Awe-Struck, Book 2

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Awe-Struck, Book 2 Page 11

by Twyla Turner

  The ambulances pulled up to the emergency room doors and the medics jumped out to meet the doctors and nurses that were waiting with the stretchers.

  “We have two males and one female, all in their mid-thirties that may have had drugs slipped into their drinks.” The paramedic relayed to the doctors.

  “We’ll need to pump their stomachs and run blood tests to see what kind of drug it was.” The doctor said matter of fact as they rolled the stretchers into the building.

  Gabe followed them in dejectedly, raking his hands through his hair. Fuck fuck fuck! I can’t believe this is happening, Gabe thought as he filled out the paperwork for Sunny and tried his best to fill them out for the guards.

  Gabe was sitting in the waiting room when Alyssa came bursting through the doors.

  “How is she? Is she okay?” Alyssa said breathlessly sitting down next to him.

  “I don’t know yet.” Gabe leaned forward and put his face in his hands. “Ever since she met me, I’ve caused her nothing but pain.”

  “Gabe, don’t say that! I’ve never seen Sunny so happy. And besides you have no idea what happened to them. This isn’t your fault, you didn’t drug her. It was probably some random pervert that did this.” Alyssa said trying to console Gabe.

  “No, I’m pretty sure it has to do with me. I just don’t know how exactly. I’m fucking cursed! It’s like I’m not allowed to be happy.”

  Alyssa just gave him a maternal pat on the back, not knowing what to say to make him feel differently.

  They sat quietly together waiting to hear how Sunny and the guards were doing. A short while later the same doctor that met the ambulances outside the ER came up to them. She was short and petite with a short dark pixie hair-cut and a no-nonsense attitude, which made up for her small stature.

  “Hi I’m Dr. Ross.” She shook Gabe’s offered hand firmly. “Mr. Wolf, Ms. Stone is doing just fine. So are her bodyguards, though they’re a little disgruntled to say the least. We were able to get most of the drug out of their systems. The test results of the blood work showed positive for Rohypnol, better known as roofies, which I’m sure you’re aware of. The guards had a higher amount in their systems, I’m assuming because the person in question knew it would take more to put them down.”

  “Shit! Who would do this?” Gabe growled.

  “I don’t know Mr. Wolf, but I think your guards need to be more alert the next time. I know the back story on you and Sunny, and she isn’t even fully healed from the last accident.” She scolded him. “It seems to me that you have more problems than just the overzealous media. It’s probably time to involve the authorities.”

  “You don’t have to worry about that. They’ll be called before I go in to see her. Can we go in to see her now?” Gabe asked as he pulled out his cell and the card the cop had given him.

  “Yes, she’s awake now. She’s a little groggy and scared, but otherwise fine.”

  “Thank you, doctor.” Gabe said as he dialed the number on the card. She nodded her head before she walked off. “Detective Hernandez, this is Gabriel Wolf. Yes, she’s awake.”



  Josiah stormed into his new crappy apartment that he’d had to downgrade too. He hadn’t saved any money from his previous acting gigs because he’d figured that they’d keep rolling in like they had been. But after Wolf had destroyed his life, he couldn’t afford to keep his expensive loft apartment in Hollywood.

  “That fucker ruined everything!” Josiah shouted as he threw a nearly empty bottle of cheap scotch across the room.

  The glass shattered against the wall and the amber liquid ran down the dingy wall, narrowly missing the collage of pictures he had put together of the happy couple, mainly Sunny. Some of the pictures were from magazines and tabloids; many were images he took himself. Most were zoomed in from a distance, since he was never able to get close enough to the couple.

  Tonight was the one of the first nights that they had been separated and Sunny was in a public but relaxed setting where strangers wouldn’t be looked at twice. Josiah knew that if she wasn’t with Gabe, that she’d be with the huge goons Gabe had hired. So he had brought enough roofies to put all three of them down, in the hopes of getting an opportunity to snatch Sunny away. But Gabe showed up and ruined everything.

  “When I get my hands on that bitch, I have plans for that fat ass.” Josiah scorned as he rubbed himself through his pants, getting hard at the thought of what he was going to do to Sunny.

  He plopped down on the mattress on the floor, folded his arms under his head and staring at the photos on the wall. I have to come up with a new plan. He won’t always be there to protect her. And when he’s not…


  Sunny had awoken in a hospital bed and a little doctor hovering over her, checking an IV that was stuck in her arm. Her throat was sore and her head was fuzzy. Fear had instantly consumed her. She had no idea why she had again been admitted to a hospital only one month after the last time. The last thing she’d remembered was singing and dancing with her friends.

  After the doctor had explained that she had been drugged along with her bodyguards, she’d began to panic. The doctor had left to get Gabe who was in the waiting room.

  Sunny laid her head back on the pillows waiting for Gabe. How do I keep getting myself in these situations? Since when did I get cast on General Hospital? Sunny closed her eyes in frustration.

  “Sunny?” She heard Gabe’s soft baritone.

  “Gabe.” She responded with a wobbly voice filled with tears. He strode over to her quickly and grabbed her hand. “I’m freakin’ out here.” A tear slipped down her cheek.

  “Baby, I’m so sorry. Please don’t break it off with me again.” He pleaded, his face filled with worry. “I promise we’ll figure out what’s going on…who’s behind this.”

  “I’m not going to break up with you Gabriel. I tried that once…obviously it didn’t work.” Sunny tried to smile at Gabe, though it didn’t reach her eyes. “And don’t apologize, it’s not like you put drugs in my drink.”

  “I know, but loving me has been nothing but trouble for you. The right thing, the honorable thing would be for me to let you go, but…but I can’t. I can’t be without you. So if that makes me selfish, then I guess I’ll be a selfish bastard.” Gabe bent over resting his head on her soft tummy.

  Sunny stroked a hand through his thick waves. “I couldn’t be happier to have found such a thoughtless, inconsiderate selfish man. It’s what I’ve always prayed for.” She giggled, tugging playfully at his hair.

  Gabe’s shoulders started shaking with deep chuckles. “Only you could make me laugh at a time like this.” Gabe’s shining blue eyes looked up at her with reluctant joy.

  “Excuse me, Mr. Wolf? Ms. Stone?” A knock sounded at the door, drawing their eyes in the direction of the doorway.

  Two men in suits that Sunny didn’t recognized walked into the hospital room. One was a handsome older Latino gentleman and the other was a younger ‘wet behind the ears’ tall lanky blond with puppy-dog brown eyes.

  They shook hands with Gabe before introducing themselves to Sunny. “Ms. Stone, I’m detective Hernandez and this is my partner Detective Rhodes. If you’re feeling up to it, we’d like to ask you a few questions about tonight?” The older detective asked politely.

  “Go ahead detective, I’m fine.” Sunny sat up straighter in the bed.

  Gabe clasped her hand for moral support. She squeezed back in appreciation.

  “Ms. Stone, did you at any point notice anyone unusual at the bar tonight?” Detective Hernandez started.

  “No sir, I didn’t. But then again I’m not sure I would’ve thought anything of it if I did.” Sunny responded apologetically.

  “You’d be surprised what your mind may notice. It’s okay though, that’s what we’re here for, to help you figure it out.” The detective said encouragingly.

  “Well I did have an eerie feeling at one point, but shrugged it off as
nothing.” Sunny admitted.

  “And that was your body’s response to something being wrong, but you ignored it. From now on, make sure you pay attention to that gut feeling.” Hernandez suggested.

  “Ms. Stone did you get your drinks directly from the bartender?” Detective Rhodes asked next.

  “Yes. I either went up to the bar myself or with my friends whenever I went to get a drink.”

  “Did you walk away from any of your drinks throughout the night?” Detective Hernandez continued.

  “Uh…I don’t…think so…Oh, wait! I did! I went to the bathroom. Oh shit…” Sunny exclaimed and then quickly covered her mouth with her hands at her slip of the tongue.

  “Don’t worry about your language, Sunny. Just answer the questions as best you can.”

  “What were you going to say, what did you remember?” Rhodes asked.

  “The guards came with me and stood outside of the bathroom. I remember giving them a hard time for almost coming in with me.” Sunny looked up at Gabe as he scowled down at her, at the thought of the bodyguards in the bathroom with her.

  “Okay, more than likely that was when the suspect slipped the Rohypnol in your drinks.’ Hernandez commented.

  “I’m sorry Gabe. I shouldn’t have left my drink unattended.” Sunny cringed.

  “You couldn’t have known, you’ve been going to that bar forever and all of your friends were there. Don’t apologize, Sweet Girl.” Gabe brushed a wild curl from her face.

  “Can either of you think of why anyone would want to hurt Sunny?” Rhodes asked getting the questioning back on track.

  “Absolutely not. Everyone loves Sunny. She wouldn’t hurt a fly, so no one would have a reason to want to hurt her.” Gabe reasoned.

  “Well then, let’s rephrase the question. Who would want to hurt you? Anyone who hasn’t been under a rock the last couple months know about you two. So is there someone that would want to hurt you through her?” Hernandez asked, looking deeper into the possibilities.

  “No, not that I can think of.” Gabe said thoughtfully.

  An unpleasant image flashed through Sunny’s mind of being pressed up against Gabe’s movie trailer, hot breath on her face and an erect penis rubbing against her hip. Realization dawned.

  “Oh. My. God!” Sunny gasped. Three sets of male eyes zeroed in on her. “Josiah!” She said breathlessly as she looked at Gabe in shock.

  “Fuck! I forgot about that prick.” Gabe growled.

  “Who’s Josiah and why would he want to hurt you, Ms. Stone?” Hernandez asked.

  “Josiah Caldwell.”

  “The actor?” Rhodes asked incredulous.

  “Yeah. We worked together on the current movie I’m filming. He had made some inappropriate comments about Sunny awhile back and had been warned that he could be replaced if he didn’t stop. It even came to blows once and I broke his nose. Then one day about two months ago he assaulted Sunny on the set, on a day that he wasn’t even supposed to be there.” Gabe paused, thinking. “Dammit! I can’t believe I didn’t even think of this till now. He’s more than likely the one that recorded Sunny and I having sex in my trailer that day.” Gabe grumbled in frustration and Sunny blushed as usual at the subject.

  “Mr. Wolf, don’t beat yourself up for not realizing who would do something like this. This type of stuff is hard to imagine if you don’t have a criminal mind.” Hernandez comforted.

  “I still should have, because that day I nearly strangled him to death and then the director on the film fired him and he’s basically been blackballed from Hollywood. He probably can’t even get a gig doing commercials. So of course he’d try to come after us. He was an arrogant dick that loved showing off the money he made and we took that from him.” Gabe raked a hand through his hair and paced the room agitated.

  “Just calm down, Mr. Wolf. We’ll find him and bring him in for questioning. In the meantime, when Ms. Stone is released, we’ll need you both to come down to the station to make a formal statement. And make sure that you’re both well protected. If you would feel better with police protection instead of hiring someone, let us know. We’ll see what we can do.” Rhodes suggested.

  “It was nice meeting both of you; we wish it was under better circumstances. We’re big fans of yours.” Hernandez said as he shook Gabe’s hand.

  Both men shook Sunny’s un-casted left hand and then exited the room.

  “God Gabe! Do you really think that Josiah is capable of doing all this?” Sunny’s voice shook with fear.

  “Maybe. But don’t worry baby, they’ll get him. If he tried to grab you in the middle of a bar full of your friends that means he’s desperate and stupid. And those two emotions combined are what make people make mistakes.” Gabe said trying to assure her, but Sunny could hear the uncertainty in his voice.

  A nurse came bustling into the room to check on Sunny. Her eyes got as big as golf balls when she saw Gabe, and she stumbled over her feet making Sunny smile and remember the first time she’d met him.

  “Do you have any idea when Sunny will be released?” Gabe asked the nurse, unfazed by her reaction to him.

  “In the morning. We’ll keep her over-night for observation and then she’s free to go.” The nurse answered breathlessly, unable to even look Gabe fully in the eyes and then rushed out of the room.

  “Do you even realize the affect you have on women?” Sunny grinned at Gabe, trying to find anything to lighten the mood.

  “Yeah, well I only care about the affect I have on one woman.” Gabe leaned over and kissed Sunny softly on the lips.

  “Then you might want to call the doctor because I’m having heart palpitations.” Sunny winked at Gabe and he laughed deeply.

  “Once again, you make me happy and have me laughing at a time when nothing should be funny and I should be pissed off. I love you, Sweet Girl.” Gabe kissed her again.

  Sunny scooted over in the bed and patted the empty spot next to her. “There’s not much room, but this is going to be a long night. I assume you don’t plan on going home and that chair looks awfully uncomfortable. So get that tight ass up here, I need your arms around me right now more than ever.” Sunny patted the bed again.

  Gabe slid in next to her and Sunny turned into him and rested her head on his chest.

  “We’ll get through this Sunny. Everything is going to be okay.” Gabe kissed the top of her head.

  “I hope so.” Sunny whispered softly before yawning.

  The stress of the night and the residual drugs left in her system made her eyes heavy and she almost instantly fell into a deep dreamless sleep.

  Chapter 9

  The next couple of weeks Sunny became a hermit. After they had left the hospital and made their way to the police station to make a formal statement about the events of the last couple months, Gabe got her home and she didn’t leave again. He tried to get her to come to the set for the last few weeks of filming, asked her to go out to dinner to a nice restaurant but there was nothing he could do to make her budge.

  Sunny knew she was being irrational, but she was tired of bad things happening to her and being in the hospital. The house was a veritable fortress and until they had Josiah in jail, she was too terrified to go anywhere. Even after Gabe had setup GPS tracking on her phone that he had told her he could trace from his phone anywhere she went.

  The detectives had informed them that Josiah had moved or was thrown out of his last place. It was some fancy condo in Hollywood that he could no longer afford. And it was like he had vanished, they couldn’t figure out where he was. That didn’t instill much confidence in Sunny to go traipsing around town; just waiting for him to snatch her up and do God’s knows what. It just didn’t seem worth it.

  So instead she stayed home and worked on her screenplays. The final draft of her animated movie was almost done and ready to be read by the interested director and producer. She was excited to see what movie studio would back it. Her dream was Disney or maybe Dreamworks.

  She was al
so still communicating with Gabe’s mother, almost on a daily basis. Francesca was ecstatic over their engagement and horrified over the possibility of someone trying to hurt them. The only thing that made Francesca feel better was being included in the planning of the wedding with Sunny and her mother.

  So they had started mass emailing each other so that Francesca could be a part of the decision making. They were still trying to choose a destination for the nuptials. Sunny wanted something small and intimate and away from the media.

  “Sunny, I’m home!” Gabe shouted from downstairs, making Sunny smile.

  Gabe loved to say that every day when he walked in the door. He’s so damn cute!

  “I’m coming!” Sunny yelled back.

  She jumped up and ran from the bedroom and down the stairs and leaped right into Gabe’s arms. He always stood at the foot of the stairs if she was upstairs when he came home and she’d jump into his arms for a big hug and kiss. My favorite time of day…well besides bedtime.

  “Something smells delicious.” Gabe said pulling his head back to look at her, after kissing her soundly.

  “It’s Thai. I made stir-fry. You hungry?” Sunny grinned at him.

  “Always. I’m a growing boy. Though I could take a raincheck and have you for dessert first.” Gabe pulled her close and started nibbling on her lips.

  “I think you stopped being a growing boy, years ago. You’re all man now. And aren’t you tired of me yet?” Sunny pulled her lips away from his assault.

  “Never! Like I told you before, this body is made for sex…with me.” He clarified as he squeezed her butt. “And for making my babies.”

  “You need a hobby.” Sunny smiled shyly at the mention of babies.

  “You’re my hobby.” He slowly slid her down his rock hard body, and she felt a certain appendage was hard as well.

  Sunny just shook her head at his amazing libido and walked into the kitchen with Gabe following close behind. Gabe continually tried to grab her ass along the way. And she continued to smack his hands away.


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