Duke (Moon Hunter's Inc. Book 8)

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Duke (Moon Hunter's Inc. Book 8) Page 3

by Catty Diva

  “We tagged her and we’ve been following her movements. They’ve taken her to a cave system in the nearby mountains. I’m sorry we didn’t inform you, but we didn’t think you’d agree.”

  “You’re damn right I wouldn’t have agreed. There had to be a better way.”

  “There was none. Clancy agreed immediately because she wants her friend back and she wants her people to be free from the threat.”

  “You don’t think they’ll send more people?”

  “The possibility is there, but less likely once these are taken out. We’ll watch more carefully to see they are stopped before they make it to the planet. We never expected them to try anything here.”

  “An oversight you can correct. Let’s go get Clancy and her friend.”

  They both rose and headed to the door. “I’ll ride with you,” Razar suggested.

  “Fine,” Duke agreed.

  He liked to pilot anyway. Riding with someone else was giving up control. He did it sometimes, he didn’t always have a choice. Right now he did and he sank into the pilot’s seat as Razar sat next to him. Duke was aware Razar could pilot, but he was showing his trust in Duke.

  Razar put in the coordinates and Duke headed that way. Nerves rushed through him as he thought about all the things that could go wrong. It was almost certain these males were mercenaries. They might be the slime of the universe. Some mercenaries had honor of a sort while others had none. Until they identified them, they wouldn’t know what they were dealing with.

  They landed where Razar had told him and they would walk to where the others waited. They exited the ship and began the uphill walk. Somewhere up ahead, Clancy was waiting to be rescued and she was probably scared. No matter how much she had dealt with cruel guards, these males were unknown to her and she couldn’t possibly predict what they might do. No one could and that was why this scheme was unacceptable.

  Right now, the only thing on his mind was getting Clancy and her friend back and punishing those who had taken them. Once that was done, he still had something to say about how they had planned this behind his back and without considering all the possibilities.

  “We need to turn this way. Everyone had to park their ships in different locations and walk in so the mercenaries wouldn’t see so many ships near them on their sensors,” Razar explained.

  “A wise precaution to make.”

  They hit a level area and twenty males were waiting for him. “Is this everyone,” Razar asked.

  “Yes, Sir. We were just waiting for you,” One of the soldiers admitted.

  “Where is her signal at,” Razar asked.

  “Right here.” A soldier showed them on a portable tracking unit.

  “Let’s move in slowly and try not to be seen,” Razar ordered. The males began to spread out and move in. “This cave is extensive and familiar to me.”

  “How big is extensive and why would you know about it,” Duke asked.

  “Lista ran in here during the mating games. I followed her and eventually caught her.”

  “I’d forgotten about your games,” Duke said in a disapproving voice.

  “We don’t force anyone to participate,” Razar defended. “My mate is happy with me as are the others.”

  “What of Narcissa,” Duke challenged.

  “The males that took her on need everyone’s prayers. Don’t feel bad for her. She tries to make them miserable every day.”

  “Why don’t they give her up?”

  “She just had their first young. They will work it out somehow. Maybe the baby will mellow her.”

  “Is she truly that bad,” Duke asked.

  “You have no idea. She came to Oison and showed up and my home. She knew I had mated with Lista and tried to take me away from her sister. She was angry when I wasn’t interested. She said Lista had nothing going for her. Why would I want her when Narcissa was available?”

  “That’s pretty bad.”

  “Especially since she’s the one that pushed Lista into the games for the money to save their mother. She is cold and conniving. The female wants only money and power. She has two good males who provide well for her but she’ll never be satisfied.”

  “Isn’t two males unusual for one female,” Duke asked.

  “It’s more common than you think. We’d best be quiet now. We’re nearly there.”

  The entrance looked like a gash cut into the mountain. Duke was sure he could fit, barely. The first one in would be vulnerable until he got in a defensive position. It amazed him that the entrance wasn’t guarded.

  “Stop! Gordo, go first,” Razar said. Gordo was still big, but he was the smallest male present.

  He managed to slip in without any trouble. A few seconds later, Razar went with Duke behind him. The cave entrance was a narrow tunnel that they had to walk along. At the end, they moved out into a large cave. Normally, Duke loved to explore, but right now his focus was on Clancy. He feared for her more than anything in the world.

  Duke kept up with Razar as he moved quickly through the cave. “They are on the other side. It will take us a while to get there. For now, they move quickly, but carefully. There are dangers in here.”

  The warriors carefully picked their way through the cave only sparing enough time to look for hazards as they went. The soldier with the tracking device led the way. Razar and Duke followed with the other males behind them. From the look of things, Clancy was on the far side of this cave system. There must be an entrance on the other side of the cave. The warrior leading them stopped.

  Everyone immediately stilled and listened. There were sounds of two males speaking. “I don’t know why we came here, Aost. We’re trapped and can’t leave. Stuck in this miserable cave with unknown plants and animals all around us.”

  “Be easy, Veros. They’ll lighten their guard soon. It’s not so bad here.”

  “You didn’t almost see Dable get eaten by a plant. He’s still not recovered.”

  “I’ve not seen such a large carnivorous plant in all my life,” Veros said with awe.

  “I’ve never seen a plant like that at all.”

  Razar gave his males signals and they branched out. The light was dim in here and they snuck up on the distracted males speedily taking them out before they had a chance to react. For being so worried about the dangers of the cave, they hadn’t paid much attention to what went on around them.

  “What should we do with them,” one of his warriors asked.

  “Take them to the nearest ship so they won’t be a snack for the native predators,” Razar instructed. The prisoners looked relived. Were the dangers truly so threatening?

  They moved deeper into the cave. Duke figured the two males they’d taken out were the perimeter guards. If they had enough personnel, there would be more guards in a little while. He wasn’t disappointed. Razar’s males were well trained. The slightest signals from him had them taking up their positions.

  They completely circled the area the outer guards were in and two moved on to take them out. This needed to be done quietly so the others would not be alerted. These guards were distracted too. They were talking about drinking, females, and their favorite tavern. Those mercenaries were poorly trained and undisciplined. Cash would never allow his hunters to do such a poor job.

  The guards were taken down silently and Razar signaled them to remove them from the cave. They were all surprised, but didn’t show it when a male stepped out holding Clancy in front of him like a shield. “Shoot him!” His Clancy screamed as she struggled to get away.

  Everyone stared at her in shock. The risk to her was far too great. It was a risk that better not be taken or whoever took it would be dealing with him personally. The male cuffed Clancy upside the head and stunned her. Now, she was still and he had to hold all her weight. The male cussed at the unexpected result of his choice.

  “You will let us leave with the females or we will kill them,” the male who must be the leader of this group of mercenaries said.

�They would rather be dead than taken by you. Of course, you and all your males will then die slowly,” Razar said and sharp fangs Duke had never noticed before showed in his cold smile.

  It clearly upset the male who paled and appeared unsure of what to do. He regrouped and looked more determined than before. “We will leave the other female behind. One is better than none.”

  “No deal. You will let this one go and leave the other one behind. We will give you a head start while we see to the females. Get off planet, and we will not follow you,” Razar offered.

  “You know we can’t get off planet. Your defenses are too good.”

  “Then hide until you can. That is the best deal you will get,” Razar admitted.

  “Dush!” The mercenary yelled. It was a curse to the devil of an obscure people thought long gone. Apparently not.

  He pushed Clancy away and yelled for his males. They ran toward whatever entrance they had come in through. Duke immediately went to her, picking her up and wrapping her in his arms. Gods, she felt good there. It was where he knew she belonged. Razar went and checked on Sharon.

  Clancy relaxed in his arms, quiet and relaxed. He picked her up and began to walk to the back exit. “No, Duke. If you go that way, not only might you run onto the mercenaries, but you’ll be on the wrong side of the mountain. My males are bringing a ship to the entrance we came in.” Razar had appeared and Sharon was in his arms. She looked drugged.

  “Is she alright?”

  “As far as I can tell. They kept her sedated. I’m not sure why Clancy wasn’t.”

  “Maybe they didn’t have enough for both?”

  “It’s possible. I think they gave her too much. She’s completely out.”

  “I don’t like that. They could have done anything to her.”

  “Agreed. Just follow me. Once we get them back, I’ll have a healer check on them both.”

  “Lead on,” Duke said, ready to get Clancy out of here. He was worried about both the females. Those mercenaries were not honorable males.

  Razar had one of his warriors lead the way and another follow for protection. It was a wise decision to make. While carrying the females, they would be helpless to protect them if anything occurred. The walk back to the entrance seemed longer. Maybe it was the worry for the females or maybe the path varied slightly. Regardless of why, relief hit him when he saw the tunnel they would exit through.

  The tunnel was harder to go through carrying someone and him and Razar both moved slowly and with great difficulty. It would be easy to hit the walls of the tunnel with the precious load they each held. When they reached the end, they stopped to take a deep breath and check out the females they carried. Both were unharmed by their trip through the narrow tunnel.

  A ship was just now coming into view and they would soon be back where the females would be safe and protected. Clancy was staring at him with love in her eyes. “We have something to discuss as soon as I’m sure you’re alright,” Duke promised.

  Clancy looked down taking time to study the ground at his feet. She had to know what he meant and the guilty look on her face confirmed it. She’d made a decision and purposefully excluded him. Even more than that, she’d hidden the truth from him. Didn’t she know he’d almost gone crazy when she’d been taken? Or didn’t she care? Neither answer was acceptable.

  The ship landed nearby and he and Razar carried the females onboard. The ship immediately took off heading toward the refugee’s area. “Healers will be waiting for us,” Razar informed.

  He was right, the healers were standing around nervously waiting for them to arrive. One healer for each of the females. He refused to leave his Clancy’s side. “Is it alright with you if he stays,” the healer asked Clancy. She nodded, so he stayed. He would have fought to stay regardless of her answer.

  It didn’t take long for the healer to scan her with the medical device. “She seems to have no ill effects, except tiredness. Do you have a headache,” the healer questioned. Clancy nodded. She seemed not to want to speak. “Take one of these every six hours if the headache continues. Get some rest, it’ll help you more than anything.” The healer finished and left.

  “You can get some rest after you take this pill and we talk,” Duke assured her. He got a glass and filled it with water. Handing it to her, he picked up a pill and gave her that too.

  Watching her carefully, he made sure she swallowed the pill and took the glass from her setting it on the table. “I’m sorry,” Clancy said. Her eyes were on the floor and her tone miserable.


  “I wanted this to be over. You would have never let us do it, I just knew that.”

  “And why would I not allow it?”

  “You care about people. The risk wouldn’t be acceptable.”

  “I care about you. No risk to you would be alright. Both you and Razar knew my feelings on the matter and disregarded them. That hurts. Razar’s reasons weren’t personal. He’s only someone I work with, with you I thought it was different.”

  “It is, but I need to move to the next stage of my life. Can’t you see it was the only way?”

  “No and it didn’t solve the problem. Yes, you got Sharon back and that was good, but the problem is still there.”

  Clancy seemed to collapse in on herself. She looked so downhearted he wished he’d said nothing. “You’re right. The result wasn’t what we’d hoped for.”

  “You meant well. I understand that, but being left out hurt,” Duke admitted. It had only hurt because of the way he felt about this female. “Clancy, you’re special to me.” He stared into her eyes his heart and his love showing clearly, or at least he hoped it was.

  It was time to make his claim before the female he cared about made another bad decision and risked herself while he knew nothing and could do little to help her. “Why are you looking at me like that,” Clancy whispered.

  “Because I want you to be mine. It’s my desire to claim you so everyone knows we are mates. My feelings are strong and began when I first saw you. Tell me, Clancy, what do you say?”

  “You truly want me as a male wants a female?” Her eyes filled with tears and her look was disbelieving.

  “I do. Why would you doubt that?”

  “All my life, I’ve been told I’m nothing. I had no love, no education, and I was never allowed to be close to another being. Duke, I doubt that I even know what to do when it comes to a mate.”

  “That’s okay, Sweetheart. All you have to do is let me show you. I can be everything you need if you will only let me.” Now Clancy broke down and cried. “Don’t cry, Baby. Please don’t cry. I never want to make you unhappy.”

  “I’m not unhappy. You’re amazing and so wonderful that I can’t believe you would want me.”

  “You’re wrong. I’m not amazing or wonderful. I’m just a hunter and a male, but you’re the one I choose.” He sat down next to her on the bed she was on and leaned over her, placing one hand on each side of her pillow. “Be mine, Clancy,” he coaxed then he dropped his lips to hers gently. His tongue begged entrance by licking the seam between her lips which opened in invitation.

  His tongue slid inside enjoying her sweet taste. Innocence. It wouldn’t stay that way long. His tongue played with hers until it responded, dueling with his. She moaned and he loved the sound. Pulling back, one hand raised to gently stroke one side of her face. “So beautiful, my Clancy.”

  She looked at him in disbelief. “No one has ever said that to me.”

  “You weren’t in a place where many people spoke truth. You are beautiful and anyone would think so to see you now. Back then, they mistreated you. They said mean things that were untrue. Never believe the things they told you.”

  Clancy caught her breath. “Lista would call you charming.”

  “It would be the first time anyone has called me that.”

  “I find it hard to believe. You have experience, I’m sure.”

  “Only from before I knew you. Now, that will help me teach
you about love without causing you pain. I don’t regret it, but I can’t remember any female but you.”

  Clancy grinned at him. She reached her arms around his neck and pulled him down into a kiss. After a few minutes of exploring each other, she let him go. “I enjoy learning these things from you.”

  “Not more than I enjoy teaching them, but the healer said you needed rest and so you will.”

  “Stay with me,” Clancy pleaded.

  Duke took off his boots and his equipment belt. He pulled off his shirt and noticed how Clancy stared at his chest. “Are you comfortable?”

  “I’m fine.”

  “Good, I’ll get next to you and we can go to sleep.” Duke got into bed next to her and slipped under the covers with her. Wrapping his arms around her, he gave her a kiss on her forehead and they both drifted off to sleep.

  Duke woke feeling whole. It was a hard to describe feeling since he’d never felt it before. He felt complete and at peace. His arms were full of his female and he wished he could stay here with her like this and never leave. Unfortunately, he knew he couldn’t. There was a job to do and his work would keep her and the others with her safe. His mission had never mattered so much to someone he loved. Yes! He loved her. That was what that warm feeling inside was.

  He didn’t want to wake her, but he couldn’t stay here like this. Cash needed to be brought up to date on everything that had happened and Duke wondered if the mercenaries had gotten away. It was unlikely, but he needed to know. If so, Razar would let them go unless they returned here. There was no doubt someone would be coming to try to take at least some of them back. It made him wonder, why Sharon and Clancy? Was there something special about them the lab needed?

  It was curious they were willing to take such outrageous risks. Only a fool would test the defenses on Oison. Everyone knew the Mazlans had money to burn and could buy the best equipment available. It made no sense that they would try, but what made even less sense is that they had managed to get a ship through those defenses and land on the planet.

  Now that he’d gotten out of bed without disturbing Clancy, he needed to talk to Razar. The only way to get through those defenses was by trickery as the hunters had done once long ago or with inside help. Those mercenaries didn’t look smart enough to trick anyone so his money was on inside help. That was something only Razar could track down and maybe he already had.


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