The Grandmaster’s Legacy: Masters of Love and War (A Taylor Lee HOT Historical Romantic Suspense Collection) (The Grandmaster's Legacy)

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The Grandmaster’s Legacy: Masters of Love and War (A Taylor Lee HOT Historical Romantic Suspense Collection) (The Grandmaster's Legacy) Page 8

by Taylor Lee

  “What is she doing here?” Jesse asked, without looking at Wyatt.

  “She is a martial arts student, an accomplished one. She’s training to become a kung fu master, to my knowledge something no woman in this country has done.”

  Alono came up at that moment and Wyatt called out to him.

  “Hey, Alono, will you take the sorrel and rub her down. She did great today. I think she is ninety percent healed.”

  Alono nodded. Without acknowledging Jesse, he led the sorrel to the barn.

  Wyatt and Jesse went into the cool stable and moved past the empty stalls to one on the far end. Jesse was shaking and refused to look at him. She spent the night thinking about what she was going to do. She kept telling herself that she couldn’t, wouldn’t go back to Blue Canyon. But when she got up this morning she knew where she was going. She dressed in her sexiest underwear and told anyone who asked that she was going to Blue Canyon to check on her mare.

  Wyatt leaned against the railing smoking a cigarette watching the conflicting emotions warring across Jesse’s pale face. He saw her hesitation but smiled, certain that sheer desire would trump her fears.

  He took a drag on his cigarette, meeting her hesitant glance with an impudent smile.

  “Did you tell Martin you were going to get your daily fuck?”

  She flushed a dusky pink, looking pained.

  “No, I told him I was going to check on my mare.”

  “Doesn’t he care that you are at a ranch with the guy who has the worst reputation with women in the state of Wyoming?”

  “Do you?”

  “Well, not with the women themselves, but, in general, yeah.”

  When she looked up at him, he held her gaze for a moment, then threw down his cigarette.

  His voice was cool, insolent.

  “Take off your pants.”

  She flinched, then seemed to gain control. Without looking away, she kicked off her boots, unbuttoned her pants and stepped out of them.

  Wyatt nodded approvingly at her lacy underwear.

  “Now take those off.”

  She hesitated, then seemed to gather her courage. With excitement flashing in her eyes, she slipped her underwear off, removed her stockings and stood before him naked from the waist down. He smiled at her long slim legs and the tangle of dark blond curls at the apex of her thighs.

  “Good. Now climb up on that railing so that I can get a good look at your cunt.”

  She stepped back, startled. Her cheeks turned a rosier pink. She stood for a moment shaking, then climbed up to sit on the edge of the railing. She squeezed her eyes shut for a second, then deliberately spread her legs apart. Opening her eyes, she flashed him a challenging smile.

  Wyatt grinned in appreciation. He had honed his infamous talent with women in years of nearly daily practice. With a provocative sentence, a furtive or bold touch, he could peg a woman’s hidden desires more accurately than she could. He used his illicit knowledge to drive them to erotic heights, ensuring their undying devotion and cementing his well-earned reputation as the most prolific womanizer in the West.

  One consistent element of his style never changed no matter who the woman was. He was in charge. The master impresario, he commanded, leaving nothing to chance, including her ecstatic response.

  With a few sexy commands and deft explorations of her body’s hidden places, he determined that Jesse, the uptight high society lady, wanted to be taken roughly, wildly, and without asking for her permission. And, hell, he was pleased to oblige. Like the consummate master that he was, he studied her. The tremors of her body, the blush on her cheeks, the hesitation in her voice, the shine in her eyes. He used them all to excavate her secret cravings, the ones she buried deep beneath society’s repressive shale. With expert fingers and outrageous words, he probed for veiled clues in her treasure trove of intimate sweet spots. He knew the best guides to her pleasure were hidden in a dozen erotic hideaways. From the succulent folds of her pussy, the shell of her ear, to the rosebud of her ass. From the beaded tips of her nipples to her throbbing clitoris, with merciless persistence he uncovered her most wicked cravings and sensitive places, then manipulated them mercilessly.

  Wyatt smiled at Jesse’s flushed face, then down at her crotch. He saw that her pussy lips were already wet and puffy.

  He shook his head, “Oh, yeah, honey. You’re lookin’ good.”

  He gave her a cocky grin. “If I didn’t know better, I’d think you wanna be fucked. How about it, baby? Is that what you want?”

  She flushed a deeper pink and trembled, grasping the railing to keep from falling. She couldn’t hold back her low, needy moan.

  “Yeah, baby. That’s a ‘yes’ if I ever heard one. But, honey, as I told you yesterday, when I ask a question, I expect an answer. I want to hear you say it. One more time, baby. What do you want?”

  She peeked up at him, her eyes dark with helpless desire. She hesitated and bit down on her bottom lip. Her voice shook. “I want… I want you to fuck me.”

  “Do you think you are wet enough for me to shove my big prick in you?”

  She gasped then stammered, “Yes… um… yes, I think I am…”

  “Show me. Open your legs wider. Spread your pussy lips so I can see how wet you are.”

  She gasped. Her eyes filled with tears. A deep shudder overrode her obvious embarrassment. She wriggled her bottom on the railing, clutching the rail to steady herself. She spread her legs wider apart. He gave her an encouraging nod. Her fingers trembled as she spread her puffy labia that were drenched with creamy juices.

  Wyatt grinned in appreciation. He moved toward her, unbuttoning his pants as he closed in. His aroused prick pressed up against his hard belly. He flicked the end of his cock, knocking off the pearly drop of pre cum as he jerked it out of his pants.

  Stroking up and down his impressive prick, he pulled back on the foreskin to reveal the weeping tip. He said with a soft growl, “Is this what you want? High up inside of you, baby?”

  She groaned helplessly. “Yes, please! God, yes.”

  He winked at her. “I think we can arrange that.”

  He lifted her down from the rail and wrapped her legs around his waist. Holding her ass cheeks in his big hands, without further preliminaries, he backed her against the wall. With a deep groan he drove his cock into her. She stifled a scream and dug her fingernails in his back. Within minutes of agonized thrusts and pants, her frantic moans turned to hard passionate groans. He matched her frenzied movements and fucked her hard and fast. Clutching his shoulders, Jesse threw back her head and screamed. Hearing her fierce shuddering wail, Wyatt grunted in satisfaction, knowing that she climaxed for the second time in her life.


  Lei walked back to the dojo and tried not to think about what had happened. It was exciting riding with Wyatt. She loved talking with him about horses. Then, like a torrent of ice water drenching her spirit, there was Jesse. She saw the obvious connection between Jesse and Wyatt. She didn’t know which she felt more—angry or sad. The one thing she wasn’t was surprised. Her body ached when she thought about the way Wyatt had kissed her the other night. She wished it meant something to him, but knew that it didn’t. Wyatt could have any woman he wanted. He seemed perfectly comfortable kissing her passionately one day then screwing a woman like Jesse the next. It was all the same to him; one more woman chasing after him.

  Thinking about Jesse Kendrick, Lei felt a sharp stab of jealousy pierce her heart. Jesse looked like a woman Wyatt would be involved with. She had the kind of looks that important men coveted. She was tall and slender. She had bright blue eyes and blond hair perfectly in place. She looked like the dolls Lei wanted when she was a little girl, but her father refused. He insisted she have Chinese dolls with straight black hair and almond eyes. It was ironic, Lei thought. Like all the powerful Chinese men she knew; her father’s stable of women contained a bevy of blond-haired white women with eyes as blue as Jesse’s. Women to prove his status and potency.
And, Lei was sure, to challenge, rub the noses of the grielos, ghost men, as they disparagingly called their white counterparts. Lei’s mother was white and Lei had some of her features. When she thought about Jesse Kendrick, she wished she had more.


  Later that afternoon, she saw Wyatt and Jesse come in the dojo. He must be giving her a tour, Lei thought. She was infuriated. She didn’t want to be observed like an animal on display, especially by the elegantly beautiful Jesse.

  Lei was set to spar with Mouchi, one of the most advanced students at the dojo. It was dojo etiquette that the experienced fighters hold back with new students. They were to assume the role of teacher as much as possible. Lei knew Mouchi had other ideas. She saw the look in his eyes. She knew he despised her. People often converted their fear of her father to hatred of her and Ri, as though they could attack Wan Chang by attacking his son and daughter. It was clear Mouchi hated her because of who she was. She also knew like most of the others, he was furious that a woman had won the dojo championship. He whispered to her as they were warming up that if he had fought her, she never would have won. Lei followed his gaze when his eyes flashed and he saw Wyatt in the back of the room. His determination to shine at her expense was glaringly apparent.

  Seeing his hatred, Lei’s competitive gut clicked in. Rather than becoming angry, as she usually did when she sparred, she tried to imitate how Wyatt seemed when he fought—cold and contained, like he was fighting from a place deep inside himself.

  Mouchi circled her with an ugly gleam in his eyes. Lei let him land several body blows that hurt like hell. They were part of her strategy to get him to underestimate her. He kicked her harder than she thought he would and she fought to breathe. She circled him, trying to get her breath, struggling from his fierce kicks to her ribs. With a huge effort, she backed up hard against the wall of the dojo. She saw Mouchi’s hateful smile. She knew he assumed from the pain on her face that she was backing off. But Lei bent low. With a running start and loud shriek she flew across the dojo in what her father and brother called her “flight of the devil” approach. She did two front flips then reversed course. Flipping over backwards she smashed her heel up in his face.

  There was a spurt of blood and Mouchi fell backwards clutching his face, his nose broken. Lei flipped again and drove a punishing kick to his shoulder and another to the side of his head just below his ear. He shrieked in pain. Over the next several minutes, she performed a stunning display of aerial kicks, strikes and a final frontal kick to Mouchi’s ribs. To everyone’s surprise, Mouchi doubled over in agony. He put his hands up to signal enough.

  Lei bowed and thanked him for the fight. She turned and walked off the tatami. Joey stared at her in amazement. Seeing her glance to the back of the room, he saw Wyatt bow to Lei and saw her flush and bow in response. Joey shook his head, smiling to himself. Now that he knew what Lei had in her, his task was to draw it out — when she wasn’t showing off for one of Wyatt’s women.


  Wyatt walked Jesse back to the training ring where she had left her horse. When they left the stall earlier, Wyatt had asked if she would like to see some of the ranch. Having grown up around expensive horses, Jesse was stunned to see Wyatt’s collection. She understood why breeders and horsemen came from across the country to buy or breed, or just admire, his horses.

  Jesse was as impressed with his business center as she was with his horses. She never saw anything like it. None of the men she knew were actively involved in running businesses and making money. They were passive investors living a privileged lifestyle, spending the money their predecessors made. Wyatt showed her maps of the land he owned throughout the West, his silver and gold mines, and the oil fields he bought most recently. She understood why Martin wanted to connect with Wyatt, why he was livid he had been spurned. Jesse wouldn’t mind being a governor’s wife. She wished she could change Wyatt’s mind. If he couldn’t support Martin, perhaps he’d not oppose him.

  Without question, the most memorable thing she saw on the ranch was the dojo. It was as if she had entered a different universe. Jesse was surprised to see that everyone except Wyatt was Chinese. There were more Chinese in Wyoming than in Boston, but she had never seen so many of them all at one time as were in the dojo. Most shocking was the ferocity of their fighting. She heard Martin and his friends dismissively talk about Wyatt being a “black belt something.” But if Wyatt was the expert and the fighters she saw today were in training, Martin and his friends had once again underestimated Wyatt. And that young woman; it was unimaginable that a woman could fight like that.

  She and Wyatt were quiet after they left the dojo. Jesse broke the silence. “That was one of the most astonishing things I have seen. I never knew people fought like that. I can’t imagine a woman who would do that.”

  Wyatt quirked an eyebrow at her implied criticism. Jesse was embarrassed. Damn, was her jealousy that obvious? But seemingly ignoring her snide remark, he responded with an agreeable smile.

  “She is amazing. We’re impressed with her skill. She has serious issues with anger that may hold her back, but today she looked under control.”

  Jesse smiled, pushing away the competitive sting she felt. “Are you sure it wasn’t because she saw you in the room? She has an obvious crush on you.”

  Wyatt laughed. “They all do. All the students fall over themselves to impress me. I am the grandmaster. This is my dojo. Lei is no different than any of the others.”

  Jesse disagreed, but decided not to make a bigger issue of it. She already felt insecure. She didn’t need to be reminded that Wyatt had women across the state lusting after him – including a beautiful young Chinese woman living at his ranch.

  Helping her on her horse, Wyatt said, “I’d like to bring the sorrel back to you tomorrow. Any chance that asshole husband of yours has business off the ranch in the morning?”

  Jesse replied, “He is rarely at the ranch. As you know, he is running for governor. He spends most of his time raising money for his campaign. My children are staying with Martin’s parents in Boston for several months. The ranch – at least the house — is quiet during the day.”

  Wyatt nodded in agreement.

  “How about ten o’clock? I have an afternoon meeting in Cheyenne, but I’d like to see where you hang out. Any chance you have some empty horse stalls?”

  She flushed and said with a smile, “No, but we do have a wonderful gazebo in our garden.”

  Wyatt grinned. “See you at ten.”

  Chapter 9

  After Jesse left, Wyatt went back to the dojo to check on Lei. He saw the full on kick Mouchi landed and winced at the pain on Lei’s face. He knew chances were good she cracked a rib. Neither Joey nor Lei were in the dojo. One of the students said he thought Joey was in his quarters.

  He knocked on the door. When Joey opened it, Wyatt saw Lei sitting at the table. Ri and Zhi sat across from her, their faces lined with fear.

  Wyatt walked in and asked with a cheerful grin, “Is this the infirmary?”

  When he saw Lei’s pale face and wide eyes, he masked his concern with a big smile.

  “I saw you take that kick. Thought I might find you here. Interesting strategy to suck him in, Lei. Next time you might think about turning away from a full on kick.”

  Lei reddened, bristling at the criticism. Her face was tight with pain. A waterfall of tears looked imminent. Joey had bandages in his hands, but stepped aside when Wyatt entered.

  Wyatt immediately went to her. He crouched down beside her chair and put his hand on her knee. He looked over his shoulder at Joey.

  “Do we have cracked ribs?”

  “That’s my assumption. I haven’t looked at her yet. She’s having trouble breathing.”

  Wyatt nodded. “I can see that.”

  He turned to Ri and Zhi, who looked as pale as Lei.

  “Both of you, run over to the horse barn. Find Chief. He’s probably back in his medicine room. Tell him we need a big jar of that o
intment we’ve been using on horses with breaks.”

  A shiver of pain crossed Lei’s face. Beads of sweat hovered on her upper lip. From the raspy sound of her breathing Wyatt knew that every breath hurt.

  “And, Ri, ask Chief to give you something strong she can take for pain. Now hurry, so we can get her bandaged up.”

  Wyatt acknowledged Joey’s raised eyebrow and slight smile as he watched him take control. Even though Joey had been patching up fighters for over thirty years, hell, Wyatt had been healing horses and people for almost that long.

  Wyatt knelt by Lei, one hand on her knee. He rubbed the palm of her hand with the other creating a silent connection between them. The strain on her face and her tightening grip on his wrist confirmed that the pain was intensifying.

  “Okay, little Warrior Princess. Let’s take a look and see what we’ve got.”

  He started to unbutton the jacket of her gi when he saw the silk and lace concoction beneath it.

  “Hmm, seems we have a logistical problem. What are you wearing under this jacket, Lei?

  “A… a camisole… and… the bindings I wear.”

  “And it’s all one piece? Covers you from your neck to your waist?”

  She nodded, then gripped the arms of the chair fighting a fresh wave of pain.

  Wyatt shared a knowing look with Joey.

  “Joey, do you have some kind of loose shirt that Lei can put on so we can bandage her up without assaulting her?”

  Joey went to his bedroom. He came back in the room and handed Wyatt an undershirt.

  “This is the best I can do,” he said with a sigh.

  Wyatt stood up and helped Lei to her feet. When she wavered, he held her arm and said quietly, “You need to tell me if you need help. Understand, Princess? What do you think? Can you get that camisole off? Put this shirt on?”

  She nodded, then pulled away from him. She pressed her lips together with a grimace. “I can do it myself. I don’t need your help.”


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