Holding Huck's Heart (Marco's MMA Boys #3)

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Holding Huck's Heart (Marco's MMA Boys #3) Page 8

by S. M. Donaldson

  Liz chuckles in the seat beside me. “Can you imagine? Even if he is some pretty big baseball player, he’s probably still small compared to the guys.” She shrugs. “Or at least he thinks so.”

  Sloan shakes her head. “Most guys are intimidated by fighters. They don’t know they all turn into mush around cute little kids and babies.”

  Sloan looks up in the mirror at me again and speaks. “So what did you do in South Florida? Did you dance or work in a hospital there?”

  I fidget with my hands. “No, um, I worked for a car dealer in the office. I have a degree in business management so I dealt with a lot of the accounts and financing stuff. Everyone had to turn invoices into me, stuff like that.”

  “I’m sure moving back here, you took a huge pay cut. Hence the reason you have two jobs,” Kara says as she takes a sip from her coffee.

  I laugh, shaking my head. “Yes, I’ve had so many people ask me at the hospital why I have two jobs. I mean they all think I wait tables at night, not dance. Cancer is expensive and-.” Liz puts her hand on mine. “I’m sorry, guys, I didn’t realize how defensive I was getting. Damn, people just get on my nerves.”

  Kara laughs. “Oh, we all know too well.” She points to Sloan. “Baby daddy NFL star Lucas Smith knocks her up in college and drops her like an electric fence. Then decides to show up and cause all kinds of drama.” She points herself. “Me, shitty at picking out men. I get the hell beat out of me, which results in Sly beating the hell out of my ex and being front page news for being arrested. Which happens to be how I became close with your dad.” She gets a sad look in her eye before she points to Liz. “Liz, Marco’s long lost mysterious daughter, who happens to be gay and strips because it’s freeing. Trust us, we know people love to talk.” She shrugs. “So the fact that you have let Huck get balls deep and you take your clothes off for extra cash,” she waves her finger around after popping a chip in her mouth. “No big deal.”

  Everyone bursts out laughing at Kara’s quick summarization of their lives.

  Wiping the tears from my eyes, I say, “Thank you for making me laugh like that. It’s been a long time.”

  Kara shakes her head around. “Anytime, hun. Anytime.”

  Liz shoots up in the seat. “OOH! Turn that up. I’m thinking of using this song one night before I quit stripping.”

  Sloan reaches over and turns up the radio. My Darkest Days comes through the speakers singing “Porn Star Dancing”.

  Kara screams and starts dancing in her seat, singing along.

  So this is what it’s like to have girlfriends? Nice.



  Show no fear.

  Show no mercy.

  Fight like the world is after you.

  Win like no one is watching you.

  I exhale as I repeat my personal motto in my head, then I see Marco come in the training room behind me.

  He looks at me pointedly. “You good?”

  I set down my weights and nod, wiping my face with my shirt. “Yeah. Just finishing up a round of weights.”

  “How do you feel about this fight?” he asks with his arms crossed over his chest.

  “I’m good.” I shrug. “No matter what happens I’ll kick ass, just hope it’s enough to win.”

  He slaps me on the back. “Good. I’m glad you’ve worked it out in your head. Don’t forget we have a dinner with Bellator tonight. They’re actually hosting the party tomorrow night after the event, too, so expect to be paraded around a little bit.”

  Taking a sip of my water I nod, looking at him. “Yeah, I remember. I came prepared.”

  “Good. Now don’t work too hard. You’ll exhaust yourself before tomorrow. I’ll see you in a little while,” he says as he’s pulling on the door to leave.

  I throw up my hand to wave. “I’m done. I’m about to go for a run and then I’ll be in my room.”

  He nods and finishes going out the door. I take one last look in the mirror before I walk out to go for my run.


  As I get out of the shower, I hear my phone ping with an incoming text.

  MARCO: Cars will be downstairs in 45 minutes don’t make me wait on any of you.

  Immediately responses start coming back from Marco’s group text.


  SLY: K



  I quickly get ready, checking my hair one last time in the mirror. I add a little more product to spike it, then double check to make sure I have my wallet, phone and room key. I’m good to go so I head down to the lobby to meet everyone. Stepping in the elevator, I press the button for the lobby but just as the door starts to close, I hear someone running to the door. I press the button to hold it open. As it opens up, there she is. It’s like she sucked all of the air out when she stepped in. She’s in a blue cocktail dress that hugs her curves in all the right places. Damn those fuck me heels she’s wearing connected to the legs that I would love to wrap around my waist while taking her against this wall.

  Trying to conceal the fact that I’m fighting a hard on, I smile. “You look very beautiful.”

  She blushes. “Thanks. I hope this is okay. I wanted to save the other dress I brought for tomorrow night.”

  “It’s perfect.” The door opens and more people get on, she backs over closer to me. I catch a whiff of everything that is Chelsea. It’s a fruity smell and it’s taking all of my will power not to kiss her. To not lick from her collar bone up her neck.

  This girl is going to be the death of me.

  Finally reaching the lobby, we are the last ones to leave the elevator. Sly grins. “You guys look like you’re going to the prom or some shit.”

  Kara smiles. “Ignore him, he’s an ass.”

  “What are you guys talking about?” I ask because I’m confused. Everyone is just as dressed up as we are.

  Chelsea looks at me and smiles. “It’s because my dress matches your dress shirt. It looks like we tried to match it up or something.”

  “Oh. I can go change shirts if you want me to,” I say, trying to lighten the embarrassment.

  Marco steps over. “No, you can’t. The cars are here. No one gives a shit if you match, don’t match or are wearing a hot pink tutu. Get in the car.”

  Elaine tugs his arm to pull him away. It’s still hard for me to believe that they’re getting married.

  Kara pats Chelsea on the arm. “Marco gets a little grumpy right before fights. Just ignore him, but do what he says. He does it to keep the guys from stressing.”

  We file out to the cars. Lox, Sloan, Liz, Elaine and Marco get in the first car while Kara, Sly, Gibbs, Chelsea and I get in the second one.

  I see Gibbs and Kara talking quietly about something. Sly sees it, too. “What’s up? What’s the big secret over there?”

  Kara looks at him. “Nothing big. We were just talking about Jade.”

  Sly gives them a grimace look. “Well, if that little baseball playing shit is too much of a pussy to come hang out with us, then she doesn’t need to be dating him.”

  I nod in agreement. “Yeah, what’s his damn problem?”

  Chelsea rolls her eyes and laughs.

  I glare at her. “Got something to add there?”

  “Look at you guys,” she motions around to us. “You may not like it but compared to normal guys, you’re intimidating. You can’t help it.”

  Gibbs crosses his arms. “Well, he’s supposed to be some kind of kick ass jock so he should be just as built as us.”

  Kara snorts. “Well, most baseball players are fit but not built like fighters so there would probably still be a size difference. Not only that, he’s meeting like four fighters at once. Not just one. “

  A few minutes later, we pull into the restaurant. As we enter I see another large party entering, then I see Maksim with them. He and I make eye contact. Chelsea glances over to the group and takes a sharp inhale. Pulling her to my side, I ask, “What’s wrong?”

bsp; She slightly shakes her head, pulling away just a little. “Nothing, I’m fine,” she says, continuing to walk into the restaurant.

  Once our table is ready, the girls sit at one end of the table and talk while we meet with the people from Bellator on the other end. I see Chelsea get up and excuse herself. I’m guessing that she’s going to the restroom. I give her time to get out of sight and then I stand. “Excuse me, I’ll be right back.”

  Making my way through the droves of people, I finally reach the hallway to the restrooms. I stop in my tracks when I see her talking to some suit type guy. Slowly walking forward, I make my way closer. Their conversation appears to be intense. He leans down, kissing her on the lips. It’s a passion filled kiss.

  She stops when she notices that I’m standing there.

  I spin around and march straight to the bar. The bartender makes eye contact as soon as I walk up. He nods for me to order.

  “I need a double shot of tequila and a scotch neat.” I slap some money on the bar.

  He slides the glasses to me on the bar. I take my shot and then start on my scotch. I go back to the table and have a seat just as the food arrives. Thank god, a distraction.

  A cute redheaded waitress steps beside me, her tits are pretty much in my face. “Can I get you anything else, sir?”

  I raise my now almost empty glass. “Another scotch neat and maybe your number,” I say with an evil grin.

  She giggles and walks away. Sly shakes his head at me. “Man, what is up with you? You haven’t pulled something like that in a long ass time. You’re looking like someone took a big shit on your lap.”

  I shrug it off, taking a sip from the water glass on the table. “Just trying to find something fun to get into while I’m here. You guys are going to be tied up all night. Might as well find something to keep my busy.”

  He glances down the table. He’s about to say something else when the waitress reappears. “Here you go, sir.” She hands me my drink along with a napkin that has her name and number scribbled on it.

  I look up at her and wink. “Thanks.”

  The girls roll their eyes and make scoff remarks as she walks away. I don’t care, Chelsea is making out with some business guy in the hallway and Liz doesn’t swing my way. Sloan and Kara, they’re taken. They’ve found this person everyone is hunting for. This person that completes them. Well, I’m pretty damn complete all on my fucking own. I start on my meal and as I glance up, I see Chelsea watching me. I do my best to ignore her, finishing my steak and scotch. Finally, this damn meal from hell is over. I’ve made small talk with our sponsors, promising them a hell of a fight tomorrow night. I’ve appeased everyone, now I can go back to the hotel and hit the gym. Maybe the sauna or hot tub.

  Standing up, I remember the napkin on the table. I decide to leave it. Fuck it, women, even one night stands, complicate things. I’ve got a damn fight to prep for.

  On the way out to the car, I realize that all of the pleasantries between Chelsea and me are over. She’s very distant and she keeps fidgeting, biting her lower lip. There is something bothering her, I could always read her.

  Once we’re back at the hotel, we go our separate ways. I see the girls talking in a huddle about meeting up in the morning for the spa.

  I look to my brother. “I’m going to hit up the gym for a bit, then probably hit the hot tub.” I shrug. “Try to loosen up for tomorrow.”

  He nods. “I would say I’d join you but…” He gives me that damn smirk of his.

  “Yeah, yeah, yeah, I get it, man. Go be with your girl.” I shove him on the shoulder.

  He walks away backwards. “Don’t hate, man.”

  I flip him off and head to the elevators. I have a date with the gym.



  What in the hell is Pavel doing here? In Jacksonville? When did he get into watching fights?

  I never expected to see him here, much less him text me to meet him in the hallway. Then he pulls that shit with kissing me and Huck saw. “What are you doing here, Chelsea?” “I’m here with some of my friends.” “Fighters? You’re friends with goon type fighters now?” “You seem to be hanging out with those goon types, too.” “Yes, but for investment purposes only. Although that may be your reason, too. You want them to invest in you. Right?” “My friends are none of your damn business. And for the record, the only investment I wanted you to make in me was your fucking heart.” I slapped him, walking away. Damn it! Pavel is always fucking up my life. Now, whatever moment Huck and I had earlier tonight in the elevator, it’s gone.

  Now I’m here wide awake with my thoughts. I don’t want to be near my phone for fear that Pavel will text me and I won’t be strong enough to say no. Tonight is the first time I’ve seen him in a social situation, outside of when he surprised me at the club. I was so angry at that point, he didn’t have a chance. This has been my first true test of will power toward him and I’m afraid I’m going to fail miserably. I can’t forget how he lied to me, everything was a lie. I fell once, I’m not sure I won’t fall for it all again even knowing the truth. I have to stay away from him. I don’t even have feelings for him anymore…I’m not sure any of it was ever real. I know myself and I know I’m lonely which gives me weakness. I have to keep my distance from him and men like him.

  Maybe a dip in the hot tub will relax me. It’s one of the things I miss most about my condo.

  I change into the simple black bikini I brought with me and throw on a cover up before leaving for the hot tub.

  Sitting in the hot tub, I lay back and let my head rest on the edge. Deep breath in and let the day out. I keep repeating this to myself. It helps me relax.

  “You know, it’s not smart to fall asleep in water,” a deep voice says, startling me.

  I look up to see Huck standing over me. “Oh, ah hey. I guess I dozed off. I was trying to relax, I guess it worked,” I say nervously.

  “Mind if I join you? I was going to relax my muscles a little for tomorrow,” he says, stepping into the water.

  I sit up quickly. “Um, I need to get going anyway. Thank you for waking me up.”

  He reaches out and grabs my arm. “Chels, sit down.”

  I do as he says. I don’t really even know why. I should get up and leave. I should just go to my room and go to bed. But I never do what I should do. “Okay.”

  He sinks down and rests his arms along the edges. “So who was the guy?”

  I knew he was going to ask. “Someone I really wasn’t expecting to see here, that’s for sure, and I’m not super happy about it.”

  “You seemed pretty happy to see him to me. I mean you guys were mauling each other in the back hall of a restaurant,” he says smugly.

  “Yeah, well, looks can be very deceiving. He hasn’t quite accepted that we’re over,” I say with a shortness.

  “Well I can see how he would be confused. I mean you were practically-.” I don’t let him finish. Standing up, I start to get out of the water. He once again grabs my arm but this time I end up falling into his lap.

  “Damn it. Just let me go, Huck. You can think whatever in the hell you want. Really, I don’t care. You missed me shoving him away and slapping him in the face,” I say, pulling against him.

  “Wait. Please,” he says, trying to calm me down. “Sorry, I’m being an asshole.”

  I bark out a laugh. “Yeah, you are.”

  “So why is he here and why is he not getting the message?” he says with his arms still wrapped around me.

  I look down at the water. “He’s here with Maksim’s group.”

  He reaches up and lifts my chin. “Remember, always look at me when you talk.”

  I laugh a little thinking about how he always made me look up and not be shy about talking. This is Huck. This is me with Huck. It all falls back into place. I can tell him anything without judgement or insecurity. “I don’t know why he’s here with them, he said Maksim is a new investment.” I sigh and relax a little. “Pavel is a man
I was involved with in Miami. He has quite a bit of money. I was with him for several years.” I start to fidget, I don’t want him to be disgusted with me.

  “Chelsea, just tell me. It can’t be that embarrassing. You were with me the first time I had sex. Remember, it lasted all of like five seconds.” He gives me that sideways grin.

  I slip off of his lap and settle in next to him. “I’m a little ashamed of myself. My father would be so disappointed to know what I’ve done. “

  He brushes a loose hair away from my face. “Hey, it’s me, just tell me.”

  I take a deep breath and let it out. I begin with my moving after graduation. He sits and listens patiently while I tell him about Pavel and his wife. All of the empty promises. How my hopes and dreams were shoved to the back burner.

  I don’t realize that I’m crying until he wipes tears from my face. “Hey, you made a mistake. I can’t say that I condone what you were doing, but I can understand it. He’s the real asshole here. He is the jackass who took advantage of someone who was young. He told you all of the things you needed to hear.” He pulls me to his chest and strokes my hair. “Don’t cry, okay? No more tears for him.”

  “This stupid part of me really thought he was going to leave his wife. That he would give me everything he promised. I was just a high priced hooker. I got all of the C’s. A condo, car, clothes and cash. I had it all and nothing at the same time,” I say quietly.

  “You’re a good person, Chels, you trusted someone you shouldn’t have. We all do that from time to time,” he says absently into space, just before turning and making eye contact with me.

  “You don’t,” I say softly, not breaking eye contact.

  “I don’t what?”


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