Relative-ly Speaking

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Relative-ly Speaking Page 29

by Karen D. Badger

  Totally captivated by the vision in front of her, Alex took two steps away from Chet and turned her total attention to the woman who owned her heart. "Josie?" she whispered.

  "I have something to say," Jo said into the microphone, her eyes never leaving Alex's. "I should have done this ages ago, but I've been a damned fool, a damned fool who has wasted a lot of time. I know a lot of you noticed I wasn't by Alex's side at the wedding today, but I was there. Drew, honey, you were a beautiful bride," she said, confirming Billie's suspicion that the closing door at the back of the church was her.

  Turning her attention to Alex, Jo continued. "As some of you know, Alex and I have been struggling of late. I'm afraid I have not been all that she needs. No, Alex, you know it's true," she said as Alex shook her head, refuting the self-incrimination Jo was putting herself through.

  "I have spent several hours thinking about our situation, Alex, and I have decided that it's time for a change," Jo announced, causing Alex to close her eyes and prepare for the worse. Reaching into her pocket, Jo pulled out a piece of paper with nearly illegible handwriting. "For the past couple of days, I have been putting my thoughts on paper, and I'd like to share them with you now," she said, clearing her throat and reading directly from the page.


  I want the world to know

  I'm the luckiest person on Earth.

  I have my health.

  I have a home.

  I have loving family.

  But above all else,

  I have the most precious pearl

  The heavens have ever made,

  And her name is Alexandra.

  I want the world to know

  I cherish her with all my heart.

  She is my reason for living.

  She is why I rise each day.

  She gives my life meaning.

  She fulfills me in ways unimaginable.

  I would be lost without her,

  As I hope she would be lost

  Without me.

  I want the world to know

  I find peace and comfort in her arms.

  Her love blankets me with warmth.

  Her love protects me from harm,

  Even from myself.

  She is my protector,

  My teacher,

  My friend.

  I would not be whole without her.

  I want the world to know

  She has stood by my side

  Through thick and thin,

  In good times and bad

  In sickness and in health

  For better and for worse.

  I would not be where I am today

  Without her love…

  Without her support.

  I want the world to know

  I am not ashamed of our love.

  She is a prize to be treasured,

  A trophy to be displayed.

  I have been a fool

  To have hidden it away.

  Unwilling to bear the scrutiny

  Of ridicule imagined,

  But never realized.

  I want the world to know

  I am here today

  To ask forgiveness…

  To ask for love…

  To ask for commitment.

  In the presence of friends and family,

  I am here today

  To ask my one true love....

  Alexandra Spirakis - will you marry me?

  When Jo finished reading, she looked up from the paper and met the tear-filled eyes of Alexandra Spirakis, only inches from her own. Jo and the crowd held their collective breaths as they awaited Alex's reply.

  Alex reached up to cup Jo's face between her hands. "Yes, you old fool. I will marry you," she said clearly before falling into Josephine's arms.

  A deafening roar erupted from the crowd as dozens of well-wishers came forth to offer their congratulations to the embracing couple. Billie and Cat held back, their fingers interlaced, neither able to see through their tears to make their way through the crowd congratulating the ladies. There would be time later at home. The moment was so intensely loving and romantic that it even melted the ice wedge between Amy and Joe, who embraced warmly at the news.

  Once more, Jo reached for the microphone and looked around at the crowd. "Thank you all so much for your support,” she said before turning to Alex. “Alexandra, you have made me the happiest woman in the world. Now all we have to do is make it official, right here, right now," Jo announced. "That is, of course, if Drew and Dylan don't mind sharing their wedding anniversary with the likes of me."

  Drew and Dylan came forward and warmly embraced the couple, assuring them it would be an honor to share such a momentous occasion with them.

  "Well, I guess all we need then is a Justice of the Peace, which I just happened to have scheduled to be here today just in case," Jo said.

  "Pretty sure of yourself, weren't you Wycliffe?" came a joking voice from the back of the crowd, causing a ripple of laughter to spread through the room.

  "No, just pretty sure of Alex's love," Jo quipped.

  Alex suddenly became impatient and took the microphone from Jo's hand. "Josephine Wycliffe, I have waited 50 years for a sincere proposal from you, and now that I've got it, I am not gonna wait a minute longer. Let's do this!" Alex shouted, sending the crowd once more into a fury of clapping.


  "Ladies and gentlemen, I give to you, Josephine Wycliffe and Alexandra Spirakis, partners in love, soul mates at heart, bound together for the rest of their lives by the vows they have made before us," the Justice of the Peace announced to the crowd. To Jo and Alex, he added, "Ladies, you may kiss the bride."

  As their lips touched, a deafening round of applause filled the room, and once again, the women were surrounded by well-wishers.

  "Time to cut the cake," came a voice, booming from the PA system. All eyes turned to the stage where Ida was standing, microphone in hand.

  Hand in hand, Drew and Dylan approached the grandmothers.

  "Grams," Drew said. "We'd be honored if you'd cut the cake with us," she offered.

  "Oh darlin's, you are just so sweet," Alex exclaimed as she looked at Jo to confirm her willingness.

  Alex's face drooped as she saw the evil expression on Jo's face. "Oh, no you don't!" she declared. "You are not goin' to smoosh cake in my face, Josephine Wycliffe."

  Jo feigned an insulted expression. "Now would I do that?" she said innocently.

  "In a heartbeat," came Alex's reply, causing all four of them to laugh as they headed toward the cake.

  Interested in the goings on, the crowd formed a semicircle around the newlyweds as the wedding party joined them for pictures during the cake cutting.

  Well aware of what her wife was capable of, Alex grabbed Jo's wrist as she offered her the piece of cake, so she had no choice but to behave. In fact, both couples managed to exchange their cake without a spec of frosting landing on any of them.

  The crowd clapped once more as the newly wedded couples faced them to accept their warm wishes and pose for more pictures.

  Suddenly, a loud screech rang through the room, originating from the center of the wedding party still gathered around the new couples. All eyes turned toward the source of the sound as Amy swung back and slapped Bob across the face.

  "How dare you!" she exclaimed as she rubbed her backside. "Don't you ever put your hands on me again, do you understand me?" she yelled just as Joe made his way to the center of the commotion. Grabbing Bob by the front of his tuxedo, he hauled back and planted a closed fist on the young man's jaw, sending him flying directly into the cake, spewing frosting all over the rest of the wedding party.

  "I have waited a long time to do that," he said, angrily pointing at the prone man. "Go near my wife again, and you're a dead man," he warned.

  Bob did the only thing he could think of. He grabbed a handful of cake and threw it at Joe, hitting him squarely in the face.

  "Why you little son of a..." Amy excla
imed as she lunged at Bob and pushed his face into the cake.

  "Food fight!" yelled Seth as he jumped into the fray.

  Unable to resist, Jo joined in, much to Alex's chagrin.

  Tara saw this as a perfect opportunity to seek revenge on Crystal as she shoved her cousin's face directly into what was left of the cake on the table.

  Within moments, the entire wedding party and several of the guests were involved in an all-out cake war, momentary anger with Bob forgotten as peals of laughter and cake flew around the room. By the time the din had settled, the floor, walls, and tables were covered with sticky goo, not to mention nearly every inch of the partygoers, several of them lying or sitting on the slippery floor recovering from bouts of laughter.

  Cat reached down to lend Billie a hand. Somehow, during the melee, Billie found herself on the floor, her purple dress severely damaged by frosting stains. As she rose to her feet, she looked down at herself and secretly chuckled at the demise of the horrid gown.

  "Hey, Barney! Looks like you forgot your bib," Jen said as she took in her friend's state of disarray.

  "Okay, that's it. I've had enough," Billie exclaimed as she picked up a handful of frosting and smeared it across Jen's face. "There. Paybacks are a bitch," she said.

  Jen stuck her tongue out and licked the frosting away around her mouth. "Ah, don't you really mean, revenge is sweet?" she said dryly as she smacked her lips.

  Billie laughed out loud and threw her arms around her goo-covered friend. "Jen, you're a nut. Have I ever told you that?" she asked.

  "Takes one to know one," Jen replied.


  Cat and Billie warmly embraced the grandmothers as their final flight number was called.

  "Don't forget now, the kids are scheduled to come out for the month of July," Alex reminded them. "Just like we planned," she added, referring to the yearly trip all of the grandchildren had planned to take to Charleston each summer, a tradition that had begun as a result of the family reunion they had had a year earlier.

  "Don't worry, Grams, we won't let them forget," Seth said enthusiastically. The grandmothers were so much fun to be with, especially Grandma Jo, and especially without parental supervision.

  "You do that, scout," Jo replied as she hugged him and the girls.

  This is the final boarding call for Flight 1076 to Charleston, South Carolina. All passengers report to gate twenty-three, a voice announced over the intercom.

  "Well, that's us," Alex exclaimed. Extending her hand to Chet, who had come to see them off with Jen, she smiled brightly. "Chet, I am so glad we had the opportunity to meet. You truly are a southern gentleman," she said warmly.

  "The pleasure was all mine, dear lady," Chet said, bowing and kissing the back of Alex's hand. Turning to Jo, he extended his hand which Jo took firmly. "Josephine," he said. "Take care of this delicate flower. She deserves all the love and attention she can get."

  Jo smiled. "Yes she does. I couldn't agree with you more. No hard feelings," she said, unable to resist the urge to emphasize the fact that it was she who had won Alex's heart.

  "None at all," Chet replied. "In fact, if you're ever in the New York area, stop by. I'd love to exchange history gossip with you."

  "The same goes to you, Chet. The doors of SpireClyffe Acres are always open to you," Jo replied.

  "You'd better hurry, Grams before they take off without you," Cat urged. Jo and Alex were the last of the family members to return home, and she and Billie were desperately looking forward to life returning to normal.

  "All right, all right!" Jo said jokingly. "If I didn't know better, I'd think you were trying to get rid of us."

  Billie placed an open palm on her chest and feigned innocence. "Now would we do that?" she asked.

  "Do you really want an answer to that, granddaughter?" Jo asked sarcastically.

  "Ah, no," Billie replied quickly, hugging her grandmother. "Have a great flight, both of you," she added, waving as they entered the boarding gate and disappeared into the plane.

  "Well, Daddy," Jen said to her father. "We'd better find your gate before you miss your flight."

  "Chet," Billie said, extending her hand to the older gentleman. "Thank you so much. You were brilliant. Jo never caught on that she was set up. You don't know what a difference you have made in their lives. We will forever be indebted to you."

  "Billie, I thoroughly enjoyed myself. Ms. Wycliffe was definitely a tough cookie. I'm glad I could help," he replied.

  Cat, always the sentimentalist, hugged Chet tightly as she said her goodbyes. "We're gonna miss you, Chet. You'll have to make a point to visit with Jen more often. We'd love to see you again," she said.

  "I think that can be arranged, little one," Chet said, tweaking Cat's nose.

  "Okay Daddy. Is your luggage checked? Do you have your tickets?" Jen asked, fussing over her father to ward off the tears that were threatening to spill from her eyes.

  "Always the fussbudget, just like your mother, bless her heart," Chet said as he took Jen's arm and led her in the direction of his gate.

  "I'll see the two of you back at home," Jen said over her shoulder as she was led away by her father.

  "Mom, can we go outside and watch Grams' plane take off?" Skylar asked.

  "Sure, just don't go beyond the chain-link fence, okay?" Billie replied.

  "Meet us in the car," Cat called to their backs. Then, turning to Billie, she sighed deeply. "Finally, alone at last," she said as Billie took her into her arms.

  "This certainly has been a hectic visit," Billie mused. "But you know what? I wouldn't change a thing, well except maybe our precious daughter getting tanked on pot," she said, chuckling lightly.

  Cat lifted her head off Billie's chest and looked her in the eye. "Well, we did vow to stay together for better or for worse," she said smiling.

  "That we did, my love, that we did," was all Billie said as they watched the plane take off, headed to South Carolina, and to a new beginning for two very special ladies.

  Photo Credit: Brad Fowler, Song of Myself Photography

  About the Author

  Karen D. Badger is the author of On A Wing And A Prayer, Yesterday Once More (a 2009 Golden Crown Literary Award winner for Speculative Fiction), In A Family Way, Unchained Memories, Happy Campers, Collective Identity and Sweet Angel: Books I, II, III, IV and V of the Commitment Series, The Blue Feather, All My Tomorrows (sequel to Yesterday Once More) and her current novel, Relative-ly Speaking, published by Badger Bliss Books, which Karen co-owns with her wife Barbara Sawyer (aka, "Bliss').

  Born and raised in Vermont, Karen is the second of five children raised by a fiercely independent mother, who remains one of her best friends to this day. Karen earned her B.A. in 1978 in Theater and in Elementary Education, and in 1994, earned a B.S. in mathematics. In addition to her novels, Karen is the author of many technical papers on photomask manufacturing, which she has presented at numerous semiconductor industry conferences, and is the holder of fourteen technical patents. Karen is currently in her 38th year as an Advisory Engineer in the field of Semiconductor Manufacturing with a prominent foundry in Vermont.

  Karen and her wife, Barb (Lt. Col. USAF, retired) live in the beautiful state of Vermont—home of Ben and Jerry's. They spend their spare time with family and friends, as well as doing home improvement projects on both their homes in Vermont and New Mexico. They also enjoy camping, kayaking, motorcycling and singing Karaoke.


  On A Wing and A Prayer

  First edition published by Blue Feather Books, Sept, 2005

  Second edition published by Badger Bliss Books – September, 2014

  ISBN 13: 978-1501022678, ISBN 10: 1501022679

  Yesterday Once More - 2009 Golden Crown Literary Society Award winner - Speculative Fiction

  1st edition by Blue Feather Books, July, 2008, 2nd edition by

  Second edition published by Badger Blis
s Books – September, 2014

  ISBN 13: 978-1501023408, ISBN 10: 15010234032009

  In A Family Way – Book One of the Commitment Series

  First edition published by Blue Feather Books, March, 2010

  Second edition published by Badger Bliss Books – September, 2014

  ISBN 13: 978-1501022463, ISBN 10: 1501022466

  Unchained Memories – Book Two of the Commitment Series

  First edition published by Blue Feather Books, Oct, 2011

  Second edition published Badger Bliss Books – September, 2014

  ISBN 13: 978-1501022784, ISBN 10: 1501022784

  Happy Campers - Book Three of the Commitment Series

  First edition published by Blue Feather Books, Sept, 2013

  Second edition published by Badger Bliss Books – September, 2014

  ISBN 13: 978-1501021855, ISBN 10: 1501021850

  The Blue Feather

  First edition published by Blue Feather Books, July, 2014

  Second edition published by Badger Bliss Books – September, 2014

  ISBN 13: 978-1501017797, ISBN 10: 1501017799

  Collective Identity – Book Four of the Commitment Series

  First edition published by Badger Bliss Books – January, 2015

  ISBN 13: 978-1507689066, ISBN 10: 1507689063

  All My Tomorrows – Sequel to Yesterday Once More

  First edition published by Badger Bliss Books – April, 2015


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