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Claimed by Pleasure: King of Spades (Wonderland Book 2)

Page 20

by Jaymie Holland

  Now he was near to spilling his seed in his breeches, crowd or no.

  When Alexi reached him, he took both of her hands in his and smiled at his mate.

  And then he lowered himself to one knee, worshiping his future queen.

  Murmurs rolled through the crowd and Alexi’s eyes widened with obvious surprise.

  “My love,” Darronn said, his voice carrying across the meadow. Every other voice went still. “I will love and cherish you all my days upon this world. Will you take me as your mate, your king, and your equal?”

  Alexi’s gaze filled with wonder as she looked down at him and smiled. In the very next moment she knelt with him and the crowd gave a collective sigh. Darronn’s heart swelled as his woman chose to join him, to show their unity as king and queen.

  “Darronn,” Alexi said, her voice clear as she spoke, “I love you more each and every day. I will take you as my mate, my king, and my equal. I will take you as the father of our future children.”

  Alexi’s declaration in front of his family and his subjects almost shocked him speechless. She had agreed to all that he asked of her—including bearing his children.

  Darronn ignored the buzz from the crowd as he held his hand out, hopeful that Alexi would choose to accept what he offered. “My gift to you. Not a sign of ownership, but a symbol of my love.”

  A smile lifted the corners of her mouth as she ran her fingertip over the white diamond collar that had spades along it made with black diamonds. “It is beautiful, Darronn. I accept your gift.”

  Relief and joy filled his heart and soul. Carefully he fastened the collar around her elegant neck. It glittered in the morning sunlight, almost as brilliant as Alexi’s smile.

  Gripping her shoulders tight, Darronn lowered his mouth to hers and kissed her softly, tenderly. He slipped his tongue between her lips, and she took him in, drawing him deeper and deeper.

  Darronn slid one hand into her silken auburn hair, cupping the back of her head while his other hand moved to her ass and he pressed her closer, tighter, ensuring she would feel his erection against her belly. He clenched his hand in the soft golden material of her skirt, drawing it up above her buttocks, when he heard the sound of voices.

  Damnation. For that beautiful moment he had forgotten they were not alone.

  With a groan he pulled away from her, but for a long moment he could only gaze at her. “I love you, firecat.”

  The look on Darronn’s handsome scarred face made Alexi feel like a teenager with a crush on a rock star. Loopy and silly and infatuated and in love. And in lust, definitively major lust.

  “Let’s get out of here,” she said, bringing her fingers to the collar at her throat and gently stroking it. “Now.”

  The feral gleam returned to his eyes as he helped her stand. In the next moment Alexi shrieked as he grabbed her around the waist with one arm, flung her over his shoulder, and headed down the black velvet carpeting.

  Laughter and applause followed them and Alexi grinned. Darronn was asserting his dominance over her sexually, and she loved it. Blood rushed to her head as he strode toward the gilded enclosed carriage, but she was aware of what was going on behind them. Darronn had explained how the weretiger ceremony usually worked, and it always ended in a bout of free love, not unlike San Francisco in the sixties.

  She did see Jarronn carrying Alice off into the woods. From what Alice had told Alexi, once all that bonding stuff was over, the High King wasn’t about to share his Queen in any fashion.

  When they reached the carriage, Darronn settled her inside on the plush black velvet seat that was wide enough to be a twin bed. He climbed in after her and shut the door. Morning light poured in through the sunroof and Alexi could clearly see the love and lust in her new husband’s eyes.

  The carriage started moving and the small bouncing motions caused jolts to shoot through her core. Damn but she was hot for Darronn.

  “You have made me a king among men this day.” He knelt before her and gently pushed her so that she reclined against the black velvet cushions.

  “What do you intend to do to your queen?” Alexi shifted so that her tiny gold skirt slid up a bit, almost showing her mound.

  “Reward her.” Darronn purred as he grasped her knees and moved between her thighs. Her skirt hiked up to her hips and she was totally exposed to his gaze. His purr turned into an untamed growl as he moved his face to her mound and sniffed, scenting her.

  The mere action made Alexi’s clit twitch and she raised her hips. “Lick me. Now.”

  “Such impudence.” He slid his fingers along the outside of her stocking-clad thighs, to the flesh above. His hands pushed her skirt all the way to her waist, the spade tattoo at his wrist dark against her pale skin. “Perhaps it is punishment you require…or desire.”

  The sensual assurance in his voice set her on fire. “Well, you certainly can’t tie me up in here.”

  “My little wench must learn to curb her tongue.” Darronn caught both her wrists and raised them over her head.

  She glanced at the carriage’s ceiling and saw a loop positioned above her, yet a little back. Spoke too soon. A thrill shot through her belly straight to between her thighs.

  His movements were quick and sure as he produced a leather strap from thin air, magically fastened her wrists together with her bracelets, and tied her to the loop above.

  How did he do that—tie her up so fast she barely had time to catch her breath?

  “Arch your back, wench,” he ordered, his eyes focused on her breasts.

  Alexi’s nipples grew even harder beneath his gaze as she pulled against her bonds. “Make me.”

  Darronn growled and placed his hand to the black diamond pin. It slipped off, releasing its hold on the material, which fell away from her breasts.

  It felt wonderfully wanton to have her body bared to his gaze while she was bound. And wearing the diamond collar made her even more excited.

  He lowered his head and his warm breath brushed her nipples. Instinctively she arched toward his mouth and too late realized she had done exactly as he’d commanded her to.

  Triumph flashed in his eyes.

  “Suck my nipples,” she demanded, arching toward him even more.

  Ignoring her, he nuzzled first one, and then the other. “How must you ask, wench?”

  Darronn was going to drive her out of her mind if she didn’t give in—not to mention she really got off when he mastered her sexually. “Please suck my nipples, my King,” she said, trying to keep her tone as contrite as possible.

  “Perhaps.” He trailed his lips along the flesh between her breasts and her belly, down to her navel where he flicked his tongue over her tiger charm.

  Alexi couldn’t help the moan that escaped at his sensual torture. She pulled against her bonds and widened her thighs. “I need you, Master.”

  A rumbling purr rose up within him and he rewarded her by moving his mouth to one of her nipples. She thrashed against her bonds as he licked and sucked it, and cried out at the sheer pleasure when he treated her other nipple with the same regard.

  When he abandoned her breasts and moved lower, she almost sobbed with her need to come. “Please lick my clit, Master.”

  “Only if you promise you will not climax without my permission.” He laved the inside of her thigh with his rough tongue. “Do you understand, wench?”

  She raised her hips, offering herself to him. “Yes, my King.”

  Darronn slid his hands beneath her ass and began licking and sucking at her clit and her folds. “I’m so close, Darronn.” But he moved to another area, keeping her from coming and not giving her permission.

  He paused and looked up at her. Was there anything sexier than seeing Darronn’s face between her thighs?

  Yeah. Watching his cock slide in and out.

  “May I come, Master?” she asked as he resumed driving her out of her mind.

  “No,” he said, then zeroed in on her clit.

  “I—I have to come,
Master. Fuck me, please!”

  Darronn gave one long suck of her clit and Alexi’s orgasm exploded through her. Every jolt of the carriage, every flick of Darronn’s tongue, drove her climax on and on until she was sure it was possible to die from an orgasm overdose.

  When he finally let up, Darronn stood and released her bonds, yet kept her wrists fastened at her bracelets. “You have earned a punishment, wench,” he said.

  Alexi was still trembling from aftershocks and couldn’t speak as he turned her around so that her back was to him and she was kneeling on the wide seat. In a few quick movements, he had her bound to a different loop, this one in front of her. Darronn forced her to stretch forward, not allowing her to move her knees. As her weight pulled against her bonds, the fringe along her blouse dangled against her sensitive nipples, turning her on even more.

  Behind her Darronn pushed her skirt back up over her hips, exposing her ass. “Do you understand your punishment?” he asked.

  “Yes, Master,” Alexi said, hoping he used that black strap of his to swat her. “For coming when I’m not supposed to.”

  She heard the sound of cloth being undone, then the head of his erection was suddenly at her core. In the next moment she felt the flat of his hand and heard the slap of his palm against her flesh as he smacked her ass while at the same time he drove into her.

  Alexi screamed with the incredible pleasure that flooded through her. Outside the carriage the whinny of one of the jul mingled with the clip-clop of hooves and carriage wheels rumbling over the road.

  With his every thrust, every swat of his hand, and every jolt of the carriage, Alexi flew higher and higher. “Yes. Take me, Your Highness,” she said. “Take me harder.”

  “Your ass is a lovely shade of rose.” He obliged, driving in and out with more force. “And your core…it grips my cock like the finest of gloves.”

  Fireworks burst in Alexi’s mind and her climax roared through her. Darronn kept thrusting, drawing out her orgasm as he continued to slap her ass.

  A tremendous roar filled the carriage as he reached his peak and his semen filled her core.

  “My firecat.” He slumped against her, his cock still in her, his warm body pressed tight to hers. “I love you.”

  When they reached the chateau, and had arranged their clothing, Darronn carried Alexi in his arms, straight to their bedroom, and then closed the door behind them. She was still light-headed from the countless orgasms in the carriage and a little disoriented when he set her on her feet.

  But she sobered up immediately when she saw the mirror, the magical looking glass, standing in the corner of their chambers.

  Almost in a trance she moved toward it. She stepped onto the black velvet rug at the foot of the mirror, then placed her palm flat against its cool surface and studied her unkempt, well-fucked appearance. The diamond collar glittered and sparkled with every movement she made.

  “The looking glass is my other binding gift to you.” Darronn moved behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist and she saw how good they looked together. “Kalina will teach you how to use it before she leaves with Karn for the Kingdom of Diamonds.”

  “Wow.” She moved her hand to the elaborate frame and stroked it. “This is incredible, Darronn.”

  He turned her a bit as he moved around her so that they were facing each other, their sides to the mirror. “You are incredible, my love.”

  She trailed her hand across the scars on his cheek. “You are an amazing man.”

  Gently Darronn kissed Alexi. Her mind spun and she was barely conscious of him lowering her to the black rug at their feet. With motions so smooth it had to be magic, her blouse fell away from her breasts, her skirt was up around her waist, and Darronn’s erection was freed from his breeches. He raised her legs so that her stocking-clad ankles were up around his neck, her gold stilettos still on her feet.

  “Watch me take you in the looking glass,” he said, his voice rumbling with desire.

  She followed his gaze to the mirror and her belly twisted at the sight of his cock ready to drive into her. His eyes met hers in the reflection, and then he plunged inside her core.

  Alexi gasped from the sensation of him thrusting inside her, and from what it looked like to watch Darronn making love to her. The diamond collar seemed to sparkle even more as he drove in and out of her.

  Her orgasm completely shattered her this time. Fast and sudden, it fractured her very being, and it was a wonder the looking glass didn’t crack from the sound of her scream.

  Darronn’s roar followed her cry and his cock pulsed inside her as he came.

  Once the last of their orgasms ebbed, he rolled off her to her side and arranged them so that they were both staring into the mirror, her back to him.

  Propping himself on one elbow, he smiled as their gazes met in the looking glass.

  Alexi returned his smile. “I’m so happy you brought me into your world, Darronn.”

  “I would have no other,” he murmured as he kissed her neck, “for you are my Queen of Spades.”


  PERSISTENT KNOCKING AT THE FRONT DOOR jarred Annie from her artistic trance. She blinked the fog of colors and shapes from her mind, slowly returning to reality. A glance to the window told her that hours had fled by rather than minutes since she’d started working on her painting. The sun now hung low over the ocean, its golden ripples leading from the glowing orb across the water to the shore. A spectacular sunset in shades of orange, blue, and pink streaked the horizon.

  More knocks, and Annie frowned as she eyed the door. Should she answer, or hope whomever it was went away?

  “Annie. I know you’re in there.” Awai’s no-nonsense voice sliced through the door like a diamond saw. “Stop moping and open up.”

  “I’m not moping,” Annie grumbled under her breath. She dropped her brush into her waiting container of turpentine, climbed off the stool, and stretched her cramped muscles. The movement caused cool air to rush over her nipples, and they stood out hard and tight. Heat flushed over Annie as she realized she was still naked from the waist up. She quickly grabbed her T-shirt, and yanked it over her head.

  “Annie.” Awai’s tone notched up to her I’m-gonna-huff-and-puff-and-blow-your-house-down voice.

  “Hold on to your britches.” Annie pushed her glasses up her nose, threw her braid over her shoulder, and padded barefoot across the worn carpet to the door. Abra blinked green eyes and watched from her perch on the back of the couch. The cat had her little chin up high, doing her best to show she was queen of Annie’s realm.

  “What, are you naked or something?” Awai said from outside, and Annie’s cheeks heated even more. “Open the damn door already.”

  “You have about as much patience as a hurricane.” Annie reached the door and wiped her sweating palms on her black jeans. She didn’t bother to look through the peephole—no doubt at all it was Awai, the human whirlwind. She unlatched the chain lock, and then opened the door.

  As always, Awai was sheer elegance with her black hair in a neat chignon at her nape and wearing one of her usual designer outfits. This one had a black skirt and matching mandarin-collared jacket, her blouse a splash of amethyst in a vivid but gorgeous contrast.

  Awai held two paper bags, one in each arm. “Took you long enough,” she said before Annie had a chance to greet her. “Damn southerners. Everything’s slow and easy.”

  Awai blew through the doorway and Annie was left looking out into the late-afternoon sunshine instead of at her aunt. “Uh, hello?”

  The warm smell of fresh baked bread and something spicy drifted behind Awai as she headed straight into the apartment’s kitchenette. Annie’s stomach growled.

  “I heard that,” Awai said as she plopped the bags onto the counter. Without pause, she went to the oven, and turned it on. “I knew you’d be painting and moping.”

  “I told you already—I wasn’t moping.” Annie shut the front door and followed Awai into the tiny kitchen, the linole
um cool beneath her feet. “What in heaven’s name are you doing?”

  “Making us dinner.” Awai smiled as her dark eyes met Annie’s. “I figured you’d need more than just Abra for company this evening.”

  Annie raised an eyebrow. “You don’t cook.”

  “Ah, but I make one hell of a mean warmed-up lasagna.” Awai reached for one of the shopping bags and pulled out a loaf of French bread, a packaged salad with packets of Italian dressing, a bottle of Annie’s favorite brand of merlot, and an aluminum pan with MAMA MIA’S ITALIAN GRILL stamped across the cardboard top.

  “Mmmmm. My favorite.” Annie peeked in the other bag. “Oooh, and you brought spumoni, too. I’ll put it in the freezer, Auntie.”

  Awai gave Annie “the look.” Awai narrowed her brows, even though she wasn’t totally serious. “I’ve told you not to call me that. I’m only a few years older than you.”

  With a grin, Annie replied, “Oh, but it’s so much fun to get you good and riled.”

  Awai sniffed and turned back to the lasagna.

  Annie had to admit it was fun chatting with Awai, and it helped to not be alone while she was thinking about her missing cousins. Awai was their aunt by marriage, not blood, and she only had a few years on Annie, who had just passed her thirtieth birthday.

  Awai’s being there to help her through this tough day reminded Annie of that night a year ago when she’d taken Alexi out for drinks and dinner to help get her mind off of Alice.

  The night she up and disappeared. Some idea that was, getting her drunk.

  With everything being pre-prepared, it wasn’t long before dinner was served. Annie and Awai sat at the small oak table in the kitchen nook and Abra rubbed her head against Annie’s feet beneath the table. Awai chatted about the latest account she’d won over to her advertising firm, and of the gorgeous blond man she’d just met at the club last night.


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