Fatal Dose

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Fatal Dose Page 8

by K. J. Janssen

  He received a call from his wife about a party they were supposed to attend that night. It was Saturday and he was at the office when he was supposed to be at home. When he told her that he wouldn’t be able to make it on time, she told him that if he didn’t, he should not bother coming home at all. She cursed at him and slammed down the phone. Fights like this were a frequent occurrence for them. The subject was usually his hours at the office, lack of parenting or drinking too much; not necessarily in that order.

  Their communications were fewer and sex between them stopped abruptly. At one point Dennis suspected that maybe Joanne was having an affair. He had no proof, but in a peculiar way he almost wished that it were true. It would make his life a lot easier.

  He decided to take his wife at her word and called a motel to get a room for the night. He used the motel often and they assigned him his usual room. Let her wonder where he was, not that that was likely to happen. She’d stayed out late a few times recently herself. Turnabout was fair play, after all.

  Dennis decided to have a few shots of vodka before he left-not wise since he had skipped lunch. After three shots, he passed out at his desk. Marcia was also working that Saturday. When she was getting ready to leave she passed Dennis’s door. She thought she heard moaning sounds from inside. She tapped on the door, but he did not respond. She carefully opened the door to check. He was resting with his head on the desk. She went over to him and asked if he was alright. He awoke and responded with a slurred answer. When she asked if she could call him a cab, he declined, saying he was going to drive to a motel. She convinced him to let her to drive him in his car. They were able to exit the building unnoticed, a minor miracle in itself, considering the security at the FBI building. When they arrived at the motel she helped him to his room. He insisted that she join him for a drink. She agreed.

  What Dennis didn’t know was that Marcia was secretly in love with him. She watched his marriage and his personality deteriorate over the years. Once she was in his office when his wife made one of her abusive phone calls. Her heart went out to him. She wanted so much to console him, but decided to be patient a while longer.

  Now they were alone in a motel room. With good intentions she removed his shoes and helped him undress down to his underwear. He was sobering up a little and reacted to her touch by reaching out and drawing Marcia close. He cupped her face in his hands and gave her a passionate kiss. At that point, Marcia lost it.

  She quickly removed her clothes and crawled into bed with him. She peeled off his under shirt and briefs. All sense of propriety left him as him as he made love to her, completely disregarding who he was and that she worked for him. None of that mattered now. He felt like a young stud having sex for the first time. Years of abstinence fell away as he stroked her like a well-oiled machine. When he finally released the flood of pain and tension that had built up for so many years, he fell to the bed on top of her.

  He said to her, “That was the most unbelievable sex that I have ever had. You’re incredible, Marcia.”

  She replied, “Dennis, I have to confess that I’ve been in love with you for several years. I’ve watched that shrew of a wife slowly tear you down. Well, all that stops tonight. I want to be here for you whenever and however you want me. I’ll do anything you want me to do; any arrangement that you want to make. I just want to be with you. I don’t expect you to love me, although I hope that you will someday. All I will ever ask of you is that you be faithful to me. I’ll be there for you as long as I know that I’m not sharing you with any other woman and that includes your wife. That’s the only commitment I’ll ever ask of you.”

  Dennis sobered up very fast. “Marcia, I don’t know what to say. I had no idea you felt that way about me during all these years we’ve worked together. I’m flattered, of course, but my head is spinning. This is all happening too quickly. I’ll be honest with you. Right now, having experienced what I just did, I would promise you anything just to have you again. But I can’t say for sure that after the booze wears off and I take a cold shower I won’t feel differently. You’re a sweet girl and I don’t want to take advantage of you.”

  Marcia looked dejected. “I’m no sweet girl. I’m a tart, I’m your French Maid fantasy, and I’m your dominatrix. I’m anything you want me to be, but I’m not sweet. I know who I am and I know how I feel about you. I’m offering to be yours, exclusively.” She reminded him, “You sure didn’t have any reservations when you were having your way with me a few minutes ago.”

  In his defense, he answered, “That’s not fair, I was loaded. Please don’t think I’m ungrateful. I’m not, but this is a big decision you’re asking me to make. Even though my wife has made my life a living hell, I have never been unfaithful to her.” He hesitated for a minute, “Well…err, up until now, that is.”

  Marcia’s voice softened. “Dennis, don’t use the booze as a cover-up. You knew what you were doing. I’m offering myself to you on whatever terms you want. I’ll do anything for you. Why is that such a problem? I know you’re man enough to handle it. You already showed me that.”

  “For god’s sake, Marcia, you work for me. Don’t you realize the risk we’d be taking? I am still legally married and there are our jobs to consider.”

  “That didn’t seem to bother you a few minutes ago. Don’t be so damned hypocritical.”

  Hoping to defuse the situation, he said, “Look, Marcia, I’ve got to clear my head. I’m going to take a shower. When I’m finished let’s go out and get some coffee and something to eat. We can talk then.” He kissed her gently on the lips. Right or wrong, it seemed like the right thing to do at the time.

  She countered with, “How about taking a shower with me? It’ll give you a chance to check out the rest of me. Maybe that’ll help you make up your mind.”

  Reluctantly he gave in. He did a thorough check and it did persuade him. Later, over burgers and fries, he laid down the rules. “Look, I’m not making any promises, but I do need someone in my life that cares about me and I know you do. I’m willing to give it a try if you still want me. But it has to be strictly on the q.t. I’m close to a legal separation with Joanne, so I’ll have my own place soon. If we decide that this is right for us, I will promise you, on my honor, that you will be the only one in my life.”

  Dennis came out of his reverie feeling a whole lot better. He didn’t need the vodka now. What he needed was some alone time with Marcia. He picked up the phone and dialed her number.


  When Mark checked in on Marcia, she was working on a job for another agent. He caught himself almost reminding her about the high priority of his work, remembering what Dennis said about giving her a variety of projects to cover up what she would be doing for him. As he passed her desk she looked up and said, “I’ll have that information you need first thing Monday morning.”

  Playing along, he replied, “That’s fine, Marcia, there’s no real hurry.”

  Wendy was waiting at the security desk when Mark got off the elevator. He quickly looked at his watch to determine if an apology was in order. It was five fifty-eight. He was safe.

  “Let’s take my car. The place we’re going to is just about ten minutes from here.” They got into his 2002 four-door Honda Accord.

  “This is cozy,” Wendy said as she settled into the passenger seat and fastened her seat belt. I have plush velour in my Toyota, too. It feels good all year round.”

  “What model Toyota do you drive?”

  “A 2005 Corolla XRS. I haven’t had any problems with it except for a burned-out bulb. The Japanese really know how to build cars. Before that I drove a Honda Civic. I ran that car into the ground. When I finally traded it in it had over two hundred-twenty thousand miles on it. It still looked good. There wasn’t a single scratch on it.”

  “Sounds like you really got your money’s worth.”

  The rest of the trip, they discussed the cars they have owned or driven over the years and the cars they would like to hav
e someday. Her dream car was a Porsche; Mark dreamed about owning an Infiniti. He thought it was cool having a conversation about cars with a woman. He’d always thought of cars as being mostly a guy thing.

  At exactly six-fifteen he pulled into the parking lot of the Wellington Lounge. It was a smoke-free, after-hours pub that catered to the yuppie crowd that worked in Cleveland but lived in the fashionable burbs that surrounded the city. The lounge provided a limited menu mostly made up of chicken, fish and beef entrees.

  While the Wellington Lounge tried to convey the appearance of a supper club, it was obvious that it was just a high-class singles bar. On the plus side, the décor was tasteful, the recorded jazz was not too loud and the crowd was mellow. Most important of all, Wendy seemed to like the decor and the crowd. That was really all Mark cared about. First dates were often awkward.

  They were guided to a booth by a well-dressed young man who informed them that their waitress would be “Cindy”

  “This is very nice,” Wendy said, giving the place an approving nod. “I like the soft pastel colors.”

  “Yes, it is rather relaxing in here.”

  Cindy appeared suddenly at their table. “What can I get you guys?”

  “What will you be having, Wendy?”

  “I think I’ll have a glass of Riesling.”

  “Make that two, of your best brand. In fact, why don’t you bring us a bottle?”

  “Will you want something to nibble on? Our combo appetizer platter has calamari, cocktail weenies, assorted cheese cubes and mini-crab cakes. It’s eight ninety-five and just perfect for two.”

  He looked at Wendy. She seemed to express an interest, so he answered, “Sure, that would be great.”

  “I’ll put that order in right away and bring you your wine.”

  Mark turned to Wendy. “So, how was your afternoon?”

  “Mark, you wouldn’t believe it. If I hadn’t had tonight to look forward to, I would probably have gone off the deep end. First my computer crashed. tech support couldn’t tell me why. It took them over three hours to get me back up. Then I couldn’t locate a folder that I needed for a case I’m working on. I searched for it for over an hour. Then I suddenly remembered that it was with a group of folders I took home with me last night. Of course they’ll be sitting on my cocktail table when I get home.”

  “Sounds like an afternoon from hell,” he answered. “I know what you mean about the computer crashes. I always ask the techs what caused it so I can avoid doing the same thing in the future, but they can never tell me. It’s really infuriating. I’m happy to say that my afternoon was a lot more satisfying. You won’t believe this, but my PI company was selected by a Chinese manufacturer to do background checks for a new import company they plan to open in Ohio. But the best part is that they plan to supply generic pharmaceuticals to U.S. generic drug distributors, and Atronen is one of them. It looks like it’s all been blessed by Washington.”

  “Oh, my God. That’s unbelievable. What did Dennis and Charles think?”

  “Actually, I haven’t told them about it yet. I just found out about it an hour ago. I didn’t want to compromise our time together. Anyway, we haven’t actually signed on the dotted line yet. I did a basic check on the deal. On the surface it seems to be legit. It even has the blessing of the Feds, but since Atronen is involved, I’ll be keeping my eye on it.”

  “It was thoughtful of you to hold off with Dennis and Charles. They might have tied you up for hours. Do you think that China is being used to replace the low quality knockoffs the cartel has been getting out of Eastern Europe?”

  “There’s a good chance of it. If that’s the case, it will help that we have a connection through IIS. My concern is that if the quality of the pills is first class, it will be harder to detect ‘thinning’ I would expect the Chinese to make a higher quality product since it is out in the open. It’s just another one of those damned catch twenty-two situations. Also, I don’t know why PDS wasn’t informed about this? State and Justice both approved it.”

  “That’s a good question, Mark. Obviously, we’ve still got a long way to go with communications. At least you have a heads-up on it now.”


  Cindy showed up with the Riesling. She expertly removed the cork and handed it to Mark. He did the perfunctory cork sniffing, nodded his head in approval, and waited for the ‘tasting ritual’ One sip was all it took. Another nod of approval and the wine was poured into their glasses and the bottle re-corked and nested in the ice bucket next to the table. Cindy ran off to check on the appetizers.

  Mark raised his glass in a toast, “Here’s to a wonderful evening.”

  Wendy smiled and added, “Amen.”

  They clinked their glasses and took a mouthful of the wine. Mark was first to speak “This is really delicious. How long have you been drinking Riesling?”

  “About six or seven years. I mostly drink beer when I’m out with friends, but I like wine when the setting is more intimate. I’ve tried a few fad wines over the past several years, but I keep coming back to the Riesling.”

  “It’s a great choice. This is really mellow.” He picked up the bottle and showed her the label. “I won’t even try to pronounce the brand name. It must be German.”

  “I never heard of that brand either. There are many good ones on the market.”

  Cindy returned with a large platter. “We were out of the weenies so I doubled up on everything else to make up for it. Is that all right with you guys?”

  “That’ll be fine, Cindy. By the way, the wine is excellent.”

  “I’m glad you like it. It’s very popular here at Wellington. Well, you enjoy. If you need anything else, let me know.”

  Alone again, they started sampling the food. Everything was fresh and delicious.

  Mark decided that it was a good time to find out a little about the woman sitting opposite him. Earlier that week he resisted the temptation to use his background programs to probe into her past. Now he was glad he hadn’t done it. It would be more fun this way.

  “How long have you been with the Bureau?”

  “It will be five years in October. I joined right out of graduate school. I have no regrets. I like my fellow agents, all the support people and I really feel good about the work we do.”

  “I feel the same way, most of the time. I must admit, though, I do have some down days. Sometimes our goals seem so insurmountable, like no matter what we do the bad guys are always one step ahead of us. This drug thing is a good example of that. You must have had that feeling yourself, somewhere along the line.”

  “Well, yes, but fortunately, not very often. I had a bad spell a while back when my fiancé was killed in Iraq. We were childhood sweethearts. He was in the guard when he was called up. We were planning on getting married when he finished his tour. If it wasn’t for the support of everyone at work, I don’t know what I would have done. For a long while after that I wondered whether what I was doing really made any difference. One day I went into see Dennis with the intention of resigning. We talked for over two hours. He was so comforting and patient with me. He, most of all, helped me get over my grief. I never want to let him down.”

  Tears began to well up in her eyes as she spoke. She dabbed them with her napkin.

  “You probably know I had a similar situation when Susan Harrigan was killed. I wouldn’t have had anyone to comfort me if it wasn’t for the people I was working with. Dennis was there for me, too. I don’t have any family and Susan didn’t either. How about you, do you have family?”

  “Just a sister. She lives in Portland. I haven’t seen her in about six years. We exchange cards for the holidays and birthdays, but that’s the only contact we have. She’s a veterinarian and married to a corporate executive. She has a sizeable practice, if that’s what it’s called. From what I gather she doesn’t plan on having any children. Her life is totally devoted to helping animals.”

  “Well, I guess that’s where she feels fulfilled.
It’s good that there are people like her. From what I’ve been reading in the papers lately, animals are being mistreated left and right. I don’t understand how a person can be so cruel to helpless creatures.”

  “I know what you mean. That thing about training dogs to fight each other was just awful. On a more pleasant note, I took a moment out this afternoon to look at the bio on you that was passed around when you joined up. You have really impressive credentials.”

  “Thanks. They’re not really all that great.” He smiled as he added, “I’ve got a damn good PR man. Actually, I just had a few good breaks along the way and I love what I do. They say that’s half the battle.”

  She smiled as she drained her glass. Mark reached for the bottle and struggled with the cork. “Cindy must be a lot stronger than she looks. She practically reset the cork into the neck of the bottle.” He worked on the half inch that was exposed. It took ten twists to finally get it loose. He refilled their glasses and carefully replaced the cork just enough to seal the bottle.

  “You know, I think I’m a Riesling convert. This wine puts other whites to shame. Up until now I haven’t been exposed much to wine. When I’m not drinking beer I usually order a Rusty Nail or a Long Island Ice Tea.”

  “I’m glad you like it, Mark. It’s not overly expensive, either. As for the mixed drinks, I usually shy away from them. I get high to fast. Wine allows me to feel good a lot slower.”

  The evening was going well. They were both relaxed and enjoying one another’s company. Mark thought of it as a first date even though it was not officially planned as such. However, she did use the word “intimate” to define the occasions when she drank wine. In his mind that alone would qualify the evening as a date. He felt very relaxed with Wendy and not just because of the wine.


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