PA Expose - a full length erotic novel with submission themes (Xcite Erotic Romance Novels)

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PA Expose - a full length erotic novel with submission themes (Xcite Erotic Romance Novels) Page 3

by Kristal Baird

  He groaned his pleasureas she satisfied his wishes.

  Withdrawing, he looked deeply into her eyes and curved his lips. She had no doubt she would be suckling another part of his anatomy before the day was out. She both feared and desired it, as a cold stone of dreadful anticipation sunk into the pit of her stomach. She was certain he knew his unspoken intention was clear to her.

  Her lack of will was all that mattered to him. And he would test her every way he knew how.

  Jake helped her to her feet again. ‘You will see I am not an unreasonable employer. If you work hard to ensure you please me in everything. Everything. What do you wish to say to me?’

  Not unreasonable? Not if it’s reasonable to strip and spank a stranger.‘Thank you, sir. I will try my best to be obedient and follow your wishes.’ And get a battleship of a good story to sink you with.

  ‘Of course you will.’

  He sounded so absolutely convinced. Damn him.

  ‘And be grateful for the discipline I administer to correct your faults.’

  ‘Thank you for giving me the discipline I require, sir.’ Even saying the words made her feel weak with need for more. What the hell was happening to her?

  ‘Now you have already forgotten I told you to get me coffee.’ He handed her a bunch of keys retrieved from his desk. ‘Leave my office door open but go and lock the outside door first and return the keys. I do not wish to be intruded upon today and you have no need to leave. I am keeping you.’

  The ultimate test? Run or stay? By now she believed if she ran, he would return her by force. He just wanted her complete submission to his will. Her decision in name. His by design. Always.

  He went back, once more, to the file of papers on his desk, confident that she would no longer make any attempt to escape him.

  Chapter Two

  AS SOON AS Cally walked toward his office door with the keys, Jake Stone picked up a remote control. He clicked it to unlock the exterior doors. Unbeknown to Cally, they had been locked all the time, preventing any escape she might have attempted in this critical early phase of her submission training.

  Now she would find the doors unlocked, presuming them always to have been so and available to her to leave through, if she desired. When he heard her locking them with the keys, he would know he had her acquiescence. For now.

  Jake Stone was good at his job, if he said so himself. He understood the psychological dimensions of training a woman to be a submissive partner, as well as the physical. It was just as important to let a woman believe she was doing this by her own choice, at least in the early phases, as it was to make her body desperate for the relief only he would provide her, as a means of control.

  He had trained enough women since leaving Special Forces and setting up his exclusive business to know what he was about. He had worked for Arab Sheiks, American oil barons, British politicians, and now one rather desperate newspaper editor, who was so horny for the submissive services of his cock-teasing little intern that he was prepared to pay big money to get them.

  The text message Cally had sent, on his instructions, to her boss, was the code that had been agreed to inform Joe Mathers his pretty little chick had been hatched and was now being grown ready for plucking. And fucking. He liked the irony of having women send that particular communication to their future master themselves.

  Now all Jake had to do was earn his money by ensuring Cally Hammond would eventually submit to any man he required her to, culminating with Joe Mathers. But starting with him.

  This time, he’d lucked out. When he’d looked out from his make-believe office scenario and had seen that horny little beauty for real, in her black killer heels with legs that could carry them off, like a burlesque dancer, straining satin blouse with her nipples poking through and sexy tight skirt, he’d nearly blown his load there and then.

  His training strategy was the Special Forces one. Go in hard and fast, with the ultimate target in mind. Just as he had with Cally. He usually avoided his own release until his target was at the point she needed to be fucked by him, or die. It was part of the mind control. But with Cally Hammond, he just had to come, right there. Hell, how he’d wanted to throw her over the desk beneath him and ram his hot, hard length into her yawning chasm, dripping with honey.

  But that wasn’t how it worked. He needed her begging him to fuck her. Willing to do anything he asked, with anyone he wanted, just for the privilege of letting him fuck her. Hell, he loved his job. And he was especially going to love this one. Big time.

  This little darling was going to get the special treatment, for making him suffer. Jake’s shaft twitched its agreement.

  He’d never taken a client’s woman home with him before, but he had no intention of letting a sexy female like Miss Hammond escape his clutches. Not until he’d done everything with her he wanted to. And then some.

  Jake Stone felt himself getting hard again thinking about her, as he watched her on his computer monitor, making his coffee across the hall. He watched her breasts jiggle in that lacy little bra and shimmering blouse, and her tight little arse stretch that skirt as she bent and reached for the milk and cups. His hand tingled in memory of it landing palm down on her sweet flesh. He made a mental note to have her make his coffee naked some time. And to lick ice-cold cream off her bare breasts.

  He watched her search thoroughly yet stealthily through all the cupboards in the kitchen while she was waiting for the coffee to brew and keeping an ear out for him across the hall. He knew what she was looking for. He had concocted the whole business exposure ruse around which Cally’s training would take place. He personally tailored every case to the needs of each individual client. Jake gave a half-smile as he watched her put everything back exactly as she found it.

  He was really enjoying this assignment.

  Taking money for such pleasures, Jake Stone, you’re a real whoreson-of-a-bitch. He laughed and went back to his dossier. The one that told him everything there was to know about Cally Hammond, including her bra size.

  Cally returned carrying a tray with coffee and placed it at the side of Jake’s desk. She lifted the cup and saucer, waiting for him to indicate where she should place it.

  It pleased him that she was a quick learner, and smart too. Intelligent women made this so much more fun. He motioned with his hand for her to place it before him.

  ‘You brought biscuits,’ he said simply. ‘Tell me why?’

  Cally hesitated. He liked that. It meant she was unsure, which was the response he wanted, and she wasn’t yet trying to second guess him. Too smart for that. That would come later.

  ‘I found biscuits in the cupboard.’

  He knew that. He’d seen her do it. ‘Continue.’ He sipped his coffee. Hot.

  ‘Most people like biscuits with their coffee.’ It sounded lame, even to her. She waited, resigned.

  His voice was menacingly calm. ‘Am I like most people?’

  She just knew he was leading her into another trap. She sighed. ‘No, sir.’ She didn’t think her poor posterior could take another beating, just yet. And this damn newspaper job better be worth it. She’d yet to find anything on Jake Stone that didn’t rely on her word against his.

  ‘I did not tell you to bring biscuits.’ Jake waited, looking at her face, while the reality of imminent consequences sunk in. ‘Did I?’

  ‘No, sir.’ She already knew what was coming next.

  ‘You had indicated to me that you had learnt to be obedient to my will, yet you attempt to take decisions away from me. What do you have to say?’

  ‘I’m sorry, sir. I thought it would please you.’

  ‘It pleases me when you obey me precisely. And you have not. So you know what I must do, don’t you?’

  Oh God, he was going to beat her again. And she’d just gone and locked the outside doors. ‘Yes, sir.’

  Jake pushed back his chair and patted his lap.

  Over we go, she thought shuffling closer. She would make damn sure Jake Ston
e never ran another business again as long as he lived. He should be in prison. But that quivering started to build in the pit of her stomach again. And it wasn’t all fear. Damn Jake Stone, he had her feeling hot and needy again. She’d been on the edge, practically, since she got here.

  He caught her wrist and pulled her. She was surprised to find herself landed in his lap, but not upside down. Sitting. On his lap. What was he planning to do to her now?

  Jake picked up a biscuit and held it to her mouth. ‘Bite,’ he ordered.

  She did.

  ‘Chew it and swallow.’ He purred the words as if he was encouraging her to swallow his come. It made the act of chewing almost impossible.

  His long fingers started to stroke the inside of her knee, at the bottom of her skirt. That helped. She gulped and the biscuit went down. His hand went higher between her legs. He placed the biscuit against her lips again. This time he needed no words. The flick of his head told her she was to continue and she bit again, chewing faster, in time to her quickening pulse.

  Each time his fingers crept higher up her inner thigh toward the dark recess at their apex. She had three biscuits to get through and had barely finished one. She swallowed. He stroked. Her body warmed under his touch and she felt herself writhe.

  ‘Sit still!’ he commanded. He picked up the second biscuit and fed it to her.

  It felt like dust in her mouth. Between swallows her lips were parted and she panted her reaction to his questing fingers, drying the inside of her mouth further. It was becoming increasingly impossible to choke the food down.

  ‘Please,’ she murmured. ‘I need a drink.’

  He placed the biscuit on the plate and poured a glass of water from the carafe on his desk. He fed it to her, pouring just a little too fast for her to swallow it all, allowing the excess to trickle down her neck onto her blouse. He took it away before she was fully slaked and placed the last of the second biscuit to her lips.

  ‘Finish it. You still have one more to eat.’

  She took the last of it into her mouth and he pushed his forefinger in beside it, preventing her from biting down, although she wanted to. Boy, did she want to. He ran the pad of his finger over the inside of her lips and teeth and tongue.

  By now, the fingers of his other hand had reached the barrier of her panties. They stroked firmly along the crease of her slit, up and down.

  Cally’s breath came in restricted gasps. She was incapable of swallowing the remainder of the last biscuit.

  ‘Swallow it,’ he urged, removing his fingers from her mouth. His voice was a whisper in her ear.

  With a monumental effort she complied and he picked up the final biscuit.

  His fingers moved along the edge of her panties, slipping under the tightly fitted fabric, little by little. They sought the slickly moist folds and ran rhythmically up and down, curving over her clit deliciously, making her writhe and moan.


  She bit and chewed almost in spasm and her hips lifted in time with her jaw’s movement.


  Just as she did as he told her, he slipped two fingers into her clenching vagina. She bucked against his hand and he instantly withdrew, running his moisture-soaked fingers back down the silkiness of her inner thighs, to her knee. He straightened the hem of her skirt.

  Her pounding heart slowed and her breathing steadied, but she was left achingly unsatisfied and desperate for completion.

  ‘Finish the biscuit.’

  These were his only words of comfort to her. He watched her as she completed her task, the crumbs tasting like sawdust in her mouth. He finished by holding another drink of water to her lips.

  Cally wanted to weep with unresolved frustration. She’d never bring the bastard another biscuit as long as she lived. Rather she’d send him a crate full of them, delivered directly to his prison cell.

  Jake pushed her off his lap and drank his cooling coffee, as if nothing had occurred. ‘You make great coffee.’

  She felt pathetically grateful for that, even as she realised he was brainwashing her mind by tormenting her body.

  ‘There’s a catalogue in the desk over there.’ Jake indicated the smaller desk in the corner of his office. ‘You’ll see what I’ve chosen. Order the items for delivery tonight.’

  Finally. Real office work, Cally thought ironically. And a chance to go through the desk. Although what she really wanted was a chance to go through Jake’s. That would be where all the juicy stuff on him would be kept. The sooner she fulfilled her real task and got the hell out of here, the better.

  She sat down and opened the top drawer. Stationery. Tidy. A catalogue lying there, just like he said. Women’s clothes. For her? So he really meant to make her go home with him. She might think he had had this stage-managed all along.

  OK, she could play his games. For now. She remembered what was at stake, for her.

  The catalogue was marked with tiny Post-it notes. She turned to the first one. Office apparel, with an edge. Interesting. Tight pencil skirts that restricted the way you walked. Crisp white blouses. All tight, tight, tight. She wrote down the numbers on a pad, then flipped to the next items. A couple of sexy dresses. Short. Black. Now a long, clingy number. Backless. Some seriously sexy clothes. Not a pair of jeans or a cosy sweater in sight. Damn him. He was really prepared for this. Was this the way he played all his former PAs?

  It got Cally thinking about them. She would love to know who they were, how long they lasted. What Jake Stone did to them. Although she was beginning to get a pretty good idea about that already. The thought made her consider if they enjoyed the thrill of it all quite as much as she did? She squashed that last thought quickly.

  Where were they now? She wondered if their names and addresses were in that filing cabinet. Now that would be a coup, if she could get in there. Those names and addresses would make some pretty serious allegations. She looked across surreptitiously at Jake. It made her wonder if she was putting herself in the hands of a serial killer.

  Cally told herself to calm down. No way would an experienced newspaper man like Joe Mathers throw her to the wolves. That wouldn’t get him his story. Just a dead body on his hands. No. He’d trusted her to do this investigation and she had to deliver. She just had to play along for as long as it took to dish the dirt on Stone Enterprises and the macho hulk at its head. She could do this.

  So what if she had to dress up all sexy for Jake Stone? She’d arrived at the lingerie section of the catalogue and could feel her skin getting warmer by the minute. Just thinking about a hot, fit guy like Jake, looking at her in some of this stuff, made her go weak all over. A strange feeling curled through her stomach. Especially when she admitted to herself that as much as she was nervous about the prospect, she liked it. Wanted him to make her dress up for him. Wanted him to see her naked body through the thin, silky, transparent fabrics. Then perhaps he’d want to fuck her in them too.

  She hoped so.

  Next came the shoes. Higher than any heels she’d ever worn. Practically fetish gear. Not a pair of comfy slippers amongst them. She should be angry, really. A guy thinking he could tell her how to dress. But she couldn’t find that feeling inside her. She was too desperate already for Jake Stone to find her so hot he couldn’t keep his hands off her. And shoes like this definitely had to turn a man on. Men just loved the idea of a woman so hobbled and restricted she could hardly move. Couldn’t run, no matter what a man did. And she guessed she liked it too, if the tingle between her legs was anything to go by.

  She looked across at him when the list was completed. It was as if he could read her mind.

  ‘Use the phone on the desk,’ he instructed. ‘Tell them it’s for Stone Enterprises and delivery is required tonight. They have the address. Oh, and order one more thing that you would like. Your choice.’

  Cally felt herself tremble. She realised he’d done this before. It would definitely make great reading in her newspaper column. But was it a test? Did he wan
t to reward her services with a pretty dress? Or did he want something to berate her with? His last request – giving her a decision to make – had her all nervous and unsettled again. Anyone would think she had never chosen clothes for herself before. God, he was a master at this.

  She flipped through the catalogue again. Should she pick something that he would like, or that she wanted? Cally could feel the devil rising in her. Maybe she should order a huge thick towelling wrap, just to annoy him and to cover up in when she felt too exposed? She thought it wasn’t a bad idea, but compromised with a beautiful, floaty silk wrap. One that would cover her from neck to toe, unlike the rest of the wardrobe. That would teach him he could only push her so far in the games they played. And only with her consent. His control of her was only an illusion, wasn’t it?

  She phoned the company, who seemed discreet and efficient. She memorised their name for her records, knowing she would have to rely on memory as there was no way she could write anything down surrounded by Jake Stone 24/7.

  Suddenly the man in her thoughts got up. ‘I’m going out to get us some food. I won’t be gone long. Be good.’

  He didn’t ask her what she would like. Of course not. A man like Jake Stone made all the decisions and expected his woman to go along with it.

  When did she start thinking of herself as Jake’s woman?

  The way he told her to be good made her think he knew she would be up to no good the moment his back was turned. She couldn’t be his first curious PA, obviously. She just came into this with her eyes wider open than most of them did. And she would be getting a closer look at Jake Stone’s office than he could possibly imagine, just as soon as he left.

  Jake stood on the mewsoutside his office, having remotely locked down the premises. Nothing, save a fire, or him, could activate it again. The phones were now linked to his genuine company and the close-circuit system was activated, so he could watch Cally on his palm viewer.


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