Their Goddess (Daughters of Olympus Book 5)

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Their Goddess (Daughters of Olympus Book 5) Page 2

by Charlie Hart

  "I know that you are all very handsome, very different, and very arrogant."

  This causes the gods to laugh raucously. "Oh, darling, you are a treat," Zeus says, taking my hand in his.

  I let him take it but tell him, "I heard you are a bit cockier than the others. If I remember correctly, Ares said he was willing to fight you if you took a dance with me before he had."

  "Ares says lots of things."

  I bite back a smile, loving the ease with which I can speak to these gods. My nerves quickly fade in their presence. "And you, Poseidon, what do you say?"

  "I say let those two throw punches if they want. Meanwhile, I'll be on the dance floor with you, my love."

  "Love!" I laugh. "See, you are arrogant."

  Poseidon doesn't push me on that, instead, he just leans close, planting a soft kiss on my cheek. "No, I just know what I want and don't like to wait."

  "Not a patient god, then, are you?" I ask, my body stirring with desire. His lips were warm on my skin and the knot in my belly -- the one stemming from indecision at which god I should lie with -- begins to unfurl.

  "No. Not patient at all. I ride my desire the same way I ride the waves, with force and with purpose. Relentlessly."

  Our eyes lock on one another and I feel my knees weaken and my body begins to hum with a song I've always wanted to sing. My body was made to carry a child into this world, and even now, as I look at these two gods, my ovaries seem to come to life. It might sound vulgar, to say it so plainly, but it's the truth.

  I am awakening.

  "Can we get you a drink?" Zeus asks, waving a server over and taking a flute from the silver tray. "You look parched."

  I wrap my fingers around my throat. "Maybe that's it."

  But inside, I know it isn't that at all.

  As a flute of nectar is placed in my hand, I see Ares and Hades walking toward us swiftly.

  "There you are." Hades' eyes are intense, and he rakes a hand through his hair. "You scared us."

  My shoulders stiffen. "Your words surprised me is all."

  "What did my brother say to you?" Zeus asks, enraged on my behalf.

  "We told her the truth," Ares says. "That every god on this mountain covets her and her fertile womb."

  "I feel like you shouldn't talk that way about my womb. It's kinda--"

  Gaia manages to show up just then and inserts, "Creepy?"

  "Yeah." I bite back a smile. "Kinda creepy. We don't even know one another." Then I turn to my best friend, who poorly conceals a smile. She knows I have been talking about my womb the exact same way.

  "Did you know the things some gods were saying about me?"

  Hades chimes in. "What all of them were saying. Don't single us out."

  "Fine," I snort. "All of them. Did you?"

  Gaia reaches for a glass of nectar from a nearby server, and she drinks the entire thing in one fell swoop before cringing. "Sorry. I knew. I just didn't see the need to tell you, considering you already had your own plan."

  "Plan?" Zeus demands. "What plan."

  I take a deep breath. Maybe I should just come out with it... say what I want.

  Before I answer, Poseidon cuts in, "It's not wrong to want to make a child with you," he says. "It's beautiful."

  I sip my nectar, trying to work through my feelings. "And it's very direct." I bite the side of my cheek. I want to be just as direct with one of them. But how can I choose which one?

  "All gods are direct," Zeus tells me. "We don't play games. We see what we want, and we go for it."

  I look at Gaia.

  "What?" She grins. "You know exactly what you want, deep down, and now they are here, pining after you. It's not the time to walk away."

  "You've been pining for us?" Ares asks.

  I swallow, glaring at my oldest friend.

  "Yes. She has," Gaia confides. "She's been smitten for years but is terribly shy. And she was waiting to come of age."

  The men share a look; they know what that means. They know what I want.

  "We've talked about this though, Persephone," Ares says. "You have no reason to be nervous around me. "You're the only woman I have eyes for."

  "Well, the same goes for me," Poseidon says.

  Zeus steps forward, puffing out his chest. "I have one intention as well."

  Hades narrows his eyes. "One conversation was all it took for me."

  "Took for you to what?" I ask, not quite believing that these four Greek gods are offering me their allegiance. I never even asked for it. I want to get pregnant, not fall head over heels for a god.

  "To fall in love."

  "Big words coming from the Underworld lord," Gaia says with a frown.

  Hades arches an eyebrow. His lean body is so tempting; his confidence just attracts me to him all the more. "You just hate that I don't let you come to my realm."

  Gaia rolls her eyes, but we all know it's true, and a small smattering of laughter surrounds us, lightening the mood. "You four seem pretty heavy-handed. Don't any of you like the idea of just having fun? Does it have to be so singular, so intense?"

  "I don't do anything halfway," Zeus says. "I go all in."

  "So," Gaia says, "if you and Sephy hooked up, it wouldn't just be for fun? It would have to be forever?"

  I shoot Gaia a look of alarm. "You don't need to organize this liaison for me," I say, laughing, trying to deflect any sort of awkwardness.

  "Truth is, you can all fight over one another; don't worry about slighting me any." She purses her lips together, and for a moment I worry that she feels hurt that I'm the one garnering so much attention. "I mean it. I'm young and free and have no intention of settling down."

  "Who said I did?" I ask hands on my hips.

  Gaia, though, just laughs, raising her flute of ambrosia. "Darling, you've always had eyes that were set on forever."

  We share a smile, knowing it's true.

  "But my forever was about having a child... not a partner," I admit.

  "You want a lover for one night?" Hades asks.

  I nod, swallowing hard.

  "And not more?" Ares asks.

  "I had never thought about it or thought it was for me. I'm the Goddess of Fertility, not love."

  "That was before you came here tonight. Before you met us," Zeus says. "And heard what we wanted."


  Is he suggesting I don't have to decide which god I like best?

  The mood changes. It's electric and alive, and we all seem to be contemplating similar things.

  One another.

  We all begin drinking our nectar and I feel the effects. The tightness in my shoulders slackens and a sense of excitement takes its place.

  The gods are all looking at me, and I'm looking at them. My heart pounds, not knowing what might happen next, but feeling so much anticipation for whatever the night might bring.

  Without a shadow of doubt, I know I have no need to be nervous around them. They only have eyes for me. Well, for me and for my womb, but that's a good thing.

  Because right now, I'm looking at them in the exact same way.

  Gaia breaks all through the gazing by clapping her hands. "Oh, look, the Fates have arrived!"



  As the Fates draw near, I move closer to Persephone. I may have a reputation for being a player, but that's all in my past now that I have my eyes set on her. Especially since the three women joining us -- the Fates -- have been trying to get in my pants since forever. The last thing I want right now is to give Persephone a reason to walk away.

  While playing the field, I've learned a few things. Mostly, that women get insecure, jealous, and angry just as much as men do. I want Persephone to know I'm not in the least interested in Clotho, Lachesis, or Atropos -- the Fates of Mount Olympus.

  They may hold the strings of our lives, but they have no hold over my heart. These three sisters love to come to parties and tease, flirt, and play, but I'm not sure Persephone will understand that. She never com
es out to events like this. And I don't want to give her a reason to go before she learns just how badly I want her to stay.

  She looks so sweet and innocent standing here. As the Fates join us, glasses of nectar in their hands, the differences between Persephone and the three of them is exaggerated even more. They are dark browed and red lipped. Big breasts are pushed high in their tight, revealing gowns and they have plenty of experience in their eyes.

  Looking at Persephone, I can see there is an angelic quality to her. Silvery hair and crystal-clear eyes. She is a goddess incarnate, and she is beauty personified. I have to have her.

  "Well, looky here," Clotho says in a low, gravelly voice. "Little Persephone came out to play."

  I shoot a dagger-like glare at Clotho. She and I may have shared a bed a few times in the past, but that doesn't mean I owe her my allegiance. "Don't start,” I warn.

  "Defensive are we, Zeus?" she says with a smirk, crossing her arms and lifting her chin.

  "We all know you want to be the hero," Atropos says, "but I want to know why you four are standing here when there is a dance floor waiting for you." She licks her lips as if waiting for someone to pull her out to dance. And since her eyes are set on Poseidon I have an idea of who she wants to dance with.

  "We're busy," Hades says without a hint of softness in his voice.

  "No one asked you," Lachesis purrs. "I was wondering if Ares would--"

  She's cut off. "No," Ares says firmly. "I'm busy at the moment."

  Considering we're all standing around drinking, I doubt the Fates will buy his excuse. I'm right. The moment the words fall from Ares’ lips the Fates turn to Persephone, as if deciding she is the target.

  "What?" Persephone asks, pressing a hand to her chest, not at all realizing that the four men standing her are already devoted to her. But I have an inkling the Fates can read the intensity in the circle. It's as if they can sense our desire.

  And it angers them. That is the last thing any of us gods want -- if you are on the Fates bad side, you're screwed. They play games, lots of them, and none of them are very nice. Over the years, we've learned the best thing to do when they come close, is to give them a tiny sliver of attention to get them off your back. More than anything, they hate to feel slighted.

  "Um, Sephy, could I speak with you for a moment?" Gaia grabs her friend’s arm and drags her away.

  "Wait," Persephone squawks. "What are you--"

  But she's already pulled out of earshot. In the distance, I see Gaia and Persephone speaking in hushed tones and I wish I had the power to listen in.

  "I want to dance," Lachesis whines. "Don't make me wait any longer."

  The four of us gods share a long, hard look. We have our baggage. Hell, my brothers Hades and Poseidon and I have had plenty of things to fight over in the past -- like our father. Ares, too, is volatile, hot-tempered, and jealous. In truth, all of us are.

  But for some reason we all turn toward Persephone. She wears a long gown, her shoulders are bare, her collarbone exposed and erotic. All arguments we may have had in the past are erased -- at least from my point of view. When I look at her, all I see is the future.

  "You're going to upset us," Clotho complains. "And when we get upset we don't play nice."

  "Fine," Ares says with a firm tone, knowing he has to take one for the team. He breaks away from the group and takes Clotho’s’ hand. He knows that if we don't give the Fates what they want, they will make our lives a living hell.

  "And Poseidon, you won't leave me out, will you?" Lachesis asks in a sugary voice that is dripping in falsity.

  Poseidon's brown eyes darken, but with a clenched jaw he nods, letting Lachesis lead him to the dance floor.

  Then Atropos gives me a candied look, licking her lips. My stomach rolls; the last thing I want is to move around the dance floor with her, but I also know that, if I don't, she is going to make Persephone's life miserable.

  I won't put her through that.

  So, I do what I must. I take Atropos' cold, callused hand in my own, refusing to look down at her revealing gown. Instead, I keep my gaze straight ahead.

  I will dance with her, just this once.

  Because I already know that afterwards, I will dance with Persephone for the rest of my life.

  She may not know it yet, but she is mine.



  "You're wrong," I tell my best friend. "They're already off dancing with the Fates. You're stretching to think they all want me."

  Gaia just shakes her head, reaching for a passing waiter. She places our empty flutes on a platter and takes two more glasses of nectar for us, offering him a smile.

  "They already confessed their love for you, Persephone."

  I swallow, wondering if any of what they said was actually true. It felt true. "They were just being silly."

  "No. They weren't. Trust me, I know how gods get," she presses. "Possessive."

  "Then why are they off on the dance floor with those women?" I bite my bottom lip, feeling jealousy wash over me. The Fates are mature, experienced. They are everything I'm not.

  "Because no one wants to be on the Fates' bad side. They're vicious."

  I don't know the Fates, we've never ever met, but I wonder if my best friend is right. Even if she isn't, I have no right at all to be jealous over what these gods are doing and who they're doing it with. They are little more than strangers; they owe me nothing.

  But a deep feeling in my belly betrays my own emotions on the matter.

  I have an inkling that I would do just about anything for them. These gods I barely know are still the gods I've pined after for so long. Is it possible that Gaia is right? That they may feel the same way for me as I do them?

  No. It's insanity.

  But then I feel them, one after the other, looking across the dance floor, focused on me. I feel their penetrating gazes deep in my heart, and a stirring within me tells me I'm not imagining it.

  They are as focused on me as I them.

  "What are you waiting for?" Gaia asks. "Go cut in."

  I shake my head. I would never. Besides, one of the men I am longing for isn't on the dance floor.

  I discreetly look toward Hades where he stands all alone, watching me.

  "I don't know Sephy. Hades is...dangerous."

  I swallow, understanding her sentiments, but I feel something totally opposite when I look at him. It's like he is everything I'm not and that draws me to him.

  "I know," I tell her. "But I can't help myself."

  Gaia presses her hand to my shoulder. "I love you, Seph. And you are an amazing goddess because you nurture your harvest, you tend to your crops. You never give up on anything or anyone. But--"

  "But you're worried if I get attached to Hades, I might get hurt?"

  "He doesn't exactly have a good track record."

  "Neither do you," I say with a small smile.

  "Hey, we all have our weaknesses. Mine is acting recklessly. Yours is--"

  "Refusing to believe anything but the best in someone?"

  "I don't want you to get a broken heart."

  "I know," I say. "That is why you are such a good friend. You would never let anyone hurt me."

  "If I step aside and let you go off with Hades, I'm worried I'll lose you forever."

  "I'm not going anywhere, Gaia."

  She presses her lips together and her eyes grow glassy. "Things don’t always end up the way we want. Even our best intentions can sometimes lead to heartache."

  I lower my chin, letting her words sink in. When I look back into her eyes, I see a tenderness in them. I know she has my best interests at heart. "Listen to you, all serious," I say. "You're the one always telling me to lighten up and let go."

  Gaia nods, forcing herself to smile. "I know, but you're my best friend, Sephy. I'd hate to lose you."

  "You never, ever have to worry about that. We will be thick as thieves until the bitter end."

  Gaia pulls me in for a
tight embrace. I squeeze her back, hoping her words are true. Unable to imagine anything coming between us.

  "What are you waiting for then?" she says, lifting her ambrosia. "The dark side is waiting for you."

  I flash her a smile. "He is handsome, though, isn't he?"

  She nods. "Very, very handsome."

  For a moment I pause. "Do you want to dance with him?"

  She shakes her head quickly. "No. I'm Mother Earth. I can't be with Hades even if I wanted to. I'm forbidden from the Styx and the Underworld alike."

  "But if you could go there... would you want to?" I ask. The last thing I want is to step on her toes.

  "No," she says, almost too quickly. "I want fun and light, and that isn’t Hades. He is serious, and he never, ever plays games. When he commits, he never wavers."

  "What are you trying to say?" I ask.

  "I'm saying, if you want Hades, you better mean it. Because he won't let you go once he's made up his mind."

  I look over at him, his power emanating across the room, reaching for me. I came here to conceive... not to fall in love. But I think my plan went out the window the moment I spoke with these gods. Everything is changing, fast. And surprisingly enough, I'm not nervous. I'm ready.

  "I think he's already made up his mind," I whisper.

  "And you?" Gaia asks.

  I nod. "There is no going back."

  Then I leave Gaia behind and walk straight toward my destiny.

  Maybe I'm like Hades in ways no one would have guessed.

  When I commit to something, I go all in. There is no backing down, no giving up.

  And right now, I want to go all in.



  My track record isn't exactly something I'm proud of. Being a god on Mount Olympus has afforded me more than my fair share of women.

  But I'd give back every last memory if it meant I could offer Persephone a clean slate.

  It's what she deserves.

  The world. Heaven and Hell.


  I stare at her as she speaks with Gaia. Gaia and I have never gotten along. She's always stirring up trouble: her hands are in so many pots, and she rarely thinks before she acts. And the result is a cluster other people are forced to sort out.


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