City Of Sin_A Mafia & MC Romance Collection

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City Of Sin_A Mafia & MC Romance Collection Page 115

by K. J. Dahlen

  “What about you spending the weekend with me?”

  Her face went from being serious to being sad, “I’m not sure. I should be working…but you bought all these clothes for me. I don’t know how I’m going to repay you.”

  I nearly choked at the idea of her thinking she’s going to have to repay me. There’s no way she can afford such a thing on minimum wage and I didn’t do it as a catch. I didn’t spend the money thinking that she’ll have to repay me in money. In-kind perhaps, but not cash.

  “This is why you should spend the weekend with me.”

  She laughs. “Being in my company. Seeing me in clothes that are nearly my whole year’s salary, I think that it’s the least I can do.”

  She winks at me, and I start to wonder who’s taking who for a ride.

  “I just need to call my roommate,” she says as she pulls out her phone. A couple of times she tried to do it, but then shoved it back in her purse. I don’t even see how she sees anything on it. The screen’s broken, and it seems to flash as soon as she took it out of her purse. Some part of me feels sorry for her walking around town with a broken cell. One thing about New Yorkers is that everything’s about appearances, and so far, she’s not looking the part, but I’m about to fix that. I want her to feel she’s worthy of being a part of my world, for the weekend.

  “Do you want me to give you privacy?” I ask as the limo stops, but I already know the answer to my question, because what she hasn’t realized is that we’re parked in front of her apartment block. “I can wait here while you go talk to her?”

  “What?” she blurts out and then she looks out of the window and then the realization of the fact we’re sitting outside her building hits home as she whispers, “I’ll be out in a minute.”

  I nod, as the driver opens the door on cue. She looks back at me, but I pretend not to notice as I start making a phone call. One that involves making sure that everything’s ready for what I have in mind for us to do this weekend. If she thinks that shopping was a treat, she has no idea that was nothing compared to what I plan to do with her Saturday and Sunday. I smile to myself as the driver walks with her. Her newly acquired shopping in his hands. She won’t be needing that on the weekend. The only thing she’ll need to do is make sure her pussy is ready for the most action it’s ever seen in its life.



  I walk up the stairs with the driver, who acts like a robot. If I walk slowly then he does the same, quickly he does the same too. It’s as if he’s a reflection of my steps. He’s not used to what I expect of a driver. I tend to think of them as old men. Ones that were in the army. Then again, maybe I’ve been reading one too many books, and that’s the way they’re all stereotyped because he’s the complete opposite of Marco.

  He’s younger, smiles whenever I talk to him and makes me feel comfortable all the time. Whereas Marco goes hot and cold at the flick of a switch. One minute, I think I want to be with him for the whole of the night and the next I feel as if I’m kidding myself. That maybe he won’t be as easy to seduce as I’ve been planning for far too long. I need to think about what I’m going to say to Olivia. I’m not going to work for two days and not only that, but I’m letting her down tonight. I didn’t even call her to say I can’t come out tonight.

  “I can go inside with them.” I smile as I take them from David, the driver. He’s about to insist; I can tell by the way that he’s grabbing the bags. It’s as if he wants to take them from my hand, but I have no intention of letting him do that. No, I need to tell Olivia, in my own time without the pressure of feeling as if I’m walking into the life that I’ve been dreaming about doing with only one thing on my mind. Taking it over and destroying it.

  “Wow, someone’s been busy,” Olivia says with her arms folded.


  She’s all dressed in a hot black number ready to go out. Then I hear another voice screaming from behind her and realize that she’s invited her friend, Veronica to come along and that can only mean one thing. Olivia suspected that I was going to let her down. It should make me feel better, but only makes me feel that much worse.

  “Yes, we’ve been waiting for you, Leah, but it looks as if you’ve been busy. Gucci. Prado. Damn, did you win the lottery or something?”

  I laugh as I shut the door hoping that David is headed back downstairs and not waiting outside the door.

  “No, she must have scored with the richest client in the diner.”

  Veronica gasps, “Not the hot-blooded Italian!”

  She holds her hands up and starts waving them around, Veronica and Olivia went to the same school and they’ve been friends ever since. She’s great for going out clubbing and knows about every party that’s worth going to in town, but when it comes to keeping a secret, Veronica’s the worst person to tell, she can’t keep one and to make matters worse, she’ll never volunteer to do it. She knows she’s terrible at doing it and wouldn’t even try to pretend she’s anything but crap at it.

  “Tell me,” Veronica says rushing to help me.

  My eyes dart to Olivia, who’s too busy finishing the contents of the bottle of wine that they’re sharing or maybe Olivia was drinking it alone in the first place. Either way, she’s annoyed with me. Her body language says it all as she folds her arms and sits on the couch.

  “Well, he saw that I was looking sad because I was talking to my sister and—”

  Olivia blurts out, “He came in the diner looking for you. I told him that you were walking home and that must be how he tracked you down.”

  She’s not looking at me. More my feet as I draw closer to her, but it all hits home why she was calling me so much and how Marco managed to track me down so easily. I had a vision of him following me, and now I feel silly. “Anyway, he wanted to cheer me up and brought me all these clothes. I know that we’re probably the same size so I was thinking we could share.” I try smiling at her, but she’s still avoiding my eyes, and this means she’s really mad. Not that I blame her.

  “Leah, that was crappy what you did. I was calling and hoping that I did the right thing when I told him where you were. Then mom’s on my case like, ‘Just say he’s a mass murder.’ I wanted to see if you were okay.”

  I bite back a retort, thinking that she’s trying to make it seem all innocent, when she was still getting ready to go out. “Right, so that’s why you’re dressed to go out?”

  Veronica blurts out, “Yes, when she had a call from him saying that she didn’t need to worry and he sent a picture of you trying on dresses. That’s when Olivia started to get pissed and stopped calling your ungrateful ass.”

  I shake my head thinking that I can’t win. I came here on a mission, and I’m not going to give it up. I’m getting too involved acting as if Olivia is my girlfriend or something. I need to draw the line… it starts and ends here.

  “Guys, he says that he wants us to spend the weekend together and I was wondering if you’ll cover for me, this weekend?”

  Olivia says, “Consider it done. You have a new boyfriend and when it’s all over, because believe me with men like that they can have whoever they want all the time,” her words cut like a knife, as she points, "just make sure that you don’t come crying to me.”

  I nod my head as I leave by the same door that I came in a few minutes ago. I pick up one dress, it’s a red cocktail dress, and I should go to my room and pick up a brush and some bathroom toiletries, but the idea of staying here any longer than necessary at the moment feels as if it’s too much to bear. I need to leave now. Not only because of the sad puppy dog look that Veronica’s giving me, but because of the cold shoulder Olivia is giving me. She’s reminding me that we’re not friends. I know that she’s hurting now, but it’s nothing compared to if the truth came out. At least this way she hates me, and when it’s over, she’ll not hurt even more about her supposed friend not being around. I know Veronica will look after her. She did it before I came on the scene and she’ll continue to do it long after I�
��m gone.



  I leave the apartment with a heavy heart, I’m trying to dismiss all the things that have been said between Olivia and me, but I have to come back here. I wonder what she’s going to tell her parents, then again, it doesn’t matter. Marco’s the reason I came here. I came to destroy him. I’ll get close to him and then find out his secrets then I’ll reveal them and let the whole world know the true monster he is and give him what he deserves.

  Destruction. False hope.

  Once he takes my virginity, that’s the last thing he’ll take from me. I’ll give it to him on a silver platter, and then I’ll get my revenge. That part I’m sure about because once he’s at his weakest, that’s when I’ll be able to make my move.

  “Ready?” David asks as I stand outside my apartment door.

  I look at my phone with the cracked screen and simply nod my head. I try to smile, but the guilt is the only thing stopping me from leaving right now.

  I shake my head as I take the lead down the hallway to him. The man that destroyed my family and the one I intend to bring down to his knees.

  “David, how long have you worked for Mr. Raco?”

  He stops in his tracks as if he’s surprised by my question, but I want to know how much he knows about the man he works for. Does he know that he’s a monster? One that gets a kick out of ruining everyone else’s life?

  “About five years now.”

  Wow, his answer takes me by surprise. I didn’t even think he was that old. I’m about to ask him another question; maybe he senses it, so he avoids it by saying, “He’s waiting for us downstairs.”

  As he reaches the elevator, he presses the button. But that doesn’t stop me asking exactly what’s on my mind.

  “You don’t look old enough. I thought that we’re the same age. I…”

  He raises his hand as soon as the elevator door opens.

  “I don’t mind you talking to me. But if the questions are about Mr. Raco then you need to ask him yourself. I work for him, and he’s an employer who’s a lot better than the other ones I’ve had in the past. I want to keep it that way.”

  I nod my head, thinking how I’ve gone below the belt. I’m clutching at straws thinking of ways to try and justify my actions. The fact that I’m going somewhere with a complete stranger…A man as dangerous as Marco Raco makes me feel as if I’ve lost my mind. I should be sending money to my stepsister, going home and making sure my mom’s okay and even worse seeing Olivia and apologizing for being so selfish.

  Instead, I’m heading out of the elevator with a big smile on my face. This time it’s not David that’s holding the door open, but Marco.

  “I thought that you changed your mind.”

  I shake my head. I feel as if my lips are stuck together. They’re glued by the guilt I want to shake off, and they keep replaying in my mind.

  “Good. Don’t worry you’ll be earning a lot more by spending time with me than you would do working in the diner.”

  I hold on to the limo door. No longer feeling as if I want to go with him as he’s talking about me as if I’m some whore. He needs to fall for me. Not fucking pay to sleep with him. Not after everything I’ve sacrificed to get here until now. “I don’t want to be paid,” I hiss and then I continue to say, “I didn’t mean what I said earlier about repaying you. I want to be with you. I’ve never met a man like you.”

  He kisses me gently on the lips and smiles. “You don’t know how much that means to me.”

  His gentle gesture takes me completely by surprise. I didn’t expect it. I know he’s been married before, so I knew there was a chance of reaching his heart for that reason. He’s opened it up before. What didn’t surprise me were the circumstances in which she died, there was speculation that she killed herself and rumors online about there being foul play. The police, investigators couldn’t prove her death wasn’t suicide. I’ve only been speaking to him properly for one afternoon and maybe it’s too soon to be spending a whole weekend with him? He seems sensitive. Vulnerable… something that I didn’t think was possible for the man who destroyed my life.

  “I think I’m going to enjoy this weekend.” I smile as I enter the limo.

  Marco sits next to me, he closes the door and says, “That’s exactly what I had in mind. I wouldn’t want it any other way. Now buckle up and let’s get this show on the road.”


  “Yes?” He hesitates, as he’s just about to press the intercom. No doubt to tell David that we’re ready to leave.

  “Should I go upstairs and get the dresses that you bought me? Where are we going?”

  He smiles at me, but doesn’t answer as he tells David to drive to the airport. Then he looks at me and says, “I’m taking you somewhere you’ve never been before.”

  I fold my arms defensively. “Well, who says that I haven’t been to wherever we’re flying to?”

  “We’re flying to my island. Somewhere that I’m sure you’ve never been to because I own it.”

  He’s taking me to his private island. I know for sure now, I’ll win a lot more than his heart in a record of time.



  She’s agreed to come, and I don’t want to sit and be on the other side of the limo. Not when I want her so fucking badly. I’ve waited weeks to have her by my side and now that she is, I want her fucking now.

  This is why I’m taking her to my island. One night with her won’t do for all the nights I’ve been jerking off thinking about her. No, I want to please her and most of all satisfy myself over and over again.

  I don’t want to wait for us to get to the airport and then on the flight. I’m like an impatient kid in the ice-cream store, wishing for the biggest and sweetest ice-cream, but in my case, it’s Leah.

  We have twenty minutes until we reach the airport and there’s nothing sexier than being in between a woman’s pussy.

  “Come closer,” I say as I hear David starting the engine. I want to make sure that she has a little taste of what I’m going to do on the island. I don’t want her to get there and then pretend that she didn’t think that I was going to please her. No more Mr. Nice guy, I want to take her here and then finish her once we get there.

  She moves closer, and then I turn and move my hands onto her breasts, not quickly, but I slowly move them down. All the time I’m watching her as I cup them and then knead them with my hands. She doesn’t say a word, but it’s written all over her face that no man’s ever touched her this way. Something primal starts to build inside of me as I start to draw a finger in between her legs. She doesn’t protest as I draw it out and then it’s so damn slick and wet.

  “You’re so fucking wet.”

  I know that David’s waiting for me to give him the go-ahead to drive. He better not fucking disturb me, because I want her right now.

  Her voice trembles, “But don’t you want to…”

  She can’t say another word as I can’t resist and continue to slip my finger in and out of her fold. One minute I’m sitting next to her and the next I’m in between her legs. One hand on her breast. Her breasts are on display as I move the straps to the side. I move down and greedily start sucking on one nipple and then the next while using one hand to guide her breasts into my mouth. Then I use the other hand to slip past her folds. Her walls part and welcome me. I feel as if I’m in fucking heaven as if there’s no resistance. A second finger joined the first and then she was lost as her moans turn into cries.

  I start playing with her and love watching her reaction to everything. David starts to move the car, and as I start to feel the motion, it drives me into overtime.

  “Open your legs wider!” I demand as she starts to whimper.

  Her muscles are so fucking tight that her whimpers soon turn into moans. She’s so fucking close to coming, that I stop for a second and use my tongue instead of my fingers.

  Fuck, the smell of her coming sets something so deep into a rage as I drag my t
ongue into her opening. She sinks deeper into the seat and lets out a long groan.

  Her hands reach out and start urging me to take her deeper as I start to work her clit. It’s throbbing as if it’s begging me to bite it. I do that slowly.

  I can hear her breathing quicken as I start to feel her fall apart by the tip of my tongue. She’s so fucking sensitive to my touch. I can feel that the flame I invoked has now turned into a fire.

  She’s going to have the mother of all orgasms right on my tongue. It makes me want to take her even more as I can feel the pleasure mounting inside of her. There’s a vibration rolling through me as I realize I don’t want her to come only once. I want her to come and then after she’s finished, I’ll make her come all over again.

  Her body bucks. I zone in on her clit and lick it fast and firm. She’s screaming as if her life depends on it. Fuck, the flight! It can wait. That’s the luxury of owning your plane; I have my schedule. I wait for her to regain her breath. She’s still trembling as I milk every ounce of pleasure from her. I stop for a second as my erection is getting out of control. It fucking hurts and my cock wants nothing more than to be inside her sweet tasting pussy. I watch her come and feel as if I could kneel and watch this all day. I wait for her to open her eyes and for her catch her breath.

  I smirk. “You enjoyed that didn’t you?”

  She nods, probably unable to speak.


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