Her Impetuous Rakehell

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Her Impetuous Rakehell Page 4

by Aileen Fish

  There must be something she could do to cheer the child, some distraction that would make her forget her new circumstances. A thought came to mind but she quickly shot it down. Laurence would never permit Louisa to have a puppy. But it was the perfect remedy to cheer her. Would he allow something smaller, less destructive? She strolled to Laurence. “If a puppy won’t suit, what about a k-i-t-t-e-n?”

  “A kit—” He stopped, realizing Hannah didn’t want little ears to hear the word. “How am I to deal with either of those? Who will feed it, and take it outside? What if a week later she decides she’s bored with it and wants a pony, or…an elephant?”

  “You may tell her the stable doesn’t have a stall big enough for the elephant. But the small animals are little trouble. One of the footmen could add it to his duties, or the nursemaid.”

  He folded his arms across his chest. “Just how many servants do you suppose I will hire?”

  “As many as it takes. How large a house did you lease?”

  “As large as it need be.”

  She smirked. Two could play this game. “Oh, then you’ll need many, many servants. Mama will make certain one of them is skilled in the duties a puppy or kitten would require.”

  “I want a puppy,” Louisa reminded them. She’d returned to her stool by the window.

  Hannah smirked again, raising an eyebrow in question.

  “I’ll consider it,” he muttered.

  A footman stepped into the room. “My lady, her ladyship wishes to speak to you.”

  “I will leave you two to get better acquainted,” she told Laurence, and went down to the sitting room where Mama still sat. “Yes, Mama?”

  “Come sit, child.”

  Hannah took the nearby chair.

  “You need to take care. You are too old to continue to treat Lord Oakhurst in such a familiar manner.”

  “Don’t be silly. He is still Laurence, the friend we’ve known for many years.”

  “He is Lord Oakhurst, and a rakehell in the eyes of Society, and you are a young lady in search of a husband. What was permissible on our estate is in no way comparable to what your conduct must be here in Town. What will Lord Downham think if he learns you and Oakhurst spend large amounts of time unchaperoned?”

  “Molly was there. And I’m not altogether certain I wish to marry Lord Downham. Most days I believe so, but sometimes I feel…uncomfortable around him. I have a few more weeks before I must decide. How can there be anything wrong with my playing with Laurence’s ward? She needs a mother’s touch.” Louisa needed so much more than that, but it was the least Hannah could offer.

  “If she needs a mother’s touch, then Oakhurst should consider marrying. How will the child feel when you marry and leave her to establish your own home?”

  Hannah hadn’t considered that. And Mama’s stressing the use of Laurence’s title irked her. “You know Oakhurst is not the type to marry.” She sighed, realizing the truth of what lay ahead for Louisa. “I imagine many children grow up with only a guardian and a governess and they are quite happy.”

  “We may invite Louisa to visit us in the country. Lucy-Anne is eight years older than she, but she adores children. It would be nice to have a young one around again.”

  Relief washed over Hannah. “That’s a wonderful idea! Perhaps we can take her with us when we leave Town next month.”

  “We’ll worry about that when the time comes. In the meantime, heed my warning. Do not spend time alone with Lord Oakhurst.”

  Chapter Five

  Laurence paused on the staircase when he’d heard Lady B mention his name. So she felt Hannah shouldn’t be seen with him, did she? The fact that it might deter Downham from pressing his affections made being seen with Hannah all the better. She said she wasn’t certain she wanted to marry the man, so Laurence would be doing her a favor by chasing Downham off.

  Yet it might run the others off, too, and Hannah didn’t deserve that. While no man was good enough for her, she deserved happiness. Becoming a beloved aunt dependent on her brothers’ kindness didn’t suit her. She had too much love to offer for that.

  How could he scare off one beau while not deterring the others? He’d have to think on that.

  When Lady B changed the subject, he continued down the steps. He entered the drawing room pretending he hadn’t heard their discussion of him. “Louisa seems to feel somewhat more cheerful. I am forever indebted to you, Lady B, for allowing her to stay here. I won’t impose on your kindness much longer.”

  “Laurence,” Hannah said sharply. “You shouldn’t call her that.”

  “Hannah,” Lady B sang out in the same tones. “You shouldn’t call him that.”

  The three of them laughed, and he could see Hannah relax into her chair. He hoped his presence didn’t cause her distress. When he moved Louisa into his new home, he’d not be calling on Lady Bridgethorpe as often, so Hannah would have a reprieve.

  The thought saddened him. Since David had married, he had little time for Laurence and rarely came to Town. Knightwick was a friend, but they’d never been as close as Laurence and David. Trey had been too far behind them in school to spend much time together, and now spent his time with his studies.

  Hannah was the only tie he had to the Lumleys, at least while she was in Town. In a few weeks, she’d return to Cheshire, and possibly marry some time after that. His life had been changing gradually in the last few years, but he’d just passed a sharp fork in the road.

  As he rode back to the stable, the entire landscape in front of him became clear. He’d already determined gaming hells must be lower on his list of pastimes, replaced by card games in private residences. How far must he go to appear reputable?

  And why had his cousin ever considered him a good candidate for guardian of his only child?


  Against his better judgment, Laurence arrived at the ball Lady Hannah happened to mention when her callers visited earlier that day. He’d play cards at some point, but his main concern was Downham. Since Laurence hadn’t spoken to Knightwick, it was up to him to watch over Hannah.

  She saw him approaching her in the ballroom and her face shone. “Lord Oakhurst, what a delight.” She proceeded to introduce the handful of wallflowers who stood with her.

  He offered them a bow. Addressing Hannah, he asked, “Do you have a free dance this evening?”

  “I do. I believe we all do,” she added with a wicked grin, glancing at her friends.

  “Lovely.” Dear Lord, this was going to be a long night. Saucy chit, she was.

  She had the nerve to look smug. “Lady Henrietta has this next dance free.”

  The others dancers were moving toward the center of the room. He offered his arm to Lady Henrietta. “Shall we?”

  He maneuvered to line up next to Hannah’s partner. He kept up the expected dialogue with his partner, but let Hannah know with his eyes that she could expect retribution for her little matchmaker ploy.

  Hannah made him dance with each of her four friends before admitting to having a free dance of her own. When that turned out to be a waltz, his frustration eased. Her grin was quite flirtatious as she nibbled her lip. Where had she learned to taunt a man that way? Did she have any idea how that affected a man?

  “You appear to be enjoying yourself,” he said.

  “I adore dancing. I would do so every night if I could.”

  “My feet wouldn’t stand for it, so to speak, if I tried. These dance pumps aren’t the least bit comfortable.”

  “They fit better with some wear.” As she circled around the next dancer in line, she glanced at him from the corner of her eye. “This is only the second assembly I recall seeing you attend.”

  “I’ve had the shoes for several years.”

  “Yet you’ve only attended a ball in recent days.” Her look became more serious when they again met in the center of the two lines of dancers. “Is it Louisa? You’re not—”

  They parted again and he wondered what she’d been about t
o say.


  The oddest thought struck Hannah. There was only one reason Laurence would suddenly appear at assemblies on a frequent basis. The same reason the others were there. He’d decided to find a wife.

  Since she’d already determined to help him with just that, the idea he was a willing participant should please her greatly. Yet it had the opposite affect.

  What had been a game now could become real. How silly of her. It should become real. Even Mama had said so. Louisa deserved a family. Laurence’s marriage would mean Hannah’s family would see less of him, but her own marriage, whenever it happened, would mean she saw less of both Laurence and her family.

  She’d mentioned the same thing to Amelia, but she and Amelia could easily visit each other at their new homes. Unless Laurence married one of her close friends, she’d only see him when she and her husband came to Town and happened upon Laurence and his wife.

  She hadn’t known anyone as long as she’d known Laurence, except for their neighbor Jane, who’d married their cousin Stephen. The couple now lived near enough to Bridgethorpe Manor to visit often. The prospect of losing Laurence’s company sat heavy on her.

  The dance ended and Laurence paused before her taking her back to Lady B. “Are you unwell?”

  “I am quite well. Perhaps I’ve had too much dancing, as have your poor feet.”

  “I’ll bring you some lemonade.”

  “I would enjoy that,” she said. “Thank you.”


  When Laurence returned with the two glasses of lemonade, Hannah was deep in conversation with Downham. With indescribable glee, Laurence held out a glass to Hannah. “Your refreshment.”

  Downham’s eyes narrowed, but he said nothing.

  “Thank you,” Hannah said.

  As if Downham’s presence wasn’t bad enough, George Tatum appeared, bowing gallantly before Hannah. “My dance is about to begin.”

  Downham’s scowl deepened. Hannah gracefully handed Laurence her glass, accepted her escort’s arm and disappeared in the crowd.

  Lady Hannah was so small Laurence couldn’t see her through the taller men and ladies standing between them. He knew Tatum couldn’t attempt anything untoward with so many people watching, but an irrational angst ate at him. Laurence was quite tall, and if he couldn’t see Hannah, it was certain her mother couldn’t. Tatum could convince Hannah to slip away to some alcove, or out in the garden as Downham had done. Someone needed to watch over her, and he was the only one in a position to do so.

  Lady Henrietta stood hidden behind a Greek column, either pushed there by the crowd or hoping to not be seen. She would be the perfect accomplice, provided he only danced one more time with her. He might not attend balls on a regular basis, but he knew the implication of singling a lady out for more than two dances. “Lady Henrietta, would you do me the kindness of partnering with me?”

  She blinked, expressionless, then the smallest smile broke through. “Yes, thank you.”

  The music had just begun, so he practically dragged the poor girl into place. She didn’t appear any more comfortable opposite him than she had the first time. He felt sorry for her. “Have you and Lady Hannah been friends long?”

  “Our mothers have been close friends since their own Seasons.”

  Armed with that information, he realized he could have chosen a better partner. Lady B might think it the perfect situation for him to marry her dear friend’s daughter. He was tempted was to question his future dance partners on the depth of their acquaintance with the Lumleys, prior to asking them to dance.

  Lady Henrietta was, however, just the person to pass along some useful information. If she knew Hannah was close to choosing the wrong man, Laurence could pass the information to Knightwick. “You and Lady Hannah must be quite the confidants. Do you exchange secrets?”

  She blushed, making him wonder just how detailed their conversations might be. “I suppose so. I don’t know that I’d call them secrets, though.”

  Excellent. “I’m told all young ladies enjoy comparing the qualities of the gentlemen who are said to be ready to marry that Season. Does Lady Hannah have a favorite?”

  She hesitated, so he added, “I’m a close friend of the family. You may tell me anything without fear. I’m tight-lipped and would never let the secret go any further.”

  “Well, she believes Lord Downham will make her an offer soon.”

  “Has she said how she feels about this?”

  The dance steps separated them. When she drew near again, she said, “She…to be honest, Lord Oakhurst, I don’t feel comfortable discussing my friend this way.”

  “I understand.” He gave her credit. Too many people were all to eager to blurt everything they knew or had heard about another person, no matter the level of their friendship. Yet if Lady Henrietta thought there was nothing between Hannah and Downham, she would most likely have said so.

  The question was how to discourage Downham. Short of inviting the man to meet him in the ring in Gentleman John’s Saloon for a few rounds of boxing, Laurence couldn’t think of any action pointed enough to make a sound impression. Fighting her beau was hardly the way to convince Hannah he had her best interests at heart.

  The alternative would be to appear to be considering her himself, but he’d never mislead her that way. Regardless of his visions for a warm family life with Louisa, he couldn’t bring himself to pretend to consider some girl for his wife. That would be the cruelest thing ever, not only discouraging another man but also doing the very deed he accused that man of attempting.

  He needed Knightwick’s help.

  First, since he was making a second round of dances with her friends, he could ask Hannah to dance again. As soon as he’d returned Lady Henrietta to her mother’s side, in the small group that included Hannah and Lady B, he did just that. “I’d be delighted if you’ll stand up with me again, Lady Hannah.”

  Lady B’s reaction was confusing. Her forehead furrowed and she narrowed her gaze at Laurence. “Hannah, you’ve promised the remaining sets this evening, haven’t you?”

  “No, I do have another dance free, after Mr. Tatum’s second. Lord Oakhurst, I shall save it for you.” Her eyes sparkled. Was she more pleased that she’d vexed her mother or that she’d dance with him again?

  He remained with Lady B and Mrs. Thompson while Hannah and Lady Henrietta danced with their partners. Lady B wrapped her hand around his arm. “Let’s take a turn about the room, dear boy. I am weary of standing still.”

  He patted her fingers, leading her through the press of the crowd. “I could lead you out in the dance after Hannah’s, if you’d prefer.”

  She chuckled. “I do hope you are not using your skills on my daughter.”

  “My skills?”

  “Your ease of flirtatious conversation worries me. Your reputation concerns me.” She paused to greet a friend, then they walked on. “I understand the relationship between you two, but most of Society would prefer to think the worst. You don’t do her any favors by singling her out for your attentions.”

  He parted his lips to point out how he’d danced twice with one other young lady just a short time before, but he knew that wasn’t what she meant. She saw through his words, even when he tried to fool himself. “I mean her no harm. I enjoy her company, however, and worry about some of the men who are spending a lot of time with her.”

  “Any gentleman in particular? Is there something I should be aware of?”

  He led her into an alcove where they might speak more privately. “You can’t have missed the rumors surrounding Downham.”

  “What people infer and the truth rarely interlace. You, of all people, should know that.”

  He couldn’t stop himself. He grinned. “Can you be certain where the line was crossed?”

  Her stern frown returned.

  Laurence sighed. “You are correct. Rumor greatly exaggerates fact, and sometimes creates a world unto itself. But I’ve heard directly from one girl’s bro
ther regarding implied promises of marriage that never materialized. Lady Hannah is important to me. I don’t want to see her hurt.”

  “You surprise me. Before Louisa came into your life you demonstrated no hint that you were concerned about others.”

  Those words sliced sharply through him. “Was I really so shallow?”

  She patted his arm. “I wouldn’t call you shallow, even in your most devious moments. You’ve never spoken of apprehension over anyone’s future, though, at least in my presence.”

  That was true, but David was the only friend who’d married recently, and his choice in a bride had been perfect for him. Laurence had questioned his sanity in thinking of marriage so young, but the lady he’d chosen had the ideal qualities suited to David’s lifestyle. “I had my moments with David, but he’s much more likely to listen to reason than Lady Hannah would.”

  “Yes, it’s not your place to warn Hannah. I would appreciate if you brought your concerns to me. And please, don’t be so public with your friendship with her. It’s likely to be misconstrued.”

  Chapter Six

  A few days later, Hannah woke early, unable to sleep in her excitement. Laurence had signed the lease on his house, and had asked Mama for assistance furnishing it. Hannah enjoyed helping Mama choose wallpapers and carpets when she redecorated, but the idea of selecting the furniture itself was too grand to imagine.

  When she married, her husband would most likely have a home that was decorated to his taste, or filled with family pieces. He might allow her to change a few small things. Laurence, however, needed everything. From nutmeg graters in the kitchen to a backgammon table, his purchases needed to be of a style suited to his new rank in Society.

  Mama met her at the breakfast table, where Hannah had nearly finished her toast. “What has you so bright-eyed at this hour?”

  “You well know. We are helping Oakhurst today.” She hoped Mama caught her proper usage of his title, even though they were alone in their dining room.


  “Oh, you must let me accompany you. You know how I love matching curtains to carpets and upholstery. I have no engagements today.” She held her breath awaiting the answer.


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