Graham (Scandalous Boys Book 2)

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Graham (Scandalous Boys Book 2) Page 10

by Natalie Decker

  “Because I think the court was right. Sure, I might not act like that, but I think they were right to put me in the group. It took a while, but I really think maybe I did have a problem. I drank a lot. Name one party I was at in high school where I wasn’t hammered.”

  “I can’t.”

  “Exactly. College was going to be the same. I was constantly looking for my next high. If I wasn’t stoned I was drunk. Or a combination of both. I thought if I went to class, kept my grades up, my party habits would be fine.”

  Her green eyes look into mine. “And now?”

  My door bursts open. “Hey, dude, wake the hell … What the fuck is this?”

  Bryce glares at me as if he’s thinking up a hundred different ways to kill me. “Playing Mario. Wanna play?” I ask.

  He glances at Madison, then at me, then back at Madison. “How long have you been here?”

  “Since eight,” I answer. “Jesus, the way she was pounding on the door this morning I thought someone’s car was on fire or some shit.”

  Madison drops the controller and stands. “I gotta go help my mom with stuff.” She starts to walk past Bryce, but he latches on to her arm.

  “Babe, I said I was sorry. Please don’t be mad at me. Please.”

  “Bryce, I can’t do this with you now. I’ve been … I’ll talk to you later.”

  “Mads. Please.” She’s out the door though, and he turns and faces me. He looks as if he’s about to hurl.

  “You all right?”

  “No. Yes. I don’t know. Fuck. I keep fucking up. I love her so damn much. I started working two jobs and going to school full-time. I barely get any sleep. But I’m doing it for her. All for her. I want everything with her. Every stupid damn thing you can think of. And I just … she deserves the goddamn world, man.” His eyes become a little watery.

  What the hell? He can’t cry. This is not cool; it’s too early in the morning for this shit.

  “Man. What the hell is wrong with you? This is Madison we’re talking about. The girl who used to have a stick jammed up her ass. The same girl you tormented for years, I might add. I know you two are dating now and all, but Maddy forgives easily. I mean, fuck, she’d have to if she’s dating you.”

  Bryce shakes his head and takes a seat beside me. “You don’t get it, man. I’m so in love with her. I have been forever. I only did that shit so she’d pay attention to me. She’s the only one I want—ever. If she leaves … Fuck.” He swipes a hand under his eyes. “I want to marry her. I’m doing all this to marry her.”

  I spray my coffee all over the place. “You wanna what? Are you crazy? People don’t get married at our age! What the fucking hell?”

  “I know. I don’t care, though. She’s everything to me. Every morning I get to wake up next to her is the best. I don’t know how to explain it, but it is. And seeing her smile. Knowing I caused it in some way is like being high.”

  “Please shut up.” I stand up and pace my room. “You’re really serious?”


  This is a lot to process. My best friend wants to marry my other best friend. “Wait. Why have you been making up excuses and skipping out on dates then?”

  “I told you. I was working. I’ve got about five thousand saved up. Its shit, but I also have the money my dad gave me. I don’t want to use that, though. That fucker can take that hundred thousand and stick it up his ass!”

  “So let me get this straight. You’d rather work two jobs, be bone-ass tired, and cause your girlfriend—the one you want to marry—to doubt your relationship rather than spend your dad’s guilt money. Seriously, dude. Just use the fucking money. As long as you’re spending it on Madison or securing your future or whatever for her, it won’t matter.”

  He shakes his head. “It’d be easier for sure. But I don’t want anything to do with my father.”

  “Then don’t invite him to the wedding or your graduation or tell him when you and Maddy have little runts.”

  “Hey. Our kids won’t be runts!”

  “All right, we need to quit talking about kids. I need some food.”

  “Me too.”


  The waitress at Becky’s Diner keeps flirting with Bryce and me. But Bryce looks as if he’s on planet Mars when she leans over, showing off her cleavage while pouring coffee into his cup. I’m no better, though. I might notice her chest because it’s practically in my face, but I can’t seem to stop thinking about Sarah.

  Damn it! “That’s it. We’re all doing something tonight,” I say.

  Bryce blinks. “What?”

  “We’re all going out tonight.”

  “Emily is staying with them. I don’t know if Madison will want to leave her again.”

  “We’ll bring her along. Kyle can keep her company. You know he’ll love to tag along in order to glare at you for making moves on his sister.”

  Bryce looks like he’s about to punch me in the face. “Don’t be a dick!”

  “Let’s go see a movie or something. I mean, Sarah and I can sit in between you and Kyle.”

  “Fine. I’ll call her.”

  Bryce calls Madison, and I can only hear bits and pieces of the conversation. Once he hangs up he says, “Okay, they’re all in.”


  Chapter Twenty


  I’d rather be anywhere else than at the movies with Graham. Why in the hell did I agree to this? Oh, right, for Madison. She’s looked so sad the last couple of days. She said Bryce is avoiding her, and I want to find out why.

  Graham’s hand presses against my lower back. A thrilling zing and a dance of butterflies shoots through my body. My skin heats instantly, and I swear my cheeks are probably burning red. He pays for my way in even though I protest. I tell him I’ll pay for the snacks, but he covers that as well.

  “What’s wrong?” he whispers as we enter the theater our movie is playing in.

  “I don’t like you paying for everything like we’re on a date.”

  “We are on a date. It might not be official for those two”—he points at Kyle and Emily, who are walking ahead of us laughing about something—“but it is for you and me. And it’s also true for Mads and Bryce.”

  I glance back at Madison. She seems to be a little happier. Bryce has his hand wrapped around her waist, and she’s resting her head on the crook of his shoulder. He doesn’t seem to notice anyone but her. Same goes for her. She doesn’t seem to notice anyone but him. “It’s not what you think, you know?” Graham says in a low voice.

  Drawing my attention from Madison and Bryce I glance at Graham. “What do you mean?”

  “He loves her more than anyone can ever know. And I know his behavior has been a little questionable, but I promise it’s not what you think. Madison just needs to have a little faith in him.”

  “So he’s not leaving her?”

  “Definitely not. More like keeping her forever. But you didn’t hear me say that.”

  We find our seats and end up sitting in a middle row. Kyle and Emily are to our left, and Madison and Bryce to our right. During the beginning of the movie, I glance over at Emily and notice her head resting on Kyle. He doesn’t look perturbed by it either, which makes me think maybe he has a thing for her. I, on the other hand, am too stunned to hold Graham’s hand. Resting my head on his shoulder is out of the question. I’m still trying to get over the fact he thinks this is a date.

  This is not a date. We’re not even … ugh. The man can’t seem to make up his mind, and I can’t just wait around for when he does. As this thought washes over me, I realize I need a moment to myself. I lower my seat and stand up. “Where are you going?” Graham whispers.

  “Restroom. Too much soda.” Complete lie. I didn’t even have two sips from that monster cup they call a small. I hurry to the bathroom and stare at myself in the mirror.

  My reflection looks the same. Everything about me looks the same, so why do I feel so broken? Lost? Why do I feel like this skin is not
mine? My heart pounds for Graham. My head, on the other hand, is screaming at me to run. I can’t decide which one to listen to anymore. I followed my heart a couple times, and each time he rejected me. I followed my head, and I’ve felt so lonely and abandoned—worse than I ever felt in Arizona. So what does that mean?

  “Hey, you okay?” Madison startles me from my thoughts.

  “Fine. I just … No. I’m not fine. I’m confused, and I want to go home.”

  She studies me for a second. “Confused about what?”

  “Him. He’s always confusing me. One minute he’s all sweet and caring. Telling me this is a date. Making me think he really wants to try. Tomorrow or, hell, maybe five minutes after the movie ends, it’ll be the ‘this was a mistake’ thing. I can’t do that anymore.”

  “I get that.” She smiles and then pulls me into a hug. “It’s going to be fine. He’s just as confused as you are.”

  I lean back. “What do you mean? He’s the one making it confusing. He just needs to decide and stick with his decision. Not string me along on his whole ‘I want her, no I don’t’ process.”

  She nods. “I know. I wish someone else would do the same. I think it’s a guy thing. Maybe not, though. Maybe it’s just a Graham-and-Bryce thing.”

  “Bryce is totally in love with you, Maddy. You don’t have anything to be worried about. I’m sure it’s not what you think at all. Give him a little faith.”

  She narrows her eyes. “Okay. I’ll do it, but you have to do the same.”


  “I’ll stop thinking of the worst possible outcome for Bryce and me if you give Graham a chance. He asked me to come check on you. Said you lied about sucking down all the pop or something.”

  I roll my eyes. “I didn’t think he’d notice.”

  “He does. He notices a lot, actually. Like, did you know you kind of snore?”

  “Shut up!” I smack her arm.

  She laughs. “Don’t look at me. He told me. He also says you have little flecks of light-brown and green in your blue eyes. It reminds him of the ocean.”

  “I’m scared he’s going to break my heart.”

  “He might, but isn’t it worth the risk?”

  I make a noise of protest. “I hate when you might be right.”

  We walk out of the restroom and back into the dark theater. I take my seat next to Graham. Instead of resting my hands in my lap, I let my right hand drop into his. He squeezes mine, and then his lips brush my earlobe. “I’m right here. Promise.”

  Promises were something I stopped buying into a while ago. But I’ll let him prove himself.

  Chapter Twenty-One


  Sarah and I haven’t seen each other since our movie date. It’s close to four in the morning, and Bryce is throwing clothes at me. “Why aren’t we sleeping again?” I ask in a groggy tone. If I would have known his ass would be acting like a goddamn drill sergeant, pulling me from my bed at four in the morning, I’d have told him to go fuck himself. He could hang out with me later when it was a decent time.

  “Get up! I’m getting her ring today.”

  “Why do I have to get up?” I ask. I’m still sleepy and confused as to why I need to be shopping for rings with him at this damn hour.

  “You know her as well as I do. I need you, man. Think of this as one of your best-man duties or something. Come on.”

  I pull on my jeans and throw on a shirt. “I fucking hate you for this. If she says no, I’m kicking both of your asses. Just warning you now.”

  “You think she’ll say no?” He looks as if he’s about to puke. Jesus. He’s turned into one whipped pussy.

  “No. I don’t think she will. She loves you, man. I need some breakfast and coffee, though. If you want me functioning now, those two things are a must.”

  “All right.”

  I lace up my shoes, grab my wallet and coat, and follow him out of my room.


  This is the seventh jewelry store we’ve been in. At this point I’m about to kill my best friend. The douche in a suit helping Bryce is annoying as hell. He slides his gaze to me and says, “Are you looking for anything special?”

  Bryce glances over at me, and I roll my eyes. “No. I’m only here for support.” Which has about run out. If he doesn’t pick out a ring soon I’m going to punch him in his nuts and walk home.

  “Oh. Well, that’s nice. What do you think about the ring your friend is holding then?” the dude asks.

  That’s it. I’m done. “I think it looks like every other damn ring we’ve seen, from here all the way to Pandora.” I glare at Bryce. “You know she’s a simple kind of girl. She doesn’t want something flashy. She probably wants a small band because of her dainty hands. And that right there isn’t dainty or simple. It looks like something some grandma would wear.”

  The salesman gasps like I completely offended him. I honestly don’t give one shit. Bryce stares at the ring and sighs. “He’s right. She’s simple. She has thin piano fingers. She’d see this big, massive ring and hate it immediately. Do you have anything simple yet, I don’t know, girly? But not too girly—she hates pink and flowery stuff.”

  The sales guy pales. “Um. Uh. Let me look. I believe we do.”

  Yeah. As far as I can see, he doesn’t. In fact, that’s probably why I’m so aggravated. If Bryce paid attention to all the rings in the cases he’d know only a few of the stores have had what he’s looking for. Which also means we’ll have to go back to them.

  I’ve learned a lesson here, though. I’ll never shop for an engagement ring with my friend. In fact I’m not getting my ring in a store, period. Online. Click and done. No need for all this bullshit!

  While dip-wad goes searching his inventory, Bryce snaps, “What?”

  “I still don’t know why you’re hell-bent on doing this now.”

  “I love her. She’s always been the one for me. Now I have her, I need to make it forever. No doubts.”

  I get that. Maybe. Maybe not. It’s his funeral. Not that Maddy is evil or anything. “Are you planning to marry her right after you put a ring on her finger?”

  He shrugs. “Can’t. Kind of promised her dad I wouldn’t. I would do it, though, if that’s what she wants. But I like my nuts where they are, man.”

  “Aw, jeez, you asked her dad? And he let you live? That’s some mighty big balls you have, bro. Wait, I need to know: does Kyle know? Did you ask him too?” Because honestly, this is probably the only thing making this whole damn experience better.

  Bryce rubs the back of his neck as his cheeks turn crimson. I just start laughing. “Shut up.”

  “That’s why Kyle was evil-eyeing you during the movie. Dude, did he even give his blessing?”

  “In so many words. Not that I actually give a fuck what Kyle thinks. I just did it out of respect.”

  The sales guy comes back. Sweat is beading his brow. “I’m sorry, sir. The only thing I have is in the catalog. We can order anything you want.”

  Bryce flips through some pages. “How long will it take?”

  “To deliver? We can have it here in two weeks.”

  He shakes his head. “That’s too long. I wanted to have everything before the first week in December.”

  “We can certainly expedite the shipping.”

  I snort. “Have him pay extra? That’s funny. Dude, let’s get the hell—” I start to turn, and fuck me, Sarah is marching her way toward us.

  “Hey! I need to talk to you, right now!” she says.

  “Me?” I ask.

  She scrunches her nose. “Not you! You!” She points at Bryce.

  The winning salesman clears his throat. “Is this the lucky lady?”

  That question flicks my inner annoyance. “No, she’s mine. Now go do something useful and butt the hell out of this.”

  The guy scurries away, but when I turn to face Bryce and Sarah, Sarah has a full-on glare directed at me. “I’m not yours.”

  I know she’s not. One movi
e date doesn’t make her mine. Sharing a tub of popcorn doesn’t make her mine either. But I want her to be. I’m done avoiding her. Problem is we haven’t had this conversation. Not really. I told her I wasn’t going anywhere. But she could have taken that to mean I wasn’t leaving her in the theater. Or I wasn’t going to the bathroom.

  “I know,” I say as I run my fingers through my hair.

  She turns to Bryce. “Why does Madison think you’re cheating on her?”

  “She does?” He looks baffled.

  She jabs her finger into his chest. “Yes! You told her you couldn’t go out with her today. You told her your mom needed you. This doesn’t look like your mom!”

  Bryce pales. “It’s a surprise. Can you keep your mouth shut?”

  “Keep my mouth shut?” She takes a step back and balls up her hands. “I’m not keeping this from Madison. I’m telling her what a liar you are. Then you can stand here and explain yourself to her when she comes in here.”

  “She’s at the mall right now?” Bryce looks over at me.

  I shake my head. “What do you want me to do? Go hunt her down and distract her?”

  Sarah smacks me in the arm. “You are not going to help him. Maddy is your best friend too!”

  I throw up my hands. “Just tell Sarah what you’re doing. She can probably help better than I can.”

  Bryce sighs. “Fine. I’m going to ask Madison to marry me right before her art show. I’ve been looking for the perfect ring for her. I’ve been searching for a month now, but I haven’t found anything that I can see her wearing forever.”

  Sarah goes from angry to shocked . “Really? No way! Oh my God! I want to jump for joy and then smack you all at the same time. This is monumental.” Sarah glances over at the display cases and says, “Well, first things first. We’ve got to leave this place, because she’ll hate everything here.”


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