PA Expose - a full length erotic novel with submission themes (Xcite Erotic Romance Novels)

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PA Expose - a full length erotic novel with submission themes (Xcite Erotic Romance Novels) Page 18

by Kristal Baird

  Mathers drew in a sharp breath. The bastard was really getting off on her torment. Jake knew what he was doing. She knew that. Between strokes, he waited. That was when, as the pain subsided, the tickling deep between her legs began. She rolled her hips in response to the clitoral stimulus. Mathers noticed.

  ‘She likes it. The horny bitch likes being beaten. Let me have a go.’

  ‘No, Jake,’ Cally pleaded. ‘You do it.’

  ‘He has to learn, Cally, the same as you do. It’s for your own good.’

  Chapter Thirteen

  MATHERS TOOK THE whip. Jake didn’t like this much. He never liked the moment when he had to hand control of a woman over, but he saw it as a necessary test of the man’s intentions. No better way to monitor how a man was planning to treat his woman. ‘Do a few practice strokes, into the air,’ Jake ordered.

  Mathers complied half-heartedly as Cally glanced over her shoulder at him, with mounting dread.

  ‘Are we good to go, yet?’ Mathers enquired.

  Jake nodded. He didn’t like the guy. But thought he appeared to have got the message. ‘We’ll try a single, first of all. You hold back now.’ It was a final warning before the blow fell.

  Cally didn’t need to be asked to turn her back. She had no intention of allowing him to whip the tender flesh of her breasts and stomach, if she could help it. The first blow landed, squarely across her buttocks. Straight across the place it had previously been whipped by Jake. She drew in a breath.

  Mentally she was still resistant to Mathers and somehow that made it hurt more.

  She was still trying to figure out just exactly how this situation had come about. But one thing was clear. Mathers was here to have her and Jake was willing to let it happen. She didn’t seem to have a say in the matter.

  Unexpectedly, she felt a twinge stirring. No matter what was going on, she still got off on being dominated and chastised. That was her curse. Perhaps this was real domination, as she really couldn’t control the situation now. Mathers was determined to fuck her and Jake was happy to let him. He was even teaching him how to punish her, if she didn’t submit to him.

  The twinge stirred again and she squeezed her thighs together.

  Mathers sounded off again. ‘Who the hell would have thought it? Just a bit of strict discipline and she’s getting hot and bothered.’ He flicked the whip to her buttocks again.

  Cally made a soft noise, deep in her throat. Partly pain, with chasing erotic sensations, coursing through her. Her nipples tingled and she wanted them to be flicked and licked. She turned to face them, hoping that was all the begging she would need to do.

  But Mathers wasn’t done with the torment yet. His next thrash jerked across her belly and hip, which thrust forward involuntarily.

  ‘I think she’s trying to tell us something.’ Mathers laughed low in his belly.

  Cally could see the straining erections and began not to care which one would see to her satisfaction. Jake held back but Mathers began to rub himself in excited glee. He clearly wasn’t prepared to wait much longer to take her. Would Jake let him? While he watched?

  The thought of Jake watching another man fuck her got her pussy creaming in expectation.

  A sharp strike hit her breasts. The nipples sang out with a rising sting which slowly subsided to a throbbing ache. She couldn’t wait to be brought to orgasm but knew her only chance rested with Mathers now.

  ‘You can suck my titties, if you want,’ she invited him with her most seductive voice, using the language he had used with her.

  She could see Jake’s fists bunch as Mathers stepped toward her. Suddenly Jake’s arm shot out and caught Mathers by the shoulder. ‘Not yet. You’ve got to build her tension until she’s prepared to do anything you want. To let you do anything you want to her.’

  Cally wondered if Jake was teaching him, revealing his secrets, or trying to stop him having her for just a bit longer. She hoped he hurt. Just a twinge of jealousy. An idea grew, slowly, in Cally’s mind.

  ‘No, Joe, now. I want to feel your mouth over my breasts, right this minute. I want you to lick me, Joe. Tongue my nipples. They’re so hard, Joe.’

  The shmuck was about to come in his pants.

  Jake cut through his daze. ‘Give her another lash of the whip, Mathers.’

  Was he trying to punish her, for coming on to Joe?

  She could counter Jake’s wiles. ‘Lash my pussy, Joe, with your big whip. I need it so badly.’ Cally almost purred.

  Mathers complied. He had lost some of his control because this one hurt more as it struck her pubic mound and thighs.

  Cally bit back a yelp and focused on the warmth spreading across her cunny. She spread her thighs, aware of two sets of eyes riveted to her silk-covered pussy.

  ‘Take me, Joe. Throw me over the desk and take me, hard. Are you man enough to take me, Joe?’

  ‘Hell fuck, Cally.’ Mathers leapt across to wrap his arms around her. One hand kneaded her breast as his mouth dropped to suck her other nipple. There was little finesse and, frankly, he hurt, but the look on Jake Stone’s face made it worthwhile.

  ‘Unhook me, Joe. Take me. Now.’

  Mathers scrambled to lift her free of the hook. Jake stepped in to prevent him. ‘She’s yanking your chain, Mathers. You lift her off that hook and she’s got you right where she wants you. You’re fucked. And not the way you want to be.’

  ‘Go take a walk, Stone. You can leave this to me now. Me and this hot little tramp have a bit of business to take care of.’

  Cally smiled behind Mathers’ back and Jake glared at her. He issued an order that he knew Mathers would respond to. ‘Throw her over that desk, if that’s what she wants. But show her who’s boss. Give her a spanking. She likes that too. I mean really likes it.’

  Cally could see Mathers’ eyes light up. He liked that idea a lot too. Now she glared at Jake, who gave her a victorious smile.

  Mathers hauled her to the desk and shoved her, without ceremony, face down across it. Cally struggled to rise. Unlike Jake’s firm insistence that she stay where he put her, Mathers resorted to brute force. It made Cally fight against him and Mathers shoved her, face down, even harder as a result. He was a strong guy.

  ‘Let me up, you big ox.’

  Mathers was no longer listening to her. His hand landed really hard on her posterior. She froze at the stinging slap for a few seconds as the anguish peaked and faded again. Before she had time to draw breath, his hand struck her another resounding whack. The smarting travelled deep within her buttock muscles. Cally struggled to evade Mathers’ hold.

  ‘Stop it. You’re hurting me.’ He smacked her arse a third time. She could feel it glowing. He had absolutely no notion of the concept of less is more.

  ‘You love it, you little bitch.’ Mathers growled aggressively at her.

  It seemed to Cally that he was the only one who loved it. Jake had never given her such pain. She had to make him help her. ‘Jake? I can’t take this. He’s really hurting me.’

  Jake’s voice was dry, mocking. ‘What’s the matter, Cally? You wanted this, didn’t you? After all, you said you wanted him to take you over the desk.’

  ‘I didn’t mean like this.’

  Mathers interrupted with another crashing wallop to her tenderised meat. Cally yelped.

  ‘She likes it,’ Mathers grunted.

  He was getting really into this, all hot and definitely bothered. Cally knew his posh, pretty wife would never have allowed herself to have been treated like this by the philandering, old goat.

  ‘Have you had enough, Cally?’ Jake asked her. She knew he was checking if she’d submit to him and stop playing her own little games.

  Mathers sounded sore. ‘Hey, I’m in charge of her now. I say when she’s had enough.’ He struck again, more forcefully than ever. He wasn’t holding back.

  Tears formed in Cally’s eyes. ‘I’ve had enough.’

  Mathers contradicted her, repeating his former remark. ‘I say when you�
�ve had enough. I’m just getting going, unlike this pretty pink arse.’ He raised his hand far into the air to deliver the firmest spank yet. ‘Pass me that whip. I think I’d like to warm her tush some more before I give her the fucking of her life. I’m gonna have me some real fun in that hot little muff.’

  Jake grabbed Mathers by the collar and heaved him off Cally’s back. He dropped him heavily on the carpet at his feet.

  ‘What in God’s name did you want to go and do that for?’ Mathers looked as if his favourite toy had been taken away from him.

  ‘You’re done,’ Jake told him.

  A flash of pure temper lit Mathers’ features. ‘What kind of operation are you running around here, Stone? I hired you to make her easy. I paid you damned good money for her too.’

  Jake responded savagely. ‘Just shut your mouth. You’re done, I told you.’

  Cally pushed herself upright and stood, bewildered, wrapping her arms around her naked breasts. ‘What does he mean, Jake? What did he pay you good money for?’

  Jake turned to Cally. ‘He’s right, Cally. It’s about time you knew the truth.’ He looked uneasy.

  ‘I’m aware that you know who I am,’ Cally began. ‘I thought I got away with it. Thought I’d done a pretty good job of fooling you.’ She was more disappointed in herself than she could imagine. Investigative journalism was a tough gig.

  Jake strode to his computer and hit a succession of keys. The Stone Enterprises screen saver melted away to reveal an image of Cally, admiring her reflection in the smoky grey glass outside the building. Jake punched another few keys and there she was, standing in the kitchen with her hand down her panties, caressing her own body to ecstasy. It all looked horribly familiar to her. A filmed catalogue of her time here. Her face burned. On the digital recording, she heard Jake’s disembodied voice call her from the kitchen and watched herself jump with embarrassment, like a kid caught with her hand in the cookie jar. Only her hand wasn’t in any cookie jar. More like the honeypot. Jake had been filming her on hidden CCTV. Why hadn’t she seen it?

  Cally could hardly bear to look up at Jake. She thought she was duping him, investigating his practices, but he had turned the tables on her. She was the gullible fool who didn’t know when she was being conned. By an expert.

  ‘I’m sorry, Cally,’ he whispered.

  Mathers hefted himself to his feet. ‘Never mind the great confession. I’m still prepared to pay you what she’s worth. We can forget that little incident just now.’

  ‘The money’ll be back in your account in the morning.’ Jake continued to ignore Mathers and watch Cally intently as she tried to work things out.

  ‘If you found out I was coming to spy on you, then why would Mathers pay you money? You had nothing on him. It was the other way around.

  Mathers interjected. He addressed himself to Stone. ‘You sure did a good job on the little bitch. I’ll say that for you, Stone. Except not the job I was paying you for.’

  Cally turned to Mathers. She felt self-conscious standing there naked, her arms curled around her body, after having been beaten and caressed by the two men. ‘What are you talking about?’ she asked Mathers.

  ‘Tell her then. Go on. Tell her that you take money to train horny little bitches to perform for guys like me.’

  ‘Shut your mouth, Mathers,’ Jake warned him.

  ‘So that’s the way it is, is it?’ Mathers laughed mirthlessly. ‘You’ve been played, Stone. The little cock-teaser has gone and trained you.’

  ‘I told you to shut it.’ Jake sounded pretty angry.

  Mathers wasn’t listening. ‘You’ve gone and fallen for the sweet-arsed little tart yourself.’

  Cally’s eyes grew wide. It was enough to send Jake over the edge. He turned and landed a fist on Mathers’ jaw. The newspaper man flew backwards and landed straight out, on the floor.

  She rounded on Jake. ‘What does he mean? Did you take money from him to turn me into some kind of sex slave?’

  ‘Yes, and I’m sorry.’ Jake admitted the truth.

  Cally wasn’t ready to deal with Jake just yet. She turned back to Mathers as he twisted and pushed himself up onto his knees. ‘You paid him? You paid him to get me trained? Like an animal?’

  ‘It wasn’t any animal I was after. It was your sweet body. I wanted you from the moment I clapped eyes on you. And you wouldn’t play ball, but that made me all the more determined. I intended having you, whatever it took. So I laid out big money for you. To him.’ Mathers pointed to Jake.

  Even Cally was aware that a look of pure disgust had crossed her face. ‘You sent me here to spy for you. For the newspaper. But that was just a lie? It was a set-up.’

  Mathers looked from Cally to Jake and back again. ‘Ask your perverted boyfriend there. He came up with the idea. It was all part of the package. He comes highly recommended. I’m beginning to wonder why.’ Mathers clearly intended taking Jake down with him, one way or another.

  Callycould no longer ignore Jake’s role in this charade. ‘You let me believe you were a company boss.’

  Mathers snorted as he interrupted. ‘That much is true. The only thing that is true around here. Ask him what kind of company he runs.’

  ‘I’m warning you. Another word and I‘ll punch your lights out.’ Jake looked murderous.

  Cally asked him anyway. ‘What kind of company do you run, Jake?’

  ‘Guys who want to get with women who are well out of their league pay me to provide a service for them.’ Jake was hedging around the issue and the look on his face told Cally he knew it.

  ‘Tell me!’ Cally demanded. ‘What sort of service?’ The trouble was she already knew. She just wanted to hear it from Jake’s own lips. She repeated her question. ‘What sort of service?’

  ‘I bring out a special side of women. The side that enjoys it when a man dominates them, encourages them to submit to that man.’

  ‘So you make women submit to you.’

  ‘I don’t make them. They want to.’

  ‘Don’t lie to yourself, Jake. Or to me. They submit through brainwashing, not free will.’

  Jake stepped toward her, but she took a pace back. ‘You wanted it, Cally. You wanted me.’

  Mathers was on his feet. ‘She was supposed to want me,’ he whined. ‘That’s the way it was meant to work. Jakey boy here took my big fat cheque and in return he was to deliver you all hot for it and willing to let me give it to you. Any way I wanted.’ He dived at Cally. ‘And I’m not done yet.’

  As Mathers reached for Cally, she squealed. Jake wrestled him from her.

  Mathers snarled. ‘She’s mine. I got a taste for her flesh and I’m planning to have some.’

  ‘I’m a journalist,’ Cally protested.

  ‘You’re no journalist and never will be. I’ve got clout in this industry and I’ll make sure you never work again, you little slut. You’re only good for one thing.’

  ‘You bastard,’ Cally spat at Mathers. ‘I only put myself through all this for you and for that job. I worked hard for you.’

  ‘This little set-up was his idea.’ Mathers indicated where the blame lay, with a wave of his hand. ‘I’ll set you up in a nice apartment and you can work hard for me again, over a table. I’ve seen you. You like it rough. Well I can provide what you crave. Every damn day. It’s either that, or you’re finished anyway.’

  Cally thought she could either cry, or get mad. She got mad. She focused her wrath on Mathers for starters. ‘You bastard, you never had any intention of hiring me for City News.’

  Jake intervened. ‘Leave him to me, Cally. He’s my problem.’ He tried to take her arm and pull her back to a safe distance.

  Cally shook him off. ‘Get me some clothes.’ She was damned if she’d stand there naked for either one’s amusement a moment longer.

  Jake walked across, picked up the dress, and handed it to her. He kept his eye on Mathers all the while and stood between him and Cally while she dressed.

  She straightened up an
d looked Jake in the eye. She was tired of being pushed around by these two. She might like a bit of sexual playtime but that and this were very different. ‘No. He’s my problem and unless you want to be part of my problem too, you’ll listen and help me.’

  Mathers snorted. ‘Perhaps you weren’t worth the money I paid you after all, Stone.’

  ‘Shut up.’ Cally had no intention of letting herself be intimidated by Mathers a moment longer. It was like he’d said. He was never going to give her the job. And he could make it virtually impossible to get any other, at least in this city. ‘Perhaps you should find out what it’s like being treated like the animal you really are.’

  ‘He’s not worth it, Cally,’ Jake interceded.

  ‘No, but his wife is.’ It was about time she started to use her intelligence instead of her emotions.

  Mathers’ face turned toward Cally. ‘You leave my wife out of this. She knows nothing and that’s the way it’s going to stay.’

  Cally jabbed him with her forefinger, square in the middle of his chest. ‘Oh, she knows plenty, believe me. And she doesn’t deserve any of it. You say I’ll never make an investigative journalist, but I’ve kept my ear to the ground and I’ve learnt plenty about you and your poor wife.’

  Cally continued prodding him until she wasn’t sure Mathers’ obvious discomfort came from the pain in his chest or the worry building about what she was going to reveal. ‘You, Joe Mathers, are a disgusting, serial two-timing rat. You hit on every female young enough to be your daughter who comes through that revolving door. And sometimes they are so naive you get lucky.’

  ‘I don’t know what you’re talking about,’ Mathers protested.

  ‘I’ve seen the receipts for the restaurants and I photocopied them, for insurance.’ Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Jake starting to look impressed.

  ‘Business expenses,’ Mathers countered. ‘Who’s going to question that?’

  Cally’s eyes lit up. ‘And the hotels and weekends away, when you told your wife you were working at the office. I have those receipts too. Names. Dates. I have a whole dossier on your nefarious activities, Mr Mathers.’


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