Dead To Rights_HZA, Vol. 4

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Dead To Rights_HZA, Vol. 4 Page 25

by Marty Brockschmidt

  Turk handed Tom a spotting scope. “Follow me up to the crows nest, let's see if we can spot their sniper and send a message of our own.”

  “What's the message?” Tom asked.

  Turk raised his rifle.“Your fuckin with the wrong people.”

  When the sniper fired and missed a third camera, Tom quickly spotted him atop a rise, near the True Believer camp. Tom pointed him out to Turk, who sent a round into the base of the mound, where the sniper lay prone. The sniper worked the bolt on his rifle, chambered another round, but before he could shoot, Turk sent another bullet at him, this time ripping in about halfway up the mound. Zachary could be seen coming up to the shooter and gesturing to him to shoot. Turk sent a third round this time digging it in, near Zachary's feet.

  Zachary and the sniper bolted off, Tom chuckled and turned to Turk. “Looks like they finally got the hint.”

  “I reckon, but we're still down two cameras and there's got to be a reason, they blinded us there.” Turk mused.

  Fearing an attack from the blindspot, caused by the shot out cameras, the group readied a response. The catapult was set into position and Will and Sam, camped out near the catapult. They set up a series of barricades to provide cover, made from picnic tables and benches. They didn't have long to wait, before the True Believers revealed their plan.

  The evening was cloudy, blocking the scant amount of moonlight and leaving the compound, shrouded in darkness. The only break in the blackness, was the True Believer searchlights panning back and forth, across the compound. Tom and his son Jimmy, were on perimeter patrol and had just passed Will and Sam's position, near the catapult.

  Jimmy stopped and turned to his father. “Dad, I heard you and Mom talking last night, is everything ok?”

  Tom looked at his son and considered his response, that one question conveyed so many possibilities. “Son, your Mom and I are good. I learned a long time ago, that your Mom is high strung and thinks about things too much. When things get tough, there is no one, other than her. that I'd rather have at my side. We might lose this place, but we'll make sure it comes at a high cost to that crew, out there.”

  Father and son were so absorbed in their conversation, they hadn't noticed that the searchlights had stopped panning and were now focused, in the direction of the two lost cameras. Those in the compound were blinded to what was happening, behind the lights. The report of a rifle and a bullet whizzing by Tom, urged him to action.

  “Jimmy, get down.” Tom ordered and then broadcast on the radio. “Everybody, keep your heads down. They've setup some kind of tower, to shoot over our wall.”

  Jimmy, curious as to what they've put up, peeked over the barricade. The attackers shot again. The bullet ripped through the top of the cowboy hat, the boy had picked up some months ago and wore ever since. Tom picked up the hat and examined the hole with his finger, an inch or so lower and his son would of been dead.

  “Will, you got a fix on them?” Tom barked.

  “I do, it looks to be a tripod with a single shooter at the top.” Will answered.

  “Can your catapult reach it?” Tom asked.

  “Yes. ... You sure you want to do this?” Will questioned.

  Tom, dangling Jimmy's hat from his finger through the bullet hole, answered. “Fry em.”

  Will and Sam had done enough test shots, with the catapult, that Will had a fair idea of his aim. Loading in one of their bombs made of homebrew napalm, they set the catapult and aimed it at the tripod tower. The charge landed at the base of the tripod and flames engulfed the men, supporting the structure. Those men burst into flames and their screams of pain, were soon joined by the shooter as he too fell into the blaze.

  In the True Believer camp, Clay Albright went up to Zachary. “Brother, send somebody to end those poor souls, or give me a weapon and I'll do it.”

  Zachary scowled and carefully made his way to his dying men. When he reached them, he drew his pistol and fired a round into the skull of each one, silencing their screams. Zachary walked a bit closer to the compound and with the flames still blazing behind him, raised his hand in a one finger salute.

  By midday, the clouds from the night before, had turned to rain. When they gathered for their evening meal, the rain had become a downpour. Turk fiddled with the sugar bowl, then turned to Will. “Will, did I ever tell you about the time, I was about your age and I walked around with a herd of deer in a storm like this, they never knew I was there.”

  Will had been around Turk long enough to know, that his stories always had a point. “You know those aren't deer, out there?”

  “Yeah it'll be easier, they'll be more concerned about stayin dry, than keepin watch.” Turk replied wryly.

  “Spill it lover, what scheme have you cooked up?” Red asked, trying to sound jovial, with a tremor of concern mixed in.

  “I just reckon that after their flop with the tower, that if we could sneak in and sabotage their genny, it would give them folks, somethin to ponder. Their noise and lights is supposed to throw us off, I reckon a quiet night in the dark, might have some of them folks pissin on themselves.” Turk answered, forcibly.

  The group agreed to the plan, yet encouraged Turk to take a minimum of risks. Turk took Will with him and each suited up with a poncho. The pair exited through the side gate and with the aid of a rope tied to a tree, scrambled down the rain slickened slope. They kept low as they passed the long trench, they had dug.

  When they got close to the True Believer encampment, Turk called a halt so they could look around and choose their way. The edge of the trench, was softened by the rain and Will stood too close. The ground began to give way and Turk was just able to pull the young man back, before he tumbled in. “Careful Will, these trenches are full of zeds, they'll rip you apart in seconds.”

  Crawling on their bellies, they moved past the end of the encampment and circled around the back. They saw only a couple of guards patrolling, heads kept down to keep the rain out of their eyes. The perimeter of the camp had zeds staked at intervals, but they were easy to slip past.

  Turk and Will were able to locate the generator, by the hum of its motor. Finding a guard posted at the generator, Turk crept up behind him, clasped one hand over his mouth to muffle him and pressed his forearm into the man's throat, until he passed out.

  While Will kept watch, Turk quickly went to work on the generator. First he loosened the oil drain plug, hoping the motor would overheat and seize up. As a backup he poured a goodly amount of sugar into the gas tank, to clog the filters. Within moments the pair were making their way back to the compound and just as they got back in through the side gate, the searchlights began to flicker and then suddenly went out.

  For the first time in days, silence descended on their compound. Prescott was the first to break that as he started to clap, in a slow rhythmic cadence, soon everyone in the compound joined in clapping faster and faster, until ending with a flourish.

  Tom and Tim watched the True Believer compound closely waiting for a reprisal, but the response they witnessed. shocked them both.

  Preacher Josiah exited the True Believer camp alone, with the exception of two fallen, that he led behind him. Carrying a lantern to find his way, he climbed up and over several of the dirt piles that separated his camp, from the compound below. Stopping at the point where the tower had been raised last evening, he staked down his two fallen, moved forward several paces and set his lantern on the ground. Raising one arm to the heavens and lifting a bullhorn to his lips with the other, he began:

  "He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.

  I will say of the LORD, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust.

  Surely he shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler, and from the noisome pestilence.

  He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shalt thou trust: his truth shall be thy shield and buckler.

  Thou shalt not be afraid for the te
rror by night; nor for the arrow that flieth by day.

  Nor for the pestilence that walketh in darkness; nor for the destruction that wasteth at noonday.

  A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; but it shall not come nigh thee.

  Only with thine eyes shalt thou behold and see the reward of the wicked.

  Because thou hast made the LORD, which is my refuge, even the most host High, thy habitation.

  There shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling.

  For he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways.

  They shall bear thee up in their hands, lest thou dash thy foot against a stone.

  Thou shalt tread upon the lion and adder: the young lion and the dragon shalt thou trample under feet.

  Because he hath set his love upon me, therefore will I deliver him: I will set him on high, because he hath known my name.

  He shall call upon me, and I will answer him: I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him, and honor him.

  With long life will I satisfy him, and shew him my salvation."

  Almost as if on cue the rain that had been so relentless all day long slowed and then stopped. When preacher Josiah finished the psalm he set the bullhorn down and then stood and outstretched both arms towards the sky.

  Tim looked at Tom. "What the hell is he waiting for?"

  "I have no idea. Maybe Abigail is right and he is sacrificing himself." Tom replied.

  "You want I should pop him? It's an easy enough shot and we could hold off any that come after him, until he turns." Tim questioned.

  Tom shook his head. "I'm not sure what I believe in anymore, but there is no way we are going to kill a fella, just for praying over us."

  The sun came out the following morning, but it couldn't lift the pall that had fallen over the True Believer camp. Zachary didn't have Josiah's way with words so he inspired with threats, blows and the oppression brought by the zealots. Zachary could read people and knew that another setback and most of these people were gone. They needed to end this and needed to end it soon.

  As Zachary pondered the situation Sister Ingrid, one of the two from the sisterhood that accompanied Delilah, came up to Zachary. "Brother, Sister Delilah has requested an audience with you, in her trailer."

  Zachary thought to himself that this was the last thing he needed, but on the other hand, it was time alone with Delilah. "I need to check on the status of our genny, let her know I'll be along directly."

  Rachel had given Delilah a timeline and they had nearly reached the end. Delilah was to make sure that Zachary was on board and Rachel had given her specific instructions. While waiting for Zachary to arrive, Delilah undressed and washed. She enhanced her natural beauty with a minimum of cosmetics and then liberally applied a pheromone laced perfume, Rachel had supplied her with. Finally, she dressed in a short red silk robe that clung to her naked body.

  Delilah had finished her preparations, just barely before Zachary arrived. After she invited him in, Delilah turned to close and then lock the trailer door. She turned around and leaned back against the door. She placed one leg slightly in front of the other, displaying her shapely legs, and placed her arms behind her, causing the robe to open slightly, giving him a view of her partially exposed breasts.

  "So how is it looking?" Delilah cooed, breaking the silence.

  Zachary had always been attracted to Delilah, few men weren't, but ever since he entered her trailer his arousal was nearly out of control. His pulse was racing and his breath came in ragged gasps, the smell of her perfume seemed to fog his brain and the only thing he could focus on was her breasts dancing under the robe. It finally sank in that Delilah had spoke, but he had no idea what she said, Zachary managed to croak out. "Huh?"

  "The generator Zachary, how is it looking?" Delilah repeated.

  "Its toast, them bastards did a number on it." Zachary stammered.

  "No matter, please take a seat." Delilah directed and motioned to a small couch that sat along the wall.

  Zachary took a seat on the couch as Delilah, slowly strolled across the room. Delilah took a seat next to Zachary, angled her body towards him and took a moment to smooth the robe out, over her thighs. Zachary followed the movements of her hands, drinking in the view of her supple legs. Not looking at him, Delilah began to speak. "Zachary, do you believe Josiah can take the compound?"

  Zachary shook his head emphatically. "No. All his delays, just let them prepare more. Every time we act, they have a response ready. Them folks are more experienced, than our rabble. We need to hit them hard and be done with it."

  Delilah slowly raised her head, brushed back a strand of her blonde hair, looked Zachary in the eye and took one of his hands in hers. An almost electric shock, ran through Zachary as he met her gaze. Delilah slowly caressed the back of his hand with her thumb, as she spoke. "Are you willing to follow the guidance of the Mother? If you are, than you and I will soon be leading the True Believers."

  Zachary nodded, not taking his eyes off of hers. "I am."

  Delilah sensually licked her lips. "Good. I need to recover Chloe tonight, she will be waiting to be extracted. Sister Ingrid and Sister Agnes will accompany me. I need you to arrange a diversion."

  Zachary tightened his grasp on her hand. "I can handle that, I got a few good men, loyal to me."

  Delilah leaned in, her lips bare inches from his. "Excellent. Tonight I will extract Chloe, then tomorrow you will take the compound."

  "I have a plan just for that" Zachary confided.

  "Very good. One more thing Josiah cannot return with us. As soon as he no longer serves any value, you must eliminate him." Delilah pressed.

  Zachary raised his free hand and pulled her head closer to his and whispered. “I can do that.”

  Delilah allowed him to kiss her, but when he freed his hand from hers and slipped it into her robe to fondle a breast, Delilah grabbed his thumb and twisted his hand, hard. Zachary winced and pulled his hand from her grasp. Delilah pointed to the exposed, perfect, breast. “Not so fast Brother, this will not be yours, until you've conquered the compound and eliminated Josiah.”

  Abigail had sensed a change in Chloe's behavior, all day. Chloe seemed nervous and fidgety, causing Abigail to ask. “Chloe, are you alright?”

  Chloe merely responded with her standard blank stare and a shrug of her shoulders. Abigail decided to keep her concerns to herself. Perhaps Chloe was just picking up on the general mood of the compound. At first the stillness from the True Believer camp had been a relief, but as time went on the tenseness brought by thoughts of a reprisal, was palpable.

  At midday. Red and Lizzie were stationed atop the roller coaster, keeping watch on the enemy camp. The only activity, was from the man they recognized as Zachary. When he first came into view, he could be seen yelling and cuffing a couple of men. A women measurably shorter than Zachary, came up to him and left, after a brief conversation. Turk had generated a map of the camp from his visit the night before, so Red knew that Zachary's next stop, was the generator. Red was unable to see who Zachary was talking to, but Zachary again appeared very agitated, gesturing vehemently and shouting.

  Zachary moved on to a small trailer and knocked on the door. Red was unable to see who answered, but kept a watch on the trailer, waiting for Zachary to exit. It was the better part of a half hour, before Zachary came back out, flexing his hand, but otherwise was smiling and looked relaxed. He walked over to a pair of men, clapped them on the back and guided them back to another trailer. The men had not exited the trailer by the time Sue and Arianna came to relieve Red and Lizzie.

  Red left Lizzie at their commons building and went to the security building, where most of the men were gathered in the office, trying to guess at the True Believer's next move.

  “Turk, you still think they'll attack tonight?” Jeff asked.

  “I think there buildin up to somethin. They no longer have the advantage of t
heir search lights and noise. Most of their people have got to be thinkin, 'is this it? We are just going to camp here?' Whoever is in charge, has got to do somethin to gain some momentum.” Turk responded.

  Red cleared her throat, to get the men's attention. “Lizzie and I have spent the last few hours, watching Zachary run around that camp, stirring people up and right now, he and some of his men are closeted away doing exactly what we're doing, figuring out their next move.”

  They've already been on high alert for several days and the stress of that, was starting to show. Even the normally good natured Margo, was snapping out at senseless things. So with a slight increase to their numbers on patrol, anyone not currently active was ordered to get some rest. A couple of hours past midnight, Miri came in from patrol as her husband and son, were heading out. Miri gave Jackson a quick hug and a thumbs up and then gave Jeff a peck on the cheek and whispered. “I wish they'd just fucking get it over with, already.”


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