The Devil's Curve: a Back Down Devil MC romance novel

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The Devil's Curve: a Back Down Devil MC romance novel Page 5

by Jaxson Kidman

  Reese studied the way she talked to Parker. The way she crouched to get a clipboard and showed whatever to Parker. The strange part was that there were women almost completely naked behind him, yet his attention was locked on a woman fully clothed.

  “You okay there, VP?”

  Reese turned his head and nodded. “I’m good, brother.”

  Jason put his almost empty beer bottle on the bar and turned, leaning against it. “The new girl is pretty sexy. Looks young. Innocent. But the way she moves those hips… fuck.”


  “Brett’s got her locked in though.”

  “Where’s Hawk?”

  “Still with that other one. I’ve had Starla giving me the eyes but I’m not in the mood. Prez wants us to keep a close eye on things. He’s worried about something.”

  “I haven’t heard anything,” Reese said.

  “What are we here for?”

  “Meeting with Jefferson.”

  “Need me to rough him up a little?” Jason asked with a gleam in his eye.

  “Maybe, brother,” Reese said. He stuck his fingers into his mouth and whistled to get Parker’s attention. “Two more. On the house.”

  Parker glanced over at Josie. She looked right to Reese and there was a moment when all time stopped. She then gave a nod, okaying the free drinks, and walked away.

  Even if she said they weren’t free, Reese wasn’t going to pay. Face it, if it weren’t for him and the club, the place wouldn’t have been standing. Jefferson once got his ass into so much debt that the strip club had been rigged to be blown up. And the plan had been to do it with the place packed with people. The MC had been able to figure out who was doing it, stop it, and get Jefferson out of his debts.

  “What’s your take on this shit with the badges?” Jason asked.

  Parker came over, put the two beers down and walked away. Reese grabbed his and stood up.

  “I think we need to look at what’s happening and prepare ourselves,” Reese said. “Can’t ignore the obvious. Someone has it hard for the club. Not just our charter. The entire club. Taking us down isn’t easy and I don’t think it can ever happen. Outlaws find a way to survive. Running with the lost men until you find a new patch. Whatever it is, we’ll get through it. Just have to be smart.”

  “I hear that, brother,” Jason said. “Just know that whatever happens, I’ve got your back. And you’ve got my vote.”

  “Meaning what?”

  “Just whatever happens,” Jason said. “I trust your vision.”

  “We have a President, brother. We need to trust his vision.”

  “Yeah, I know that. Sometimes things don’t always add up. Clubs end up arguing over shit.”

  “That’s the point,” Reese said. “That’s why we vote.”

  Reese saw Brett standing at the stage, hands on it, staring up at the new girl. Her hips moved in a way that made Reese think of Josie. But since Josie was nowhere to be found…

  He walked toward the stage. There were a handful of customers sitting and enjoying the show. The music was louder, the bass turned way up, thumping so hard it rattled your heart in your chest. Two other girls were on stage now too. Ariel and Amber. They were called the A twins because of their names and because of their chest size. Funny part was that even though their chests weren’t like that of, say, Starla, they could move and flirt with the best, sucking men in with their innocent and pouty lips.

  At the stage, Reese put his right hand out for the new girl to take.

  She looked at Brett then at Reese.

  “You taking her, VP?” Brett asked.

  “Show her the ropes,” Reese said. “Make sure she understands how this all works.”

  “Have at it,” Brett said.

  He quickly pointed from the stage to the ground, telling the new girl what to do without saying a word to her. She climbed off the stage as Reese held her hand. She was really short, topless, looking delicious.

  Reese stared down at her. Standing behind her was Brett.

  “You like this, don’t you, sweetheart?” Reese asked.

  “Not sure. How much money do you have?”

  Reese laughed. He reached up and touched her cheek. “Do you know who the fuck I am?”

  “I do.”

  “Then you know I don’t pay.”

  She swallowed hard. “Okay.”

  “What’s your name?”


  “Your real name.”


  Reese nodded, already knowing that from when Josie told him. He just wanted to mess with her - make her nervous. From the corner of his eye, he saw Josie coming out from the back on the other side of the club.

  “Come for a walk with me,” Reese said.

  He took Anna’s hand and walked, knowing damn well that Josie saw him.

  The whole flirty and jealousy thing was fun. No commitment. No attachment. And plus, when Reese first walked into the club, he could look right into Josie’s pretty hazel eyes and see something that made him feel alive. And when he did this shit - like holding Anna’s hand and walking extra slowly just to piss Josie off - her hazel eyes would somehow change to be something darker. Like a sexy rage that made Reese grin.

  The intentions Reese had with Anna didn’t mean shit because it was just need. Enjoyment. Like throwing back a shot. You didn’t fall in love with the shot. You fell in love with the whiskey, the taste, the way it made you feel. And some drinks were better than others. But either way, they all got you drunk.

  Just as Reese got to the back, out came Hawk, fixing his jeans. Caramel was right behind him and she stopped, putting her hand to Reese’s chest.

  “You don’t need to fool around with the newbie,” Caramel said in a sultry voice.

  “Nah,” Reese said. “I’m going-”

  Reese saw Levi. He pointed to Jefferson’s office.

  Reese let Anna’s hand go.

  “Where are you going?” she asked.

  Reese glanced back, grinning with a cocky look. “I have to go to work, sweetheart. I’ll see you later.”

  Reese caught up to Levi and they burst into the office.

  Jefferson jumped up from his chair, grabbing a remote to turn off the TV.

  “Guys,” Jefferson said. “What’s happening?”

  Sweat already started to drip down Jefferson wrinkly, thick forehead.

  He stuck a hand out, but Levi and Reese just stood there.

  “What can I do for you?” Jefferson asked.

  “Just checking on the books,” Reese said. “Making sure everyone is happy. Healthy.”

  “Naked,” Levi said. “Paying up.”

  “Right,” Jefferson said. “I owe you guys some money, don’t I?” Jefferson slapped his forehead. “Shit. Fuck me, right? I always forget the fifteenth of the month.”

  Reese nodded. “It happens.”

  “I can cut you a check,” Jefferson said. “I don’t have actual cash on hand.”

  “A check,” Levi said. “So, I can take it to the bank? Tell them it’s my shake down pussy money?”

  Jefferson laughed. “You’re funny, Levi.”

  Reese moved forward and put a hand to the desk. Jefferson stiffened.

  “What hand do you jerk off with?” Reese asked.


  “Answer the question.”

  “What is this…”

  Levi reached for his gun. “Jefferson…”

  “Jesus Christ, okay. My right hand. I’m a righty.”

  “Okay,” Reese said. “I want to help you.”

  “You want to jerk me off?” Jefferson asked and laughed.

  Reese and Levi didn’t laugh at all.

  But Reese moved fast. He threw a quick punch, hitting Jefferson in the nose. He then snatched Jefferson’s right wrist and forced his hand down to the desk.

  “What are you doing?” Jefferson asked, his eyes filled with tears.

  “I’m going to cut the number fifteen into yo
ur hand. With my knife. So, when you jerk off… and you go to wipe your hand, you’ll be reminded to fucking pay us on time.”

  “Holy shit, Reese,” Jefferson said. “Okay, okay. Damn. I’m a little late this month.”

  “The last six months,” Levi said.

  “Hey, this business is tough. I keep my girls happy. I keep a good customer experience. This isn’t some dive place. Okay?”

  Reese took out his knife and slowly lowered the tip down to Jefferson’s hand.

  He started to breath heavily, trying to pull his wrist away.

  “Help me, Levi,” Jefferson said. “We go way back.”

  “We do go way back,” Levi said. “And what I know is that you’re a scumbag. You make a buck and spend three. And now you’re fucking with my club.”

  “I’m not. I’m not. I’m just a little behind. I don’t deserve to be cut.”

  “You’re right,” Reese said. But he didn’t take the knife away. “You deserve to be shot. So, cutting this reminder into your hand is a favor.”

  “Please, no, come on.”

  Reese pressed the tip of the blade into Jefferson’s hand.

  The door blasted open and Hawk stood there. “We got a problem, Prez.”

  “What’s that?” Levi growled.

  “Badges are here… looking for trouble.”

  It was a fucking mess.

  Reese stepped out of Jefferson’s office to see a handful of police officers running through the strip club with their guns drawn, shouting orders. Parker stood behind the bar, hands up, eyes wide. The girls on stage quickly covered their bare chests and just froze, unsure what to do. Brett and Jason were pressed up against the bar at the stage, their lives threatened. Hawk started to move toward them when another officer ordered him to stand still.

  “What the fuck is this?” Reese asked Levi.

  “Not sure,” Levi said. “Hey, Jefferson, what did you do here?”

  “I don’t know,” Jefferson said. “This is you. You did this. Your MC.”

  Reese saw Harvey moving through the mess of people. When Harvey spotted Reese, he drew his gun and came charging at him.

  “Turn around!” Harvey ordered in his aged voice.

  He and Winston were the old timers with the police. They understood more about the town than anyone else. While time pushed it forward into some cliché suburban bullshit life, Winston and Harvey had always been willing to work with the club. They were from back in the early days of the MC, when charters were forming around the original outlaw idea.

  Harvey pushed Reese and said, “Don’t fuck around right now.”

  “What the hell are you doing here?” Levi asked.

  “Colt ordered it.”

  “Of course he did,” Reese said. “Prick.”

  “What right does he have?” Jefferson asked.

  “Confidential,” Harvey said.

  Reese turned around and faced off with Harvey. “Bullshit. You can’t just bust in here without cause.”

  “Cause?” Harvey asked. “Weapons. Prostitution.”

  “Garbage charges,” Jefferson said. “He’s shaking me down.”

  “Punishing us,” Levi said.

  “Just your friendly heads up,” Harvey said as he backed up a few steps.

  “Heads up would have been a call, in advance,” Reese said.

  “Didn’t have time. My advice? You clear out and if I take your guys in, I’ll let you know.”

  Reese didn't like that. He didn’t like leaving anyone behind.

  “Listen to me,” Levi said. “Jefferson. Get out there and deal with the badges. Kiss their ass and be as smooth as you can fucking be. Reese, you and me, we’ll sneak out the back and get to the clubhouse. We’ll round up Zac and Ellis to figure out our next step. We’ll send prospects to survey the area and see what happens.”

  “Fuck that,” Reese said. “Prez, we can’t leave our guys.”

  “No choice,” Levi said. “They’re good. Brett, Jason, and Hawk are smart.”

  Reese broke away as the police had everyone standing, hands behind their heads.

  He walked through the back area of the club, hating that he and Levi were going to leave. But Levi was right. They could regroup at the clubhouse and figure out what triggered this bullshit.


  The voice went through him like fire.

  He turned and saw Josie running toward him, carrying a black bag.

  “Josie… what are you doing?”

  “Take this, please.”


  “Please, Reese.”

  “What is this?”

  “Listen to me. Starla gave me some stuff. I found it on her this morning and she got mad. Whatever. I can tell you everything later. Please listen to me. You have to take this bag.”

  “Drugs,” Reese said. “Jesus Christ, Josie. Fucking badges are running through here and you’re handing me a bag of drugs?”

  “It’s my bag, Reese,” she said. “But there’s stuff in there. I can’t have it fall on Starla or me.”

  Reese looked to the storage places for the other girls. “And the others?”

  “I don’t know. I can try to go through them before they all come back here.”

  “Don’t do that,” Reese said. “You’ll end up in jail. I’ll take the bag.”

  Reese took it off her and Josie slid both of her hands to his wrists and squeezed. “Thank you, Reese.”

  “Don’t worry about it, sweetheart,” he said.

  They each lingered for a moment before Josie took her hands away and slipped away.

  Reese clutched the bag, gritting his teeth, realizing what had just happened. This favor was an invitation to see Josie again. Probably outside of the strip club. If anything, she’d have to come to the clubhouse to get her bag back.

  And that meant nothing but trouble.

  He barreled out the back door and found Levi already on his motorcycle, ready to go.

  “Nice purse,” Levi called out. He throttled his ride and started to go.

  Reese quickly threw the bag over his shoulder. Thankfully, it wasn’t actually a purse. But it definitely didn’t look all that outlawish.

  They rode back to the clubhouse as planned. When they got inside, Levi went right to work, calling out orders. He sent Ellis and Zac down to the police station to wait and see if Brett, Jason, and Hawk were going to be taken in. He had Luca gather up a handful of prospects to send down to the strip club to keep an eye on things. Then he said he was going to call the lawyer and have him ready to go, in case something happened.

  It was all so quick that in a matter of minutes, Reese found himself alone in the clubhouse. It wasn’t a great feeling when the clubhouse was this silent. Because when everyone was out there, it meant trouble. It was no surprise that Colt would come after the strip club and the MC at the same time. Even if he made up bogus charges that everyone would slip out of, it was pretty simple that it was a clear warning from Colt. The question then would be what Winston would do since he was Colt’s superior. Chances were that Winston would be stopping by the clubhouse soon, with his tail between his legs, to apologize for his wild puppy dog of a deputy and his actions.

  That was okay though. That would give the MC more leverage over Winston.

  The issue now was that they still had to collect their keep from Jefferson. He was a dirty pig who floated more money than he knew how to keep up with. The guy was a master at somehow moving the same five bucks through a hundred people, leaving them all feeling as though they got paid.

  Reese tossed the black bag onto a pool table. He went to the bar and had a prospect give him a beer. Back at the pool table, he sipped the beer and decided to check the bag. Josie gave it to him, so fuck it, right?

  He wanted to see the drugs and figure out where they came from. DRM was known for pushing drugs, but if they tried doing it right in town, that was the spark of a war they couldn’t win. Now, the trickier part was if the runners were doing it. That wo
uld be a knife to the back of the MC.

  “Another war,” Reese whispered to himself.

  Funny part though, he wasn’t sure what war he cared about more. The badges sweeping through the MC. The tension with DRM. The possibility of the runners messing around behind the club’s back.

  Or the war that waged with Josie and her heart.

  Reese laughed and shook his head.

  He opened the black bag and shuffled through the contents. Typical Josie, everything was a mess. She could never keep a single thing organized, not even if her life depended on it. There were notebooks and pens, napkins with notes and phone numbers scribbled on them. Reese got pissed at himself when he felt a little jealousy, wondering if the numbers were from other guys.

  When he found the large bag with the little baggies on the inside, he put that on the pool table and stared.

  He sighed and wondered why the hell Josie didn’t tell him about this sooner. And if any of the other girls at the strip club were messing with this, it was a big problem. But this bag didn’t look like someone looking for a good time. This was someone moving or selling. Which meant Starla had a real big problem and needed to do some explaining. And she’d have to do it in front of the MC.

  Reese swallowed hard. He opened the bag again, wanting to make sure he didn’t miss any of this stuff. He didn’t want to give the bag back to Josie with anything in it that could compromise her.

  There were no more drugs, which was a good thing.

  But at the bottom of the bag, Reese found something else.

  Something that shocked the hell out of him.

  He did a double take - then checked again - before taking it out of the bag.

  “Holy shit,” he whispered to himself.

  It was a positive pregnancy test.

  Chapter Six

  Keep the music on.

  That was Jefferson’s command after the cops were done sniffing around the club. The good thing was that they wanted nothing to do with the girls. They wanted the MC. They wanted to rattle Jefferson enough so that he’d either cut ties with the MC or he would start spilling secrets. Which wasn’t all that bad of a move. It was a strategy that Josie had seen when she was younger.

  Josie asked Jefferson if he just wanted to close and regroup. He made it very clear that he owed money to the MC and that nothing could shut this place down.


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