Family Love

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Family Love Page 26

by Jeanne Mccann

  “Say goodnight to our baby.” Reina leaned into Payton. “Our baby.”

  “Goodnight, Reina and Payton’s baby, sleep tight,” Payton whis¨pered.

  “Goodnight, wife.”

  “Goodnight, wife.”

  They once again fell asleep, in love, full of delight and wonder with each other.

  It was after nine o’clock before Payton woke up from her sound sleep. Reina was not in bed with her, and Payton started to get up herself.

  “No you don’t, get back in bed,” Reina called from the doorway. She was carrying a tray of food.

  “What are you doing?”

  “I fixed us breakfast and we’re going to eat it in bed.”

  “Well, isn’t that sweet. Here, let me help you.” Payton took the tray from Reina and placed it on the bedside nightstand. “Now, before we have breakfast I would like to kiss my wife.”

  Reina just smiled as she moved into Payton’s arms. “Good morn¨ing,” She whispered, kissing Payton softly several times.

  “We don’t pick up the kids until noon and it’s a little after nine.”

  “We have plenty of time, then.”

  “What do you have in mind?”

  “It’ll be a lot easier if I just showed you.” Payton grinned and rolled Reina onto her back on the bed. Payton was a good as her word as she aptly demonstrated what she had in mind. Reina was very grateful, and proceeded to thank her in the most natural and loving way. It was an hour before they paid attention to breakfast, and then they sat side by side on the bed sharing it with each other. It was a perfect start to a perfect day.

  They showered together with lots of kissing and took their time dressing before heading to the hotel to meet everyone for lunch. They said very little to each other on the ride to the hotel, but Pay-ton’s hand rested on Reina’s thigh.

  “I think you are so beautiful,” Payton whispered, gazing at Reina, her eyes full of emotion. Reina was wearing shorts, a sweater, and a pair of sandals. She had loosely braided her hair into a single strand down the middle of her back. She smiled in response to Payton’s remark and her dimples showed in her cheeks.

  “Payton, from the first moment I met you I thought you were the most beautiful woman I know. I love looking at you.”

  Payton blushed with embarrassment.

  “Are you blushing?” Reina teased, squeezing her hand. “You are so cute when you blush. I can’t believe this is the same woman who kept me up all night doing such wonderful things with me in bed, and now you’re blushing?”

  This only made Payton blush worse, and groan. Reina chuckled and pulled into the hotel parking lot and parked the car. Reina slipped her arm through Payton’s as they walked into the hotel. She loved the fact that Payton still had times when she could be shy. It just made her lovemaking just that more erotic. She was a very com¨plex woman.

  “We’re supposed to meet everyone in the restaurant.” The two of them walked through the lobby and into the restaurant. They caught sight of the full table as they walked through the door.

  “There they are.”

  Payton and Reina headed for the table and the waiting crowd. “Hi Mom, hi Payton.”

  “Hello, Ms. Molly and Mr. Max. Did you have fun with Randy and Hattie?”

  “Yes, lots.” Max and Molly looked very happy while they bobbed their heads.

  Reina and Payton sat down with the happy group and enjoyed a very busy lunch with their combined families. There was much talk and laughter as the large crowd teased each other and shared memo¨ries. It warmed Reina’s heart to see her parents so affectionate to Ed and Eva and their two children. It was too bad her own brother hadn’t grown up to be as open-minded as Ed. She missed him. She also knew how much family meant to Payton. It showed on her face as she watched everyone. Reina leaned over and whispered in her ear. “We are all one big happy family now.”

  Payton’s smile said it all as she gazed at Reina. She reached for Reina’s hand. “I love my whole family.”

  “They love you.”

  “And you.”

  The combined families stayed in the restaurant for another hour, until Payton’s brother and his family had to head for the airport to catch their flight home. They all walked with Ed and Eva to the car, Hattie and Randy hanging off their newfound grandparents. Max sat on Payton’s shoulders, while Molly held onto her mother’s hand.

  Eva turned and hugged Reina goodbye. “You come visit us as soon as you have your baby.”

  “We will, I promise. Thank you so much for coming. It meant so much to us.”

  “We wouldn’t have missed it, and I’m so glad to get to know you, your children, and your parents. Welcome to the family.” Her smile and her words were warm and genuine. It touched Reina’s heart deeply.

  “Thank you.” They hugged affectionately.

  Payton and her brother hugged tightly, Payton’s eyes filling with tears. “Ed, I’m so glad you came.”

  “Honey, of course I would come.” He held her tightly as Max tried to hug the two of them. He hugged Max gently. “You’re my sister and I’m very glad you found someone as special as Reina. I’m very happy for you and I think these two kids are terrific.” Ed poked Max affec¨tionately. “Max, you take good care of Payton.”

  “I will, Uncle Ed.” Max responded seriously.

  “Thank you, Ed. I am very lucky.” Payton began to cry.

  “You both are. Now Eva and I were serious. We want you to come visit us and bring Frank and Virginia.”

  “We will, as soon as Reina has the new baby and feels ready to travel. I promise.”

  “Good. Payton, I really like your family.”

  “Thanks, Ed, that means a lot to me.”

  “Randy and Hattie, kiss everyone goodbye, we have to go.”

  “Bye Grandpa, bye Grandma.” The two youngsters kissed Frank and Virginia. It was obvious the four had gotten along famously. The children hugged each other goodbye as the adults did the same and then they left. When the car pulled out of the parking lot the four adults and two children waved goodbye. Payton’s face was streaked with tears.

  “Honey, we will visit them soon.” Reina comforted her.

  “I know. I am just so glad they came.” Payton smiled sweetly at her girlfriend. “It was the most important day of my life.”

  Reina smiled and squeezed her hand. “I feel the same way. Well Grandma and Grandpa, how about a swim in the pool and a bar-beque?” Reina suggested to her parents.

  “Honey, don’t you and Payton want to spend some time together without us?”

  “Payton and I talked about it this morning, and we want you to come over. We want to spend as much time as possible with the two of you while you’re here.”

  “We appreciate that and we would love to come over. What can we bring?”

  “Just yourselves.”

  The rest of the day passed very pleasantly, as all six swam in the pool and ate a light dinner. It was after seven o’clock before Frank and Virginia headed back to the hotel and Reina and Payton put a very tired Molly and Max to bed.

  “Poor guys, they’re exhausted. They had a very busy weekend.”

  “I don’t know about you but I’m pretty tired myself,” Reina admitted.

  “Honey, go crawl in bed. I’ll finish cleaning up and be in shortly.”

  “No way, wife, we’re going to bed together.” Reina hugged her, grinning. “We’re still on our honeymoon.”

  “Honey, we have the rest of our lives together. You’re exhausted.”

  “I’m not that tired,” Reina reassured her, running her hands down Payton’s back and hips, as they shared a passionate kiss.

  “Let’s clean the rest of this up in the morning,” Payton suggested when Reina nuzzled her neck.

  “Great idea.”

  Within minutes they were naked, lying on their bed enjoying slow leisurely lovemaking. It was the kind of lovemaking that came from knowing you had the rest of your lives together. There was no urgency, no hurr
y, and so much love. They whispered words of love, bringing each other pleasure until they were limp with exhaustion. They fell asleep wrapped in each other’s arms, deeply in love, and filled with happiness.


  Reina and Payton’s life together was just about perfect. They had not only fallen in love with each other but also become the best of friends. They could sit quietly in the same room reading and enjoying each other’s company. They could talk with each other for hours about anything, and they spent a lot of time laughing. Even dealing with a very large remodel project did not create the usual problems between them. They had shared their first fight together the previous week, when Reina objected to Payton’s request to take things a little easier.

  Payton was just putting the last dish away from their Sunday morning breakfast when Reina joined her in the kitchen.

  “Payton, I am going to go out and work in the yard. Max and Molly will be at Mrs. Lenahan’s until after dinner.” Ruth Lenahan loved to spend time with the children and they loved her in return.

  “Honey, I want you to take it easy, please? I don’t want you to take any chances.”

  “Payton, I’m fine.” Reina responded with a little impatience. “This is my third pregnancy. I know what I can handle.”

  The sting of her words hurt Payton to the quick and she responded without thought. “I may not have ever been pregnant but it is almost seventy degrees outside and I think you should take it easy.”

  “Payton, I’m a big girl.” Reina obviously took objection to Pay-ton’s request by the look on her face as she headed out the back door.

  Payton was hurt and a little irritated with her stubborn girlfriend. She headed down the hallway intent on folding the clean clothes. Maybe a little break would do them both good. She nursed her feel¨ings as she tried to calm down while stacking the laundry. The growl of their lawnmower starting up interrupted her. Burning with rare anger, Payton strode down the hallway and out the back door intent on throttling Reina.

  “What in the hell do you think you are doing?” Payton’s raised voice and her position in front of Reina’s path on the lawn told Reina she was very upset.

  “I’m mowing the lawn.” Reina started to move around Payton.

  “Don’t you dare!” Payton bellowed. She reached over and turned the lawn mower off.

  “Payton, what is wrong with you?” Reina stared at her before try¨ing to start the lawn mower again.

  “Leave the damn mower off!” Payton yelled. “I asked you to take it easy.”

  “And I said I was fine.” Reina yelled back, her hands clenched on her hips.

  “You are not fine, you are pregnant.”

  “I know what I am, now let me finish the lawn.”


  “Payton.” Reina glared at her unreasonable girlfriend. “Fine, you do it!” Reina stomped away. “I’ll weed the garden.”

  “God damn it, Reina. Why can’t you take it easy?” Payton yelled at her.

  “Because I’m pregnant, not sick.” Reina screamed back.

  “I’m asking you to take it easy.” This request was yelled at full vol¨ume.

  “Fine!” Reina fired back. “I’ll go take a nap, will that make you happy? Maybe I can read a book, if that doesn’t take too much effort!” Reina stomped into the house, the sliding glass door slam¨ming behind her.

  Payton simmered in anger as she watched Reina enter the house. She knew better than to follow her. Payton started up the lawn mower. She might as well finish mowing the yard. She was too angry to do much else.

  Reina swore loudly when she heard the mower start up. Who did Payton think she was telling her what to do? Reina fumed while she paced in her bedroom, she was furious. She whipped her bedroom door open. She had something more to say to Payton.

  Payton shut the mower off and stood in angry silence. Didn’t Reina understand how worried Payton was? She just wanted her to be careful. She wasn’t being unreasonable.

  “You are being an ass!” Reina hissed. “I am perfectly fine mowing the lawn. I took care of this home while pregnant with both Max and Molly. Why should this be any different?”

  Payton saw red. “Because I’m here.” She stalked off into the house. Waves of hurt and anger shimmering through her body. She was so devastated that Reina didn’t understand.

  Reina stood still, a look of surprise and comprehension on her pale face. Oh God, what had she done? Reina had seen the look of pain on Payton’s face. She hurriedly entered the house, heading for the bedroom. She needed to apologize to Payton and beg her for¨giveness.

  “Payton, I’m sorry.” Reina blurted out the words as she entered the room. Payton sat on the edge of her bed, her back to Reina. She remained silent as Reina approached her. “Payton, please forgive me.”

  Payton’s tear streaked face turned to Reina and Reina’s heart ached. She had hurt Payton deeply. “Honey, I’m sorry. Please, don’t cry.” Reina sat down next to Payton and wrapped her arms around her. “I love you. I shouldn’t have behaved that way.”

  “Reina, if you don’t want me here, just tell me.” Payton gazed at her, her heart in her eyes. It took every bit of courage she had, to speak her words to Reina.

  Reina’s heart shuddered when Payton spoke. Losing Payton would kill her. “Payton, I love you.” Reina kissed Payton’s tears away. “I want you here. I need you here.” Reina’s soft lips captured Payton’s in a kiss full of love and hunger.

  “You don’t need me. You proved that today.” Payton’s eyes were full of hurt.

  “I do need you. I’m not used to having someone help me. I’m sorry, honey. I want to share everything with you.”

  “Even the lawn mowing?” Payton’s eyes glistened with tears but her mouth had a slight smile to it.

  “And the dishes, and the laundry, and the vacuuming.” Reina punctuated her words with kisses as she covered Payton’s face.

  “You can keep the vacuuming.” Payton whispered, her arms pull¨ing Reina onto the bed with her. “I hate vacuuming.”

  Reina sighed as she lay on top of Payton. “I’ll make you a deal. I’ll do all the vacuuming if you promise to love me for the rest of my life.”

  “I promise.” Payton sealed her promise with a kiss that took Reina’s breath away and directly into passion. They made love slowly as they renewed their commitment and healed the wounds that angry words had opened. Several hours later they sat in the living room, still in each other’s arms.

  “Payton, I promise I will take things easier but you need to prom¨ise me something.”

  “What, sweetie?”

  “Will you fight with me once a week so we can make up?” Reina’s smile was full of love as she held Payton’s face in her hands. “I love you.”

  “I love you, Reina. So much so, that it is overwhelming. And, I promise I will fight with you as often as you need.” Payton grinned and kissed her slowly.


  The children were also a source of pleasure, as they thrived with Payton and Reina’s love. It was a very happy and healthy family. Reina had grown quite large in the last four months, but Payton found her even more beautiful as she showed more and more of her pregnancy. They started to attend birthing classes every other week so both Reina and Payton knew what to expect. It was more for Pay-ton’s benefit, since she agreed to be with Reina during the natural childbirth delivery. Reina and Payton worked hard on their relation¨ship. Reina was learning to share responsibilities and Payton, her feelings. They were strengthening their bonds and their love.

  “Payton, will you please start getting ready? We have to be at Tam-ara and Lindy’s in a little more than an hour,” Reina called down the hall of the new addition.

  “Almost done, honey.” Payton was putting the final coat of paint on the nursery. The remodel was just about complete. Just complet¨ing the trim, flooring and carpet, and then it would be ready for fur¨niture. Payton looked around at the nursery and grinned. She and Reina knew the child was going
to be a little girl, so they had chosen bright colorful fish to decorate the room. Payton was just finishing the bright blue trim around the windows and the closet. She couldn’t wait to set up the crib that was waiting in the garage.

  “Payton, it looks beautiful,” Reina raved as she entered the room.

  Payton grinned as she approached. Reina had tied her hair up and was wearing a sleeveless sundress. Her advanced pregnancy showed in her rounded stomach that pushed against Payton when they hugged.

  “You look beautiful.”

  “Thank you. You did a terrific job on the nursery. The baby is going to love it.”

  “We’ll be able to put the blinds up next week and the carpets are being laid next Thursday.”

  “I can’t believe it’s almost finished.”

  “What time do we pick up Max and Molly?”

  “I told Mrs. Lenahan we’d pick them up around nine-thirty.” Reina kissed Payton. “Now, honey, could you please go get cleaned up. I need to stop at the grocery store on the way to the barbeque.”


  “And Payton, please leave your camera at home.”

  Payton grinned at Reina. She had been documenting Reina’s preg¨nancy with photographs and Payton had taken hundreds of snap¨shots. Reina had good-naturedly gone along with the project, but at times requested Payton give it and her a break. Today was one of those days. Actually, Reina was thrilled that Payton still found her beautiful and sexy after growing so large. She still had a fear deep inside her heart that Payton might find her advanced pregnancy unappealing.

  “How are you feeling?”

  “Oh I don’t know, fat, my back aches, and my feet are swollen,” Reina responded. She had bouts of depression once in awhile but for the most part she was feeling pretty good.

  “You go put your feet up while I take a shower and get dressed.” Payton smiled at her.

  “I think I will, and Payton, I love you.” Reina’s smile was full of love.

  “Reina, I love you.” Payton couldn’t help but grin as Reina walked out of the room. As Reina got larger she tended to walk more and more like a duck. Payton marveled at how much she enjoyed watch¨ing Reina go through the pregnancy. She found herself falling in love with Reina over and over again. She put her paint things away and headed for the bedroom.


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