Bachelor Unclaimed

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Bachelor Unclaimed Page 18

by Brenda Jackson

  “I’m surprised to see you in New York,” York said interrupting her thoughts.

  She glanced back at York. “Where else would I be? I live here.”

  He shrugged his massive shoulders. “Winston mentioned you had become mayor of some town in Jersey.”

  She reached out for her glass. “I turned the town down.”

  “Does Winston know that?”

  No, she wanted to scream. Mainly because he wouldn’t care one way or the other. It wasn’t that sort of relationship. “Probably not,” she heard herself say. “I haven’t spoken to him since I left Barrett Shores.”

  “Well, I can remedy that,” York said smiling. “Just so happens Winston is arriving in town later today to attend the anniversary party for me and my wife tonight. I’d like to invite you.” He shifted his gaze over to Tessa. “The both of you.”

  Ainsley was surprised by the invitation. First of all, she didn’t really know the honorees so she would feel out of place, and second, she didn’t feel comfortable going to a party Winston would be attending. Why on earth would York think he would want her there?

  “Thanks for the invitation, but I already have a date tonight,” she heard Tessa say.

  Ainsley released an inward sigh of relief. If Tessa couldn’t make it, that meant she certainly wouldn’t go. There was no way she would show up by herself.

  York evidently thought otherwise. “Sorry to hear that, Tessa, but I’m hoping you will still come, Ainsley. Winston will be glad to see you.”

  She wondered how he assumed that. “Thanks for the invite but I can’t come to the party. I won’t know a living soul there. And it would be awkward, especially if Winston brings a date.”

  York chuckled. “We’re a friendly group and you won’t have to worry about Winston bringing a date. He never does.”

  “That’s all the reason I shouldn’t attend. He might not want me there.”

  “He’ll want you there, trust me.”

  Ainsley nervously nibbled on her bottom lip. She wanted to trust York, although she really didn’t know him. The only thing she knew was that he was like a brother to the man she had fallen in love with.

  She glanced over at Tessa and her best friend smiled and then placed a hand on hers. “This sounds like the sign we were talking about earlier, Ainsley. Go for it. What do you have to lose?”

  If only you knew... She glanced back up at York, her decision made, and she hoped it was the right one. She would go for it. “All right. Please give me the address of the party.”

  York’s smile widened. “It will be in my home and I’ll send a car for you around six. I just need your address.”

  Ainsley gave it to him. “Thanks, and if you don’t mind, I’d like to introduce you to two of my godbrothers who’re in town for tonight’s affair, Uriel Lassiter and Xavier Kane,” York said smiling.

  “All right.”

  She watched as he motioned for the other guys to come over and at that moment, she couldn’t help wondering if perhaps she’d made a mistake in agreeing to attend that party.

  * * *

  “So what have you been up to, W?” Virgil Bougard asked, taking a sip of his wine.

  Winston knew Virgil would be the last person to whom he could tell what he’d been doing. He’d probably freak out to know Winston had joined the “whipped” team. Only difference was that U, X and Y had managed to snag the women who’d captured their hearts but he’d let his ladylove get away. He wondered how she was doing as mayor of a town that, as far as he was concerned, didn’t deserve her loyalty.


  He blinked, realizing he hadn’t answered V’s question. “Busy as usual but I did take time out to do that interview with The New York Times.”

  “And how did that turn out?”

  “Okay. The article will appear in tomorrow’s paper.” When Zion and Uriel walked up, he told them of his plans to move to Australia to work for the next three years.

  “Man, that’s great and I know for you it’s a dream come true,” Uriel said smiling. “Congratulations.”

  Zion and Virgil offered congrats, as well. “I suggest we split this party early,” Virgil said, his eyes gleaming with mischief. “There’s a gentlemen’s club not far from here and tonight is when strippers are featured for entertainment...if you know what I mean.” He then glanced over at Uriel. “Sorry, you can’t join us, with you being happily married and all,” he said with a grin.

  Winston took another sip of his drink. He might be leaving the party early but he wouldn’t be going to see any woman strip off her clothes. The last thing he wanted was to think about making love to any woman other than Ainsley.

  He was about to ask Zion how he liked being back in the States when Virgil let out a low whistle. “Um, I take that suggestion back. I think I’m going to hang around to get to know that woman who just walked in.”

  “No, bro, you’re going to have to stand in line behind me,” Zion said chuckling.

  Not even curiosity made Winston look over his shoulder at the woman his two godbrothers were fixated with. Instead he said, “I need some fresh air. I’ll be out on the balcony.” He then walked off.

  * * *

  “Hello, you must be Ainsley. I’m Darcy Ellis, York’s wife,” the woman who opened the door said smiling.

  “Yes, I’m Ainsley and I appreciate the invitation.”

  “The pleasure is mine and York’s,” Darcy said. “Let me take your coat.”

  Ainsley handed Darcy her coat and a waiter was there to take it away. “That’s a beautiful outfit, Ainsley.”

  “Thank you, and you have a beautiful home.”

  “Thanks. York had a bachelor pad and I owned a place half this size so we decided to purchase something of our own that would fit both our needs,” Darcy said smiling.

  Ainsley released a deep sigh. All the way over she had struggled with the temptation of asking the driver to turn around and take her back home. She had so many “what ifs” to deal with. What if Winston had brought a date after all? What if he got upset at seeing her here among people he considered as family and friends? What if the people weren’t as friendly as York had claimed they would be?

  She knew at least she could dispel her fears of the latter when the gorgeous woman smiled brightly at her and tucked her arm in hers as she led her away from the door.

  “Any friend of Winston’s is a friend of ours. We’re all family,” Darcy said.

  Ainsley could see that as they came to a stop in front of two other women. “You probably got the chance to meet the two guys who were with York earlier today,” Darcy was saying. “Now I want to introduce you to the women who have to put up with them,” she said jokingly.

  “Hi, I’m Ellie Lassiter,” an attractive woman smiled and said.

  “And I’m Farrah Kane,” the other attractive woman said. “I just love that dress. Winston is going to love it, too, when he sees you in it.”

  Ainsley hoped so. As soon as she and Tessa had left the restaurant, they had gone shopping. Ainsley had known this dress was hers the moment she’d seen it. Winston had said he liked seeing her legs. Well, she hoped nothing had changed because she was wearing a red sleeveless mini-dress with ruffles at the hem and a black belt that emphasize her small waist.

  “Ainsley, glad you made it,” York said smiling as he came up to join them.

  She returned his smile. “Thanks for sending the car for me.”

  “No problem,” he said glancing around. “Winston was here a few minutes ago. I wonder where he’s taken off to?”

  “He’s stepped out on the balcony,” Uriel said as he and Xavier also came to join the group. “But I’m sure he’ll be glad to know you’re here,” he added.

  Ainsley wondered why he was so convinced that Winston wouldn’t have a cow when he saw her. At that moment five other men joined them.

  “Aren’t you going to introduce us to your friend, Darcy?” the one Ainsley knew to be Virgil asked.

shook her head. “You guys are bad. You all have radar that beeps at the sight of a beautiful woman,” she admonished.

  Ignoring the comment, York leaned over to Ainsley and whispered for her ear only, “I’ll let Winston know you’re here.”

  He then walked off as Darcy began making introductions. Two of the men Ainsley remembered from the photograph on the wall in Winston’s lab. Winston’s godbrothers. She wanted to pinch herself at the thought that she was in the same room with Zion Blackstone, the world-famous jeweler. The other three men were brothers from Phoenix—Tyson, Mercury and Gannon Steele.

  She couldn’t help but smile as they tried flirting with her. But the one man she wanted to see was nowhere in sight.

  * * *

  Winston stood on the balcony and looked out into the night. York and Darcy owned a brownstone on the Upper East Side of Manhattan—a ritzy area near Central Park and the Metropolitan Museum of the Art. It was the second week in February. The temperature was twenty degrees and snow was predicted for the coming week, yet he barely felt the cold. His thoughts were focused on the memories he hadn’t yet let go of, memories of the days Ainsley had spent with him on Barrett Shores.

  Even now he could vividly remember those late nights and early morning hours when they would make love to the point of exhaustion. And how they would share breakfast together, walks on the beach and dinner, and then how she would dance for him in those intensely private moments they had. He was convinced it was when she had been dancing for him that he’d realized just how much he loved her. And later that same night while making love, he had reached the conclusion that he didn’t want her just as a sex partner, but that he wanted Ainsley as a life partner, to share his life forever.

  So why are you standing out here in the cold while she’s tucked somewhere in the warmth enjoying her role as Madam Mayor of Claxton, New Jersey? Didn’t she deserve to know that those days and nights meant something to you? Shouldn’t she be the one to decide how she wanted her future to pan out? Why did you make the decision for her? What if she would have decided a life with you was worth more than a life as a mayor? What if...

  He drew in a deep breath, tired of wondering and not really knowing. They had shared an intense affair and it was during some of those times that he’d felt so connected to her that he was certain she had felt the same emotions for him as he was feeling for her. But they’d never talked about a future, never discussed anything beyond what they’d been sharing on his island. Maybe they should have. Was it too late?

  He glanced at his watch. As far as tonight was concerned, it was too late to even call her. But come morning, he would drive to Claxton and they would talk and—

  “Any reason you’re out here alone, W?”

  He turned to York. “Needed a breath of fresh air.”

  “Well, you’re needed back inside.”

  Winston raised a brow. “Why?”

  “A newcomer to the party, a woman who’s a real looker. Virgil and Zion, not to mention those bad news Steele brothers, are all over her. Not giving her breathing room and making passes right and left.”

  “And just what do you want me to do about it?”

  “Take her off their hands. They’re crowding her and I think she’s someone you’d want to spend time with.”

  Winston turned away and looked off in the distance. “You’re wrong.” He turned back to York. “Although it almost killed me to do so, I leveled with you, man, about something I needed to admit. I knew either you, X or U would understand.”

  “I did. I understood more than you know,” York said in a low tone, placing his hands in his pockets and looking at Winston with an intense expression on his face.

  Winston’s visage darkened. “No, I don’t think you did. If you had, then you wouldn’t be trying to shove another woman my way this soon,” he said in a curt tone, his anger rising.

  York squared his shoulders. “Like I said, I understood more than you know...which is why the woman was invited when I ran into her earlier today.”

  York paused a second then added, “And did I happen to mention her name is Ainsley? Ainsley St. James?”

  The glass of wine Winston brought up to his lips froze in its path. “Ainsley? My Ainsley?” he asked in an incredulous tone.

  York shrugged. “It’s the same woman whose picture I saw on your refrigerator when you asked me to get out the lemonade that day. I ran into her at a restaurant in Manhattan today and invited her to the party. As far as her being your Ainsley, the jury is still out on that, especially since V and Z, along with the brothers Tyson, Mercury and Gannon Steele are in there vying for her attention.”

  Before York could finished what he was saying Winston shoved the wine glass in his hand and walked swiftly toward the French doors.

  * * *

  “And you’ve never been to Phoenix?” the man who’d been introduced as Tyson Steele was asking her.

  Ainsley shook her head smiling. He was handsome as sin. In fact all five men who were shamelessly flirting with her were. But as far as she was concerned, none had anything on the one man who held her heart. Uriel said he’d headed to the balcony. Had he seen her and gone out there to avoid her? “That’s right. I’ve never been to Phoenix,” she said, taking another sip of her wine.

  “Then we need to invite you out for a visit,” Tyson’s brother Mercury suggested, his gaze roaming her up and down.

  “And I think you should stay right here on the East Coast,” Virgil interjected, moving closer to her.

  Ainsley’s heartbeat kicked up a notch, not from Virgil’s movement, but from the man she saw coming through the French doors off the balcony. He glanced over at her. The moment their eyes connected, she was swamped by every emotion she’d felt when she’d seen him that first night in Hilton Head. But the deep brown eyes holding hers were intense and unreadable. Was he or wasn’t he glad to see her? She desperately needed some sort of sign.

  He then gave her one when his mouth curved in a smile. Releasing a deep sigh of relief, she couldn’t help but smile back. And then he began walking toward her with the same sense of purpose he’d had that first night at the Sparrow.

  At the same time, of their own accord, her feet began moving in his direction. “Ainsley? Where are you going?” one of the men asked, but she couldn’t respond. She kept walking toward the one man she’d fallen head over heels in love with, although he didn’t have a clue.

  Moments later he was there and they stood facing each other. Neither said anything as if they were deer caught in the headlights of each other’s gazes. But she felt it, the sexual chemistry they seemed to generate so easily between them. And she didn’t have to glance around to know others were watching them, probably feeling it, as well. But he didn’t care that they were the center of attention and neither did she.

  What he did next proved that point.

  “I miss you so damn much,” he whispered before pulling her into his arms and taking her mouth right then and there. Immediately she felt her beating heart pressed against his chest and moaned when his tongue touched hers in one blazing kiss. He was glad to see her; she would say that with certainty.

  “I hate to interrupt, but I take it you two know each other?”

  She recognized Virgil Bougard’s voice. Winston reluctantly broke off the kiss, and smoothly wrapped his arms around her waist, bringing her closer to his side. He eyed the five men who’d been holding her attention since she had arrived. “Yes, we know each other and let me go on record here and now by stating that she’s mine.”

  A whisper of surprise escaped Ainsley’s lips at the same time a look of total shock appeared on the faces of all five men. “You’re actually placing your personal stamp on a woman?” Virgil asked in disbelief, while Mercury Steele reached out to touch Winston’s forehead to see if perhaps he was running a fever.

  Winston waved off Mercury’s reach before he reached up to stroke the side of Ainsley’s cheek tenderly. “Yes, that’s exactly what I’m doing,” he
said holding her gaze.

  Virgil frowned. “How did this happen?” he asked in a rough tone.

  Winston glanced back at Virgil. “Wasn’t looking. Didn’t want it. But it happened. And I don’t regret it did.” Returning his gaze to Ainsley, he said, “Come, let’s leave.”

  “She arrived less than fifteen minutes ago,” Tyson said frowning.

  “Which means she shared all of your company fifteen minutes too long.” He then turned to Ainsley. “We’ll go find York and Darcy, congratulate them on their first anniversary and then we’re out of here.”

  “W, you’re out of the club,” Virgil said in a not-too-happy tone.

  He glanced over at him. “I know.”

  * * *


  He always enjoyed hearing his name off her lips and tonight was no exception. After bidding good-night to York and Darcy, he hadn’t wasted any time getting Ainsley to the Marriott Marquis in Times Square.

  In the privacy of his hotel room, he admitted things to her that he’d wished he’d confessed before. In the cab ride over, she had explained why she hadn’t taken the position of mayor and he’d told her why he hadn’t stopped her from leaving that day.

  And at present they were locked in a sensuous embrace making love. As soon as they closed the door behind them, they had begun tearing off each other’s clothes and tumbled onto the bed.

  And now he was sliding his body over her parted thighs, while cupping her face with his hands and staring down hard at her. And just to think that at one time he’d been convinced no woman could fill him with this many emotions. No woman could make him want to move heaven and earth for her.

  He lowered his head and whispered against her wet lips words he figured he would never again say to a woman. “I love you.”

  “Oh, Winston, I love you, too. So much,” she said, wrapping her arms around his neck and tightening her hold. He opened his mouth over hers at the same time he slid between her moist womanly folds, lifting her hips to go deep into her slick heat, all the way to the hilt.


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