Family Love

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Family Love Page 27

by Jeanne Mccann

  Thirty minutes later Payton entered the living room to find Reina sound asleep on the couch. As her pregnancy advanced, Reina found herself running out of energy midway through the day. Some days Reina came home from work so exhausted she would immediately take a nap before dinner. Her lack of energy changed their sex life only slightly. They didn’t have sex quite as often but the intensity had only grown. Many nights they were content to remain in each other’s arms for hours, talking, kissing, and enjoying their physical close¨ness.

  “Honey, do you want me to call Lindy and Payton and cancel? I’m sure they would understand.” Payton gently touched Reina’s hand.

  “No sweetie, I’ll be fine.” Reina sat up and clasped Payton’s hand tightly. “Have I told today how much I love you?”

  “I love you.”

  “Even as I grow larger by the minute?”

  “Especially as you grow larger, honey. This is our child that you’re carrying, and I find you infinitely sexier and more beautiful because of that.” Payton demonstrated her words by pulling Reina into her arms and kissing her.

  “Since you love me so much, could you help me stand up?” Reina grinned.

  “Of course.” Payton supported Reina’s back as she helped her up off the couch.

  Forty minutes later they joined fifteen other people at Lindy and Tamara’s back yard barbeque. It was a celebration of Tamara’ promo¨tion at work and, as Lindy admitted, “An excuse to have a party.”

  Everyone there was in a festive mood and the music and the con¨versation added to the atmosphere. Payton and Reina were having a wonderful time visiting with friends. As they talked to two of their friends, Payton noticed Reina rubbing her lower back. She stepped up behind her and began to massage her lower back, leaning against Reina to take Reina’s weight against her. Reina smiled and pulled one of Payton’s hands around until it rested on her protruding stomach, her arms holding it tightly against her. Reina’s whole body leaned back against Payton’s, as she felt relief from her backache. Lindy and Tamara watched from their kitchen window as they prepared more food.

  “Look at those two.” Tamara smiled. “I need to take a picture of them.”

  “You sound like Payton.” Lindy laughed.

  “Isn’t that the sweetest thing you’ve ever seen?” Tamara left to get her camera. Lindy had to agree with her. It was obvious that Payton was supporting Reina as she held her, rubbing her back. Reina’s head was resting back against Payton’s shoulder, her arms holding Pay-ton’s against her stomach. They practically glowed with love. Tamara returned with her camera and went outside to take pictures, while Lindy finished preparing the food before joining everyone outside.

  “Reina, come join me by the pool. You can sit down,” Lindy vol¨unteered, walking up to them.

  “Sounds good Lindy, thanks.” Reina followed her to two open chairs while Payton stayed to talk with Tamara. “I need to get this rather large body off my feet.”

  “How are you feeling?”

  “Pretty good, other than am tired all the time. Poor Payton, I’m either sleeping or taking care of the kids. She doesn’t get very much of my time.”

  “What does the doctor say?”

  “She says I’m fine, very healthy, and that it is normal.” Reina sighed. “I’m just afraid Payton’s going to find my fat, tired body a lit¨tle less than appealing.”

  “Honey, you obviously haven’t paid attention to how she looks at you. She devours you with her eyes,” Lindy teased. “I’ve known Pay-ton a long time and I’ve watched the two of you grow together. She loves you, Reina, and I know for a fact she thinks your being preg¨nant is beautiful.”

  “I know she loves me, Lindy. I have no doubts about that.”

  “Then what is worrying you?”

  Reina’s eyes searched Lindy’s face before answering. She blushed as she spoke quietly. “I’m worried that Payton will find me unappeal¨ing to touch and after I have the baby she won’t want to make love to me.

  “Reina, Payton isn’t like anyone else. Has she given you any indi¨cation that she isn’t physically attracted to you?”

  “No, she’s as attentive as she’s always been.”

  “Then why are you worried?”

  Reina just looked at Lindy, her eyes filling up with tears.

  “Honey, what is going on?”

  “Lindy, I love Payton. I can’t tell you how much I love her. I’ve been here before, remember?”

  “Oh, I think I know, sweetie.” Lindy knew about Reina’s girl¨friend, who left her weeks before the baby was delivered. It had angered her very much when she heard the story, but she knew Pay-ton very well. Payton loved Reina. “Payton loves you.”

  “Lindy, I don’t want to lose her.”

  “I’ve never seen anyone more in love than Payton is with you. She loves you, honey. Talk to her about how you’re feeling, she will understand.”

  “I don’t know, Lindy.”

  “Yes, you do Reina. Talk to her.”

  Reina was unable to respond as Tamara and Payton joined the two of them. She appreciated Lindy’s advice. They all visited until after eight-thirty. Reina was tired and they needed to pick the children up.

  “We need to go and pick up the kids.”

  “Thank you both for coming, and thanks for the card.” Tamara hugged the two of them. “Don’t forget, you invited all of us over for dinner next Wednesday.”

  “We can’t wait.” Payton hugged Tamara.

  “Tell her,” Lindy whispered to Reina as she hugged her.

  “I will. Thank you,” Reina whispered in return.

  Reina and Payton picked up the two very sleepy children and took them home. Reina was uncharacteristically quiet on the car trip.

  “Honey, you get your pajamas on and I’ll put the children to bed.”

  “Thanks, Payton, but I want to help put them to bed. And then I would like to sit in the living room with you.”

  “You got it, honey. Okay guys, let’s put the two of you sleepy kids to bed.” Payton carried the sleepy little children into their rooms. Payton hugged Max goodnight and left Reina to say goodnight while she tucked Molly in.

  “Payton, I love you gobs.”

  “You know, sweet little girl, I love you gobs. How was your day with Mrs. Lenahan?”

  “Good. Payton, when Mom has the new baby will you love it more than you love me?”

  Payton knew how important Molly’s question was and she sat down on the edge of the bed as she responded. She held tightly to Molly’s hands as she spoke. “You know Molly, when I met you and Max, even before I knew your mom was having another baby, I fell in love with you guys. I couldn’t love you any more than I do, you are my Molly. You are special. The baby that your mother is going to have is very special, too. She is Molly and Max’s younger sister, and I know you will be a great older sister.”

  “I will, Payton, and I will love the baby.”

  “Older sisters are very important and their younger sisters love them very much.”


  “Really. And I know this little girl is going to be very lucky to have you as a big sister.”

  “I love you, Payton.”

  “You know what, Molly? I love you, gobs.” She bent over and hugged the happy little girl. “Your mom should be right in to tuck you in.”

  “I’m right here.” Reina was standing in the doorway.

  “I’ll let the two of you say goodnight.” Payton walked toward Reina. “How about I make you a hot cup of milk.”

  “Thanks, honey.” Reina clasped her hand as they passed. “Payton, I love you.”

  Payton just smiled and squeezed her fingers. “And I thought you just like me a lot,” Payton teased.

  “I do that, too.” Reina grinned.

  “I’ll be in the living room.”

  “I’ll be out in a minute.”

  Payton went into the kitchen and prepared the warm milk for Reina and herself. She knew something was bothering Reina, an
d she was hopeful that Reina would talk to her about it.


  “Are they all tucked in?”

  “Yes. Payton, can we talk?”

  “Certainly.” Payton’s heart thudded in her chest as she carried cups of steamed milk into the living room. “Here, sit down.”

  “Payton, look at me.” Reina sat down next to her. “You look scared to death, honey.”

  “I am. I know something has been bothering you.”

  “Payton, I love you more than life itself and that will never change. I married you because I want to spend my life with you.”

  “I don’t understand then, what is the problem? I feel the same way.”

  “I feel fat, honey, and I am afraid you will find me unappealing. It has happened before.” She hung her head as she admitted her worst fear.

  “Reina, look at me, please.” There were tears in Payton’s eyes as well as Reina’s. “I love the way you look right this minute. I look at you and I see our child growing inside you. I love your body and I will never turn away from you. Don’t I touch you enough?”

  “Payton, I’m just scared.”

  “You have nothing to be scared about. You can’t get rid of me. I know you have been hurt very badly and all I can do is tell you how I feel. I want you all the time. I just don’t want to bother you, espe¨cially if you’re tired. I know at some time you will have to refrain from having sex because of the baby. You just need to know, my feel¨ings for you just get stronger and deeper every day.” Payton kissed Reina gently.

  “Payton, we’ll never have to stop making love except just before I have the baby and right after. But that doesn’t mean I won’t be able to make love with you.” Reina touched Payton’s cheek.

  “Reina, make me a promise, please.”


  “Please talk to me when you get scared, and please tell me if you want to make love, because I always do.”

  “I promise, Payton. Now, since you always want to make love how about I take full advantage of you tonight?” Reina snuggled up against her.

  “I believe I could be talked into that. It may take a lot of convinc¨ing, though.” Payton kissed Reina slowly as her hands slid around her neck.

  “Do you think you’d mind if I took advantage of you here?”

  Reina’s eyes sparkled as she began to remove Payton’s shirt. Pay-ton’s words of agreement never left her mouth because Reina’s lips covered hers while her hands found Payton’s breasts, drawing a moan from her. It was several hours before Payton and Reina made it to their bedroom. Once in bed, Payton showed Reina how much she loved her body by kissing every inch of it before her mouth drove Reina crazy while she dissolved into a series of orgasms that left her gasping and weeping. Pleasure coursed through her body as Payton’s tongue stroked her and she shuddered. She reached down and pulled Payton up into her arms.

  “I need to hold you.”

  Payton couldn’t lay directly on top of Reina, but she pulled her into her arms and they held tightly to one another. They lay for a long time in that position before Payton suggested Reina roll over on her side so Payton could rub her back. Within minutes Reina was asleep, and Payton watched her slumber until she too nodded off.


  The weeks of waiting were pure agony for Reina, as she drew closer and closer to her due date. Payton though she would go crazy watching Reina get more uncomfortable and irritable. She and the children kept busy and made sure they made Reina’s life as quiet as possible. Today the children were over at Lindy and Tamara’s swimming while Payton worked in the yard and Reina rested. Payton would swing by and pick Max and Molly up in the morning. She’d been working for several hours in the heat, and stood up to stretch her back when she noticed Reina standing behind her.

  “Honey, you’ve been working all day long. Come inside. I promise I won’t bite.” Reina was very aware that at times she was a little irrita¨ble.

  “I just finished, honey. Let me put my things away and I’ll come in and clean up. Then I’ll make us dinner.”

  Reina watched Payton as she gathered her gardening tools. She was wearing a pair of button-up jeans on her slender hips and on old work shirt, the sleeves rolled up to reveal her tan arms. Her hair was wavy from the heat. Reina thought she looked beautiful. She waited in the kitchen for Payton; she had plans. Payton entered the back door and smiled as she went to the sink to wash up.

  “I should take these clothes off before I track dirt into the house,” She suggested, unbuttoning her shirt and the top of her pants.

  Reina’s eyes glowed as she glimpsed the slim tan stomach of her lover, her hips revealed as she unbuttoned her pants.

  “Payton,” Reina said softly to catch her attention.

  “Yes, honey?” Payton looked up and couldn’t mistake the look she saw on Reina’s face.

  “I want to make love with you,” Reina whispered as she drew closer to Payton.

  “Honey, I’m all sweaty from working outside.” Payton wrapped her arms partially around her very large girlfriend.

  “I don’t care. I want to make love to you now.” Reina kissed her as her hands reached inside the open shirt and found Payton’s breasts. “You are so beautiful.”

  “Reina.” Payton sighed with pleasure. “You know how I feel about this.”

  “Honey, I need to touch you, love you. I promise, as soon as I have the baby and I feel up to it, you can make love with me for hours. Right now I miss touching you, and I think you miss me.”

  Payton couldn’t argue, as Reina’s hands were creating a heat in her body that needed release. Reina’s kisses were full and wet, and Payton drank in the sensation as she succumbed to Reina’s attentions. Reina’s hands slid Payton’s jeans down her hips and she felt the mus¨cles of Payton’s buttocks.

  “I love touching you, looking at you. You are so sexy,” Reina whis¨pered as she created the magic that Payton craved. When Reina’s fin¨gers slid between her legs, Payton was drenched and craving the touch that only Reina could provide. “Love, you are so wet.”

  Payton’s body melted while Reina’s fingers touched her. Her response was immediate as she was engulfed with an orgasm. She clung to Reina’s neck as Reina stroked her and entered her with words of love. Payton was lost, shivering and shaking. Reina held her tightly as Payton gasped and began to weep.

  “Honey, I love you, I love how you react to me when I touch you.” Reina held Payton and soothed her as her body continuing to trem¨ble.

  “I can’t believe we’re standing in our kitchen fully dressed,” Pay-ton admitted with a smile, nuzzling Reina’s neck.

  “Are you complaining?” Reina teased.

  “Yes. I want to make love with you. I miss touching you,” Payton complained as she kissed Reina.

  “Would you settle for a massage?”


  “Really.” Reina slowly moved out of the kitchen with Payton in tow. She found it difficult to walk comfortably but right now she was in a hurry to get to their bedroom. “Payton, I love your hands on me.”

  “Good, because I plan to keep them on you all evening.” Payton rubbed lotion onto Reina’s body and slowly massaged the aches and pains away as she loved Reina with her touch. They fell asleep that night, Reina tucked against Payton, Payton’s arms stretched around Reina holding her tightly, both of them happy and content, their love as strong as ever.

  Payton sat at her cluttered desk, immersed in reading a thick report when her talented assistant interrupted her. “Payton, your meeting starts in ten minutes.”

  Rikki Anderson was always a welcome interruption. Not only was she very skilled, she had a personality and friendliness that just made you like her. She and Payton worked well together and Payton thought the world of her. She was a beautiful young woman with a huge heart.

  “Thanks, Rikki. I’m on my way.”

  “"Do you have your beeper on?”

  “Yes, I just checked it.” Payton grinned. Rikk
i was worth her weight in gold. Not only was she a good assistant, she understood Payton very well.

  “Good. How is Reina doing?”

  “Reina is fine, considering she’s three weeks overdue. I’m the one who’s a basket case. She just laughs when I go nuts.”

  Rikki laughed with Payton. “I’ll be at my desk in case she calls.”

  “Thanks Rikki, I appreciate that.”

  “You’d better get going.” I m gone.

  Rikki grinned as her boss left for her meeting. Payton was always organized and well prepared for everything, everything that is except Reina’s impending birth, and then she fell apart. It was comical to watch her talented and brilliant boss become a blithering idiot with one telephone call. Rikki knew it was because Payton was worried about Reina and loved her to death. It made Rikki smile. She hoped she would meet someone who would love her that much. Payton kept telling her she was young and it would happen, but so far the only men Rikki met were not the commitment kind.

  Thankfully, the rest of Payton’s Friday was uneventful after her meeting and she headed for home. She called Reina on the way to see if she needed anything, and stopped at the store to pick up a few gro¨ceries. Reina had been off work for over a month and was home with the children three days a week. They attended daycare the other two days. Reina had gotten so large she couldn’t sit comfortably. This last week the baby had dropped lower and she was finding it hard to sleep at night. If she didn’t deliver soon, the doctor was going to induce labor.

  Payton entered the unusually quiet house and found all three lay¨ing on her and Reina’s bed reading a story. Reina looked tired as she held the two children against her.

  “Hi, Payton.” Max scrambled to his feet to hug her. “Hey, little man, how’s Molly and your mom? “Molly’s good, Mom’s tired.”

  “She is? Hi, Molly girl.” Payton kissed her. “Hi sweetie, how are you doing?”

  Reina kissed her hello. “I’m fine, just a little tired. What do you think about having soup and grilled cheese sandwiches tonight? Max put in a request.”


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