The Team's Return (A Team book Book 2)

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The Team's Return (A Team book Book 2) Page 18

by S G Read

  The four boys walked out trying to look nonchalant which made them stand out all the more.

  ‘They're naturals!’ Simon said as he settled down to watch the television.

  Stuart felt obliged to stay with the others, after all they had come to visit him. Later Ben returned to tell the others that his brother was here to take them home. Ben had decided to stay and watch to see how Billy managed to get home.

  When he was alone Stuart walked back along the ward to Jenny's bed, he thought he was walking better, as he did not have to rest on the beds very often, just running his hand along them for support. Jenny's bed was empty and after waiting a few minutes, Stuart carried on to his own room. Soon after he had flopped gratefully on to his bed Stephen arrived.

  ‘Where's mum?’ Stuart asked.

  ‘She's gone to see some one. She-’

  ‘You've got to stop her! I'd go if I could run!’ Stuart cried.

  ‘What's up?’

  ‘Just stop her!’ Stuart insisted.


  ‘Think of an excuse say I'm dying, anything, just stop her, please!’

  Stephen sensed the distress in Stuart's voice and ran down the ward, he found Wendy standing by the bottom of John's bed, trying to attract Carol's attention as she took a bottle into the sluice room.

  ‘Stuart wants you! He said it was urgent!’ Stephen said breathing deeply.

  Wendy hesitated for a few seconds then as she thought she might catch carol as she came out of the sluice room, she started to walk up the ward. Carol walked out and the two women nearly collided.

  ‘Sorry!’ Wendy said as she took avoiding action. ‘Will you tell John I'll be down to see him later?’

  ‘I can't.’ Carol replied and took Wendy's hand. ‘He passed on earlier today!’

  Wendy covered her mouth with her hand.

  After a few seconds she said. ‘Thank you.’ And squeezed Carol's hand. ‘I'll be okay; it was just a bit of a shock.’

  ‘I'm sorry; I didn't know you knew him. It was just a matter of time but it's still very sad!’

  Wendy walked back to Stuart's room, with tears in her eyes.

  ‘I'm sorry mum, I tried to warn you.’ Stuart said quietly and reached up to hold her hand.

  She looked at him.

  ‘When the nurse told me, all I could think, was what if it was you! Isn't that awful?’ She replied.

  ‘No pills tonight!’ Stuart announced trying to change the subject. ‘With luck I'll be able to keep my food down and its chips!’

  ‘I don't know.’ Wendy complained. ‘All that healthy food I cook you and you drool over greasy chips!’

  ‘They're more fun than one of your casseroles.’

  ‘I like your mum's casseroles!’ Stephen replied.

  ‘But you'd prefer chips!’ Stuart accused.

  Stephen started to speak but changed his mind and said. ‘I think I'll take the fifth on that one!’

  Stuart laughed. ‘I told you so!’

  ‘What does the fifth have to do with it?’ Wendy asked.

  ‘The fifth amendment, it's American. It means that if you answered the question you might get yourself into trouble.’ Stephen explained.

  ‘Talking about the fifth, where have you been all day?’ Stuart asked. ‘I've been worried!’

  ‘The car broke down but I did phone!’

  ‘I bet I know who should have told you!’ Stephen said as Billy walked in with Stuart's food.

  Ben and Sherman watched through the side window, they were obviously still hot on his trail.

  Stuart enjoyed the food and the fact that an hour later he was still in bed. No floating feeling, no nausea and no running to the bathroom. Wendy enjoyed the fact as much as Stuart did. I won't be taking any more pills until they get my blood test results back and if I still have to take them they are going to give me the ones with a coating on, so they don't make me sick! The man who was testing my blood here died and spilt my blood, they've taken some more and sent it to another hospital to be tested!’

  ‘It seems to me, that far too many people die in this hospital!’ Wendy complained.

  Ben and Sherman walked in.

  ‘Mission accomplished!’ Ben said and sat down.

  Sherman took a chair from the stack in the corner of the room and did likewise.

  ‘I thought you went home.’ Stuart asked Sherman.

  ‘No, I stayed as protection; Billy was getting eggy.’ Sherman explained.

  ‘How are you getting home?’ Wendy asked.

  ‘We'll have to walk!’ Ben replied, looking suitably dejected.

  ‘When Stuart's father comes, I am taking Stephen home.’ Wendy replied. ‘You can have a lift then if you want to?’

  ‘Thank you Mrs. Sellars, it's a long walk!’ Sherman said gratefully.

  ‘Let's hope the car doesn't break down again!’ Stuart added.

  ‘Oh I have a courtesy car, although they didn't want to part with it! I insisted!’ Wendy explained.

  The boys laughed, they had all seen Wendy, when she insisted.

  David walked in. ‘Hi Stu, and friends.’

  ‘What about wife?’ Wendy asked trying to sound hurt.

  ‘Sorry I thought Stuart had found a girl friend!’

  ‘Apology accepted.’ Wendy said and gave David a big kiss.

  ‘Yuck, mushy stuff. My friends are here mum!’ Stuart complained.

  ‘You don't have to worry; I have to go now, which means that it's your turn next!’ She gave him a long hug, then led the others out.

  ‘Now young man. Tell me what's be going on I've been away from you too long; and don't leave anything out!’ David ordered and settled back to listen attentively as Stuart recounted the day’s events.

  ‘Is there love in the air?’ David asked when Stuart mentioned sitting with Jenny.

  ‘Might be!’ Stuart teased. ‘But you'll be the last to know.’ He stuck his tongue out.

  David tried to tickle him into submission but it ended in a cuddle that neither of them wanted to end. At that point Stuart felt very happy, a feeling that continued even after his father had gone.


  In the morning when Stuart was woken by Brenda, he felt stronger. He walked into the bathroom unaided and washed, he was not expecting his mother until the evening, as she was hoping to go and get her car back from the garage. Brenda brought his breakfast in to him, to make sure Stuart ate. She was trying to fill him up while he was not on the medication and not being sick. The hospital had located a replacement for John Sykes but he would not be back from holiday until dinner time and was expected soon after. Stuart was going to walk down and see Jenny but Mr. Follet had sent word that he would be in to see Stuart early, which left Stuart waiting impatiently in his room until he had been.

  ‘Well you certainly look better than you did.’ Mr. Follet said when he finally arrived and after a more than superficial examination. ‘It makes me wonder if there could have been a mistake in your blood test results. No more medication until we here from Guys then we will know the truth!’

  That made Stuart's day. When Mr. Follet left, Stuart went to go down the ward but Mr Follet was down there and he had to wait again. Finally Mr. Follet passed the side window and Stuart walked unaided and with only a couple of touches on the wall to Jenny's bed but she was not there. He sought out Carol.

  ‘Where's Jenny?’

  ‘She is off having tests. She should be back about eleven.’ Carol explained.

  Stuart walked back to his room and left the door open so that he could see when Jenny returned. He lay on his bed so that he could see through the door. When he saw her go by he followed her down the ward.

  ‘Look at you; you'll be doing the marathon next!’ Jenny said when she saw him coming and the speed he was travelling at.

  She did not look well. Stuart was shocked by her appearance.

  ‘What happened to you?’ He asked with less consideration than it needed.

  ‘Tests and
more tests. I think I'm getting a craving for barium!’ Jenny replied, ignoring any annoyance.

  ‘What's that?’

  ‘Some goo that they give you to make you glow in the dark. I think it's so they can work on you if the lights go out!’ Jenny replied.

  Stuart laughed.

  ‘All because that man died.’ Jenny continued. ‘You would think they would have two of them! Wouldn't you? Or an emergency back up system or something!’

  ‘You sound unhappy.’

  ‘Unhappy! What have I got to be unhappy about?’ Jenny declared. ‘No one comes to see me, I feel like death warmed up and they keep sticking needles in me, or making me drink things that taste horrible. So why should I be unhappy?’

  ‘I come to see you don't I?’ Stuart complained.

  ‘You don't count!’

  ‘Thanks a bunch.’ Stuart retorted.

  ‘Well if you were out of the hospital you wouldn't come and see me!’ Jenny declared.

  ‘Yes I would!’

  ‘Why?’ Jenny asked.

  Stuart hesitated before he answered. He did not want to say the wrong thing.

  ‘Why?’ Jenny prompted. ‘Why would you come to see me?’

  ‘Because I think you’re alright. Okay?’ Stuart answered starting to blush.

  ‘I'm alright? Is that- it?’ She asked.

  ‘What do you want me to say?’ Stuart asked.

  ‘I don't know do I! You say what you want!’

  ‘I did.’

  ‘I'm alright!’ Jenny echoed once more.

  ‘Oh I can't take any more of this!’ Stuart complained and walked off toward the dayroom.

  He heard Jenny call after him but chose to ignore her and sat down to watch television. His food was brought to him and he ate it there for a change.

  Antony arrived soon after midday and found him in the dayroom.

  ‘You're looking better.’ He said when he saw Stuart.

  ‘I'm feeling it; A bit anyway. Why aren't you in school?’

  ‘Dinner break, I've been watching you know who. I just thought I'd come and say hello before I went back to school.’ He gave Stuart the notebook they were using to list Billy's movements. ‘I won't be in tonight. Give this to Sherman.’

  ‘Okay. See you Ant.’

  ‘See you Stu.’

  Stuart watched Antony walk up the ward and wave to Jenny as he passed her bed. Stuart resisted the urge to go up there and started to do one of the numerous jigsaws that were in a box in the dayroom. By the time he was halfway through the jigsaw, he was getting very bored. He sat down in the chair he was standing in front of and felt the notebook under him, when he sat down. He pulled it from under him and started to read it, he was looking for Billy's Achilles heel. By the time the others arrived he had found it and worked out how to use it.

  ‘Number one he's a pain in the bum. Number two he rides a bike to and from the hospital.’ Stuart announced. ‘It's simple we-’

  ‘I know, we nick his bike!’ Ben exclaimed, interrupting Stuart.

  ‘No we don't! That is against the law. All we have to do is to loosen the right things and splat; he'll need a facelift!’

  ‘What if he falls under a car or something?’ C.J asked.

  ‘Too bad!’ Ben replied. ‘He's been pretty nasty to Stuart. It would be nice to see him in the ward as a patient, covered in plaster!’

  ‘We could tip itching powder into his plaster.’ Simon added.

  ‘He wouldn't be in this ward.’ Toby pointed out. ‘He's not a kid!’

  ‘Don't be silly.’ Sherman cut in. ‘It has to be a small accident, not multiple injuries!’

  ‘Sherman is right.’ Stuart conceded. ‘It would be nice to see him just hurt enough, to persuade him to stop getting at me. That trolley's outside again!’

  ‘C.J is the bike wizard.’ Ben said patting C.J on the back. ‘Got any ideas?’

  ‘Plenty. How many wheels do you want to fall of when he jumps on it?’

  ‘It's only got two wheels!’ Simon pointed out.

  ‘Are you trying to take over my job?’ Toby asked. ‘I do the correcting round here!’

  ‘Just helping you out.’ Simon replied.

  ‘Will you two shut up?’ Stuart cried. ‘What I want is for him to get on the bike ride off and then land teeth first on the hospital tarmac or something like that.’

  ‘Technical stuff eh?’ C.J replied and started to doodle bicycles on the notebook. ‘If I loosen that, no, it would fall apart when he picked it up! What if- no, that won't do. A cotter pin would make it so he couldn't ride off. Unless! Yes I think I have an idea!’

  Terry Fielding stood in front of the hospital.

  ‘Home sweet home.’ He said, not very impressed.

  He had just returned from India, where he had spent fourteen days soaking up the sun and swatting mosquitoes. Now he was back to work and how; filling a dead man's shoes. He liked to get to know the layout, it saved him from looking like a newcomer and if anyone asked him for directions he could help them. He explored where he could, looking in each ward as he came to it and chatting to any nurses he found in there. Once he had an idea where things were he headed for the laboratory.

  Geraldine sat there, next to a pile of paperwork.

  ‘You must be Mr. Fielding.’ She greeted.

  ‘Terry, nice to meet you.’ He held his hand out and they shook hands.

  ‘I'm Geraldine Garrett. I've been doing the things I can get away with but it still leaves you, look at this pile.’

  ‘Thanks a lot!’

  He put on a white coat, transferred his name tag to it and started work. Starting work at four in the afternoon is no fun, especially if you have not long stepped of a plane. The pile slowly shrunk until he filed the last one and the pills were put on the trolley for delivery. He looked at his watch, it was seven o'clock. Geraldine had said goodnight sometime ago and gave him a large bunch of keys. He felt he had done enough for today; after all he probably would never be paid any overtime for it. He locked up and went home.

  When Wendy arrived she thought Stuart looked much better this evening and started to wonder if the pills were actually helping him.

  ‘Has Mr. Follet been to see you?’

  ‘Yes, early this morning. He said I looked better and I wasn't having anymore pills until the blood test came back from Guys.’

  ‘Good. Maybe you won't need them at all.’ She said enthusiastically.

  ‘No Stevey?’

  ‘He'll be in later with daddy, he's doing his homework.’

  ‘Yuck homework!’ Stuart complained.

  ‘What have you been up to today?’

  ‘I went up and talked to Jenny for a while but I always seem to say something wrong! Girls are silly!’

  ‘Thank you.’ Wendy replied.

  ‘You're not a girl, you're my mum.’ Stuart argued. ‘I did half a jigsaw.’

  ‘Do you want to go and finish it?’ Wendy asked.

  ‘If you like.’

  ‘Maybe I'll get to meet this girl.’

  It was not to be Jenny was not there. They finished the jigsaw apart for the three missing pieces then walked back down. This time Jenny was there.

  ‘Aren't you going to introduce me?’ Wendy asked, although Jenny knew who she was now.

  His reluctance was easily overcome and he walked up to where Jenny lay.

  ‘This is my mum.’ He announced.

  ‘Hi, I'm Jenny.’ Jenny greeted then continued with the earlier conversation while she had the chance. ‘I'm sorry Stuart I didn't mean to annoy you!’

  ‘I wasn't annoyed, I thought you were!’ Stuart replied.

  ‘No, I was teasing you!’ Jenny explained.


  ‘Because you were blushing!’

  ‘I'm beginning to wonder what you were talking about!’ Wendy mused and Stuart started to blush once more.

  ‘I just said that I would come and visit her even if I wasn't in hospital and she asked why!’ Stuart explain

  ‘And what did you say?’ Wendy asked.

  ‘Obviously the wrong thing!’ Stuart answered sharply and walked off toward his room.

  Wendy looked at Jenny.

  ‘I think he likes you.’ She said quietly.

  Jenny smiled.

  ‘He's not angry is he?’ She asked.

  ‘I think I was in the way.’ Wendy replied. ‘I'm sure he'll come and see you later.’

  Back in his room Wendy found Stuart watching television.

  ‘Have we the rats by any chance?’ She asked.

  ‘No! Well maybe. I don't understand girls, or mothers for that matter!’

  ‘I find it hard to understand; you aren't taking the pills, you aren't being sick, yet you still have the rats!’

  ‘I don't have the rats! It's just that I find it hard to talk to girls!’

  ‘Do you want some advice?’ David asked from the doorway.

  ‘Yes please dad!’ Stuart cried, pleased to have the male point of view. ‘How can you understand girls?’

  ‘You can't!’ David Sellars replied. ‘You just have to try to outguess them or do something you think they will appreciate!’

  ‘What like when you bring mum some flowers home?’ Stuart asked.

  ‘Yes but it's the flowers I choose which makes the difference! If they know that the flowers are expensive or difficult to get hold of then they appreciate them more!’ David explained.

  ‘Should I get Jenny some flowers?’

  ‘Is anyone else sending her flowers?’ He asked.

  ‘No her dad doesn't like hospitals! She doesn't even have any visitors!’

  ‘Then yes, if I was you I would send her a bunch of flowers; but not one selected by mum or me! One selected and paid for by you!’

  ‘Thanks dad.’

  ‘A pleasure son.’

  Stuart's face clouded again.

  ‘What if the others find out?’ He said worriedly.

  ‘Why wait for that to happen? Tell them!’ David replied. ‘It won't be anything to be ashamed of.’

  Stuart Smiled once more as Stephen came in.

  ‘Finished your homework then?’ He asked.

  ‘Yes. It's alright for you; you're not getting any homework at the moment.’

  ‘I know, it's a shame isn't it!’ Stuart replied, trying to sound upset.


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