Family Love

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Family Love Page 23

by Jeanne Mccann

  Payton, your brother is on the telephone.” She picked up the receiver in the kitchen where she was setting the table in preparation for breakfast in the morning. It was after eleven on Friday night, but she had asked Ed to call as soon as he got his family settled at the hotel.

  “Hi Ed, how was your flight?”

  “Good. Are you ready for tomorrow?”

  “I think so. I’m looking forward to seeing you and Eva and the kids.”

  “We’re all looking forward to seeing you, and meeting Reina, and her family.”

  “You’ve got the directions to the house? We’ll have breakfast at nine-thirty. Then in the afternoon, you can go back to the hotel, and change clothes. We will swing by there, and you can follow us to the hall.”

  “Good. Payton, I am very happy for you.”

  “Thanks, Ed.”

  “Eva and I need to get the kids to bed. We will be there by nine-thirty.”

  “See you tomorrow. Goodnight.”


  “Payton, are you about done in here?” Reina asked as she entered the kitchen. “Everything looks beautiful.”

  “It does look nice. And I’m finished.”

  “How are your brother and his family?”

  “Good. They’ll be here by nine-thirty and your parents will get here by nine.”

  “Perfect. The flowers are in the refrigerator. I stopped by on my way home from work instead of waiting until the morning. All of our clothes are ready except yours. It’s just a matter of getting dressed.”

  “All my clothes are ready, and the rings are polished and in the bedroom.”

  “Let’s call it a night.”

  “Sounds good to me.”

  “Payton, do you understand about our sleeping apart tonight?” Reina had asked that they sleep in separate rooms the night before the ceremony, so Payton was sleeping in Molly’s room and Molly was sleeping with her mom.

  “Of course I do, honey. I understand completely.” Payton didn’t like being separated from Reina for even one night but she did understand.

  They headed down the darkened hallway and stopped outside Molly’s room. “Goodnight, Payton.”

  “Goodnight.” They shared a gentle kiss and parted slowly.

  “I love you.”

  “I love you.”

  Payton watched Reina enter their bedroom and then entered Molly’s dimly lit bedroom and crawled into bed. She would miss holding Reina, but if this was what Reina wanted, she certainly could do it, especially if it made Saturday night even more special. She drifted off to sleep with visions of Reina in her dreams.

  Reina was not having an easy time falling to sleep. She missed Pay-ton very much. Finally, about two in the morning, she gave up and got out of bed. Padding down the hallway to Molly’s room where Payton was sleeping, she entered the room and stood next to the bed. Payton was sound asleep on her side facing Reina. One arm was tucked against her body, her hand against her cheek. Her other arm was thrown over her head. Her hair was mussed from sleeping, her face relaxed, a faint smile on her lips. She was wearing her silk night¨shirt and, as usual, she had kicked her covers off to reveal her long slender legs. Her nightshirt barely covered her hips, and Reina’s eyes traveled up and down her beautiful body. Her nightshirt was unbut¨toned at her neck to reveal the tops of her full breasts. Reina had never seen her so beautiful. She watched her sleep for several min¨utes before gently touching her cheek.

  “Payton,” She whispered.

  Payton’s eyelids fluttered several times before opening. “Reina, are you okay?” Payton started to sit up.

  “Yes, honey. Don’t get up. I missed you.” She smiled as she sat on the edge of the bed. “I don’t want to sleep without you. I need to hold you.”

  “Come here.” Payton lifted the covers up so Reina could slide in next to her. “I missed you, too.”

  “I never want to sleep without you again.”

  “You don’t have to.” Payton pulled Reina closer to her. Reina’s back was tight against Payton’s chest as they folded against one another. Payton kissed Reina on her neck and folded her arms around her waist. “Go to sleep, honey.”

  “I love you, Payton.”

  “I love you.” Within minutes both Payton and Reina were sound asleep, relaxed again, and safe in each other’s arms where they belonged.

  “Mom, why are you and Payton sleeping in my bed?” Molly inquired as she stood in front of her mother who was still tightly held in Payton’s arms.

  “Hi, honey. Payton was lonely in here all by herself.”

  “Payton, you can sleep with me if you get lonely.” Molly crawled between Payton and Reina and snuggled with the two of them.

  “Thank you doll.” Payton hugged Molly tightly.

  “You know Molly, you are one terrific kid.” Reina grinned, hug¨ging her tiny daughter.

  The three of them talked and giggled until it was time to get up and Max had joined them. All four took showers and dressed for breakfast. It was a beautiful, warm, sunny day, perfect for a wedding. They were all in the kitchen by the time Reina’s parents arrived and joined them.

  “Okay, everyone out of the kitchen but Molly, Max, and I.” Frank ordered. “Scoot, all of you.”

  “Dad.” Reina laughed.

  “I mean it. You, Payton, and your mom, take your coffee, and go in the living room. The three of us are fixing breakfast.

  The three of them chuckled and left Frank and the children to handle things. They enjoyed relaxing and visiting as the three chefs continued to perform their culinary magic, amid much laughter and the clanging of pans.

  The doorbell rang at exactly nine-thirty, and Payton happily went to the door to greet her brother and his family.

  “Ed, Eva, come on in.” Payton hugged her brother and his wife. “Hi Randy and Hattie, how are you?”

  “Hi, Aunt Payton.” The two children hugged her. The children liked Payton very much.

  She directed the four of them into the living room where Reina and her mother waited, smiling. “Reina and Virginia, this is my brother Ed, his wife Eva, and their two children, Randy and Hattie.” Payton proudly introduced them “This is Reina, and her mother, Virginia.”

  “It’s nice to meet you Ed, Eva. Hello, Randy and Hattie, welcome to our home. I’ll go get Max and Molly.” Reina smiled in welcome. “Please make yourselves at home.”

  Ed and his wife sat down while the children waited silently for Reina to return. Moments later she came out of the kitchen, Max and Molly behind her. “Molly and Max, this is Randy and Hattie.”

  “Hi.” Molly smiled at the two children while Max grinned shyly, his dimples deep in his cheeks.

  “Hi.” Randy and Hattie smiled at the two younger children.

  “Do you want to come to my room and color?” Molly asked. The two children nodded their heads yes and followed Molly and Max down the hall to Molly’s room.

  “Anyone want a cup of coffee?” Frank asked as he entered the liv¨ing room.

  “Dad, this is Ed and Eva, Payton’s brother and his wife.”

  “It’s nice to meet the two of you.” Ed shook hands “with them both. “I hope you’re hungry. The kids and I whipped up a mean breakfast this morning.”

  “We are,” Ed admitted with a grin.

  “How about some coffee? Why don’t we all go in the kitchen? We can let the children play for awhile,” Reina suggested.

  The adults all crowded into the kitchen and took seats around the large kitchen table. “Reina, your children are beautiful,” Eva com¨mented.

  “Thank you. Payton has been raving about your children. They sound pretty special.”

  “They are great kids, but I think Payton is a little prejudiced. Besides, she spoils them rotten.” Eva teased Payton with a smile.

  “Well, we think Payton is pretty darn special ourselves,” Frank volunteered as he patted Payton on her shoulder. She blushed with embarrassment.

  “She is pretty terrific,” Ed agree
d. “I also know it took someone pretty wonderful to convince her to move down here, and get mar¨ried.”

  “Can you imagine the choice she had? Quit her job, sell her home, move eighteen hundred miles away, into someone else’s home, and help raise two children. And, oh by the way, a third child is on the way,” Reina teased. “And she did it, no questions asked.”

  Payton grinned at her. “There was no other choice.”

  Reina hugged her tightly. “We are so glad you all could make it.”

  “We wouldn’t have missed it.” Eva replied with a smile. “Now tell me, how far along are you?”

  “A little over two months.”

  “Is it a boy or a girl?”

  “We don’t know yet.” Payton squeezed Reina’s fingers.

  “Congratulations,” Ed announced. “And you are remodeling your house?”

  “Yes, we need another bedroom, another bathroom, and Payton needs an office.”

  “Wow, you two are going to be very busy.”

  Everyone visited with each other for quite awhile, until Frank sug¨gested that they call the children and have breakfast. It was a very pleasant meal. While the adults continued to visit, the four children devoured their animal shaped pancakes, giggling and talking to each other. They had obviously hit it off despite the age difference then all four fidgeted at the table until Reina suggested they be excused and go back and play in Molly’s room.

  “They sure seem to be getting along very well,” Payton observed with a smile.

  “Good. Because when you and Reina come for a visit, the kids will have a great time together.” Ed reached across the table and took hold of Payton’s hand. “I am very happy for you and Reina.”

  “Thank you, that means so much to me.” Payton got emotional as she gazed at her older brother. They had always been very close, especially after they’d lost both their parents.

  “Now, you and Reina take Ed and Eva out in your beautiful back¨yard and visit, while Virginia and I clean up the kitchen.”

  “Frank, I can help.”


  The four did as they were told, and spent a pleasant morning talk¨ing and sharing their lives. It was after one o’clock before Molly came out to ask her mother a question. “Mom do you guys want some lunch? Grandma is fixing us soup and sandwiches.”

  “Ed and Eva would you like some lunch?”

  “I’m fine, Reina.”

  “So am I.” Eva smiled at Molly. “You have beautiful hair just like your mother.”

  “Thank you.”

  “And look at those dimples.”

  “Max has some, too.”

  “I saw that.”

  “Payton, can you show Grandma how to make our special sand¨wiches?”

  “Sure, honey. I’ll be right back.” Pay ton walked toward the house while Molly took her hand and skipped alongside her chattering away.

  “Payton cuts their sandwiches into special shapes,” Reina shared.

  “Your children like Payton.”

  “They are our children, and Max and Molly love Payton, and she loves them. You should see her and Max. They have a very special relationship.”

  “Reina, I’m glad you came into Payton’s life. All I ever wanted is for her to be happy and find someone to love. She obviously loves you very much.”

  “Ed, I love Payton more than I can put into words. I thank God every day for letting her be a part of my life.” Reina’s eyes filled with tears. “The children and I are very lucky.”

  “Eva and I welcome you happily into our family.”

  “Thank you. It means so much to Payton and me to have all of you here.”

  “You’re very welcome. Now, Eva and I need to take our kids and get out of your hair so you can get ready for this evening.”

  “We have plenty of time.”

  “We still need to get going so you can relax.”

  The three returned to the very busy kitchen, where all four chil¨dren were seated at the table giggling, as Frank teased all of them equally. Payton and Virginia were affectionately watching.

  “Hi Dad, Mom. Frank said we could call him Grandpa and Vir¨ginia Grandma,” Hattie excitedly shared with her parents.

  “That is very nice, Hattie.” Eva smiled gratefully at Frank and Vir¨ginia. “They don’t have any grandparents.”

  “Well, they do now.” Frank tousled Hattie’s hair as she grinned happily at him.

  “Thank you.” Ed clasped Frank’s shoulder. He was overwhelmed by the gesture.

  “Mom, do you know why Reina talks funny?” Randy asked. “She lived in Australia.”

  “She did?”

  “Yes, isn’t that cool! They have kangaroos there.”

  “That’s very cool.” Eva grinned at Reina. “Let’s finish your lunch. We need to get back to the hotel so everyone can get ready for tonight.”

  “Oh Mom, do we have to go?” Hattie cried. “I want to stay with Max and Molly.”

  “Honey, you will be with them all evening, but right now we need to leave and let them get ready.”

  “Okay, Mom.” Disappointment showed on all four of the chil¨dren’s faces.

  “Reina, Payton, I have an idea. Can I speak to the two of you in the living room for a moment?”

  “Sure, Eva.” Payton and Reina followed her.

  “What would you say to Ed and I taking Max and Molly back to the hotel with Randy and Hattie, after the ceremony? The four kids can spend the night together, and we can bring them back in the morning on our way to the airport.”

  “I think Max and Molly would like that. What do you think, Pay-ton?”

  “I think it’s fine. I can pack a change of clothes and their pajamas in their packs. Are you sure you want to do this, Eva?”

  “I’m sure. And I promise we will take good care of them.”

  “I know you will, Eva, just like your own.” Reina hugged her. “Do you want to tell them?”

  “Sure.” Eva grinned as they headed back in to the kitchen. “Randy, Hattie, would you like to invite Molly and Max to stay with you tonight at the hotel?”

  “Yes, can they?” All four children burst with excitement.

  “Max and Molly would you like to spend the night with Hattie and Randy?”

  “Yes, please,” Molly answered, a big smile on her face. Max bobbed his head up and down happily.

  “Okay then, you and Max need to hug Randy and Hattie goodbye, and don’t forget Ed and Eva, then go to your rooms and get your pajamas ready for tonight.”

  Max and Molly happily hugged and kissed the four goodbye, and rushed quickly into their bedrooms to find their pajamas.

  “They are great kids, Reina and Payton,” Ed remarked.

  “You may change your tune after having them stay overnight.” Reina laughed.

  “All right Randy and Hattie, say goodbye to everyone.”

  The two children exchanged hugs and kisses with Reina, Payton, and Reina’s parents.

  “We’ll see you later at the hotel,” Frank told them. “Why don’t you and Eva follow us to the park? That way Reina and Payton can go straight to the hall from here. It will save them some time.”

  “Sounds good to me, Frank.”

  “Great, we’ll meet you in the lobby at six. That should give us plenty of time.”

  “Perfect. Frank and Virginia, it was a pleasure to meet you. Reina, thank you again, Eva and I couldn’t have a better sister-in-law, and the kids are lucky to have another aunt.”

  “I’m awfully glad to have the four of you part of our family.”

  “Payton, we’re so happy for you.” Eva kissed her.

  “Thanks, Eva.” She and the children headed for the door. Ed slid his arm around his sister’s shoulder as they walked.

  “Payton, I know Mom and Dad would be very happy for you right now, and very proud of you.”

  “Thanks, Ed. I appreciate how wonderful you and Eva are.”

  “Honey, we love you, and I think you are marrying into a ver
y nice family.” I am.

  “Now, you go take a break. You have a very busy night ahead of you.”

  “Thanks, Ed.”

  “You are very welcome.” They hugged one last time.

  Payton waved from the front doorway and then shut the door. Leaning up against it, she thought about her brother and his family. She was very lucky that Ed and Eva and no problems with her being gay. They were very open with their children, answering questions honestly, just as Reina did with her own kids. They always made Pay-ton feel special, and now they had included Reina and her family. It made Payton proud and very happy.

  “Honey, are you okay?” Reina whispered, sliding her arms around Payton’s waist.

  “I’m perfect.” Payton smiled, kissing her. “I was just counting my blessings.”

  “I like your brother and your family.”

  “Our family.”

  “Mom, where are my pajamas?” Molly yelled from the hallway.

  “That is one of your blessings.” Reina grinned, kissing Payton softly. “I’ll be right there, Molly.”

  “I love you, Reina.”

  “I love you. And in less than five hours I am going to marry you.”

  “Isn’t that amazing, five hours.”

  “Are you nervous?”

  “No, are you?”

  “Not at all. I’m excited and happy, but not nervous.”

  “Mom,” Molly called impatiently.

  “I’ll go pack Max’s things, while you help Molly. Do you want me to put his things in his pack?”

  “That would be great honey, thanks.”

  “What are your parents doing?”

  “Sitting in the backyard enjoying the sun.”

  They headed off to help the children prepare everything they’d need for their overnight stay at the hotel. After they finished that, they suggested that both children go outside and have Grandma read them a story. Both children and Grandma thought that was a fine idea and the four sat quietly outside, Max on Grandma’s lap, and Molly on Grandpa’s, listening to the story.

  Reina and Payton took that time to finish preparing their clothes for the trip to the hall. They would get dressed there. Lindy and Pay-ton would get dressed in one room and Tamara and Reina in the other. All the children would be dressed before they arrived to make it easier.


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