Polar Opposites

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Polar Opposites Page 16

by Ariana McGregor

He snorted. “Then you hang around too many idiots. I’d be happy to have you around me, Sara, and any cubs we have.” He frowned. “But first, we have to find Sara.”

  She smiled at him, leaning in briefly for another hug. “I’m glad Sara has you. The two of you really are perfect for each other.”

  “You don’t think we’re too different?” he asked as they walked to his car.

  “No. Your differences complement each other. It’s actually pretty cool.”

  He sent off a quick text to Alex, telling him about their hunch, and then they were driving. Worry gnawed at him. Sara had to be okay, she just had to.

  Although it seemed like an eternity, it wasn’t long until they were pulling up a short distance from where Felix had found Kara. The scent of skunk had faded a little, but was still strong enough to sting his eyes. His lion grumbled in protest.

  His eyes found Sara lying on the ground a short distance from where Ryan worked to gain entrance to the boarded-up house. She was so still. He breathed a sigh of relief as she stirred slightly, her movements slow and groggy.

  “Stay here,” he whispered to Kara. She nodded at him, eyes wide.

  Before he could move, the slight breeze changed direction and Ryan’s head snapped up, obviously having scented them. As soon as he spotted Felix, he stripped off his shirt and shoved down his jeans, preparing to shift.

  Felix swore. He was too far away. There was no way he’d get there before Ryan completed his shift. He quickly pulled off his own clothes, preparing to unleash his lion. This wasn’t a fight he would easily win. Polar bear versus lion. The odds were not in his favour, but for Sara, he would do it anyway.

  “Felix,” Kara said. Her face was chalk white, and she was shaking. “You can’t take on a polar bear.”

  “I have no choice,” he told her. “Feel free to shift and join in.” At her look of horror, he sighed. “You are strong and capable, Kara. You just need to remember that. Sara and I accept you as you are. Ryan doesn’t matter. When you’re ready, I could really use the help.”

  Then he was shifting, his lion coming quickly, determined to protect their mate. He had no idea if Kara would help him or not, but it didn’t matter. Whatever happened, he was not leaving here without his mate, regardless of the danger to himself.

  He prowled forward, noting that Sara had managed to raise her head, her eyes wide as she spotted him. She tried to raise herself up, but one swipe from Ryan’s paw had her back on the ground. Felix couldn’t contain his roar, the sound echoing through the woods.

  The polar bear rushed at him, but he dodged, staying out of range. The movement placed him between Sara and Ryan. Kara still stood at the trees, gripping one as she watched, frozen in horror. He couldn’t help her. Not right now.

  Ryan came at him again, and once more he moved away, this time managing to swipe his claws along the bear’s ass. Snarling, Ryan span to face him, rearing up on his hind legs, before charging again. This time Felix wasn’t fast enough to avoid being clawed, but he did manage to get back out of the way. Pain shot through him, the bears claws had sliced deep. Risking a glance at Sara, he could see that she had undressed and was beginning to shift. He had to keep Ryan’s attention off her to give her time. Maybe between the two of them, they might actually win. He moved around, forcing Ryan to move with him, keeping Sara out of the polar bear’s line of sight.

  The bear charged again and Felix took another hit, only just managing to move away. His injuries were making him slower and less able to defend himself. If Ryan managed to get a real grip on him, it was over. He couldn’t let that happen.

  Sara attacked Ryan from behind, her polar bear smaller than his. Felix didn’t wait for his reaction, but charged from the front. Claws and teeth were everywhere, growls and roars splitting the air. He took at least one ringing blow to the head, but managed to keep his feet. Still, Ryan was a huge, powerful bear. Sweeping out with his paws, he caught Felix, sending him flying. Then Ryan turned on Sara. As a female, she was smaller and less powerful. Outmatched.

  Felix struggled to his feet, shaking his head to clear it. He had to get back over there, had to help Sara. He swayed a little as he moved, unsure if he would make it in time. Sara had been knocked off her feet, Ryan standing over her on two legs, towering above her as he roared. Felix watched in horror as Ryan raised a paw, clearly pushed beyond reason and lost in a red haze of anger. He was going to kill Sara.

  From out of nowhere, a flash of white bowled Ryan over, away from Sara. Felix stared, stunned at the sight of a giant white mouse beating the hell out of the polar bear. Kara. She may be a mouse, but she was actually slightly larger than Ryan, and then there were the teeth, sharp polar bear canines that she plunged into Ryan over and over. The polar bear shrieked, trying to regain his feet, but Kara wouldn’t relent, swiping at him with her nails which were actually pretty scary at her size. Ryan gradually stopped fighting, clearly having passed out. Still Kara hit him.

  Felix walked over to her. It was tempting to let her continue, but he didn’t want her to do anything she might regret. Sara approached from the other side, both moving cautiously.

  He chuffed as he neared Kara, not wanting to startle her. The mouse looked over at him, and he gently nudged her away from Ryan. She let him move her, stepping back and sitting a short distance away, her head down. Oh hell no. He wasn’t letting her feel ashamed for anything. He padded over to her and rubbed his head under her chin, rubbing against her. Sara came up on the other side, nuzzling into her sister too, lending her what comfort they could in animal form.

  Felix’s ears pricked up at the sounds of people moving through the woods. Clearly Kara heard it as well since she squeaked with alarm and took off in the other direction.

  He shifted back into human form and Sara did likewise. Pulling her in close, he breathed in her scent, calming his lion, assuring himself that she was okay.

  “Felix,” she said, pulling back to look at him. She blanched as she looked at his stomach. “You’re hurt. We need to get you help.”

  “I’m fine,” he assured her. There was a small possibility that he was lying. The pain and loss of blood left him lightheaded, but there was no way he was passing out until his mate was safe.

  “Gaaaah! Naked brother!”

  He turned around to see Katie coming out of the woods, followed by Leo, Ethan, Alex, and Anna Russell.

  “The full frontal view is not an improvement!” Katie yelled as she tossed his jeans at him.

  He pulled them on quickly, careful to keep his mate behind him, his lion unhappy about so many people around his naked mate. He led her to her own clothes, standing in front of her as she dressed.

  “I need to go take Kara’s clothes to her,” she murmured. “She won’t let anyone see her unless she shifts back.”

  He nodded. “Be quick. My lion needs you close.”

  She stepped around him, brushing her lips against his. “I’ll be as fast as I can, and then we’re getting you to the clinic.”

  If he was the tough manly type, he’d argue and insist it was merely a scratch, but it really hurt and looking at it made him queasy. So, instead, he nodded at her and she left to find her sister.

  Anna Russell was poking at Ryan, still in bear form. Straightening up, she sighed.

  “You couldn’t have waited until he was in human form before you beat him unconscious?” she asked. “Do you know how much work it will be to drag that enormous bear out of here? Not to mention what we’re going to do with him.”

  “Chuck him in a zoo,” he muttered. He didn’t care what happened to Ryan as long he was kept well away from Sara.

  “Pesky questions,” Anna and Alex said at the same time. They stared at each other.

  Anna turned to Felix. “And you don’t think that there will be questions if we just happen to find a polar bear roaming the woods in Scotland? Particularly when the zoos aren’t missing a polar bear.”

  He shrugged and immediate
ly wished he hadn’t as the pain screamed through his stomach. He staggered a little and Leo caught him.

  “We need to get him back to the clinic,” Leo said. “The bear got him pretty good.”

  Anna sighed. “Take him. Kane is on his way with a truck. I just need some of you to drag him through the woods to meet the truck.”

  Everyone stared at her.

  “Well, I can’t do it. Obviously.” She shook her head. “I’m elderly, remember?”

  “Ma,” Alex complained. “You’re not old and there’s nothing wrong with you.”

  She fixed him with a glare.

  “You expect your mother to drag an unconscious polar bear through the woods?” she asked. “Your own mother. Who gave birth to you. Who cleaned up your poop. Who washed your-”

  “I can do it,” Alex said hastily.

  Ethan and Leo snickered.

  “And these two can help me,” he said, glowering at them. “Since I am their boss.”

  “I’ll take Felix,” Katie said.

  “Not without Sara,” he grumbled. He would faint right here before he let them separate him from his mate.

  “I’m here,” Sara said, coming up beside him. Kara stood slightly apart from everyone, head down and not looking at anyone. “Let’s get you back.”

  “Dude,” Ethan said. “I can’t believe you bested a polar bear.” His voice was impressed. “I knew you could be badass, but a frickin’ polar bear?”

  Felix snorted. “It wasn’t me. Kara here kicked his ass.”

  Kara looked up, startled.

  “Nice work,” Anna told her, nodding improvingly. “But I was just saying to the others that in future you should let them shift back before you knock them unconscious. Makes it easier to move them.”

  “Uh, sorry?” Kara said, looking a little wild-eyed.

  “Not a criticism, dear,” Anna said, patting Kara’s arm. “Just a suggestion. The man had it coming.”

  “Come on,” Sara said. “Before Felix keels over and we have to drag him through the woods too.”

  He let her take a little of his weight as she led him away. Katie propped up his other side and Kara trailed behind them.

  “No dragging through the woods,” he insisted. “It’ll mess with my hair.”

  “Then you’d better stay conscious,” Katie told him pleasantly. “Unless you want to wake up with twigs in your precious mane.”


  Chapter 24

  Sara watched Felix as he lay on the rug next to the window, basking in the sunshine. A week after the fight with Ryan and her mate was as good as new. Thank goodness for shifter genes. Only faint scars remained to remind her of what had happened, and those would probably fade with time.

  He cracked open an eyelid and looked at her. Smiling, she walked over to him and sat down, her hands smoothing his hair. She was the only person allowed to touch his hair, and she found herself playing with it every chance she got.

  “I got the job,” she said. “The one with Darren at the pub. I can start the day after tomorrow.” It made her feel settled, at home. They were going to collect her things the next day and then she’d be moving into Felix’s home. Their home. She had a mate and a job, plus her sisters were here. She wouldn’t have to run anymore.

  “Awesome,” he said. “Alex called while you were out. Ryan is safely in custody with the Shifter Agency. Now that you’ve made a statement against him, he’s been charged with a forced mating as well as a couple counts of abduction. Plus the damage to my salon. He’s looking at a really long stretch in custody. Depending on how he behaves, he may never be released.”

  She let out a sigh of relief, her fingers idly tracing his stomach, the scars hidden by his shirt.

  “I’m sorry you got hurt,” she said. “I never wanted that.” He opened his mouth, and she shushed him. “But I’m also really impressed that you took him on, and that you held your own against his polar bear. That was really…”

  “Hot,” he supplied. “Sexy as hell? Made you fall in love with me?” He grinned at her.

  “I already loved you, idiot,” she said, poking him in the side. “But yeah, it was pretty hot. I was wrong to doubt you, and I’m sorry.” She’d never underestimate him again.

  “Know how you could make it up to me?” He waggled his eyebrows.

  “Felix! I’m being serious.” She sighed, exasperated.

  “So am I,” Felix said with a shrug. “It’s been a while and we haven’t been mated that long. I’ve been busy catching up at work, and you’ve been dealing with your sister. Plus, I needed to heal.”

  “You’re caught up with your clients now,” she pointed out. Felix nodded. “And Kara is doing okay. I mean, she’s still not very confident, but we can help her. She really likes you and I think you’re good for her.”

  “I like her too,” Felix said. “And I’m good for her because I don’t coddle her. I’m not her sister, so I can be as blunt as I like. She needs to accept what she is and not try to ignore it.”

  She smiled down at him. “Yeah, you’re not the most subtle of men, but it seems to work. I can’t believe she shifted in front of us. She never does that.” Perhaps she would have done it anyway to save their lives, but Sara suspected that Felix’s belief in Kara had something to do with it.

  “So,” Felix said, taking her hand and pulling her down to lie beside him. “Everything is sorted and I’m healed.” He stared into her eyes, his hand stroking down the side of her face. “I miss my mate.”

  “I’m right here,” she pointed out.

  “Too far away,” he murmured, pulling her in for a kiss that stole her breath. She scooted closer, enjoying the warmth of his body next to hers.

  “Better?” she whispered into his mouth.

  “Still too far,” he rumbled. His arms tightened, lifting her on top of him, his mouth still on hers.

  “Now?” she panted, breaking the kiss.

  “No,” he said, arching into her, his hard length evident through his jeans. “Still not close enough. I need more. I need everything.”

  “You need to be wearing less clothes,” she pointed out.

  “Now you’re getting the idea,” he said, grinning at her.

  Before long, they were as close as two people could be. They explored each other leisurely, reaffirming their connection. It was slow, it was gentle, it was beautiful. It was bloody annoying. Her polar bear pushed at her demanding more, needing to get lost in passion, but still Felix tormented them both.

  There was only one thing for it.

  Reaching out, she sank her hand into his hair and ruffled it. The next several hours passed in a daze of furious lovemaking, wild and carefree, driving her to new heights and finally leaving her collapsed in an exhausted heap, unable to move.

  “Don’t ever cut that hair,” she murmured.

  He snorted. “Not likely to.”

  “That was…” She trailed off. There were no words to describe the connection between them. None except the one Felix found.

  “Bloody fabulous.”


  “So what did Anna Russell want with you this morning?” Felix asked, stretching lazily. “More wedding plans?”

  She snorted. “Sort of.”

  “I think Alex is starting to get a little freaked out,” Felix said. “It’s pretty funny.”

  “It’s not that funny,” she pointed out. “She wasn’t planning his wedding this time. She was planning ours.”

  “Ours?” He rolled over to stare at her. “We’re not getting married.”

  She raised an eyebrow at him. “You want to tell Alex’s mother that?”

  He continued to stare. “So what date has she chosen for us?”

  Yeah, that’s what she thought. Looked like they were getting married.

  About The Author

  Ariana McGregor has always wanted to be a writer but took quite some time to get around to it. She has a so
mewhat unhealthy fascination with things that go bump in the night. Not fear. More of an “ooh, I want my own werewolf” kind of thing. Well who wouldn't? It's like having a hot boyfriend AND a really self-reliant dog all rolled into one. Ariana lives in Scotland where there appears to be a complete lack of vampires, werewolves, nephilim, etc. Bah.

  Ariana also writes less fluffy, more serious paranormal romance under the name Adara Anderson.

  If you enjoyed this book, please consider leaving a review somewhere. It really does make a huge difference to independent authors and we always appreciate it.

  Also, keep an eye out for future books in the Bearbank series.

  Thank you.

  Find Ariana/Adara online at:





  Further Books

  As Ariana McGregor:

  Don't Moose With Her (Bearbank 1)

  Bearly a Squeak (Bearbank 2)

  Polar Opposites (Bearbank 3)

  Coming Next: Spot The Hybrid (Bearbank 4)

  As Adara Anderson:

  Téo (The Host, Book 0.5)

  Markus (The Host, Book 1)

  Anders (The Host, Book 2)

  Coming Next: Nero (The Host, Book 3)

  Spot The Hybrid

  Bearbank, Book 4

  Kara Evans has always been different. Freak, mutant, abomination, she’s been called it all. Half polar bear, half mouse, her animal form is a constant source of embarrassment. With her confidence at an all-time low, she’s hoping that Bearbank will be a fresh start.

  Darren Young is a leopard shifter. Cool, confident, and charming, he’s never had a problem getting close to women, but those days are behind him. Tired of playing the field, Darren wants to settle down with a mate and have a few cubs. Finding the right woman would be easier if he wasn’t surrounded by so many of the wrong ones.


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