Candace C. Bowen - A Knight Series 02

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Candace C. Bowen - A Knight Series 02 Page 6

by A Knight of Battle

  “I would like nothing better, yet I fear the supper offerings shall be scant if I do.”

  “Then I shall bring you a sampling of what you will be missing.”

  “Thank you, Sir Albin.” She stood staring after him for some time before she reluctantly turned back to her task.

  Deep in thought, she did not hear Sir Talan address her until he spoke again. “I hope I am not interrupting.”

  “Sir Talan, please forgive me.” Lecie looked up with a start. “I did not hear you come in.”

  Dressed in charcoal breeches, a black tunic bearing the Erlegh coat of arms and black leather boots, Sir Talan’s soulful blue eyes brightened as he smiled. “My apologies if I started you. I was merely wondering if Sir Albin has departed.”

  “Aye, he has indeed.” She returned his smile. “He left a few moments ago with the children.”

  “Then after I pay a call upon the sheriff, I shall meet up with him in the village.” Talan’s gaze darted towards the common room. “I have not seen Hamon about this morn. Has he left for the square as well?”

  “Hamon?” Puzzled by his intent to visit the sheriff, it took Lecie a moment to respond. “He left early this morn with Gunilda to set up the ale stand.”

  “Shall he be remaining there for the duration of the day?”

  “It is expected of him.” Lecie’s curiosity got the better of her. “Is there aught amiss that you plan on visiting with the sheriff, Sir Talan?”

  “Not at all,” Talan replied visibly relaxing. “I am escorting Mylla to the festival.”

  “Oh, I see.” Lecie instantly brightened at the news. “If that is the case, I have no doubt a few of her brothers will be joining you as well.”

  “No doubt, we shall have a full escort.” Talan chuckled. “Shall we look for you later at the festival?”

  “As much as I would like to go, I cannot. Hamon shall send Joseph should there be a need to replenish the ale.” Scooping vegetables into the cook pot, Lecie returned her gaze to him. “Please extend my greetings to Mylla. It has been quite some time since I have seen her last.”

  “I shall,” Talan replied with a dip of his head as he departed. “I am sure she will be as disappointed as the rest of us that you will not be able to join in the festivities.”

  “Perhaps next year I will be able to sneak away for a bit.” Swinging the cook pot over the fire, she called in parting, “Enjoy the day with your lady fair.”

  Happy for her childhood friend, Lecie smiled as she heard Sir Talan whistle a merry tune as he passed through the garden.

  Her thoughts on Albin as she lost herself to her task she did not hear the back door open behind her.

  Adding more wood to the hearth, she yelped in fear when a muscular male arm reached past her to swing the cook pot away from the spitting fire. “Sir Albin, what are you about?”

  “I have come to rescue the fairest maiden these weary eyes have ever beheld.”

  “Have you now?” Half believing he was jesting with her, her voice faltered. “And what is it you are rescuing me from?”

  “Yourself, lass. You work too hard.”

  “Do I?” she managed in a breathless whisper.

  “Aye, you do.”

  “How did you manage to escape from the children to come back for me?”

  “I ran into Leofrick who promised to keep an eye on them until I returned with you. They are to meet us by the booth after the puppet show.” Extending his arm to her, he gazed into her searching eyes. “Would you make a liar out of me, Lecie?”

  “You truly wish to escort me to the festival?”

  “Nothing would please me more.”

  “There is so much yet to do.” Lecie absently wiped her hands on a rag as she lost herself to his gaze.

  “If need be, I shall lend assist with a batch of scorched rolls for anyone wishing to dine this eve.”

  “I would so like to go with you.” Lecie hesitated. “Yet I have never before shirked my duty to the inn.”

  “Lecie, do you honestly believe the villagers will starve if you were to step away for a well deserved break?”

  “Mayhap not,” she admitted. “Besides, I am sure by the end of the day they will be leaning more towards drink than victuals.”

  “Then why are we tarrying here arguing when we can be enjoying the festival together?” Reaching his arms around her waist, he untied the apron at her back. Balling it up, he threw it over his shoulder where it landed on the table.

  A tingle surged through her as his arms lightly grazed her hips as he stepped back. “Would you give me a moment to refresh myself?”

  “Aye, I can and will.” Albin smiled. “Take all the time you need.”

  Rushing up the steps, Lecie nearly knocked Betta off her feet as she exited one of the chambers.

  “Lord of mercy. Where is the fire, Lecie?”

  “Sir Albin has asked to escort me to the festival.” Out of breath, she scooped up the soiled sheets Betta dropped. “Would you mind overmuch to keep an eye on the cook pot when you finish up here? The trenchers and rolls have been seen to.”

  “Have no fear, I shall see to everything.” Betta reached out to pat Lecie on the arm. “It is good to see you so animated again. Enjoy yourself at the festival.”

  “You shall have a day of leisure all to yourself for this,” Lecie called as she hurried to her loft.

  Slipping into a fresh kirtle of deep green, she ran a comb through her silken tresses leaving her hair unbound. Pinching her cheeks for a spot of color, she hastened down the steps only slowing to take a few deep breaths near the bottom.

  Albin stood from his perch on a stool before the bar as she approached. “You look beautiful, lass.”

  “Thank you.” Blushing to the roots of her hair, Lecie gestured with a trembling hand towards the door. “Shall we depart?”

  Falling into pace with the crowd heading towards the center of the village, Lecie’s heart raced each time Albin would lightly clasp her arm to assist her around horse dung or deep ruts in the hard-packed dirt road.

  With his hand resting at the small of her back, he guided her through the milling crowds packing the square, towards the ale booth.

  “Mylla,” Lecie called excitedly when she spotted her friend standing beside Sir Talan.

  “Lecie.” Mylla rushed over to hug her. “Sir Talan said you would not be coming today.”

  “It appears Sir Albin had other ideas,” Lecie replied with a smile. “And I am so very glad he did.”

  “As am I,” Albin spoke softly from behind her as he paused to clasp Talan’s arm. “Have you been here long?”

  “Long enough,” Talan replied cryptically with a nod towards Hamon as he passed out ale and collected coin in the booth.

  “Is something amiss, Sir Albin?” Confused by their somber manner, Lecie broke off her conversation with Mylla.

  “Nothing that you need to concern yourself with,” Albin leaned close to speak low. “You are to enjoy yourself. Will you and your friend excuse us for a moment? Talan and I have something of import to discuss.”

  “Aye, of course,” Lecie agreed. “Take your time.”

  Her brow furrowed in thought as she watched them walk a short distance away, Lecie turned back to Mylla. “Did Sir Talan mention anything untoward prior to our arrival?”

  “No, not at all.” Mylla shook her head. “He merely said he needed to speak to Albin and told Edmund and Caine we would wait here while they visited the armourer’s tent to have their swords sharpened.”

  “I wondered where your escort had gone off to.” Lecie smiled despite a niggling feeling in the pit of her stomach. “It is not like your Da to send you off without at least one of your brothers by your side.”

  “Speaking of which.” Mylla reached out to take Lecie's hand. “How is your Da?”

  “I fear he grows weaker by the day.” Lecie averted her gaze to Albin’s back where he stood a short way off in deep conversation with Talan. “I do not expect him to see th
e first snowfall.”

  “I am sorry Lecie.” Gently squeezing her hand, Mylla recaptured her full attention. “We shall always be here for you.”

  “I know that.” Changing the subject, she tilted her head towards the men. “So when shall I be expecting a betrothal announcement?”

  Blushing, Mylla smiled shyly as she glanced back at Talan. “Not soon enough, I fear.”

  “What do you mean?”

  A shadow darkened Mylla’s bright blue eyes as she sighed. “Do you remember when I told you about meeting the king’s itinerant justice when I was in London?”

  “I do. You said he was an elder filled with arrogance and overly bold in his attentions towards you.” Lecie glanced between Talan and Mylla as the situation became clear to her. “Are you saying you believe Justice de Glanville will offer for you?”

  “It is what I fear most,” Mylla admitted. “He has made many unexpected calls upon my father since we met and always insists upon my being present.”

  “Oh, Mylla.” Lecie’s heart sank for her friend at the implications. “He is a powerful man with the ear of the king himself. He will not take kindly to being denied your hand.”

  “You tell me nothing I do not already know, Lecie.”

  “So why does not Sir Talan marry you to thwart Justice de Glanville’s plans?”

  “My father will not entertain the idea. He feels the justice will take offense, as he has all but stated his intentions towards me.”

  “The man sounds vile. Surely your father would not force you to marry him?”

  “What choice does he have, Lecie? One negative word to the king and my father loses the only livelihood he has ever known.”

  “So your happiness is to be sacrificed.” Wiping away a stray tear, Lecie swallowed hard. “It is not fair.”

  “Talan said not to fear, as he would not let me go so easily.” Mylla forced a bright smile. “I am placing my trust in him.”

  “It is well deserved. He is one of the most honorable men I have ever met and it is quite evident that he loves you.”

  “I would say the same for Albin.” Mylla smoothly changed the subject. “I have never seen a man so in love.”

  “What do you mean?” Daring to hope, Lecie darted a glance towards Albin and caught him looking at her. Sharing a smile, she turned back to Mylla. “You think Sir Albin is in love with me?”

  “Do not you think it obvious also?”

  “No, I do not.” Confused, Lecie slightly shook her head. “Why do you think it is so obvious?”

  “Well for one, he cannot stop looking at you. Every time he thinks you are not looking, he stares at you.”

  “Mylla, you jest.”

  “I most certainly do not,” Mylla assured her with a smile. “It is not only that, it is the way he looks at you.”

  “How does he look at me?” Catching her breath, Lecie anxiously waited for Mylla to respond.

  “He looks at you with such a yearning my heart almost breaks for him.”

  “I never knew or dreamt it to be possible.” Lecie slightly shook her head. “I had only hoped. Are you certain?”

  “With four older brothers, I can most certainly tell when one of them is besotted. Well, except for Edmund that is. His only love seems to be following in Da’s footsteps.”

  “I so want to believe you.” Sneaking a peek at Albin, Lecie felt flushed and warm all over.

  “Sir Talan has even remarked how Sir Albin seems to be conflicted where you are concerned. Cannot you see it for yourself?”

  “There were times in the past I thought he cared as much as I for him, yet he always managed to leave me wondering if it was something I had imagined.”

  “Well there is no imagining the way he is looking at you right this moment,” Mylla spoke behind her hand. “He is a man in love if ever I have seen one.”

  Lecie abruptly glanced over her shoulder to catch Albin’s intense gaze focused on her. She stood mesmerized by the look of longing on his face until with a start he realized she caught him staring at her.

  Abruptly dipping his head to her, he clasped Talan’s shoulder to guide him into the stream of people moving off in the opposite direction.

  “See what I mean? It is almost as if he is afraid of me.” Turning back to Mylla, Lecie froze at the look of dismay on her friend’s face. “Mylla, what is it?’

  “Ah, fortune has indeed favored me this day.”

  Lecie’s gaze shifted to the elder portly man garbed all in black with the king’s crest emblazoned on his tunic approaching them through the crowd. Doffing his black velvet cap, his full lower lip jutted out as he appraised Mylla with dark shifty eyes.

  “My lord justice, what an unexpected visit.” Lowering her eyes, Mylla shifted uneasily.

  Passing his cap to his harried young clerk, Justice de Glanville searched the crowd around them. “You are in public without escort?”

  “I am with my brothers, Leofrick, Edmund and Caine as well as Sir Talan, my lord justice.” Mylla’s voice was barely above a whisper, causing Justice de Glanville to step closer. “They are all nearby.”

  “Sir Talan?” Justice de Glanville’s graying brows drew together in a frown. “He is a Knight to the disgraced Baron Erlegh, is he not?”

  “He is, my lord justice.”

  “What business does he have in escorting you here?”

  The look of panic in Mylla’s eyes had Lecie scanning the crowd for some sight of Albin or Talan to rescue them from the man’s vile presence.

  “Sir Talan is a friend of my brother Leofrick’s, my lord justice.”

  “I see.” With narrowed eyes, he finally acknowledged Lecie’s presence. “And who might you be?”

  Calmly meeting the arrogant man’s gaze, Lecie’s mouth felt dry. “I am Lecie, my lord justice. My father owns the local inn.”

  “You have very unusual eyes, almost golden.” Without breaking his intense stare, he called his clerk forward. “What say you about this woman’s eyes, Roger?”

  Lecie shared a startled glance with Mylla before meeting the clerk’s appraising gaze.

  “The witch drowned by your command last winter boasted eyes like this woman’s, my lord justice.”

  “I thought as much myself.” Justice de Glanville’s smile was chilling as he reached out to grip Lecie’s chin with soft pudgy fingers. “What was your mother’s given name?”

  “Elena, my lord justice,” Lecie managed in a trembling voice. “We lost her in childbirth several years past.”

  “In that case, perhaps the witch was a distant kin of yours.” Dropping his hand, he refocused his attention on Mylla. “I am passing through on orders from the king and cannot tarry overlong. It is fortuitous that I ran into you as I have only time to pass a message on to your father.”

  “What would that message be, my lord justice?”

  Seeing Mylla close to tears, Lecie wrapped an arm around her waist to lend her support.

  Justice de Glanville took note of it with narrowed eyes. “Inform your father that once I conclude my business to the west of here, I plan on calling upon him. It would please me much that you do not present yourself in public with any non-relation until then.”

  “Shall I tell him it has to do with the king’s business, my lord justice?”

  “You may tell him it has to do with you, dear Mylla.” Reaching out, he lifted Mylla’s slender hand to his thick lips. “I shall make all haste so as not to keep you waiting overlong for my return.”



  Talan’s voice had Mylla pulling her hand away from Justice de Glanville to step back. “Sir Talan, you have returned.”

  Stepping slightly in front of Talan to block his view of Justice de Glanville, Albin addressed Lecie. “We apologize for keeping you ladies waiting so long.” Briefly dipping his head to the justice he added, “What an unexpected surprise to find you in Rochester, my lord justice.”

  “I would say the same goes for you, Sir Albin.” Puffing
his slight chest out he stared up at Albin who stood a full head above him. “Last I heard it was Baron Erlegh’s duty to see to the tower construction.”

  “Indeed it is,” Albin agreed. “Only he and his lady have recently welcomed a daughter into the world so I am standing in his stead for a time.”

  “I see.” Craning his head around Albin’s broad chest, Justice de Glanville pinned Talan with his gaze. “What business do you have in Rochester?”

  “It is where my liege wishes me to be,” Talan shot back. His hand involuntarily flexing it moved towards the hilt of his sword.

  Her eyes wide with fright, Lecie caught Albin’s gaze to point the action out to him.

  Blocking Talan completely, Albin bowed to the justice. “My lord justice, if you will excuse us, we have promised to take the ladies to see the mimes and the show is about to begin.”


  “I do so wish to see them,” Lecie spoke in a nervous trill.

  “And so you shall.” Extending his arm, Albin presented it to Lecie. “Shall we depart, Talan?”

  Offering his arm to Mylla, Talan jerked his head in the justice’s direction. “My lord justice.”

  His face a mottled red, the justice was about to speak when Mylla captured his attention by dipping into a quick curtsy. “I shall pass your message along to my father, my lord justice.”

  “Easy, lass,” Albin whispered when Lecie attempted to flee the presence of the vile man. “Give me a smile and stroll with me.”

  “What if he stops us?”

  “He would never create a scene in such a place.”

  “How do you know?”

  “Justice de Glanville has a close acquaintanceship with a baron well known to me. Men of their ilk prefer aiming at the backs of their enemies, not facing them head on.”

  “He is as vile as I thought him to be.” Inhaling a deep calming breath, Lecie pasted a smile on her face and gently squeezed his arm in thanks. “You could not have come at a more opportune time.”

  “Had I known he was in town, I would not have left you at all.”

  Once they were out of sight of the justice, Talan turned back to them with a grim look. “I think it best if I were to return Mylla home.”


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