton’s hand that currently rested on Reina’s thigh. She placed it on her flat stomach, holding it there with both hands. “I feel a little flutter once in awhile, but it’s too soon to feel the baby move a lot.”

  Payton’s hand slid across her stomach, stroking softly. “How long?” She bent over and placed a gentle kiss on Reina’s stomach.

  “A couple of months or so.” Reina smiled at Payton as Payton placed featherlike kisses all over her hips and stomach.

  “I can’t wait.” Payton whispered, her lips teasing.

  Reina felt the sting of tears as her heart reacted to Payton’s words. She wanted so badly to believe that Payton would stay around. She had such fear over being abandoned during her first pregnancy. Nothing had prepared her for having to make the choice between her child and her girlfriend. The choice had been simple but heartbreak¨ing. Her children would always come first.

  “You are going to be so beautiful when you show your pregnancy, I can’t wait to watch your body change. It’s magical and so perfect.”

  Payton’s words were making as much love to Reina as her touch. She covered Reina’s hips and thighs with wet kisses, her tongue touching, tasting, and sliding along her skin, driving Reina crazy with pleasure.

  “Payton, please,” She pleaded once again, holding Payton’s head in her hands. Payton responded to her plea as her mouth found Reina wet, trembling center. Stroking with her tongue, Payton felt Reina’s body respond. Her fingers once again joined her mouth, as she pushed Reina over the edge, the sound of Reina’s response encourag¨ing her. Her fingers plunged into Reina rapidly, bringing her to another shuddering orgasm. Payton smiled as she held Reina’s hips against her mouth. She loved the fact she could provide such plea¨sure to her.

  Reina reached down and gathered Payton into her arms. “I need to hold you.” Her eyes glistened as she smiled at Payton. Reina could barely speak as she wrapped her arms around Payton’s neck, her faced pressed against Payton’s chest. “I love how you make me feel.”

  “I love how you respond,” Payton reassured her, nuzzling her neck. Reina’s lips met Payton’s as she expressed her emotions with her kiss. She continued her kisses while her hands once again claimed Payton’s breasts.

  “You are so sexy, so beautiful.” Reina traced Pay ton’s body with her touch. Within minutes Payton was gasping with pleasure, as once again Reina made love to her. Payton had no control over her body, a series of orgasms chasing up and down her spine. She held on tightly to Reina as the explosion of sensation caused her heart to race. Reina’s body cradled hers; her legs wrapped around Payton’s, her arms held her tightly.

  Within minutes the two of them drifted off to contented sleep. It was several hours later before Payton woke up to find Reina’s naked body tucked tightly against her own. Payton slept on her stomach with Reina lying against her back, her arms surrounding Payton’s waist. Reina’s face was pressed against the back of Payton’s shoulder. Payton’s arms were meshed with Reina’s, held tightly against her. She felt so overwhelmed with her feelings for Reina. They happened so quickly and were so strong. She was so afraid that her relationship would end in a little more than a few weeks, and she would be heart¨broken. Her heart ached even now as she thought of leaving Reina and her children. She unconsciously tightened her arms around Reina’s, wanting to hold onto her.

  Reina stirred against Payton’s back and she too tightened her hold on Payton, her lips brushing against Payton’s neck. Payton breathed deeply as Reina’s mouth opened against her shoulder, her tongue tasting her skin, creating a shiver of delicious feeling to ripple up Payton’s spine. Reina murmured quietly, her hands sliding up to cap¨ture Payton’s breasts, her thigh pushing between Payton’s legs.

  Reina was obviously very much awake, as she rekindled Payton’s passion with her attentions. Within minutes Reina’s hand between Payton’s legs drew cries and moans from her as she once again shiv¨ered with pleasure. Reina’s mouth found Payton’s and she cried again in response to Reina’s lovemaking. As her body settled back down, she turned in Reina’s arms, showering her with kisses. It wasn’t much longer before Reina was twisting and turning in Payton’s arms in the throes of her own orgasm.

  Again, they held each other tightly, drifting off to sleep. Their enjoyment with each other was getting stronger and stronger, as they became more familiar and comfortable with each other.

  “Payton honey, wake up.” Payton responded to Reina’s words and her soft kisses, her eyes opened to a Reina smile. “Hey sleepyhead, we need to get up now so I can get you home in time.”

  Payton sat up as she smiled at Reina in return. “Good morning.”

  “Payton love, I don’t just want to take you home.” Reina’s voice was strained and the look on her face was very serious. “I don’t want a one night stand with you.”

  “Reina, I don’t want that either. I want to spend more time with you.” Payton kissed the obviously distressed woman. “I love you.”

  “I love you, and I don’t know what to do.”

  “Let’s get dressed and get your day started. We’ll figure everything out later.”

  “You promise?”

  “I swear on my heart.” Payton sealed her pledge with a kiss. It was amazing to Payton, but in one hour she and Reina were both fully dressed, as well as Max and Molly, who were happily eating break¨fast. Both children were extremely excited to see Payton, and Max wouldn’t leave her side. It was a happy group that climbed into Reina’s car to take Payton home before dropping the two children off at their daycare.

  “Have a great day, guys.” Payton hugged the two children.

  “Okay, Payton.”

  “Payton, come here.” Reina requested with a smile, leaning across the driver’s seat. “I’ll call you later and I want to see you tonight. Tonight, and every night.”

  They kissed quickly and Payton prepared to get out of the car. “Payton?” Reina called softly.


  “I love you.”

  “I love you, Reina.” Payton grinned and waved as Reina and her children drove away. She turned and headed for the house.

  “Hey, busy night?” Tamara called from the front door, a big grin on her face.

  “Beautiful, fantastic, terrific night.” Payton grinned as she hugged Tamara hello. “I really don’t know what to do about it, I’m so fright¨ened.”

  “Why? I know you, and I know Reina. Neither of you take sleeping with someone lightly,”

  “That’s just it. We both are taking this seriously. But I live in Seat¨tle. She lives here.”

bsp; “What does that have to do with it? You certainly can move.”

  “Of course I can, but Reina has to want that.”

  “She doesn’t?”

  “I don’t know what she wants. She’s so worried about my reaction to her being pregnant.”

  “Do you want to be with Reina while she has her baby?” Tamara watched Payton carefully as she prepared breakfast for her kids.

  “Yes. I love the fact that she’s pregnant. I can’t wait to watch her body change.” Payton smiled as she spoke. “Can you imagine how beautiful she will be?”

  Tamara couldn’t help but smile as she took in Payton’s words. She wasn’t surprised at Payton’s feelings. She had known Payton almost as long as she had known Lindy. She had liked her from day one. Payton’s heart was open and loving, and she was a major reason why Lindy and Tamara had fallen in love with each other. No matter how badly Tamara had behaved before she met Lindy, Payton saw the love Tamara had for Lindy. It was Payton who convinced Lindy to see beyond Tamara’s past transgressions, to judge her on her treatment of Lindy, and her own children.

  “Payton, I never had any doubt that you would find Reina’s preg¨nancy anything but fantastic.”

  “It’s still scary.”

  “Do you think it was easy for Lindy to fly to my home and ask me to commit to her?”

  “I know it wasn’t.”

  “Do you think it was easy for me to open my family to Lindy? What if Lindy didn’t love me enough to deal with me and my kids?”

  “It will never happen.” Lindy spoke from the kitchen door. “I will love you forever.”

  “I know, honey, and I will always love you.”

  “Now Ms. Payton, do you want to tell me why you didn’t come home last night?” Lindy teased as she kissed Tamara good morning.

  “I was falling deeply and madly in love,” Payton admitted.

  “We already knew that.” Lindy chuckled.

  “I’m not sure what to do about it.”

  “Move into Reina’s for the next few weeks and figure it out.”

  “I can’t do that.”

  “Why not?”

  “Well, I came here to visit you guys.”


  “Reina hasn’t asked me.”

  “She will,” Tamara reassured her.

  “Aren’t you guys going to be late for work?”

  “No, we’re doing just fine. Why don’t you go change before you drop me off at work? No offense Payton, but you are a little over¨dressed for dropping the kids off at school,” Lindy teased Payton.

  “Oh, be quiet Lindy,” Payton growled as she headed down the hall to her bedroom.

  “Aren’t we a little crabby this morning. Maybe you need to try and get more sleep at night.” Lindy’s voice carried down the hall as she chuckled at her own humor.

  “I can’t hear you,” Payton responded with a roll of her eyes before closing her bedroom door to change.

  It was a very nervous Payton who headed back to the house after taking the kids to school. She was beginning to think she would never hear from Reina again. What if she didn’t feel the same way? Maybe Reina would change her mind and not want to pursue a rela¨tionship with her. By lunch time Payton had sorted all the clean clothes, ironed, and put everything away. She had also vacuumed the house, and was just starting to dust when a car pulled into the drive¨way. Payton glanced out the living room window to see Reina getting out of her car. Payton’s heart began to pound as she went to the door to let her in. She wished she were wearing something other than shorts and a tee shirt.

  Payton opened the door before Reina could knock. The smile on Reina’s face was enough, as Payton stepped into Reina’s arms. Payton kicked the door shut and found Reina’s mouth with her own. Lips and tongues meshed; their reaction to each other was immediate. Payton’s fingers fumbled with Reina’s clothes as they stumbled into Payton’s bedroom. Payton removed Reina’s clothes in record time. Her mouth covering Reina’s nipples, first one and then the other, teasing her already tingling breasts until Reina moaned. Payton’s fin¨gers found Reina wet and waiting, and she slid them into her body. Reina cried out and slumped against Payton, immediately flooded with an orgasm. She gasped and held tightly to Payton’s neck as her body continued to react to Payton’s lovemaking.

  Reina’s lips found Payton’s as she struggled to remove Payton’s own clothes. “I couldn’t get you out of my mind all morning,” she gasped as she pulled Payton’s shirt off. “I didn’t plan on coming over here to make love. I wanted to tell you how I feel.”

  Payton helped Reina with her shorts. “How do you feel?” She whispered as Reina’s hands began their magic.

  “I want you to come stay with me and my family. I want to get to know you, to love you.” Reina’s words warmed Payton’s heart, while her hands and mouth heated her body.

  “Yes,” Payton breathed into Reina’s mouth as her body dissolved. “Yes.”

  It was quite awhile later before Payton and Reina took a break from their lovemaking. They were lying side by side in Payton’s bed visiting.

  “How did you get out of work?”

  “I took the afternoon off.”

  “Do you do that often?” Payton kissed Reina’s hand.

  “Never. See the effect you have on me?” Reina chuckled.

  “I’m certainly glad you took this particular afternoon off.”

  “How glad are you?” Reina grinned.

  “Extremely glad,” Payton responded. “How about I show you how glad.” Payton rolled her body onto Reina’s, as she prepared to do just that. It was another hour before the two of them were up and dressed, sitting in the kitchen. “Are you really going to come stay with me?” Reina was very nervous all of a sudden.

  “Reina, I want to come stay with you. I want to spend every minute with you. But what about Max and Molly, will they under¨stand?”

  “Honey, they’ll love the fact that you’re there.”

  “But what about when I leave, will they understand that?” Payton dreaded saying the words as she saw the look on Reina’s face.

  “We will deal with that when the time comes. I don’t want to think about that now.”

  Payton decided not to respond when she saw the effect the discus¨sion was having on Reina. “Okay, honey. How about I pack my things and go home with you and the kids after dinner. Lindy and Tamara are still planning on your coming for dinner tonight.”

  “We are. I will go pick up Molly and Max early and bring them back. They can’t wait to see you, they love you, sweetie.”

  “I love them.”

  “I know you do.” Reina hugged her tightly. “Payton, I took next week off so we could spend as much time as possible together.”

  “That’s perfect.”

  “Will you go to the Lesbian Mother’s Day Dance with me? It’s a week from this Saturday night. Lindy and Tamara are going, and I already talked to Tamara this morning. We can all go together.”


  “You have to go in costume. It’s a swing dance set in the Forties.”

  Payton groaned as Reina laughed. “Tamara said you’d hate the costume part. I promise I’ll make it worth your while.”

  “Oh, I know you will. You haven’t forgotten about this weekend’s camping trip, have you?”

  “No, and if I can go camping with five kids and two other women with no alone time with you for two nights, you can wear a cos¨tume,” Reina grumbled happily.

  “It’s a deal.” Payton would have agreed to anything to be with Reina.

  “Payton, I’m falling deeply in love with you.”

  “Is this a problem? I’m already in love with you.”

  “No, it’s not a problem, except that you currently live and work in Seattle.” The look on Reina’s face was devastating to Payton. Her heart ached as she waited to respond.

  “We will work it out Reina, I promise. We will work everything out.”

  Reina left not long aft
er that to pick up her children. Payton took the opportunity to pack her things before picking up Lindy and the kids. She and Lindy began talking the minute she got into the car and kissed the kids.

  “Are you packed, sweetie?” Lindy knew Payton was scared to death. Yes.

  “I know you’re nervous, Payton, but everything is going to be fine.”

  “I hope so. We just met Lindy. Now I am going to go stay with her and her two children. What if it doesn’t work out?”

  “Honey, this could be the real thing. Do you want to pass this up because it might not work, or do you want to give it a try?”

  “But what if it isn’t for Reina?”

  “I have known her long enough to recognize that she is head over heals in love with you. You both deserve this. You are going to have to trust your heart, Payton.”

  “Thanks, Lindy. This is happening so quickly and I don’t want to make another mistake.”

  “Honey, you aren’t making a mistake. Need I remind you what you said to me when I made that very same statement several years ago?” Lindy prodded her memory. “You told me it only takes a moment to fall in love forever, but it takes forever to stay in love.”

  “I said that?”

  “You did. Now put your money where your mouth is, girl.” Lindy snorted. “Tonight after dinner you are going to go home with Reina and start working on the forever part of the relationship.”

  “Thanks, Lindy.”

  “You’re welcome, doll.”

  Payton still couldn’t keep the nervousness from settling in her stomach. Even after Reina arrived with Molly and Max, Payton still felt fearful. What if Reina changed her mind?

  “Payton, can I see you in the other room for a minute?” Reina requested, watching Payton closely. She knew Payton was very ner¨vous and she was going to do something about it.

  “Sure.” She followed Reina into her current bedroom.

  Reina turned to face her and slipped her arms around Payton’s neck. “Are you all packed?” She asked, kissing Payton softly.


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