Family Love

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Family Love Page 15

by Jeanne Mccann

  The rest of their time together they played and talked with Max and Molly, going on long walks, and spending every minute together. Friday night they waited to have dinner until after the children went to sleep, and celebrated Payton’s new job with a candlelit dinner for two. It was filled with kisses, hand holding, and some tears as they realized Payton was leaving in two days. They decided to take the children to the aquarium on Saturday and make it a family day. Pay-ton wanted to spend the whole day with them. She would miss them terribly. That evening she had gave them both a bath, dressed them in their pajamas, kissed them, and tucked them in.

  After their romantic dinner, Reina and Payton took a shower together, making love while dripping wet, and then again after crawl¨ing into bed together. They whispered and giggled until early in the morning before making love with each other again. Sleeping together had become as natural to Reina and Payton as breathing.

  Even though it had only been two weeks, it was like they’d known each other forever.

  The aquarium was a hit with everyone as they spent four hours wandering through the tanks and windows offish. Payton took loads of pictures of Reina and the children to remember the day. They ate lunch at a small restaurant, sitting outside to enjoy the warm spring day. After another two hours of wandering in and out of small shops, they headed for home with two very tired children.

  “I’m going to get them dressed for bed so Mrs. Lenahan won’t have to deal with changing their clothes.”

  “I’ll do it, if you want.” Payton wanted to spend as much time as possible with Max and Molly.

  “Go ahead, honey. I’ll go take my shower and wash my hair. I want to look my best tonight. It is our first dance together.”

  “You’ll look terrific as usual.” Payton kissed her.

  “I can’t wait to see you in your suit.”

  “I’ll take a shower when you’re done, and you’ll just have to wait an hour or so.”

  “I’m looking forward to this evening and dancing with you all night.” Reina headed down the hallway to her bedroom.

  “Come on, little man, Molly mermaid, let’s go get your pajamas on.” The two giggling children hung off Payton’s arms as she dragged then down the hall to their rooms.

  Forty-five minutes later Reina found Payton in Max’s room read¨ing them a story. Reina stood silently in the doorway for several min¨utes before the children noticed her. She joined the three of them while Payton finished the story.

  “Honey, you’d better go take a shower. Tamara and Lindy will be here in an hour.”

  “Okay, Reina.”

  “Okay kiddos, let’s get dinner started.” Reina and the children headed for the kitchen where Reina fixed grilled cheese sandwiches and soup for them. She was sitting with them while they ate when Mrs. Lenahan arrived. She was a matronly, older woman, with a ready smile, and a soft, gentle voice. She was a retired teacher, who had recently become a widow. Her two children were grown and lived across the continent from her, so Max and Molly were her sur¨rogate grandchildren. It was a perfect situation, the children loved her, and she returned their love.

  “Reina, I’ll watch the kids, you go get ready.”

  “Thanks, Ruth.” She kissed both kids on the top of their heads. “You guys tell Ruth what we did today.”

  While the children both spoke at once, Reina raced down the hall. She had thirty minutes to dress. As she entered the bedroom she stopped short at the sight of Payton in her costume.

  “Wow, you look terrific!” Payton had the bright yellow pants on and a black body suit that hugged her breasts. She was just putting on the suspenders.

  “Thanks. You’d better hurry.” Payton grinned.

  “I know. But Payton, you look so sexy.” Reina’s eyes roved over Payton’s body as she walked toward her.

  “We don’t have time,” Payton moaned, her eyes caressing Reina.

  “Damn. Honey, would you go get the wine out of the refrigerator please? Glasses are on the kitchen table.”

  “Okay, and Reina?”


  “I love you.” Payton smiled.

  “I love you, sweetheart.” Reina went to Payton and kissed her. “Now go. It’s hard enough keeping my hands off of you and I need to get dressed.”

  Payton grabbed her suit jacket and hat and headed into the living room. The kids and Mrs. Lenahan were seated on the couch reading a story. Payton introduced herself again and then opened the wine bottle as Reina had asked. A brief knock on the door preceded Tam-ara and Lindy’s entrance into the house. They both looked very cute in their colorful suits and matching hats.

  “Hello, guys,” Lindy said as she hugged Payton hello.

  “You both look fantastic!”

  “You look pretty good yourself,” Tamara grinned. “Is that shirt sprayed on?”

  “It is a little snug,” Payton admitted.

  “And perfect.” Reina spoke from the living room hall. “Why don’t we go into the kitchen and have a glass of wine before we go?”

  Payton looked at her watch; six forty-five, and the limousine was due any minute. The four costumed adults went into the kitchen and Payton poured them all a glass of wine.

  “A toast.” Tamara lifted her glass. “To Reina and Payton. One month from now may the four of us be sharing a glass of wine in this very same place.”

  The four toasted and shared a sip of wine as the doorbell rang. “I’ll get the door,” Reina announced, a puzzled look on her face.

  Payton and Lindy shared a grin before following Reina and Tam¨ara into the living room. Reina opened the front door to a man wear¨ing a tuxedo.

  “Reina Landers?”

  “Yes?” She was very bewildered.

  “Your limousine awaits, ma’am.” The tuxedo clad gentleman, ele¨gantly bowed.

  “My limousine?” Reina turned to Payton. “Do you know about this?”

  “Yes.” Payton grinned.

  “You did this?” Reina laughed happily.

  “I did.” Payton could see by the look on Reina’s face she was pleased. “I wanted tonight to be perfect.”

  “This is so fun.” Reina hugged Payton.

  “It’s a special night,” Payton whispered. “Happy Mother’s Day.”

  “Ladies, shall we depart?” Lindy grinned widely.

  “You two go ahead. Payton and I need to kiss the children good¨bye,” Reina suggested.

  “We’ll meet you in the limo.” Tamara and Lindy followed the driver to the car.

  Payton put away the wine and placed the glasses in the dish¨washer, then joined Reina in kissing Max and Molly goodnight.

  “Sleep tight little man. Goodnight Molly mermaid.” Max and Molly affectionately kissed Payton goodnight.

  “Ruth, we’ll be back around one-thirty or two. Feel free to curl up on the couch and sleep.”

  “Have a good time, Reina. It was nice meeting you again, Payton.”

  “Nice seeing you, too.”

  “You guys take care of Ruth.” Reina waved goodbye.

  She and Payton walked to the limo, a shiny gray Lincoln, where the driver opened the door for them. Tamara and Lindy were kissing in the elegant leather seats.

  “Mind if we join you?” Payton teased as she and Reina climbed in.

  “I believe these are for you.” Payton handed her a bouquet of twelve long stem red roses that were waiting on the leather seat.

  “Oh my, these are beautiful, Payton.” Reina kissed Payton softly. “I love that you did this.”

  “How about a glass of champagne for the two of you?” Lindy offered to pour as the limo pulled away from the house. They had reservations for dinner at seven-fifteen.

  Dinner was a candlelit meal filled with lots of laughter and friendly banter. Tamara and Lindy were going to the airport with Reina and her children to see Payton off, so they avoided talking about her leaving. No one wanted to disturb the festive atmosphere.

  The four arrived at the dance thirty minutes after it starte
d but the hall was already packed with hundreds of costumed women. They were meeting friends of Tamara, Lindy, and Reina’s, who had reserved a large table for the group.

  “Everyone looks terrific. I can’t believe how crowded it is.” Tamara stared around the room. It was filled with hundreds of women in all manner of costumes. Fifties music and jitterbugging couples made it very festive.

  Lindy spied their friends at the table and grabbed Tamara’s hand. “Ladies, follow me.” Lindy led them through the maze of dancing women.

  “It’s about time.” Alice, a long time friend of Tamara and Reina’s, exclaimed as she stood up and enveloped Tamara in a hug. “You guys look terrific!”

  “Thanks, so do you. Where is Joni?”

  “Gone to rustle up some drinks.” Alice and Joni had been together for eight years and had two children. “Hi Lindy. How are you doing, doll?”

  “Good, Alice. How are Joni and the kids?”

  “Terrific, fantastic, wonderful.” Alice always responded to every¨thing with enthusiastic optimism. She loved her life. “Now, who is this babe?”

  Payton blushed bright red, as Alice looked her up and down. “This is Payton Bender, my girlfriend.” Reina proudly put her arm around her.

  “Payton, it’s nice to meet you. So how long has this been going on? Reina, we need to talk.” Alice took Reina by the arm.

  “We’ll talk later.” Reina promised, holding tightly to Payton’s hand.

  The dance was enormously fun. It was obvious that the group they sat with was out to have a good time, and they did. They talked, laughed, and danced until well after midnight.

  “Look.” Lindy pointed to Reina and Payton on the dance floor as they danced. Both had taken their jackets and hats off and, while Payton had on her black body suit, Reina had chosen to w6ar the vest without a shirt on underneath. Their bodies were pressed against one another as they moved to a slow, sultry, love song. It was obvious to anyone who looked at them, that they only had eyes for each other. Reina’s hand rested on Payton’s cheek and their faces were tucked against one another’s.

  “They are so cute together.” Tamara smiled as she watched them. “I’ve never known two people more perfect for each other besides you and I.”

  “I can’t wait to get home.” Lindy wrapped her arms around Tam-ara’s neck.

  “I’ll make it worth it.” Tamara kissed her thoroughly.

  “I know you will.” Lindy grinned.

  Payton and Reina returned to the table and sat down, joining in on the conversation and thoroughly enjoying themselves for about twenty minutes until a tall, slender, very pretty woman approached Reina.

  “Reina, you look wonderful. How are you?”

  Payton felt Reina stiffen as she turned to the woman. “Hello, Lana, how are you?”

  “Good. It’s been awhile. How are Max and Molly?”

  “They are fine.” Reina was uncharacteristically cool as she spoke.

  “I was hoping to see you tonight.” Lana put her hand on Reina’s shoulder. Payton’s stomach flipped as she watched the woman flirt with Reina.

  “Lana, don’t!” Reina glared at the woman. Lana stood up straight, still smiling at Reina. She wasn’t going to be easily discouraged. She liked Reina a lot. She just wasn’t sure what she thought of being with a woman who had children. It had been a big issue when she and Reina dated.

  “Reina, I’d like to stop by and see you and the kids.”

  “No, Lana. I don’t want you to stop by.” Reina reached for Payton’s hand. “Lana, I would like you to meet my girlfriend, Payton. Payton, this is Lana Miller.”

  “Hello.” Payton acknowledged the woman.

  “Hi.” Lana’s expression didn’t change. “Well I’d better get back to my table. It was nice to see you, Reina.” Lana wasn’t worried about Reina having a new girlfriend. She had great faith in her ability to get Reina’s attention again. Dating Reina was an appealing idea and she wasn’t going to let a little thing like a new girlfriend stand in her way.

  As the woman walked away, Payton watched Reina carefully. “Are you okay?”

  Reina smiled at Payton. “I am more than okay. I’m sorry I overre¨acted to Lana.”

  “Is she the woman you were last with?”

  “She and I dated for several months. I told you about her. We parted company after I mentioned that I was planning to have a third child. She doesn’t like young children.”

  “Do you still care about her?”

  “Honey, I haven’t cared about Lana for a long time. And I love you. I am totally and absolutely in love with you.” Reina slid her arms around Payton’s waist. “For the first time in my life I feel com¨plete. You already are my family. You love me, and I know you love Max and Molly.”

  Payton’s eyes filled with tears. Reina took Payton’s hand and placed it on her stomach. “Payton, this child will be ours together.” Reina kissed her softly.

  “I love you, Reina.” Payton kissed her in return. “It’s going to be so hard to leave tomorrow.”

  “Don’t think about it tonight, love. Please.” Payton hugged her tightly. It was all she could think about.

  Just before two o’clock, the four of them said goodbye to the group of women they had sat with and went out the front door to the waiting limo. It was a quiet group that made the thirty-minute drive home. Reina and Payton sat wrapped in each other’s arms saying very little to each other. Talking was unnecessary. Lindy and Tamara cuddled and whispered occasionally to each other, very aware of how important the evening was to Payton and Reina.

  Once home, Payton paid the limousine driver while Reina took care of the babysitter. Lindy and Tamara hugged the two of them goodbye, confirmed the time to pick them up for the airport, and left for home. Reina shut the door behind them and turned to face Pay-ton. They stared at each other for several minutes before Reina spoke so softly Payton could barely hear her.

  “Payton, I have something I want to give you before you leave.” She took Payton by the hand and led her down the hall into the bed¨room. “Please sit.”

  Payton watched the beautiful blond woman walk to the dresser and take something out of the top drawer. Payton couldn’t help but feel wonder and awe that this woman wanted to be with her.

  “I wanted to give you something that would remind you that your family is waiting for you.” Reina kneeled in front of Payton and handed her a slender cardboard box. Payton leaned over and kissed Reina, savoring the taste and feel of her soft lips.

  “I don’t need anything to remind me of what I’m returning to.”

  “I want you to have this.” Reina smiled at her very sexy girlfriend.

  Payton opened the box and pulled out a small silver plated picture frame. She unfolded it to find two pictures encased in the frame. On one side was a picture of Payton with Max on her lap and Molly with her arm around Payton’s neck. All three were laughing. The second picture was of all four of them at the zoo. Reina was standing next to Payton with Molly in front of her, while Max sat happily on Payton’s shoulders. It was a perfect snapshot of the four of them. They looked like a family. The frame was engraved at the bottom.

  “To Payton, with love from your family.” It also had a date engraved next to the words.

  “The date is the day we all met.” Reina placed her hands on either side of Payton’s face. Payton couldn’t speak as tears rolled down her cheeks. “Honey, don’t cry, please.” Reina kissed her eyelids, her cheeks, and her lips.

  “This is perfect,” Payton whispered. “It is so perfect.”

  “We love you, sweetie.” Reina kissed her again, and again, mur¨muring her love for Payton.

  “I need to make love with you.” Payton began to undress Reina.

  “We have the rest of the night,” Reina promised as she helped Pay-ton out of her clothes.

  Payton was overwhelmed with a need to love the woman who now filled her heart and soul. Her hands and mouth covered every inch of Reina’s body as she swiftly removed
the last of her clothes.

  “I love your hands on my body, the way that you make me feel.” Reina and Payton tumbled onto the bed.

  “I’m going to be touching you for the rest of your life.”

  Their lovemaking was frantic one minute and slow and languid the next as Payton and Reina loved each other for hours. It was early morning before they lay quietly in each other’s arms.

  “Reina, the kids will be up any minute.”

  “We had better get dressed.”

  “I hate to hide this gorgeous body.” Payton brushed her hand across Reina’s breasts down to her stomach, drawing a sigh from Reina.

  “I love what you do to me, Payton.”

  Payton just smiled, memorizing how Reina looked at that moment. Her blond hair was loosely pinned up, her skin still flushed from their lovemaking, her eyes large and clear, and her lips full and rosy from kissing. Payton’s eyes traveled the full length of Reina’s body, admiring her full breasts, and curved hips. Her hand still rested on Reina’s stomach, stretched flat and stroking her skin.

  “I try to imagine how you’ll look when you’re farther along in your pregnancy.”

  “Fat, crabby, and fat.” Reina chuckled.

  “I can’t wait.” Payton grinned as she placed gentle kisses on Reina’s stomach. “I’m going to love watching you change is the baby gets bigger.”

  Reina placed her hand against Payton’s cheek to get her attention. “I am so lucky I found you. I can’t wait until you’re back here where you belong, here with me and the kids.”

  “Soon, it will be soon,” Payton promised, turning her face into Reina’s hand and kissing her palm. “Reina, do you believe in getting married?”

  “Do you mean like between you and me?”

  “Yes.” Payton’s heart beat loudly in her chest as she watched Reina carefully.

  “Are you asking me to marry you?”

  “Yes.” Payton held her breath.

  “Yes. My answer is yes.” Reina smiled at a very nervous Payton.

  Payton released the breath she had been holding. “When?”

  “As soon as you return.” Reina pulled Payton into her arms.

  “It will have to be after Lindy and Tamara have their ceremony.”


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