by Max Adams
rumoured breakout from Toulon 260–61
loose in the Mediterranean 262–5
avoids Collingwood 265
Barcelona convoy 284–7
Gage, General Thomas 64–6
Gama, the 13
Ganteaume, Admiral 262, 265
Gardner, Admiral 206
Genoa 145
George III 47–8, 65, 106, 137, 138–9, 173, 177, 193, 228
Gibraltar 47, 166–7, 185
Gibraltar, HMS 47–8, 338
Gillies, Jack 45
Glasgow, HMS 75
Glorious First of June, battle of 133–40
Gold, Midshipman 57
Golden Farm, Mahon 26
Graves, Vice Admiral Thomas 63, 64, 66–7, 67–8, 70
Great Britain
strategic interests 40
invasion threat 79, 184–5, 196–7, 198, 202
expansion of maritime interests 107–8
technological innovations 118–9, 123
and the invasion of Ireland 152
breakdown of relations with France 193–6
declares war 195
Grenada 91, 92
Grey, Charles 240
grievance procedures 161–2
Guadeloupe 42
guard ships 55
guns and gunnery 120–25
Hadfield, James 178
Haiti (San Domingo) 192, 235
Hamilton, Emma 180, 184
Hardy, Captain Thomas Masterman 223
Harris, boatswain 58
Haswell, Commander Robert 70, 73–6
Haultaine, Mr 245
Hawke, Admiral Edward 42-43
Hay, Robert 45–6, 200–2, 297
Hayes, Matthew 57–8
Hector, HMS 140, 339
Hedley, William 21
Hinchinbroke, HMS 79, 79–80, 80, 338
Home Fleet 78
Hood, Admiral Sir Samuel 128, 147
Hornet, HMS 70–71, 73–6, 90, 338
Hotel del Almirante, Mahon 14–15, 16–19, 26, 27
Hotham, Admiral Sir Charles 148
Howe, Admiral Lord Richard
Collingwood on 112
signal flags 127–8
at Glorious First of June 132, 133, 134, 135
Glorious First of June dispatches 136–7
King’s visit to 139–40
and the Spithead mutiny 162
Howe, Major-General Sir William 68, 78
Hughes, Edward 297–8, 306
Hughes, Admiral Sir Richard 91, 93–5
‘hurricane chains’ 86
Impérieuse, HMS 270
Impregnable, HMS 137
Indefatigable, HMS 152
India 197
industrial revolution 188–9
Intolerable Acts 62
Ionian Islands 282–3, 284, 286
Ionian Mission (O’Brian) 22
Ireland 152, 173–4, 186, 196
Ireland, William 112
Italian campaign 149–50, 150, 151
Jamaica 57–60, 81
James, W. 305
Jeanbon (French political commissar) 132
Jena, battle of 248
Jervis, Sir John: see St Vincent, John Jervis, Earl
Jones, John Paul 78
Journal (newspaper) 38
Keith, Lord 174
Kirk, Captain James 71
La Palazzina Cinese 279–80
Lagos Bay, battle of 42, 47
Lapenotiere, Lieutenant John Richards 193, 217, 227
Le Juste, the 135
Le Moniteur 193
Leghorn (Livorno) 53, 148, 151
Lennox, HMS 55–6, 338
Leopard, HMS 254
Leviathan, HMS 309
Lexington, battle of 66
lieutenants 45–7
life of a sea officer, The (Raigersfeld) 85–6
Life of Admiral Collingwood, The (Murray) 307
lightning rods 99
Lilburn 102
Lind, James 103
Lisbon 54
Lively, HMS 65, 68, 74
Liverpool, HMS 51–4, 56, 338
Locker, Captain William 77
London 70–71, 101–2, 109–11
Long Watch, the 33
Lough, John Graham 26
Louis XVI, King 108, 116
Louis, Rear-Admiral Sir Thomas 248
Louisiana Purchase, the 197–8
Lovely Anne, the 94
Low Countries, Anglo-Russian campaign 175
Lowestoffe, HMS 77, 79, 338
Loyal Armed Association 197
Mackesy, Piers 34, 288, 306, 307
Madeira 56
Madrid 267
Mahon 14–15, 16–20, 26–7
Maida, battle of 243
Malta 179, 192, 193, 195, 232, 277–8
Man, Admiral 152–3
Mantonari, Fransisco Pons 14–15, 17–18
Maria Carolina, Queen 174, 232, 236, 237, 258, 274, 278–9
marines 121
Mars, HMS 214, 219, 309, 333
Marsden, William 206, 226
‘Martello’ towers 152, 197
Martinique 42
Massachusetts and Boston Weekly Gazette: the Newsletter (newspaper) 63–4, 65
Massingberd, Mrs 82–3
master and commander 47
Master and Commander (O’Brian) 13
master’s mate 51
Matfen Hall, Northumberland 158
Mediator, HMS 84–6, 90–1, 98–100, 338
safe ports 20
Collingwood’s first visit 48, 48–54
strategic situation 150, 185, 306
British departure from 152
Britain regains control of 167
theatre of operations 241
Meickle, Andrew 118
memorials 26–7, 37, 294
Menorca 13–15, 16–20, 25–6, 27, 40, 47, 52–3, 149, 280–1, 287–91
merchant shipping, losses 78
Mermaid, HMS 111–5, 338
midshipmen 44–5, 46, 96–7, 155
Minden, battle of 42
Minotaur, HMS 198, 309, 339
Moises, Hugh 41
Molloy, Captain 137
Moore, Sir John 270
Morocco 238, 270
Morpeth 27, 115, 169–73, 181, 185, 191, 246, 287
‘mothers’ 45
Moutray, Lieutenant James 147
Moutray, John 84, 85, 87–9, 91, 95
Moutray, Mary 84, 85, 87–9, 91–2, 95, 182–3, 241–2, 276, 293
Mulgrave, Lord 271, 275
Murray, George 307
Naples 129, 168, 232–3, 236, 243
Naval Chronicle 209, 306
Naval History (James) 305
navigation 48, 51
Navigation Acts 90, 92, 93
Nelson, Admiral Horatio, Viscount
comparison with Collingwood 15–16, 302
on Menorca 25
background 32–3, 34–5
reputation 34
first meets Collingwood 60
service aboard the Lowestoffe 77
promoted to master and commander 78
promoted to post-captain 79
and the San Juan River expedition 79–80
return to the West Indies 91
enforces the Navigation Acts 90, 93, 94–5
relationship with Mary Moutray 91–92, 95
Collingwood’s portrait of 92
portrait of Collingwood 92
claims glory for enforcing Navigation Acts 95–6
Collingwood on 96, 168, 179–81, 182–3, 231
and the death of Wilfred Collingwood 104–6
return to England (1787) 105
character 110
out of favour with the Admiralty 110
at Naples 129, 168
‘liberation’ of Corsica 147
evacuation of Corsica 151
on Man 152
Band of Brothers 154
at Cape St Vi
ncent 24, 32, 148, 155–7, 158–60
on Cape St Vincent 159–60
promoted to rear-admiral 160
at Tenerife 165
loss of arm 165
at Aboukir Bay 32, 167
at Palermo 169, 175
sense of duty 175
tours Europe with the Hamiltons 178–80
relationship with the Hamiltons 179
at Copenhagen 33, 183–4
anti-invasion operations 185–6
health 204–5
pursues Villeneuve 205–7, 207–8
takes command of fleet 211
preparations for Trafalgar 211–5
the Nelson touch 213
plan of attack at Trafalgar 213
relationship with Collingwood 213–4, 305
at Trafalgar 33, 216, 217, 218, 222
signals at Trafalgar 218
death of 16, 223, 224, 231, 333
status 293–4
biographies 306
Nelson, Fanny (née Nisbet) 104
Nelson, William 236
Nepean, Sir Evan 94
Neptune, HMS 179, 214, 226, 309, 335, 336, 339
Nereus, HMS 291
Neuhof, Theodore von 145
Newcastle upon Tyne 36–9, 41, 102–3, 189, 197, 294
Newcastle Courant (newspaper) 27, 38, 43, 104, 192, 195, 290–91
Newnham-Collingwood, G. L. 23–4, 45, 295–6
Niger, HMS 208–10
Nile, battle of the: see Aboukir Bay, battle of
Nookta Sound affair 107, 109, 113
Nore mutiny 162–3
North Africa 33
North America 40
North, Lord 65
North Shields 21
Northern Alliance 254
Northumberland, Duke of 246–7, 286
O’Brian, Patrick 13, 16, 22, 120, 253
Ocean, HMS 243, 250, 255, 276, 280, 339
career paths 44–7
qualities 46
Oldgate, Morpeth 115, 191, 287
Ommany (Collingwood’s prize agent) 253
Orion, HMS 214, 309
Pakenham, Captain 137
Palermo 169, 175, 237, 237–8, 265, 278–80
Paoli, Pasquale 145–6, 146–7, 148, 150, 151
Paris, Treaty of 48
Parker, Admiral Sir Hyde 184
Parker, Admiral Sir Peter 77, 78–9, 81–83
Parker, Richard 162
Parsons, Midshipman 154–5
Pasley, Sir Thomas 231
patronage 21–2, 46, 125–6
Paul, Tsar of Russia 184
pay, rates of 161
peace negotiations 176–7, 185
Peace of Amiens, 1802 33
peace treaty ratified 188
Pegasus, HMS 105
Pelican, HMS 81–2, 338
Pellew, Sir Edward 152
Peninsular War 266–72
Pickle, HMS 193–4, 217, 227
Pigtail Steps, Port Mahon 13
Pitt, James 90
Pitt, William 32, 90, 106, 172, 173–4, 202, 203, 230
Pocock, Admiral 42
Polyphemus, HMS 219, 309
Pompée, HMS 242
Ponte-Nuovo, battle of 146
Popham, Sir Home 127
Port Mahon 13, 19, 20, 52–3, 53, 280–1
Port Royal 81
Portland, HMS 56–9, 338
Portsmouth 55
Portugal 254, 266, 267
post-captains 46
Prescott, Colonel William 67, 69
press gangs 71–73
Preston, HMS 63, 69–71, 338
Price, Samuel 59
Prince, HMS 119, 120, 121, 124–26, 203, 219, 309, 336, 339
Prince of Asturias, the 329
Prince of Wales, HMS 215
Princess Amelia, HMS 60–61, 340
Princess Royal, HMS 149
privateers 73, 78
prize money 43, 75
promotions 46–7
Quayside, Newcastle 37
Quebec 31, 42
Queen Charlotte, HMS 134, 137
Queen, HMS 234, 339
Quiberon Bay, battle of 42, 47, 127
Raigersfeld, Baron 85
Raigersfeld, Jeffrey 85–6, 89–90, 95–6, 99, 297
Rattler, HMS 92, 105
rear-admirals, role 171
recruitment 70–73, 111–2
Redoutable, the 222, 223, 336
Regency Bill 106
Revenge, HMS 219, 309
Révolutionnaire, the 133
Rights of Man (Paine) 116
Robinson, Hercules 210, 216, 216–7, 221, 227, 246–7, 297
Rochefort 232
Roddam, Captain 55
Rodney, Admiral George Brydges 81, 81–82, 134
Rosas 274
Rotheram, Captain Edward 210, 221, 234
Royal Grammar School, Newcastle 41
Royal Marines 282
Royal Military Canal 197
Royal Navy
snobbery 25
strength 78, 108, 187–9, 205, 205–6
mobilisation 124–27
tactical philosophy 128
expansion 173
quality 204–5
Royal Sovereign, HMS 339
cannon 27
crew 112
Collingwood given command of 212
at Trafalgar 216, 217–8, 218–24, 224–5, 226, 309, 329, 333
condition after Trafalgar 233, 335, 336
Russia 33, 40, 236, 247, 254
sailing skills 48–51
Saintes, battle off the 134
Sampson, HMS 84
San Domingo (Haiti) 192, 235
San Josef, the 157–58, 158-59
San Juan River expedition 79–80
San Nicholas, the 157–58, 158
San Salvador del Mundi, the 157
San Ysidore, the 157
Santa Anna, the 221–22, 233
Santa Maria, church of, Mahon 19
Santissima Trinidada, the 155, 157, 158, 223
Saratoga, battle of 78
Saumarez, Admiral James, Baron de 33, 185, 306
Scott, John (later Lord Eldon) 23
scurvy 103
‘sea-daddies’ 45
Second Coalition 172, 178
Seven Years’ War 17, 31, 40–48, 48, 73
Shannon, HMS 44–6, 47, 338
ships: see also individual vessels
first-rate 44
‘jackass’ frigates 44
design 49–50
frigates 49–50
rigging 49–51
sails 49–51
second-rate 119, 120
crews 120–1
poor condition of 198–200
colour scheme 217
entertainment aboard 250
Shirley, Major-General Sir Thomas 91, 93
Sicily 33, 232, 237–8, 240, 242–43, 266–67
Side, the, Newcastle 27, 36, 37
signal flags 127
silk stockings 217
slaves and slavery 89, 106, 254
Smeaton, John 102
Smith, Sir Sidney 130, 169, 203–4, 242–43, 267
Smith, Lieutenant William 46
Solana, Marquis de la 233
Somerset, HMS 64, 69, 338
strategic interests 39
and the American Revolutionary War 78, 90
Nookta Sound affair 107, 109, 113
allies with France 151
Dos de Maya uprising 33, 267–72
throne 274
Spanish fleet
at Cape St Vincent 155–60
at Trafalgar 218, 223, 310–11
leaves Cartagena 265
Spannochi, Signor 301–2
Spartiate, HMS 309
Speedy, HMS 13, 85, 99
Spencer Stanhope, W. 109, 235
Spithead mutiny 161–3
St Albans, HMS 125
St Florent (San Fiorenzo) 14
7–8, 151
St John’s, Antigua 87
St Lucia 197
St Nicholas’ Cathedral, Newcastle 27, 36
St Vincent, John Jervis, Earl
and Collingwood 24
background 31–2, 34
command of Mediterranean fleet 31–2
at Cape St Vincent 32, 154–6, 157
reforms 32
strategy 32
reputation 34
evacuation of Corsica 151
confidence 153
visits the Excellent 154–5
elevated to Earl St Vincent 160
favouritism 167
illness 169
becomes First Lord of the Admiralty 183
naval reforms 188–9, 194
Collingwood’s funeral 291
St Vincent’s 105
Standard, HMS 263
Stowell, Lord 41
Strachan, Sir Richard 232
strategic situation
eighteenth century 39–40
Mediterranean 150, 185, 306
West Indies 78–9
1799 169
1801 185
1802–3 191
1804 202–3
1805 229–33
1807 252–55, 258
Stuart, Sir John 243, 281, 284, 286
Suckling, Maurice 35
supplies 97
Surprise, HMS 44, 96
Sweden 40
Swiftsure, HMS 219, 309, 336
Syracuse 258, 260–3
tactics 134, 165, 213, 308, 311
Taranto 263
Téméraire, HMS 187, 232, 309, 333, 336
Tenerife 165
Thackeray, William Makepeace 26, 298
Thomas, Captain Richard 18, 27, 234
Thunder, HMS 208–10
Thunderer, HMS 219, 309
Tobago 197
Tone, Wolfe 152, 173
Tonnant, HMS 219, 232, 309, 336
total warfare 131
defences 128
British defence of 129–31
blockade of 20, 232, 241, 260–1, 267, 273–4, 280, 300
French build ships at 235
break out from 262
Barcelona convoy 284–7
Trafalgar, battle of, 1805
status 33, 307, 312
preparations 211–15
Nelson’s plan of attack 213
engagement 18–19, 216–24
aftermath 223–8, 304, 335–37
Collingwood’s dispatch 227–8, 294, 327–37
causes of victory 306–11
order of battle 309–10, 334
Trevithick, Richard 189
Trieste 247
Trinidad, the 336
Triumph, HMS 173, 178, 339
Troubridge, Captain Thomas 156, 157, 200
Turkey 33, 247–8, 252–3, 255–6
Tyne river 37–8, 38–9
Tynemouth 27
Unité, HMS 247
United Provinces (Holland) 117
Vancouver Island 107
Venerable, HMS 196, 197, 198–200, 339
Vengeur, the 135
Venice 247
Versailles 90
Victory, HMS 157, 212, 216, 222, 223, 232, 309, 336
Villa Franca (Villefranche-sur-Mer) 54
Villaret-Joyeuse, Louis-Thomas 132, 133, 136